'Cause I love
'Cause I'm your friend
'Cause you're my lover
'Deed I do
'Long about sundown
'Neath the old olive tree
'Round midnight
'S nice
'S wonderful
'Tis so sweet
'Tis sweet to be remembered
'When my little girl is smiling
(All the things in life that) Pleases you
(At a place they call) The rising tide
(Can you) Feel it, pt.1
(Can you) Feel it, pt.2
(Caught) In the middle of two hearts
(Darling I'll see you) Tonight
(Dear girl) Can you forgive
(Don't let it be said) Too late
(Don't let temptation) Turn you 'round
(Don't telephone, don't telegraph) Tell a woman
(Early one morning) He answered my prayer
(Gotta gal upon my mind) I gotta gallop into gallop
(I can see that) You're living a lie
(I didn't think you'd really go) I didn't think you'd ever leave me
(I do the) Shimmy shimmy
(I fell in love the night I wore) My first long pants
(I just placed) A vacant sign upon my heart
(I just received word) Mom is dying tonight
(I left my heart in) Heidelberg
(I love you) For sentimental reasons
(I need you) My love is real
(I shouldn't love you) But I do
(I vow to) Never love again
(I wanna go) Where the soul trees grow
(I want to be free) Don't want nobody standing over me
(I want to be ready) When Jesus comes
(I want to tell you) She's mine
(I'd love to) Make love to you
(I'm a) Country boy
(I'm a) Stranger in my home
(I'm goin' back to) The house on the hill
(I've got a woman crazy for me) She's funny that way
(It was) Late last night
(It's no) Sin
(Just as long as we've got water) We'll have soup
(Let me be) The first one to know
(Let me love you) All night long
(Let me wear) Your little band of gold
(Let your love) Watch over me
(My dearest) Don't desert me
(Need nobody to help me) Keep up with my man
(New pretty blonde) New Jole Blon
(No) I won't cry anymore
(Oh listen) Baby you done me wrong
(Oh you great) Big beautiful doll
(She's so fine) I just gotta make her mine
(Sitting on) The dock of the bay
(Something moves me) Within my heart
(Tell your friends to) Stop laughing at me
(The welfare) Turns its back on you
(Times Square) Boogie
(Walk with me) Each and every day
(Why don't you) Leave it alone
(Yes I can see) The handwriting on the wall
(You ain't nothin' but a female) Hound dog
(You came along from) Out of Nowhere
(You don't love me) True
(You got your) Freedom
(You have to) Cry sometimes
(You've been) So good to me
(You've got to walk that) Lonesome valley
100,000 women can't be wrong
12 o'clock Dixieland express
12th Street rag
144 thousand were there
1540 special
18 de Septembre
1958 blues
24 hours a day
24 hours a day (365 a year)
24 sad hours
31 flavors
4-F Papa
45 Degree angle
49th Street rag
51st street blues
51st Street blues, pt.1
51st Street blues, pt.2
54 blues
5th Street blues
69 Mother's place
720 in the books
8:45 stomp
800 million Chinese
A bad case of you
A beautiful life
A beautiful waste of time
A big fat gal like me
A born loser
A boy like you
A brand new case of love
A brand new me
A brand new thrill
A bundle of kisses
A bus ride
A candle and a rose
A case of the blues
A chain can't hold me
A charge to keep
A charge to keep I have
A child's garden of manners, pt.1
A child's garden of manners, pt.2
A child's garden of manners, pt.3
A child's garden of manners, pt.4
A chip on your shoulder
A city called heaven
A conch ain't got no bone
A cool teenager
A cottage for sale
A country boy goes to town
A crazy afternoon
A crown He wore
A crushed red rose (and a faded blue ribbon)
A Daddy's lullaby
A dagger in my chest
A date with Pate
A day in the country
A day in the life of a fool
A different kind of pretty
A different shade of colors
A doina & skotchna
A dollar ain't a dollar anymore
A doozy
A dream came true
A dream, in the night
A drunkard's confession
A few more years
A few words about Jesus
A fine romance
A foggy day
A fool for you
A fool in love
A fool such as I
A friend alone
A friend in need
A funny kind of Christmas for me
A gay day
A ghost of a chance
A girl like you
A good man is a seldom thing
A good' un
A green truck driver's first experience
A handful of stars
A Hawaiian holiday
A heart full of you
A heartache to recall
A heartbreak ago
A Hello Mama
A hoot an' a holler
A hopeless case
A hundred years from today
A kiss is not a kiss
A la carte
A letter from a lady
A letter home
A little bird told me
A little bit of love
A little bit of lovin'
A little bit of nylon
A little less
A little lie
A little rain must fall
A little Rainey
A little soldier for Jesus
A little wake up music
A lock of your hair
A lonely little boy around one little Christmas toy
A lonely road when you're all alone
A lonesome truck driver's blues
A long necked bottle (and a big water glass)
A long, long time
A love in my heart
A love untrue
A lover's dream
A Mamme's hartz
A man came down from the mountain
A man goin' crazy
A man has to go back to the cross roads
A man has to go back to the crossroads
A man taking names
A man, a mink and a million
A married man's a fool
A married man's fool
A mellow thing
A memory
A mighty pretty waltz
A million light years away
A million people have died
A million regrets
A million tears from now
A minor thought
A mother's cry
A mother's prayer
A new feeling
A new shift
A new way of life
A nice day for somethin'
A night out
A nightingale can sing the blues
A nightingale sang in Berkeley Square
A note or two, pt.1
A note or two, pt.2
A Ok
A one way love
A package of lies tied in blue
A package of old love letters
A package tied in blue
A parable
A petal from a faded rose
A place called Vietnam
A place in the sun
A power greater than atomic
A pretty girl is like a melody
A pretty wreath for Mother's grave
A quiet time with Jesus
A rare and ordinary thing
A real good time
A real nice clambake
A red headed woman
A ring and a vow
A ring around my finger
A rose on God's shore
A rusty old halo
A sinner I will be
A sinner kissed an angel
A sinner's love affair
A soldier's grave
A soldier's plea
A soldier's prayer
A sole mio
A song of joy
A Spring morning
A string of broken hearts
A Sunday kind of love
A tale of Woe
A talk with James Brown (You got to have a job pt. 1)
A talk with the news
A taste of fresh air
A Tennessee ocean
A tenor wails the blues
A thousand and one sleepless nights
A thousand times or more
A thousand times over
A thousand to one
A tribute to Robert A. Taft
A trip to the moon
A trout, no doubt
A truck driver's romance
A true friend is hard to find
A used to be to you
A very precious love
A vitamin called love
A voloch & frailichs
A wayfaring pilgrim
A whole heap of Mama
A winner never quits
A woman in love
A woman is a funny thing
A woman is a sometime thing
A woman's intuition
A woman's work (is never done)
A woman, a lover, a friend
A wonderful guy
A wonderful thing
A wonderful thing happens
A world I can't live in
A wreath on the door of my heart
A year of time
Abandon a musica Brasilia moderne
Above Jacob's ladder
Absolutely free
Accent on youth
Accentuate the positive
Ace in the hole
Ace of spades
Ach du lieber Augustin
Across the sea
Actions speak louder than words
Ad infinitum
Adam and Eve
Adam come and get your rib
Addicted to a truck
Adestes fidelis
Adios Mariquita Linda
Adios muchachos
Adios Palomita
Adorable one
Adoramus te, Chris te
Adventures in paradise
Advertising man
Affaire d'amour
African mailman
After all
After all I've been to you
After all we have meant to each other
After awhile
After effects
After hours
After I gave you my heart
After loving a woman
After lunch
After running this race
After school
After sundown
After the ball
After the sunrise
After tonight
After we've been in love
After what you said last night
After work
After yesterday
After you done it
After you've gone
Afternoon in Paris
Afternoon jump
Aged and mellow
Aggravatin' Lou from Louisville
Aggravatin' woman
Agnes waltz
Ah la oola
Ah! Si j'avais des sous
Ain't gonna ride no more
Ain't gonna study war no more
Ain't got no blues today
Ain't got no home
Ain't I losing you?
Ain't it a shame
Ain't it a sin
Ain't it awful
Ain't it crazy
Ain't it funky
Ain't it funky now, pt.1
Ain't it funky now, pt.2
Ain't it jelly roll
Ain't it sad
Ain't life grand
Ain't love grand
Ain't misbehavin'
Ain't never seen so much rain before
Ain't no change
Ain't no cotton pickin' chicken
Ain't no grave gonna hold my body down
Ain't no meat on de bone
Ain't no mountain (high enough)
Ain't no rocking no more
Ain't nobody's business
Ain't nothing we can do about it
Ain't nothing wrong with that
Ain't nothing wrong with that baby
Ain't she sweet
Ain't that a groove, pt.1
Ain't that a groove, pt.2
Ain't that just like a man
Ain't that just like a woman
Ain't that love
Ain't that some pickin'
Ain't that the way life is
Ain't too proud to beg
Ain't you glad
Ain't you glad you did it
Ainsi va la vie
Air mail special
Air mail special on the fly
Aird admirer
Alabama boogie
Alabama jubilee
Alabamy bound
Alamas perdidas
Algerian fantasy, pt.1
Algerian fantasy, pt.2
Ali Baba
Alimony blues
Alimony trouble
All aboard
All about Ronnie
All alone
All alone and lonely
All around the world
All because of Calvary
All because of my broken heart
All because of my jealous heart
All blues
All by myself
All day and all night
All day long
All dressed up
All dressed up with a broken heart
All for you
All God's chillun got rhythm
All goodbyes ain't gone
All hail the power of Jesus name
All I do is dream of you
All I have is just a memory
All I have to offer you is me
All I need is you
All I want
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth
All I want is you
All is forgiven
All my life
All my love
All my love belongs to you
All my love up and died
All night baby
All night long
All night, all day
All of a sudden my heart sings
All of me
All of us
All of you
All or nothing at all
All over again
All she wants to do is boogie
All she wants to do is mambo
All she wants to do is rock
All star boy
All states boogie
All suit-No man
All that wine is gone
All the bees are buzzin' 'round my honey
All the cats join' in
All the king's men
All the things you are
All the time
All the way
All the way choo choo
All the way to Reno
All the world is lonely now
All these things you are to me
All this and heaven too
All too soon
All you have to do is tell me
All your love belongs to me
Alley cat
Alley corn
Allez vous en
Alma llanera
Almighty God
Almost like being in love
Aloha Oe
Alone together
Alone with a memory of you
Along came Jones
Alpine boogie
Alpine polka
Alta conga
Always a bride
Always be kind to your mother
Always it's you
Always love me
Am I all of your future
Am I asking too much
Am I blue
Am I correckit
Am I still your fool
Am I that easy to forget
Am I the one to blame
Am I to blame
Am I too late
Amacer Guarirr
Amazing grace
Amelia (Emily) polka
America is my home, pt.1
America is my home, pt.2
American patrol
American plantation dances
American salute
American salute (When Johnny comes marching home)
Americans we
Among my souvenirs
Amor tempranero
Amore senza sole
Amour d'Italie
Amour, mon cher amour
An apple for the teacher
An empty mansion
An empty old cottage
An oil man from Texas
An old farm for sale
An old man's story
Anchored iri Jesus
Anchors aweigh
And I do just what I want
And I need you
And I'll be yours
And It shall come to pass
And so for now Aloha
And so to sleep again
And take my love
And the angels sing
And there you are
Anema e core
Angel baby
Angel cakes
Angel darling
Angel eyes
Angel fire
Angel in the sky
Angel lips and devil eyes
Angel love
Angels in the sky
Angels, angels, angels
Anitra's dance
Anitra's jump
Annie does the popcorn
Annie had a baby
Annie Laurie
Annie pretty baby
Annie's aunt Fanny
Annie's blues
Anniversary song
Another Daddy gone wrong
Another day
Another guy's line
Another night is coming
Another one
Another way
Another woman haunts my life
Another woman's man
Answer me
Answer me, my love
Answer to a maiden's prayer
Answer to big town
Answer to Chubby's bed room blues
Answer to Mother popcorn
Answer to my dreams
Answer to rainbow at midnight
Anticipation blues
Anvil chorus
Any day now
Any old time
Anyone can fall in love
Anything goes
Anything you ask (I'll do for you)
Anything you want
Anytime is sweetheart time
Anywhere, anytime
Apango lindo
Apple cake
Apple cider, apple cider
Applejack boogie
Appointment with love
April in Paris
April in Portugal
April showers
Apron strings
Are there tears behind your smiles
Are you afraid to die
Are you ever coming back
Are you forgetting?
Are you from Dixie
Are you havin' any fun?
Are you honest
Are you lonely for me baby
Are you lonely too
Are you lonesome tonight
Are you mine'
Are you practising his love
Are you ready
Are you ready?
Are you satisfied (with your love)
Are you sure
Are you tired of me darling
Are you waiting just for me
Are you waiting just for me?
Arise my darling
Arkansas blues
Arkansas traveler
Army song
Around the corner
Around the corner and up the street
Around the world
Around the world in eighty days
Arrimate carrinito
Arrivederci Roma
Arriverdeci Roma
Artificial flowers
Artist's life
Artistry by Bostic
Artistry in moods
Artistry in rhythm
As advertised
As far as we're concerned
As long as forever
As long as I live
As long as there's a tomorrow
As long as you're satisfied
As sure as I live
As sweet as you
As the days go by
As the races go tearing by
As time goes by
As time rolls on
As years go by
As you desire me
As you take a walk thru my mind
Ashamed of myself
Ashamed to own the blessed savior
Ashes on my pillow
Asheville junction
Asia minor
Ask me
Asking for you
At dawn
At dawning
At home with the blues
At last
At mother's knee
At my door
At sundown
At the cross
At the dark end of the street
At the jazz band ball
Atomic polka
Auf wiederseh'n sweetheart
Auld Lang Syne
Aunt Sarah
Aunt Suzie
Aupres de ma blonde
Autobahn blues
Automobile baby
Automobile to glory
Autumn breeze
Autumn dreams
Autumn in New York
Autumn in New York, pt.1
Autumn in New York, pt.2
Autumn leaves
Autumn serenade
Ave Maria
Ave Maria, Oh maiden, oh mother
Avenue of prayer
Aviator Papa
Aw shucks baby
Awaiting the return of my boy
Away in a manger
Away in the manger
Ba bah wo wo
Ba-bee da boat is leaving
Baa baa to you
Babes in the woods
Baby ain't I loving you
Baby baby
Baby ballerina
Baby be mine
Baby blues
Baby come on home
Baby cries over the ocean
Baby darling
Baby doll
Baby don't believe him
Baby don't leave
Baby don't want me
Baby don't you ever leave poor me
Baby don't you know
Baby face
Baby here I come, pt.1
Baby here I come, pt.2
Baby I don't care
Baby I got news for you
Baby I have news for you
Baby I love you
Baby I need a whole lot of everything
Baby I'm coming home to you
Baby I'm doing it
Baby I'm in love with you
Baby I'm lost without you
Baby I'm so doggon' tired
Baby I'm so glad
Baby I'm through
Baby I'm your man
Baby it's you
Baby let's dance
Baby let's play house
Baby look at you (Just for you)
Baby mine
Baby please
Baby please don't go
Baby take me home with you
Baby won't you please come home
Baby you done flubbed your dub with me
Baby you're just my speed
Baby you're so fine
Baby you've got me
Baby, ain't I losing you?
Baby, baby shame on you
Baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Baby, oh baby
Baby, please change your mind
Baby, shame on you
Baby, we're really in love
Baby, you're right
Baby, you've been wrong
Back Bay shuffle
Back beat
Back beat boogie
Back bitin' woman
Back door
Back door blues
Back home
Back in love again
Back in the good old days
Back in your own backyard
Back in your own hometown
Back mountain rock
Back on the block
Back stabbin'
Back street
Back to loneliness
Back to the doghouse
Back trackin'
Back up a little bit
Back up and push
Back, back, back to Baltimore
Backslider's ball
Backslider's plea
Backstage at the Apollo
Backwater blues
Bacon fat
Bad action woman
Bad boy
Bad company
Bad dream blues
Bad girl
Bad habit
Bad luck blues
Bad Man Jackson, that's me
Bad news baby (There'll be no rockin' tonight)
Bad news blues
Bad news travels fast (in our town)
Bad woman blues
Baddest man in Texas
Bag of tricks
Bahama Mama
Bailando garabato
Bake them hoe cakes brown
Baker's other dozen
Bala bala bala bamba
Balancing with Bill
Bald headed blues
Bali Ha'i (from "South Pacific")
Ball of fire
Ballad of Big Fred
Ballad of Christopher Columbus
Ballet bleu
Ballin' the jack
Baltimore bounce
Baltimore oriole
Band aid
Band of gold
Banjo bugle
Banjo ride
Banjo rock and roll
Banjo signal
Banjo special
Bar fly
Bar fly baby
Bar room blues
Barbara Allen
Barbara polka
Barbara's song
Barcarolle (from "Tales of Hoffman")
Barefoot Nellie
Bargain basement
Bargain day
Barking dog blues
Barn yard rag
Barnyard boogie
Baseball baby
Baseball boogie
Basically blues
Basile waltz
Bass face (Central Avenue boogie)
Batman's blues
Battered bride boogie
Battle axe
Baubles, bangles and beads
Bayou mood
Bazoom (I need your lovin')
Be anything but be mine
Be anything, be mine
Be bop blues
Be bop Santa Claus
Be bop wino
Be careful it's my heart
Be careful, it's my heart
Be fair with me
Be mine my love
Be my life's companion
Be my little baby bumble bee
Be my little chick-a-dee
Be my little pet
Be my love
Be on time
Be ready to go
Be safe, be sure, be careful
Be sure true love is hard to find
Be sweet to me
Beacon in the night
Beale Street blues
Beale Street boogie
Beams of heaven
Bear creek hop
Bearcat blues
Bearcat chant and cheer Cincinnati
Beatin' and blowin'
Beaulieu beef
Beautician blues
Beautiful brown eyes
Beautiful dreamer
Beautiful eyes
Beautiful garden prayer
Beautiful morning glory
Beautiful star of Bethlehem
Bebop sizzle
Because I love you so
Because of my love for you
Because of you
Because the one I love has said goodbye
Because you care
Because you're so beautiful
Because you've chosen me
Because you've fallen in love
Bedroom blues
Beef ball baby
Been down so long
Been going a long time
Been in the storm too long
Beer barrel boogie
Beer barrel polka
Beer drinking blues
Beer stein Schottische
Beet patch
Before it's too late
Before judgement day
Before lunch
Before my time
Before she leaves town
Before this time (another year)
Before you go
Beg and steal
Beggar to a king
Beggin' just ain't my bag
Begging you please
Begging, begging
Begin the beguine
Beginning to miss you
Behave yourself
Behind our closed door
Behind the sun, pt.1
Behind the sun, pt.2
Behold, what manner of love
Being in love
Being lonely
Believe in me
Believe it or not
Believe me
Believe me I don't mind
Believe me when I tell you
Believe my sins have found me out
Believers shall enjoy, non believers shall suffer
Bell bottom trousers
Bell boy boogie
Bell song
Belle of the ball
Bells ring
Belong to someone
Below the Mason Dixon line
Beneath that lonely mound of clay
Berry well
Besame mucho
Besame senorita
Beside you
Bess, you is my woman now
Bessie Lou
Bessie's sin
Betcha I'll getcha
Betrayed waltz
Better ask somebody
Better beware
Better days ahead
Better get it in your soul
Better late than never
Better luck next time
Betty Lorraine
Betty, Betty
Between sun up and sun down
Between the devil and the deep blue sea
Between the lines
Between tomorrow and yesterday
Between you and me
Beulah come back
Beware, beware
Bewildered and confused
Beyn Gvulot
Beyond recall
Beyond the blue horizon
Beyond the hill
Beyond the reef
Beyond the shadow of a doubt
Bible on the table
Bicycle Tillie
Biding my time
Big as a mountain
Big balls in town
Big balls of fire
Big bayou
Big Ben boogie
Big black eyes
Big blue diamond
Big blue diamonds
Big booger
Big boss
Big boy
Big boys don't cry
Big brick wall
Big butter and egg man
Big Casey
Big cat
Big city drag
Big Daddy's blues
Big deal
Big Dog, pt.1
Big Dog, pt.2
Big ends
Big fat Mamas are back in style again
Big fat Papa
Big foot
Big foot Sam from Birmingham
Big four boogie
Big girl
Big head
Big house blues
Big Jay shuffle
Big Jim
Big Joe
Big leg Emma's
Big mouth gal
Big old country fool
Big Red
Big red sunset
Big stick candy
Big ten inch record
Big Tilda
Big time blues
Big town
Big train
Big wheel
Big yellow moon
Bill Bailey
Bill Bailey (won't you please come home)
Bill Bailey, won't you please
Bill dogs it
Bill's breakdown
Billy goat blues
Billy goat rag
Billy in the lion's den
Billy in the lowland
Billy's bubble
Bim bam boom
Bing bong
Bing bong goes my heart
Bip a little, bop a lot
Birdie in the cage and six hands around
Birth of the blues
Birth of the king
Birthday medley
Bite again, bite again
Bitter tears
Bitty ditty
Black and white rag
Black belt
Black cat trail
Black coffee
Black diamond
Black gal
Black lace
Black light
Black man blues
Black mountain rag
Black rose
Black roses
Black satin ribbons
Black stockings
Blackhawk waltz
Blame it on my youth
Bless this house
Bless your heart little girl
Blessed are the dead
Blessed Jesus hold my hand
Blind and dumb man blues
Blind Barnabus
Blind's blues
Blinding tears
Blip blop
Blip boogie
Blond sailor
Blood is redder than wine
Blood pressure
Bloodshot eyes
Bloody Mary
Blop down
Blop up
Blow Mr. Be Bop
Blow that lonesome whistle, Casey
Blow the ashes away
Blow your brains out
Blowin' the suds off my beer
Blowin' to California
Blowing the blues away
Blowout all the candles (Happy birthday to you)
Blue and sentimental
Blue Autumn
Blue bells of Scotland
Blue Bird
Blue bonnets for her golden hair
Blue Champagne
Blue Christmas
Blue Danube
Blue Danube merengue
Blue Danube waltz
Blue day
Blue days and lonely nights
Blue December
Blue eyed darling
Blue eyed Elaine
Blue flame
Blue flowers
Blue fool
Blue funk
Blue ghost has got me
Blue grass
Blue grass trick driver
Blue guitar
Blue guitar blues
Blue Hamp
Blue Hawaii
Blue is the way that I feel
Blue jean baby
Blue jean boogie
Blue jean bop
Blue jean heart
Blue jeans and pony tail
Blue lady
Blue largo
Blue Lou
Blue love
Blue mantilla
Blue memory
Blue Memphis
Blue Mexico skies
Blue Monday (I ain't got nobody)
Blue moon
Blue notoriety
Blue Pacific moonlight
Blue Pacific waltz
Blue party dress
Blue piano
Blue prelude
Blue rhumba
Blue river
Blue room
Blue rose
Blue rose waltz
Blue sensation
Blue shadows
Blue silhouette
Blue skies
Blue skies in your eyes
Blue skirt waltz
Blue smoke (Kohu Auwahi)
Blue star
Blue steel
Blue Suede shoes
Blue tail fly
Blue tango
Blue Tennessee rain
Blue turning grey over you
Blue velvet
Blue yesterday
Blueberry hill
Bluebirds singing in the rain
Bluer than blue
Blues about baby
Blues at first sight
Blues at my door
Blues at sunrise
Blues before me
Blues don't call my name
Blues everywhere
Blues for baby
Blues for everybody
Blues for Handy
Blues for the camels
Blues for the Ivy League
Blues for the ivy leagues
Blues for the night owls
Blues for the red boy
Blues for the whistler
Blues from Eddie
Blues in B flat
Blues in F
Blues in heart and tears in eyes
Blues in my heart
Blues in our time
Blues in the closet
Blues in the clouds
Blues in the clouds?
Blues in the moonlight
Blues in the night
Blues in trouble
Blues like midnight
Blues mambo
Blues nocturne
Blues stay away from me
Blues stay away from me, pt.1
Blues stay away from me, pt.2
Blues tavern
Blues walk
Blues you never lose
Bluz for Suz
Bo beep
Bo peep
Bo weevil
Bo-da-ley Didd-ley
Bob Kames theme song
Bob Scoward
Bobby baby (What am I gonna do with you)
Bobby blows
Bobby Campbell
Bobby Kaie
Bobby sox
Bobby sox baby
Bobby sox rocker
Bobo boogie
Body and soul
Boggy eyes
Bohemia after dark
Boil them cabbage down
Boll weevil
Bond Street
Bone tones
Bongo blues
Bongo boogie
Bongo bop
Bonnie baby
Bony Moronie
Boo hoo
Boodie boodie
Boodie green
Boogie at midnight
Boogie baby
Boogie blues
Boogie bounce
Boogie king
Boogie Lou
Boogie me
Boogie numbers
Boogie party tonight
Boogie woogie baby
Boogie woogie Lou
Boogie woogie yodel
Boogie's blues
Book of tears
Booker blues
Booker boogie
Boom diddy boom
Boom diddy wawa baby
Bootleggin' baby
Born to be a lover
Born to be blue
Born to be lonely
Born to be lonesome
Born to blow the blues
Born to lose
Born to ramble
Bossa nova and grits
Bossa nova blues
Bossalino (Mambolino)
Bostic jump
Bostic's boogie blues
Botay Bay
Both sides now
Bottle to the baby
Bottles of wine
Bottles that surround me
Bottomless blues
Bounce the berry
Bouncing heart
Bound for the shore
Bouquet of roses
Bourbon Street shuffle
Bow wow boogie
Box car boogie baby
Box car letters
Boy meets girl
Boy you got yourself a girl
Boy! This stuff kills me
Boys and girls
Brad's blues
Bradshaw boogie
Brahms' lullaby
Brand new road
Branded whereever I go
Brandy-me tea
Braum's souvenirs
Bread of heaven
Break away
Breaking up the house
Breezin' along with the breeze
Bridge to Shangri-La
Bright lights a' burning
Brighter mansion over there
Brightly shines the moon
Bring a torch, Jeanette, Isabella
Bring it back
Bring it on down to my house
Bring it up
Bring me your love
Bring my lovin' back to me
Bring the boys to the house
Bringin' in the Georgia mail
Bringing in a brand new year
Bringing up the guitar
Broadway beat
Broadway caravan
Broadway melody
Broke and lonely
Broken dreams
Broken heart
Broken hearted
Broken marriage vows
Brother Rapp
Brother Rapp, pt.1
Brother Rapp, pt.2
Brother, drop dead (boogie)
Brother, I'm with you
Brotherly love
Brought me
Brown angel
Brown bottle blues
Brown eyed baby
Brown eyes
Brown eyes or blue eyes
Brown's Ferry blues
Brownie's boogie
Brush those tears from your eyes
Brushy creek
Bubbins rock
Bubbles in the wine
Buck dance
Bucket head
Buckeye boogie
Buddy Bolden said
Buddy boy
Buddy stay off of that wine
Buddy's stomp
Buffalo gal
Buffalo pickin'
Buffalo shuffle
Buggle nose
Buggy ride
Bugle call from heaven
Bugle call rag
Building a building
Building on that rock
Building on the sand
Bull fighter
Bull frog boogie
Bull Moose Jackson blues
Bully of the town
Bum Mae
Bumble bee polka
Bumble bee stomp
Bumble boogie
Bumming around
Bump on a log
Bunkhouse blues
Burden to the Lord
Burlesque polka
Burlington chase
Burning lips
Burning your love letters
Burnt toast
Burnt toast and black coffee
Burrito barracho
Bushy tail
But beautiful
But definitely
But does that make you mine
But I did
But I do, you know I do
But I still do
But I tried
But it's alright
But not for me
But only with you
But you know I love you
Butcher Pete, pt.1
Butcher Pete, pt.2
Butter duck
Butter your popcorn
Buttered popcorn
Butterfly polka
Buttin' in
Button up your overcoat
Buttons and bows
Buzz bomb
By a waterfall
By and by understanding
By my side
By only you
By the bells
By the candle light
By the candleglow
By the lake waltz
By the time I get to Phoenix
By you, by you
By your side
Bye and bye
Bye baby bye
Bye bye ...ora
Bye bye baby
Bye bye baby (I'm leaving you)
Bye bye baby blues
Bye bye blackbird
Bye bye blues
C jam blues
C Que's blues
C'est ca l'amore
C'est ca l'amore (It's love)
C'est la vie
C'est la vie (so goes life)
C'est magnifique
C'est merveilleux, l'amour
C'est pas une chanson d'amour
C'est si bon
C.C. Rider
Cable car
Cactus polka
Cadillac 8
Cadillac baby
Cadillac Mama
Cajun doll
Caldonia's wedding day
Calico ball
California earthquake
California here I come
California suite
Call Him up
Call His name
Call me darling
Call me darling once again
Call me darling, call me sweetheart, call me dear
Call me dumplin's
Call of the cross
Call on me
Callin' all chickens
Calling softly
Calling to that other shore
Calm, cool and collected
Calypso capers
Campin' in Canaan land
Camping out
Camptown races
Camptown races mambo
Camptown rock
Can Can
Can can skirt
Can I
Can I depend on you
Can I forget you
Can I get some help
Can it all be love
Can mind
Can the Lord depend on you
Can you stay
Can't be the same
Can't do it mambo
Can't do sixty no more
Can't find my Sadie
Can't hardly stand it
Can't help lovin' dat man
Can't help lovin' that gal
Can't help lovin' that man
Can't help myself
Can't it be you
Can't it be you?
Can't seem to laugh anymore
Can't sit down, pt.1
Can't sit down, pt.2
Can't sleep any more
Can't take it
Can't take my eyes off of you
Can't you hear Him calling
Can't you just feel it
Can't you see I need a friend
Canaan land
Canadian capers
Canadian sunset
Canal Street blues
Candy bar
Candy from a baby
Candy kisses
Candy Lee
Cannonball rock
Cantique de Noel
Canto moruno
Cantus Firmus
Cape Canaveral blues
Cape Kennedy, Fla
Capullito de aleli (You can in Yucatan)
Car hop
Car je t'aime
Carbon copy
Carefree kisses
Careless driver
Careless love
Careless soul
Carinto mio
Carmelita polka
Carnival of Venice
Carol of the bells
Carolina in the mornin'
Carolina in the morning
Carolina moon
Carolina sunshine girl
Carolina waltz
Caroline in the morning
Carry me back to old Virginia
Casanova cricket
Casey Jones
Castle in the stars
Cat fruit
Cat nap
Cat on the keys, pt.1
Cat on the keys, pt.2
Cat walk
Cat walk Period
Cat walks
Catari Catari
Catch your lover
Catfish baby
Caught in the middle of two hearts
Caught me when my love was down
Cavalier polka
Cave man
Cecil boogie
Cecil's house party blues
Cedarwood blues
Cement mixer
Central Avenue boogie
Central Park blues
Certainly Lord
Cha cha moro
Cha cha sue
Cha conga pachango
Chabossa (Redskin cha cha)
Chacha cha cha
Chain gang
Chain gang blues
Chain of love
Chains of love
Chalk hearts on the wall
Chalk talk
Change partners
Change your game
Changing blues
Changing partners
Chanson bohemienne
Chantilly lace
Chapel of hearts
Chapel of St. Clair
Charleston dancer
Charleston for Bon Bon
Charleston rock
Charleston style
Charley my boy
Charlie Brooks and Nellie Adair
Charlotte breakdown
Charming Betsy
Chattahoochie lullaby
Chattanooga choo choo
Chattanooga shoe shine boy
Che canga
Cheap bananas
Cheatin' around
Cheatin' on your baby
Cheating again
Check the yellow pages
Cheek to cheek
Cheer up
Cheerful little earful
Chelsea bridge
Cherokee boogie
Cherokee waltz
Cherry bean
Cherry pink and apple blossom white
Cherry red
Cherry wine
Chester overture
Chew tobacco rag
Chi-baba, chi-baba
Chic-a-choo freight
Chica boo
Chicago blues
Chicago buzz
Chick-chick polka
Chicken backs
Chicken blues
Chicken don't roost too high
Chicken flicker's ball (The gandy dancers' ball)
Chicken gumbo
Chicken house boogie
Chicken little
Chicken out
Chicken reel
Chicken strut
Chickies old gray mule
Chico Mexico
Chief Um (Take it easy)
Child's play
Children of the mist
Chili bean
Chili was hot (but Willie was not)
Chime bells
China blues
Chinatown my Chinatown
Chinatown rock
Chinatown, my Chinatown
Chinese breakdown
Chinese food
Chiquita banana
Chiquita from Chi-Wah-Wah
Chiquita mia
Chitlins and pig feet
Choc'late ice cream cone
Chocolate ice cream cone
Chocolate malt
Chocolate pork chop man
Choking kind
Choking the strings
Chonnie on chon
Choo choo
Choo choo ch' boogie
Choo choo choo
Choose your God
Chopin polonaise
Chopper '70
Choppin' it down
Chopstick boogie
Chopstick mambo
Christ come seeking
Christian highway
Christians tribulations
Christmas blues
Christmas candles
Christmas comes but once a year
Christmas doll
Christmas Eve in my home town
Christmas finds me lonely wanting you
Christmas hymn
Christmas in heaven
Christmas is coming
Christmas is love
Christmas is near
Christmas island
Christmas letters
Christmas questions
Christmas reunion
Christmas song
Christmas tears
Christmas time for everybody but me
Christmas time's a coming
Christmas tree polka
Christmas waltz
Chubby's confession
Chuggin' along (Cold nose)
Cielito lindo
Cincinnati breakdown
Cincinnati Post march
Cinderella fantasy
Cinderella's curfew
Cindy Lou
Cindy Marie
Cinnamon sinner
Circle waltz
Clair de lune
Clang clang clang
Clap your hands
Clara, don't be downhearted
Clarinet polka
Classical popsicle
Clean sweep
Cleanhead's back in town
Cleveland ohio blues
Click clack
Climb the wall
Climbing high mountains
Clinch mountain backstep
Cling to me
Clock tickin' rhythm
Close as pages in a book
Close to my heart
Close to train time
Close your eyes
Closed door
Closin' another door
Cloud sailin' (Don't move)
Cloudy day blues
Cluck old hen
Cmash two wings
Co co coconut
Cocaine blues
Cocktails for two
Coffee blues
Coggie run run
Cokernut tree
Cold at heart
Cold cash
Cold cold heart
Cold hands and warm heart
Cold hearted lover
Cold moods
Cold sweat
Cold sweat, pt.1
Cold sweat, pt.2
Cold tater pie
Cold, cold heart
Cole Porter selections
Cole tater
Colgate premium record, pt.2
Collection box
Collection of broken hearts
Colonel Bogey
Colonel Bogey march
Color me gone
Columbus stockade blues
Combo's boogie
Come a little bit closer
Come along Julie
Come along with me to heaven
Come and dine
Come and get it
Come away to Camaguey
Come back
Come back baby
Come back little Eva
Come back to me
Come back to Sorrento
Come back to your loved ones
Come back Uncle John
Come back, come back
Come by Sunday
Come closer to me
Come closer to me (Acertate mas)
Come de night
Come early, stay late
Come go with me
Come here darling
Come here son
Come here woman
Come home
Come in the altar
Come in the ark
Come in the room
Come in this house
Come on
Come on a-my house
Come on and get it
Come on and let your hair down
Come on and put me in the alley
Come on and save me
Come on baby, let's shake it
Come on gimme some lovin'
Come on home
Come on home little baby
Come on home, everything's alright
Come on in
Come on in (and make yourself at home)
Come on in my kitchen
Come on in the house
Come on Jesus (Give me a helping hand)
Come on right now
Come on rock little girl
Come on sugar
Come on with it
Come on, be my rainbow
Come on, come on, come on
Come on, let's have a good time
Come on, let's sing
Come on, sugar
Come over here
Come rain or come shine
Come share the sunshine with me
Come to me
Come to me baby
Come to Vienna
Come ye disconsolate
Come-a, come-a, baby
Comedy album-Moonshine yellow
Comes love
Coming back to you
Coming home to you
Coming hone in the morning
Command me
Comme ci, comme ca
Con rumbo perdido
Concerto in B flat minor
Coney Island
Confederate flag
Confessin' the blues
Confidential Kitty
Confirmation, pt.1
Confirmation, pt.2
Congo mambo
Construction gang
Coo cha
Coo see coo
Cool competition
Cool cool baby
Cool disc jockey
Cool eyes
Cool feet
Cool fool
Cool it (Wait till the sun shines, Nellie)
Cool jerk
Cool water
Coon blues
Copy cat
Corazon de ...
Corn whiskey
Corn's tune
Cornet de frites
Cornet shop suey
Cornshucks blues
Corrine Corrina
Corrine, Corrina
Cottage for sale
Cotton ball, pt.1
Cotton ball, pt.2
Cotton eyed Joe
Cotton pickin' heart
Cotton picking
Cotton tail
Could be
Could this be magic
Could you
Count Bill
Count your blessings
Count your many blessings
Count's special
Counterfeit heart
Counting tear drops
Counting the days
Country boogie
Country boy
Country boy rock 'n roll
Country breakdown
Country girl polka
Country home
Country latin special
Country side of Nearon (Where the bluegrass music flows)
Country twist
Courtin' in the rain
Cow cow boogie
Cow town boogie
Cozy and bossa
Cozy corner
Cozy's corner
Cozy's mambo
Crab man
Cracked ice
Cradle rock
Crap game fugue
Crawdad song
Crawlin' around
Crawling home
Crazy chicken
Crazy finger blues
Crazy heart
Crazy in the heart
Crazy love (Comes love)
Crazy lovin'
Crazy over you
Crazy Sadie
Crazy times
Crazy, crazy love
Crazy, crazy women
Creation of love
Creole gal
Creole love call
Crickets sing for Anna Maria
Cripple creek
Crippled for life
Critics choice
Crocodile tears
Cromwell's dream
Crosley march
Cross firing
Cross roads
Cross ties
Cross-eyed gal from the Ozarks
Crossed eyed mule
Crossroads of broken hearts
Crowley waltz
Crown and robbins fight
Cruce dl oro (Cross of gold)
Cruel love
Cruisin' for a bruisin'
Cruising down the river
Cry baby blues
Cry baby boogie
Cry baby cry
Cry me a river
Cry no more
Cryin' and singin' the blues
Cryin' for the Carolines
Crying and singin' the blues
Crying blues
Crying heart blues
Crying my heart out for you
Crying over you
Crying shame
Crying tears
Crying time
Crying with the rising sun
Cuando caliente el sol (Love me with all your heart)
Cuba after dark
Cuba en Espana
Cuban carnival
Cuban echoes
Cuban jaunt
Cuban love song
Cubano chant
Cuckoo in the clock
Cuddle up
Cuddle up a little closer
Cuddle up with Carolyn
Cumberland gap
Cup of loneliness
Curley headed baby
Curly haired baby
Currant jelly
Custer's last stand
Cute little ways
Cuttin' in
Cuttin' out
D natural rock
D.B. Blues
D.W. Washburn
Dad gave my dog away
Daddy dear
Daddy don't go
Daddy is sleeping up in heaven
Daddy Laddy
Daddy plays the horn
Daddy rollin' stone
Daddy rolling stone
Daddy why
Daddy's glad you came home
Daddy's house
Daddy's little baby
Daddy's little blue eyed baby
Daddy's little blue eyed boy
Daisies never tell
Daisy bell
Daisy bell (Bicycle built for two)
Daisy dean
Dale a beber
Dall a Von
Dance little girlie
Dance of love
Dance of Sagittarius, pt.1
Dance of Sagittarius, pt.2
Dance of the redskins
Dance of the Spanish onion
Dance till it hurtcha
Dance to the music
Dance with me Georgia
Dance with me the Christmas tree 'round
Dancin' wild
Dancin' with someone
Dancing at the midway schottische
Dancing in my socks
Dancing in the dark
Dancing in the moonlight
Dancing in the sun
Dancing little thing
Dancing on the ceiling
Dancing senorita
Dancing to the beat
Dancing to the music
Dancing with somebody new
Dancing with tears in my eyes
Danger! Heartbreak ahead
Dangerous lips
Daniel prayed
Danny boy
Danny's tune
Danube waltz
Danube waves
Darby's ram
Dark as a dungeon
Dark clouds
Dark eyes
Dark glasses
Dark hollow
Dark Shadows
Darktown strutter's ball
Darlin' oh darlin'
Darlin' why
Darling (I miss you so)
Darling brown eyes
Darling I miss you so
Darling I want your love
Darling je vous aime beaucoup
Darling Nellie across the sea
Darling Nellie Gray
Darling you done me wrong
Darling you should know
Darling, darling, I love you
Darling, I'll be true
Darling, it's you, you, you
Darling, please be mine
Darling, please forgive me
Darling, where can you be
Darling, won't you love me now
Darn that dream
Darner marsch
Darting hymn
Dat's love
Dave's blues
Dave's boogie woogie
Davenport blues
Davy you upset my home
Davy you upset my life
Davy's got the cutest little dinghy in the Navy
Dawn on the desert
Day and night
Day by day
Day done broke too soon this morning
Day dream
Day in, day out
Day train
Daybreak in Dixie
Daybreak rock
Days of wine and roses
Days passed and gone
De Alamos a San Francisa (Schottische)
De gay young lad
De knife, de fork, de spoon
De tes mains
Dead man's hop
Deadly weapon
Deal yourself another hand
Dealing from the bottom
Dealing with the devil
Dear Dad
Dear friend
Dear God
Dear Joan
Dear little boy of mine
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Dear mother
Dear old Dixie
Dear one
Dearly beloved
Death in the morning
Death of an angel
Death row
Deck of cards
Deck the halls
Dedicated to the one I love
Dedicated to you
Dedication to mother
Dee Dee
Deed I do
Deeno dantry
Deep blue sea
Deep elm boogie blues
Deep elm boogie woogie blues
Deep in a dream
Deep in my heart
Deep in my heart dear
Deep in my heart for you
Deep in the heart of Texas
Deep night
Deep purple
Deep river
Deep sea blues
Deep sea diver
Deep secret
Deep South boogie
Deep within my heart
Deep, deep in the cellar
Del Rio boogie
Delta blues
Delta dawn
DeLuxe polka
Dem crazy bums
Denny's tune
Depending on Jesus
Desert dawn
Desert song
Desperation's back again
Destruction road
Detour ahead
Detroit boogie
Devil can't harm a praying man
Devil with the rest
Devil woman
Devil's den, pt.1
Devil's den, pt.2
Devil's dream
Devil's jump
Dew drop polka
Diamonds and pearls
Dibblin' and dabblin'
Did you ever love a woman?
Did you ever see a dream walking?
Did you ever try to cry?
Diddle diddle dumpling
Diddy wah boogie
Didja ever
Didn't it rain
Didn't they crucified my Lord
Didn't we
Die greene kouseene
Dier mi gallo
Dig like you never dug
Diga diga doo
Diggin' for Diz
Dill pickles
Dim the lights
Ding dang doo
Ding dong
Ding dong bells
Ding dong doo
Ding dong polka
Dinner date
Dinner for one please James
Dip your finger in the water (and cool my tongue)
Dirty ol' Sam
Dirty deal blues
Dirty words
Dis train
Disc jockey nightmare
Discontented are you darling
Dites moi (Bali Ha'i)
Dixie boogie
Dixie breakdown
Dixie flyer
Dixie lament
Dixieland umpta
Dizzy atmosphere
Dizzy fingers
Do be you
Do I love her? Deed I do
Do I love you
Do I worry?
Do it again
Do it again, please
Do it no more
Do it yourself kit
Do it Zulu style
Do me good
Do nothin' till you hear from me
Do right
Do right baby
Do right woman (Turn me loose)
Do something for me
Do the cha cha cherry
Do the president twist
Do the wiggle
Do unto others
Do unto you
Do what the Lord says, do
Do what you do
Do you believe
Do you believe in Jesus
Do you believe?
Do you call that religion?
Do you ever think of me
Do you ever worry
Do you feel like riffin'?
Do you hear what I hear
Do you know
Do you know Him?
Do you know how Jesus is coming back
Do you know how to boogie
Do you know how to twist
Do you know why?
Do you love me
Do you love me, do you love me
Do you love the Lord
Do you mean it?
Do you mean the words you say
Do you mean what you say
Do you really want to rescue me, pt.1
Do you really want to rescue me, pt.2
Do you remember
Do you want to shout
Doctor Jazz stomp
Doctor Jesus
Doctor Jesus (reprise)
Does Jesus care
Does Jesus care?
Does your heart beat for me
Dog bite your hide
Dog days
Dog food
Dog house boogie
Doggin' me down
Doggin' around
Doggy Joe
Doin' everything
Doin' the limbo
Doing the good
Doll dance
Doll face
Doll of clay
Dollar Bill Mama blues, pt.1
Dollar Bill Mama blues, pt.2
Dollar sign
Dolly dear
Dolly dimple dance
Dolphin Street boogie
Domino polka
Don John (Don Juan)
Don Juan
Don's dilemma
Don's diploma
Don't ask me why
Don't be a drop-out
Don't be afraid to love
Don't be ashamed
Don't be ashamed of Mother
Don't be ashamed to call my name
Don't be misled
Don't be no fool
Don't be no fool-fool
Don't be so mean
Don't be that long
Don't be that way
Don't beat around the bush
Don't blame me
Don't blame my heart
Don't bother me
Don't bring Lulu
Don't bring me posies
Don't bring your blues to me
Don't bug me, hug me
Don't call me
Don't call me (I'll call you)
Don't call no more
Don't change your mind
Don't cheat in our home town
Don't count your dreams
Don't cry baby
Don't cry, my soldier boy
Don't deceive me
Don't deny me
Don't dilly dally on the way
Don't do it again
Don't do it please
Don't do me wrong
Don't do that baby
Don't drop it
Don't ever change your pretty ways
Don't ever close the door
Don't ever leave me
Don't ever take my picture down
Don't fall in love with anyone
Don't fall in love with me
Don't feel that a way
Don't fence me in
Don't forget about me
Don't forget me
Don't forget to write
Don't get around much any more
Don't get around much anymore
Don't get funky
Don't get me wrong
Don't get too wild, child (Sightseeing boogie)
Don't get your dander up
Don't give me no phony love
Don't give no more than you can take
Don't go
Don't go away
Don't go baby
Don't go home
Don't go honky tonkin'
Don't go I love you
Don't hang around me anymore
Don't hold it
Don't judge
Don't knock at my door
Don't know
Don't know what you're missing
Don't know why
Don't know why, I just do
Don't laugh at me
Don't laugh at me now
Don't leave me
Don't leave me baby, don't
Don't leave me dear
Don't leave me no more
Don't leave me this way
Don't leave me with the yum yum blues
Don't leave my poor heart breakin'
Don't leave my poor heart breaking
Don't leave poor me
Don't let go
Don't let him hurt you baby
Don't let it be in vain
Don't let it be said
Don't let it happen to me
Don't let it rain
Don't let me die a lonely man
Don't let me do things I shouldn't
Don't let our love die
Don't let temptation turn you 'round
Don't let temptation turn you round
Don't let the blues get you down
Don't let the stars (get in your eyes)
Don't let the stars get in your eyes
Don't let them change your mind
Don't let your sweet love die
Don't look down on me
Don't look now
Don't make a fool out of me
Don't make it so good
Don't make me love you
Don't mind
Don't misuse my love
Don't monkey around my widder when I'm gone
Don't offer me the stars
Don't open that door
Don't play bad with my love
Don't play it no more
Don't play with love
Don't ration my love
Don't say goodbye (just say so long)
Don't say goodnight
Don't say love has ended
Don't say no
Don't say your last goodbye
Don't shake hands with the devil
Don't sing no sad songs for me
Don't sit under the apple tree
Don't slam the door
Don't smoke in bed
Don't squawk
Don't steal my heart
Don't step over an old love
Don't stop Dan
Don't stop kissing me goodnight
Don't sweet talk me
Don't sweetheart me
Don't take her, she's all I got
Don't take it so hard
Don't take me for granted
Don't take my heart, little girl
Don't take my picture, take me
Don't take my whiskey away from me
Don't take your love
Don't take your love from me
Don't talk about me
Don't tease me this way
Don't tell me how
Don't tell me your worries
Don't tell my mommy
Don't thank me
Don't think twice
Don't throw your love on me so strong
Don't tickle
Don't trade the old for a new
Don't tread on the tail of me coat
Don't treat me that way
Don't treat me this way
Don't trifle with the Lord
Don't try to fool me
Don't try to take it with you when you go
Don't wait 'til the night before Christmas
Don't wait any longer, dear sinner
Don't wait too long
Don't wait too long to forgive
Don't wait up for me
Don't wait Up for me, Mama
Don't wait, pretty baby
Don't wake up the kids
Don't whistle till you see the blue of her eyes
Don't worry 'bout me
Don't worry 'bout nothin'
Don't worry about me
Don't write to mother too late
Don't you cry over me
Don't you do it
Don't you go
Don't you know
Don't you know I care
Don't you know I love you baby
Don't you know I'm in love
Don't you know it's wrong
Don't you know me any more?
Don't you know me anymore
Don't you know?
Don't you love me
Don't you remember me?
Don't you sweetheart me
Don't you think I oughta know
Don't you want to go
Don't you want to rock
Donkey serenade
Donna Lou
Doodle bee
Doodle bug
Doodle doo doo
Door bell blues
Dottie baby
Dottie my love
Double banjo blues
Double crossin' liquor
Double crossin' woman
Double eagle
Double funky
Double or nothing
Double promotion blues
Double shot
Double talk
Double talk baby
Double trouble
Double whammy
Double your lovin'
Doubled eyed whammy
Down among the sheltering palms
Down at Poppa Joe's
Down at the depot
Down boy
Down boy down
Down by the old mill stream
Down by the river
Down by the riverside
Down home boogie
Down home bossa nova
Down home girl
Down home jump
Down in Daytona
Down in Dixie (where they say "you all")
Down in Dixie where they say you all
Down in Montevideo
Down in Nashville, Tennessee
Down in the Bahamas
Down in the bottom
Down in the depth of the 99th floor
Down in the depths
Down in the dumps
Down in the Indes
Down in the Indies
Down old log cabin way
Down on all five
Down on my knees
Down on the bottom
Down on the farm
Down slow
Down stream
Down the aisle
Down the alley
Down the road
Down the road a piece
Down the road and over the hill
Down the valley of the shadow
Down to earth
Down where the rainbow ends
Down where the river bends
Down where the wurlberger flows
Down yonder
Downhearted blues
Dr. Lover
Dread the night
Dream after the ball
Dream bait
Dream boy dream
Dream dust
Dream girl
Dream of love
Dream on
Dream street
Dream train engineer
Dream world
Dream you fool
Dreaming a lullaby
Dreaming blues
Dreaming of a little cabin
Dreams come true
Dreams or reality
Dreamy eyes
Drifting and dreaming
Drifting apart
Drifting waters
Drifting with the tide
Driftwood on the sea
Drill 'em all
Drill Daddy, drill
Drinkin' sherry wine
Drinkin' wine spoo-dee-o-dee
Drinking blues
Drinking from the fountain
Drive me home
Drive on
Drivin' the blues
Driving nails
Driving sideways
Drop down to my place
Drop me a line
Drum boogie
Drum fever
Drum sticks
Drume negrita
Drunk again
Drunkard's dream
Dry bones
Dry bones twist
Du du liegst mir in Herzen
Du und du waltz
Duck walk
Due to the shortage
Dug-Gunn shame
Duke's choice
Dumb dumb
Dumplin' dumplin'
Dumpling dumpling
Dungaree doll
Dupree blues
Dureop, pt.1
Dureop, pt.2
Dusk tide
Dust off the old piano rolls
Dust on the Bible
Dusty blue
Dynamite darling
E basta cosi
E flat B flat
E vero
Each night I pray (there'll come a time)
Each time I pray
Earl blows a fuse
Earl's blues
Earl's Dog
Earl's imagination
Earl's rhumboogie
Early bird
Early hours
Early in the morning
Early in the morning blues
Early in the morning, late at night
Early one morning
Early session
Ease my troubled mind
East bound freight train
East Coast outpost
East coasting
East of the sun
East side
East St. Louis toodle-oo
Easter parade
Eastwood blues
Easy does it
Easy going
Easy going kisses
Easy living
Easy love easy kisses
Easy street
Easy talk
Easy to be hard
Easy to love
Easy to remember
Ebb tide
Ebb tide, pt.1
Ebb tide, pt.2
Ebony eyes
Ebony rhapsody
Ebony silhouette
Eccentric rag
Echo express
Echoes from the burning bush
Echoes in my heart
Echoes of Harlem
Echoes of Hawaii
Echoes of Russia
Echoes of Spring
Echoes of the islands
Echoes over the smokeys
Eddie's blues
Eddie's bounce
Eddie's function
Edge of love
Egertlander Regimentsmarsch
Eggs and grits
Eight ball
Eight more miles to Louisville
Ein schiff wird kommen (A ship will come)
El Borracho
El cavaquinho
El choclo
El cumbanchero
El manisero (The peanut vendor)
El Morocco tea rooms
El ranger nosa
El relicario
El Sinaloense (Huapango)
El tigre
El toro valiente
El tumbaito
El vagaboundo
Eleanor Rigby
Electric polka
Electrified donkey
Eleven o'clock twist
Elizabethean serenade
Elmer's tune
Embargo on escargot
Embraceable you
Emperor waltz
Empty arms
Empty arms and a heart full of sorrow
Empty bottle, empty heart
Empty cabin
Empty chair
En Kelohenu (chassidic)
En Kelohenu (traditional)
Encore to "Hot lips"
End it here
End of my journey
End this misery
English sweetheart
Escape-ism, pt.1
Escape-ism, pt.2
Espana Cani
Espana en cha cha
Esso besso spanka
Et la fete continue
Eternal home
Eternity without Him
European blues
Ev'ry time
Ev'rytime we say goodbye
Eva Lee
Even me
Even more
Even the bad times with her were good
Evening breeze
Evening dreams
Evening star
Eventide (Moonrise)
Ever lovin' pride and joy
Ever since we met
Every beat of my heart
Every cloud
Every day and every hour
Every day I have the blues
Every day in the week
Every day seems like Sunday
Every dog has his day
Every hour, every day
Every little movement
Every second
Every time I dream (You're my darlin')
Every time I feel the spirit
Every time I see you
Every time we say goodbye
Every which a kinda way
Everybody blues
Everybody do the chicken
Everybody does wrong sometimes
Everybody goes to town (on Saturday night)
Everybody knew but me
Everybody knew the truth but me
Everybody knows
Everybody loves a fat man
Everybody loves a fat man (and oh how a fat man can love)
Everybody loves her
Everybody needs love
Everybody needs some loving
Everybody needs somebody to love
Everybody ought to love their soul
Everybody ought to pray sometime
Everybody wants a little peace
Everybody wants money (but nobody wants to work)
Everybody will be happy (over there)
Everybody's blues
Everybody's got a girl but me
Everybody's loving my baby
Everybody's talkin'
Everybody's with you when you' re winning
Everybody's woman
Everyday will be Sunday
Everyone knows that I'm lonely
Everything is gonna be alright
Everything but one man, woman
Everything but you
Everything happens to me
Everything has changed
Everything I have is yours
Everything I love
Everything reminds me of you
Everything will be all right
Everything you said came true
Everything's all right
Everything's coming up roses
Everything's gonna be all right
Everything's gonna be alright
Everything's the same
Everywhere I go
Evidence for the existence of the unconscious
Evil gal's jockeys
Evil ways
Evil woman don't play your games with me
Exactly like you
Excite me Daddy
Excuse me
Excuse me (I think I've got a heartache)
Explosive population
Extra version
Eyes that never cry
Ezekial saw de wheel
Ezra's waltz
Face to face
Fact of the sin (?)
Faded gardenia
Failing health blues
Fair weather friend
Fair you well
Fairest Lord Jesus
Fairweather baby
Faith and charity
Faith in grace, that's all I need
Faith of our Fathers
Faithful and true love
Fall guy
Fall in these arms of mine
Fallen angel
Falling in love again
Falling in love with love
Falling leaf
Falling rain
Falling rain blues
Falling tears
False face
False friend blues
False love
False or true
Family altar
Family Bible
Fancy pants
Fanny Brown
Fanny Brown got married
Fanny Brown's wedding day
Fanny Fanny blues (Fan your Fanny blues)
Far away places
Far East cha cha
Far from you
Far rockaway
Fare Thee well, Deacon Jones, fare Thee well
Farewell, goodbye
Farm town gal
Farther along
Farther on
Fascinatin' rhythm
Fascinating rhythm
Fast blues
Fast clip
Fast express
Fast life
Fast moving night train
Fast track
Fast train through Arkansas
Fast woman, slow gin
Fasting Street opera, pt.2
Fat boy
Fat Eddie
Fat gal
Fat girl
Fat mama
Fat soul
Fat stockings
Fat stuff
Fat wood, pt.1
Fat wood, pt.2
Father alone
Father forgive him
Father, Father
Fear not, my child
Fears of using me
Feast on milk and honey
Featherbed Mama
Feel so lonesome
Feel so sad
Feelin' low
Feelin' the blues
Feeling cool
Feeling lowdown
Feeling mellow
Feeling of jazz
Feeling sentimental
Feeling zero
Felsen fest furs Vaterland
Fete a Napoli
Feu de bois
Few get it
Few short letters
Fiddle faddle
Field hand man
Fifteen cents is all I got
Fifty five seconds
Fifty miles to travel
Fifty years ago
Fighting for freedom
Filipino baby
Fill my heart to over flowing
Fill my heart with happiness
Find another love
Find yourself a new thing
Finders keepers, losers weepers
Fine and dandy
Fine brown baby
Fine old foxy self
Fine, fine baby
Fing fang foy
Finger fling
Finger poppin' time
Finger tips
Finishing the unfinished
Fire and rain
Fire ball mail
Fire's a-comin'
Firm foundation
First bass
First love
First time in Miami
First time starter
First, last and always game of love
Fish fare
Fish net
Fisherman's polka
Fishing pole song
Fishing song
Fishtail blues
Five foot two, eyes of blue
Five little kisses
Five minutes longer
Five minutes more
Five o'clock whistle
Five round stones
Five string banjo boogie
Five string drag
Five string special
Five to eight boogie
Five wives
Fix me a pallet
Fix me Jesus
Flame in my heart
Flamenco sketches
Flamin' Mamie
Flaming love
Flaner tous les deux
Flashing on and off
Flat footed Mama
Flattery will get you nowhere
Flesh, blood and bones
Flip flap flossie
Flip kitten
Floormat Blues
Flop eared mule
Flores negras
Florida pickin'
Flow gently, sweet rhythm
Flowers for a lady
Flowers for the master's bouquet
Flowers, Mister Florist, please
Floyd's guitar blues
Flute to Boot
Fly birdie fly
Fly me to the moon
Flyin' colors
Flying disc
Flying home
Flying home to you baby
Flying machine
Fog horn
Foggy night
Foggy river
Folk county blues
Follies Bergere
Follow me
Follow the leader
Fool 'em devil
Fool around with love
Fool for you
Fool that I am
Fool's folly
Fool, fool, fool
Foolin' blues
Foolin' myself
Fooling myself
Foolish castles
Foolish fool
Foolish me for loving you
Foolish prayer
Foolish pride
Foolish tears
Fools rush in
Fools rush in (where angels fear to trend)
Foot pattin'
For a few dollars
For all we know
For heaven's sake
For miles and miles
For minors only
For old times sake
For once in my life
For only you
For sentimental reasons
For the Bible tells me so
For the good times
For you
For you I prayed
For you my love
Fore day in the morning
Fore day train
Forever and a day
Forever and ever
Forever and forever
Forever far apart
Forever I'll wait
Forget and forgive
Forget me
Forget me not
Forgive me
Forgive me (Gomen Nasai)
Forgive me darling
Forgotten heartaches
Forgotten men
Formula X-9
Fortune teller
Fortunes, fortunes, unknown treasures
Forty years ago
Forward flight
Four axemen
Four bare walls and a ceiling
Four books in the Bible
Four brothers
Four hands
Four or five times
Four thirty in the morning
Four to four
Four women
Fourteen days ago
Fox chase
Fox hunt
Fraidy cat
Frailach tantz
Franken boogie
Frankenstein's party
Frankie and Johnny
Frasquita serenade
Freckle face
Freckle faced girl
Freckle song
Freddy's midnite dream
Free again
Free at last
Free for all
Free for all (Go Red, go)
Free from blame
Free lancin' again
Free sugar
Freedom march
Freeway 75
Freight train boogie
French corn
Frequency response
Frere Jacques
Friday night blues
Friend from Texas
Friend of mine
Friendless blues
Friends call me a fool
Frisco line
Frivolous Sal
Frog legs
From bad to good blues
From Lexington to Louisville
From midnight till dawn
From one pair of arms to another
From Russia with love
From someone who cares
From the back side, pt.1
From the back side, pt.2
From the manger to the cross
From this moment on
Fros-Tee nite
Frosty the snowman
Frozen girl
Fruit salad
Fuguetta blues
Full Count
Full moon
Full moon and empty arms
Full time love
Fun fun
Fun, fun, fun
Function at the junction
Funk bomb
Funky cajun
Funky country music
Funky drummer, pt.1
Funky drummer, pt.2
Funky love
Funky soul No.1
Funky soul No.1, pt.1
Funky soul No.1, pt.2
Funky soul train
Funky street
Funny (not much)
Funny bone
Funny love
Funny what true love can do
Funny world
Fur trapper's ball
Further out
G-I-R-L girl
Gal from Kokomo
Gal in calico
Gals don't mean a thing
Galway Bay
Gamblin' man
Gamblin' woman
Game of love
Games people play
Gangster of love
Garden in the sky
Garner in Hollywood
Gathering buds
Gathering flower from the hillside
Gathering flowers from the hillside
Gathering in the sky
Gay's blues
Gayten's boogie
Gayten's nightmare
Gear jammer
Gee baby ain't I good to you
Gee baby, it's nice to hold you again
Gee, I really want you
Gene's dream (Bill's grill)
Gentle on my mind
Gentleman friend
George Washington twist
George, BB and Roy
Georgia bound
Georgia on my mind
Georgia rag
Georgia rose
German waltz medley No.11
Gesu bambino
Get a pin up girl
Get along downtown
Get away back
Get away from here
Get away from my door
Get away Jordan
Get away old man, get away
Get back on the glory road
Get back on the shelf, baby
Get behind me Satan
Get gone
Get happy
Get hot
Get it
Get it one more time
Get it right or leave it alone
Get it together
Get it together and do what you should
Get it together, pt.1
Get it together, pt.2
Get lost
Get lost Jack Frost
Get me to the church on time
Get on down
Get out and get under
Get out of my life
Get out of my sight
Get ready
Get right with God
Get something out of it
Get that hump in your back
Get things ready for me, Ma
Get to that
Get up and go to school
Get up get into it, get involved, pt.1
Get up get into it, get involved, pt.2
Get up, get into it, get involved
Get up, I feel like being like a sex machine
Get up, I feel like being like a sex machine, pt.1
Get up, I feel like being like a sex machine, pt.2
Get your enjoys
Get your mind out the gutter
Get your soul
Get yourself a monkey man
Get yourself a red head
Gettin' drunk
Gettin' old
Gettin' sentimental over you
Gettin' with the twist
Getting late in the evening
Getting nearer
Getting to know you
Gettysburg recalled
Ghost of a chance
Ghost of my baby
Ghost riders in the sky
Ghost walk
Giannina mia
Gibble gobble
Gift of love
Gimme a little kiss
Gimme, gimme, gimme some gefilte fish
Gin and coconut milk
Gin gin gin
Ginger bread
Ginger my love
Girl friend polka
Girl from Decatur
Girl from Kookamunga
Girl girl girl
Girl of the night
Girl town blues
Girl without a name
Girl you better stop it
Girl, you had a thing goin'
Girls, girls, girls
Git along Cindy
Git it
Git to gittin' baby
Git with the guts
Gittin' a little hipper
Give 'em Hal
Give 'em up!
Give a cheer
Give a little whistle
Give a little, take a little
Give away Jordan
Give back my ring and picture
Give in
Give it back
Give it up
Give it up or turn it a loose
Give it up or turn it loose
Give me
Give me a chance
Give me a cue baby
Give me a horse
Give me back my heart
Give me love
Give me something called love
Give me that old time religion
Give me the simple life
Give me this night
Give me you
Give me your hand
Give me your heart (that's all I need)
Give me your love
Give my regards to Broadway
Give thanks
Give the world a sunny smile
Given up the world
Giving out of juice
Glad rag doll
Glad to be unhappy
Glen's chimes
Glide on
Glo' glug
Gloria's tune
Glorify His name
Glory bound train
Glory of love
Glory to His name
Gloryland boogie
Glow worm
Go 'way down from my window
Go ahead
Go ahead and fly
Go away (Far away)
Go away blues
Go back to the country girl
Go down Moses
Go find another man
Go get some more you fool
Go now
Go on now
Go on your way
Go power at Christmas time
Go tell it on the mountain
Go where I send Thee
God answers prayer
God bless the child
God changed my life
God don't like it
God gave me you
God had His way
God has taken my flower
God I confess
God is a refuge
God is already here
God knows my heart
God knows what's best
God leads His children
God loves you child
God loves your child
God of our Fathers
God only knows
God overpowered Satan
God please protect America
God put a rainbow in the sky
God rest ye merry gentlemen
God understands
God will guide you
God's almighty gonna cut you down
God's amazing grace
God's amazing love
God's Bible is your guide
God's got His eyes on you
God's green earth
God's hand rules the world
God's highway
God's radio phone
God's record book of life
God's soldier
God's word shall never pass away
God, please protect America
Gods gonna move
Goin' back home today
Goin' back to school
Goin' back to the blue ridge mountains
Goin' home
Goin' home to Mother
Goin' South
Goin' to New Orleans
Goin' to the country store
Goin' up Cripple Creek
Going back to Alabama
Going back to Jesus
Going back to Mexico
Going back with Jesus
Going down slow
Going down the country
Going down town
Going for a ride
Going home
Going home tomorrow
Going rock
Going to California blues
Going to move
Going to see the King
Going up home to live in green pastures
Going up to be with God
Gola mi mambo
Gold diggin' baby
Gold to tin
Golden idol
Golden moon
Golden rule of love
Golden slippers
Golden wrist watch
Golden years
Gone again
Gone again blues
Gone are all my dreams
Gone are the thousand thrills
Gone is the past
Gone so long
Gone with the wind
Gone with the wind this morning
Gone, gone, gone
Gong rock
Gonna be too late
Gonna dirty up my name
Gonna fix your wagon
Gonna hop on down the line
Gonna lay down my old guitar
Gonna open up a business
Gonna paint the town red
Gonna raise a ruckus tonight
Gonna row my boat
Gonna take another walk downtown
Gonna tie one on
Gonna try
Gonna wait for my chance
Goobala, goobala
Good about you
Good bait
Good book blues
Good bread alley
Good cookin' (Home cookin')
Good deal, Lucille
Good doing Daddy
Good for nothin' Joe
Good good lovin'
Good googa mooga
Good gosh
Good jelly blues
Good King Wenceslas
Good lookin
Good looking and foxy too
Good lovin'
Good lovin' blues
Good mambo tonight
Good man
Good man blues
Good mornin'
Good morning Mr. Judge
Good morning Mr. Blues
Good morning to heaven
Good morning, pretty baby
Good news
Good night
Good night darling
Good rockin' man
Good rockin' tonight
Good rocking tonight
Good thing go to waste
Good things come to those who wait
Good time Charlie
Good time Saturday night
Good to me
Good twistin' tonight
Good, good lovin'
Good, good, good
Goodbye and good luck
Goodbye and so long to you
Goodbye baby
Goodbye baby, goodbye
Goodbye Bird
Goodbye Booze
Goodbye Charlie, goodbye
Goodbye for him (Hello for me)
Goodbye girls, I'm through
Goodbye hallelujah! I'm gone
Goodbye I'm gone
Goodbye Jimmy, goodbye
Goodbye little girl blues
Goodbye Liza Jane
Goodbye Maria, I'm off to Korea
Goodbye my heart
Goodbye my lady love
Goodbye my love
Goodbye my love, pt.1
Goodbye my love, pt.2
Goodbye old booze
Goodbye so long
Goodbye sweetheart, goodbye
Goodbye, good luck my love
Goodnight Cincinnati, good morning Tennessee
Goodnight Irene
Goodnight my dear, my darling
Goodnight my love
Goodnight sweetheart
Goodnight sweetheart, goodnight
Goodnight waltz
Goodnight wherever you are
Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight
Goody good love
Goody good things
Goofa nut
Goofy dust blues
Goofy organ
Goose bumps
Goose pimples
Gosh, I miss you all the time
Gospel boogie
Got a date with an angel
Got a feelin'
Got a letter
Got a little ache in my heart
Got no way of knowing
Got the blues for my baby
Got the hesitation blues
Got the Louisiana blues
Got to cry
Got to find my baby
Got to have her lovin'
Got to keep on traveling
Got worried blues in my mind
Got worried blues on my mind
Got you on my mind
Gotta get back to Dixie
Gotta get free
Gotta get me one
Gotta go
Gotta go weddin'
Gotta have some lovin'
Gotta make her mine
Gotta see Mama
Gotta travel on
Gotta walk
Goza mi mambo
Grab me baby
Graduation queen
Grain of sand
Grand hog snooper
Grand old flag
Grand Stan
Grandaddy's rockin'
Grandfather's clock
Grandma can boogie
Grandma loves to rock and roll
Grandma plays the numbers
Grandma's daze
Grandpa stole my baby
Grandpa's banjo boogie
Grandpa's boogie
Grandpa's getting married again
Grant it Lord
Grave yard light
Graveyard disposition
Gravy train
Grazin' in the grass
Greasy spoon
Great big Casey
Great day
Great joy
Great man
Great mystery
Green champagne
Green eyes
Green Moss
Green mountain hop
Green onions
Green valley waltz
Green walls
Green's blues
Green, green grass of home
Greenback dollar
Greens a go go
Grenadie marsch
Grieg concerto in A minor
Grinder man blues
Groove one
Groove station
Groove to remember
Groovey blues
Groovie boogie boy
Groovin' high
Groovin' higher
Groovy baby
Groovy movie
Ground hog
Grundy hoedown
Gua gaira Guantanamera
Guess I never had it so good
Guess I'll take a journey
Guess my ears were playing tricks on me last night
Guess who
Guess who took your place
Guide me Lord, I'm going thru
Guilty feeling
Guilty feelings
Guitar jump
Guitar pickin' fool
Guitar pickin' truck driver
Gulf Coast blues
Gum drop
Gum shoe
Gumbo (Gumbossa)
Gumbo blues
Gun totin' Mama
Gunga din
Gypsy in my soul
Gypsy lady
Gypsy legend
Gypsy's warning
Ha-ha cha cha
Had you told it like it was
Hail to the Nantucket Yacht Club
Hail! Holy Queen
Half a love
Half as much flirtin'
Half awake
Half fast twist
Half hearted love
Half Nelson
Half pint of whiskey
Hallelujah morning
Ham and eggs
Hammer head
Hand clapping one more time
Hand in hand
Hand in hand with Jesus
Hand in hand with you
Hand jive one more time
Hand me down heart
Hand me down my walking cane
Hand out
Handcuffed to love
Handle with care
Handprints on the window pane
Hands across the table
Handwriting on the wall
Hang it up
Hang on a little longer
Hang out
Hang over blues
Hang ups we don't need
Hang your tears out to dry
Hangman's boogie
Hangover boogie
Hank's dilemma
Hank's holiday
Hank's idea
Hank's pranks
Hap's breakdown
Happy are we
Happy birthday
Happy birthday loser
Happy birthday polka
Happy blues
Happy blues (Stomp boogie)
Happy feet
Happy holiday
Happy landings
Happy little home in Arkansas
Happy mandolin
Happy melody
Happy minor
Happy New Year, darling
Happy on the prairie
Happy sargeant
Happy talk
Happy wedding anniversary polka
Harbor lights
Harbour lights
Harbour of love
Harchy carchy
Hard drive
Hard driving woman
Hard feeling
Hard forgetting memories
Hard hearted
Hard hearted lover blues
Hard hearted one
Hard hearted you and chicken hearted me
Hard luck blues
Hard tack
Hard times
Hard times are gone
Hard times in a cotton mill
Hard to get along
Hard to go through life alone
Hard to handle
Hard to hold back tears
Hard work blues
Hard working family man
Hard working man
Hardtop race
Harelip blues
Harem girl
Hark! The herald angels sing
Harlem hop
Harlem hunch
Harlem nocturne
Harlem rug cutter
Harlem shuffle
Harmonica blues
Harmonica boogie
Harmonica boogie shuffle
Harmonica fantasy
Harmonica rhythms
Harmonicas on parade
Harp capers
Harry come back
Harvest time schottische
Has anybody seen Kelly
Has he been good to you
Hash brown
Hasting Street opera, pt.1
Hasting Street woogie man
Hastings Street jump
Haulin' freight
Hava nagila
Hava Nagilah
Havanase festival
Have a baby
Have a good time
Have a heart
Have a little faith in me
Have a little talk with Jesus
Have a new life
Have faith in me
Have fun
Have I come home to die?
Have I ever told you
Have I overstayed my welcome (in your heart)
Have I sinned?
Have I stayed away too long?
Have mercy baby
Have mercy, have a little pity
Have no fear
Have Thine own way
Have you any love
Have you any time for Jesus?
Have you ever been lonely
Have you ever had the blues
Have you ever loved a woman
Have you ever tried to cry (and the tears just wouldn't come)
Have you ever watched love die?
Have you met Miss Jones?
Have you no mercy
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Hawaiian echoes
Hawaiian interlude
Hawaiian lei song
Hawaiian paradise
Hawaiian war chant
Hawie's boogie
He ain't heavy (He's my brother)
He brought joy
He called me comrade
He came along
He cares
He created
He delivered me
He died on Calvary
He don't love me anymore
He gave me everything
He holds our gifts in His hand
He is able
He knows
He knows how much I can bear
He leads me on
He lifted me
He lifted me from sin
He lives in me
He loves you baby
He made me free
He made them
He needs me
He never has left me alone
He never left me alone
He never let go my hand
He never let me go of my hand
He remembered me
He said He would deliver me
He said if I be lifted up
He saved my soul
He sets me free
He signed my pardon
He stands by his window
He stole my girl
He stopped me from straying
He touched me
He wants a little pizza
He was too good to me
He watches over me
He went to sleep the hogs ate him
He will forgive you
He will set your fields on fire
He will understand
He'd rather be a girl
He'll come like a thief in the night
He'll do for you
He'll have to go
He'll hear you when you call
He'll make the way
He'll never let you down
He'll part the waters
He'll save your soul yet
He'll set your free
He'll strike you down
He'll understand and say well done
He's a friend of mine
He's a loser
He's all and all to me
He's all right
He's coming back to earth again
He's coming home
He's coming to us dead
He's funny that way
He's gone
He's got something good for me
He's got the whole world in
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's mine
He's mine forever
He's my all
He's not ashamed of you
He's passing this way
He's proved himself
He's still alright
He's such a quiet man
He's the one
He's the same today
Head happy with wine
Head over heels
Headin' South
Heading for the river
Heads or tails, I win
Heads up
Hear dem bells
Hear Jerusalem mourn
Hear me now
Hear me talkin'
Hear my plea
Heart break ridge
Heart breaking woman
Heart let my feet run
Heart of a bum
Heart of my heart
Heart of stone
Heart please be still
Heart stealin' Mama
Heart to heart
Heart trouble blues
Heart weary and blue
Heart weary lonesome and blue
Heartache blues
Heartache on His hands
Heartaches that make you cry
Heartaches, heartaches
Heartbreak (It's hurtin' me)
Heartbreaking waltz
Heartless lover
Hearts of stone
Hearts only ache (hearts never break)
Hearts win, you lose
Heatin' round the bush
Heaven all around me
Heaven bound gospel train
Heaven eternal for me
Heaven is the place
Heaven knows
Heaven on my mind
Heaven only knows
Heaven seemed so near
Heaven sent you to me
Heaven will be my home
Heaven will surely be worth it all
Heaven's light is shining on me
Heaven's treasures
Heavenly angel
Heavenly blues
Heavenly Fathers
Heavenly road
Heavenly Ruby
Heavy hips
Heavy juice
Heavy load
Heavy sugar
Heavyweight Mama
Hee haw show
Heebie jeebie blues
Helen polka
Helena polka
Hell is an ugly broad
Hello again sweet lips
Hello blues
Hello darling
Hello Dolly
Hello little school girl
Hello lover, goodbye tears
Hello ma baby
Hello Miss fine
Hello Miss Jessie Lee
Hello Mister heartache
Hello Mr. John
Hello sixty
Hello young lovers
Help me
Help me (Cuatro vidas)
Help me find my right mind
Help my love
Helpless baby
Helpless heart
Hemlock and primroses
Hen scratchin' stomp
Henrietta polka
Henrietta's polka
Henry's got flat feet
Her and my best friend
Her Mama doesn't think it's right
Here 'Tis
Here comes Charlie
Here comes my heart again
Here comes my pretty baby
Here comes Sally
Here comes Santa Claus
Here comes Smiley
Here comes the hurt
Here comes the night
Here goes
Here goes a fool
Here I go
Here I go again
Here I stand
Here in my arms
Here in my heart
Here in my lonely room
Here is happiness
Here is my story
Here is the bride (where is the groom)
Here it is Saturday again
Here it is, right here
Here today and gone tomorrow
Here we go again
Here's my heart
Here's what I'm here for
Herky jerk, pt.2
Hey America
Hey Bernardine
Hey big boy hey hey
Hey Daddy-O!
Hey Jim
Hey John
Hey Jude
Hey la bas
Hey little boy
Hey little girl
Hey little kick
Hey Miss Bessie
Hey Mr. Gatemouth
Hey Mr. Warden
Hey now
Hey Ruby
Hey school girl
Hey shah
Hey spo-dee-o-dee
Hey you gotta teach me
Hey! Castro
Hey, bartender
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, look me over
Hey, Mr. Cotton picker
Hey, people
Hey, whatcha doin'
Hi de ho boogie on a Saturday night
Hi lili hi lo
Hi-ballin' Daddy
Hi-Lili Hi-lo
Hide away
Hide away-1962
Hide your face
High and wide
High falutin' honey
High flying woman
High geared Daddy
High heels
High life polka
High noon (Do not forsake me)
High on a mountain
High on a windy hill
High rise
High school days
High school hop
High society
High society blues
High tide
High winds
Highly strung
Highway 60
Highway 61 blues
Highway of shame
Highway to happiness
Hillbilly be bop
Hillbilly boogie
Hillbilly jump
Hillbilly wedding
Hills of home
Hills of Roan County
Hineh mah tov
Hinkty chick blues
Hip bag '67
Hip city slicker
Hip hip
Hip shakin' Mama
Hip talk
Hippiti yo
Hippy dippy
His boundless love
His gift
His hands
His Honor
His majesty the wolf
Historia de amor
Hit and run
Hit that jive Jack
Hit that jive, Jack
Hit that thing
Hit the road to dreamland
Hob nobbin'
Hobby horse
Hoch Tirol
Hoch und Deutschmeister
Hodge podge
Hoe down boogie
Hog killin' time
Hog maw and cabbage slaw
Hogan's alley
Hold 'im Joe, jump in the cine wheel and turn me
Hold fast to the right
Hold him Joe
Hold it
Hold it right here
Hold it right there
Hold me
Hold me baby
Hold me close
Hold me tight
Hold me, hold me, hold me
Hold me, kiss me, squeeze me
Hold my baby's hand
Hold my hand
Hold on
Hold on Josie
Hold on to what you got
Hold on to what you've got
Hold on to you
Hold on! I'm comin'
Hold that kiss
Hold them trumpets
Hold to God's unchanging hand
Hold your loving
Hole in the matress
Holiday blues
Holiday for strings
Holiday religion
Hollerin' and screamin'
Hollywood, U.S.A
Holy Father
Holy Ghost
Holy God we praise Thy name
Holy ground
Holy holy
Holy mackerel
Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy, Holy (That's all right)
Home again
Home at last
Home boy
Home brew rag
Home by the sea
Home don't seem like home anymore
Home for the holidays
Home fries
Home in San Antone
Home in the rock
Home made wine
Home on the range
Home sweet home
Home sweet home rock
Homecoming waltz
Homesick for heaven I've got a longing to go
Hometown polka
Hometown shout
Honest Abe
Honest and truly
Honey baby
Honey boy
Honey bun
Honey child
Honey dripper
Honey song -
Honey, don't you know I'm lonely
Honey, honey, honey
Honey, I ain't teasin'
Honey, I could fall in love
Honey, why can't you be sweet to me?
Honey, won't you please come home
Honeymoon polka
Honeymoon pooper
Honeysuckle rose
Honkin' the blues
Honky tank
Honky tonk
Honky tonk heaven
Honky tonk merry-go-round
Honky tonk No.3
Honky tonk popcorn
Honky tonk swing
Honky tonk time
Honky tonk train
Honky tonk train blues
Honky tonk, pt.1
Honky tonk, pt.2
Honky tonkin'
Honolulu Lou
Honolulu rock-a-roll-a
Hook, line and sinker
Hop scotch
Hopalong Chasity
Hope you're satisfied
Hoping you'll understand
Hora sta cotton picker
Horn with two mouth pieces
Horror movie
Horse and buggy
Horse shoe boogie
Hot box
Hot cinders
Hot dog rag
Hot ginger
Hot licks and all
Hot lips
Hot pants, pt.1
Hot pants, pt.2
Hot peanuts
Hot rod baby
Hot rod Hades
Hot rod Harley
Hot rod kids and women drivers
Hot rod Lincoln
Hot rod race
Hot sauce boss
Hot shot rag
Hot soup
Hot strings
Hot Tamale
Hot Toddy
Hotel for dogs, pt.1
Hotel for dogs, pt.2
Hotel for dogs, pt.3
Hotel for dogs, pt.4
Hotel keeper
Hotter than that
Hound dog
Hour of power
Hours past midnight
House of bread blues
House of Jack
House of love
House rent
House rent party
House with no windows
Houston Texas gal
How 'dja like to love me
How about a handout
How about you
How about you?
How am I to know
How are things in Glocca Morra
How are you standing with God
How are you these days
How bad I do feel
How beautiful heaven must be
How can I
How can I be best man
How can I be sure?
How can I forget you
How can I sleep
How can I win you
How can we thank Him for what He has done
How can you hate me (the way I love you)
How can you treat me this way
How could I know
How could it have been you and I
How could Red Riding Hood (have been so very good)
How could we ever have been strangers
How could you
How could you know (when you haven't tried me)
How could you leave your man alone
How deep is the ocean
How did I get this way
How do I tell her
How do you feel (when your love is so real)
How far am I from Canaan
How far to Little Rock
How fine can you be?
How great Thou art
How high the moon
How I miss my darling mother
How I wonder
How lonely can you be
How long
How long (blues)
How long darling
How long has it been
How long has it been since you've been home
How long has this been going on
How long has this been going on?
How long must I wait
How long will it last
How long, how long blues
How many biscuits can you eat
How many hearts can you break
How many miles
How many stars
How many stars have to shine
How many tears (must I shed over you)
How many years
How mountain girls can love
How much do I owe you
How much do you think I can stand
How much longer Lord shall it be
How much love can one heart hold
How much we know
How would you know
How you gonna get respect
How you gonna get your lovin' done
How you like it
How you've tortured my mind
Howlin' moon dog
Howling at midnight
Huckle boogie
Huckleberry boogie
Huckleberry pie
Huff's bluff
Hug a little, kiss a little
Hug me tight
Hughette waltz
Hula hula
Humble bumble bee
Humpty dumpty (had a great fall)
Humpty dumpty heart
Hundred proof heartaches
Hungry child
Hunky Dory
Hunt and peck
Huntin' business all the time
Hurry back baby
Hurry home to me
Hurry hurry back baby
Hurts me so
Hurts me to my heart
Hush a bye
Hush your mouth
Hush! Somebody's calling my name
Hydromatic baby
Hymn of the church
Hymn to the sun
I ain't coming back anymore
I ain't getting caught
I ain't goin' honky tonkin' any more
I ain't gonna be no monkey man no more
I ain't gonna cry for you
I ain't gonna give nobody none of my jelly roll
I ain't got a pot (to peel potatoes in)
I ain't got much to lose
I ain't got nobody
I ain't got over it yet
I ain't like that no more
I ain't mad at you
I ain't no watch dog
I ain't nothin' but a Tom Cat's kitten
I am a weary pilgrim
I am in love
I am slowly dying of a broken heart
I am so glad
I am sorry I got in the way
I am the bread
I am the man
I am the way
I am Thine
I am with you
I believe
I believe I'll fall in love
I believe I'll go downtown again
I believe I'm losing my mind
I believe in the old time way
I belong to the blues
I belong to you (you're the keeper of my heart)
I bongo you
I built a fence around my heart
I burned your letter
I call on you
I call you darling
I can dream, can't I?
I can hear music
I can hear my baby calling
I can hear my baby crying
I can hear my mother praying
I can hear the angels singing
I can lose (if you can gain)
I can remember
I can say it
I can see an angel
I can tell
I can tell just as plain
I can' tell my broken heart a lie
I can't
I can't afford another broken heart
I can't believe that you're in love with me
I can't depend on you
I can't escape from you
I can't fight the time
I can't forgive myself (for not forgiving you)
I can't get around to getting over you
I can't get started
I can't get started with you
I can't give you anything but love
I can't give you my heart
I can't go
I can't go on
I can't go on (without you)
I can't go on livin'
I can't go on without you
I can't go through life
I can't help it
I can't help it (I just do-do-do)
I can't help it if I cry
I can't help what others do
I can't help you (I'm falling too)
I can't judge nobody
I can't know how
I can't love you (if you treat me this way)
I can't make up my mind
I can't make you
I can't puzzle this thing out
I can't release you from my mind
I can't remember
I can't remember to forget
I can't run away
I can't see why
I can't sit down
I can't stand it
I can't stand losing you
I can't stand myself
I can't stand myself (when you touch me), pt.1
I can't stand myself (when you touch me), pt.2
I can't stand you no more
I can't steal another's bride
I can't stop lovin' you
I can't stop loving you
I can't take it no more
I can't tell you I got enough
I can't turn you loose
I can't wed you
I care
I care not what the world may say about me
I carry your picture in my heart
I concentrate on you
I could cry
I could hardly wait
I could have danced all night
I could have told you
I could lose these blues (if you bring my baby back)
I could love you
I could make you care
I could tell by the look in her eye
I could write a book
I couldn't believe it
I couldn't believe it was true
I couldn't hear nobody pray
I cover the waterfront
I cried
I cried a tear
I cried and cried
I cried and cried and cried
I cried for you
I cried Holy
I cried in my sleep
I cried to a foolish heart
I cry
I danced with an angel
I declare, that's enough
I did and I does and I do
I didn't have the heart to say goodbye
I didn't know
I didn't know (You got married)
I didn't know what time it was
I didn't mean a word I said
I discovered you
I do (love you)
I do, I do, I do
I don't believe
I don't blame you
I don't care
I don't care no more
I don't care one bit
I don't care what you do
I don't fear
I don't have to tell you (that I love you)
I don't have to worry
I don't know
I don't know about you
I don't know gee from haw
I don't know how to do but one thing
I don't know how to get along
I don't know what to do
I don't know what to tell my heart
I don't know where to go
I don't know why
I don't know why I just do
I don't know why I love you
I don't know why I love you like I do
I don't love you anymore
I don't mean to be mean
I don't mind
I don't need a ventriloquist
I don't need your love and kisses
I don't want no part of you
I don't want no substitute
I don't want nobody
I don't want nobody to give me nothing, pt.1
I don't want nobody to give me nothing, pt.2
I don't want nobody to have it but you
I don't want nobody's troubles
I don't want ta
I don't want to be lost
I don't want to cry
I don't want to cry anymore
I don't want to go home again
I don't want to leave you, darling
I don't want to play in the kitchen
I don't want to set the world on fire
I don't want to walk without you
I don't want to wind up in love
I don't want you (if you don't want me)
I don't want you around
I don't want you to see me cry
I don't want your love
I don't want your rambling letters
I don't worry
I done got over
I done it
I done made it up in my mind
I done told you
I doose what I choose
I dream
I dream of Jeanie with the light brown hair
I dream of you
I dream such foolish dreams
I dreamed I searched heaven
I dreamed I went to heaven
I dreamed the blues
I dreamed you dreamed of me
I dreamed you were here last night
I dreamed, I gambled, I lost
I dreamt I dwelt in Harlem
I fall in love too easily
I fall in love with you every day
I feel a little closer
I feel a streak of love coming on
I feel all right
I feel alright
I feel good
I feel like going home
I feel like traveling on
I feel pretty
I feel so blue
I feel that old age coming on
I feel that old age creeping on
I feel that old feeling coming on
I feel that young man rhythm
I feel that-a-way
I feel the pain
I finally made it
I find no fault
I forgot to be your lover
I found a dream
I found a million dollar baby
I found a new love
I found an angel
I found my baby
I found out
I found someone
I found the Lord
I found you
I gave up everything
I gave up getting over you
I get a kick out of you
I get a thrill
I get evil
I get so happy
I get the blues in the Springtime
I get the blues when it rains
I go for that
I got a friend above all others
I got a hard way to go
I got a lot of time for a lot of things
I got a mind to leave you (I got a mind to go back home)
I got a Mother done gone on
I got a new love (sent to me from above)
I got a notion
I got a plumb crazy notion
I got a right to the tree of life
I got a watch dog
I got a witness
I got an alibi
I got eyes
I got it bad and that ain't good
I got it from a bird
I got it made (in the shade)
I got loaded
I got lost in his arms
I got plenty o'nuttin'
I got plenty of nuthin'
I got plenty of nuthin' (reprise)
I got rhythm
I got some problems
I got the blues
I got the feelin'
I got the feeling
I got the monkey off my back
I got the sun in the morning
I got tired
I got you (I feel good)
I got you, you got me
I got your water on
I gotcha covered (House rent boogie)
I gotta get away from you
I gotta get back
I gotta go get my baby
I gotta go home (and catch up on my sleep)
I gotta have another chance
I gotta have you
I gotta tell it
I gotta walk
I guess I'll have to cry, cry, cry
I guess I've let you down
I guess you don't remember now
I guess you just don't care
I guess you know you're right
I had my fingers crossed
I had the craziest dream
I had the funniest feeling
I had to come back to you
I had to lose you
I hadn't anyone till you
I hate myself
I hate to be jealous
I hate you
I have a desire
I have a long way to go
I have been in the storm too long
I have dreamed
I have no reason to complain
I have to cry sometimes
I have to laugh to keep from crying
I have two loves
I haven't seen you in a month of Sundays
I hear a rhapsody
I hear a voice
I hear jingle bells
I hear love bells
I hear music
I hear you knockin'
I heard my name on the radio
I heard the voice
I heard you call me dear
I heard you cry last night
I hope you love me
I hope you love me too
I hope you see the same star that I do
I hope you understand
I hope you're crying too
I hung my head and cried
I idolize my baby's eyes
I John, saw a mighty number
I just called to say that I love you
I just came from your wedding
I just can't keep the tears from tumblin' down
I just can't see you any more
I just can't understand
I just do
I just dropped by
I just got the message, baby
I just got to get to know you
I just like you
I just rose to tell you
I just steal away and pray
I just stood there
I just want me some love
I just want to be loved
I keep falling in love
I kiss your hand, Madame
I kiss your hand woman
I knew it all the time
I know
I know a man
I know better now
I know but I'll never tell
I know He is with me everywhere
I know how to do it
I know I love you so
I know I've been changed
I know it was the blood
I know it's hard, but it's fair
I know it's love
I know it's true
I know it's wrong
I know Jesus will save
I know my baby
I know my love is true
I know she's gone
I know somethin'
I know the man
I know we'll never meet again
I know what it means to be lonesome
I know who threw the whiskey in the well
I know why
I know you got soul
I know you miss me
I know you're married but I love you still
I Know your burdens are greater than mine
I know, I know
I know, oh yes I know
I lead a charmed life
I left my heart in San Francisco
I left my heart in Texas
I let a song go out of my heart
I let noth1ng separate me
I let the freight train carry me on
I let you slip through my finger tips
I like it
I like it, I like it
I like my baby's pudding
I like the old time way
I like to recognize the tune
I like to see my baby
I like what I like like I like it
I live the life I love
I live true to you
I lost again
I lost my Irish heart (in Hawaii)
I lost track of every thing
I lost track of everything
I love alone
I love and care for you
I love Jeemy
I love lepres
I love my baby
I love my baby (I'm a liar if I say I don't)
I love my little yo yo
I love Paris
I love the name of Jesus
I love the way you say goodnight
I love the woman
I love Thy church oh God
I love to call His name
I love to ride
I love to watch the moonlight
I love to yodel
I love you
I love you (my darling)
I love you (my darling, I love you)
I love you a bushel and a peck
I love you a thousand ways
I love you and you'll always have my heart
I love you anyhow
I love you because
I love you dear forever
I love you for myself
I love you more as time goes by
I love you more each day
I love you more every day
I love you more today
I love you Porgy
I love you so
I love you so much
I love you so much it hurts
I love you truly
I love you yes I do
I love you, I love you s-o-o-o
I love you, I love you, I do
I love you, I want you, I need you
I love you, pt.1
I love you, pt.2
I love you, yes I do
I loved you once before
I loved you once in silence
I loves you Porgy
I made a mistake (because it was only you) pt.1
I made a mistake (because it was only you) pt.2
I made a mistake because it's only you, pt.1
I made a mistake because it's only you, pt.2
I make this pledge (to you)
I married a man (with nothin' at all)
I married a man (with nothing at all)
I married an angel
I married the gal (with the cycle)
I may be wrong
I may never pass this way again
I met you at my birthday
I met you at my birthday party
I might as well admit
I might have saved a broken heart
I miss you
I miss you so
I miss your love
I must be crazy
I must be dreaming
I must go where Mary goes
I must keep walking
I must tell Jesus
I named my dog after you
I need
I need a whole lot of everything
I need advice
I need help (I can't do it alone)
I need help (I can't do it alone), pt.1
I need help (I can't do it alone), pt.2
I need Jesus
I need love
I need somebody in my arms
I need someone to tell my troubles by
I need the prayers
I need Thee
I need Thee every hour
I need ya
I need you
I need you all the time
I need you baby
I need you Jesus
I need you now
I need you tonight
I need your key (to turn me on)
I need your lovin' baby
I need your tenderness
I needed you
I never dreamed
I never had a dream come true
I never had it so good
I never loved anyone but you
I never mention your name
I never see Maggie alone
I never see my baby alone
I never turn back
I often wonder why you changed your mind
I once loved you baby
I only exist
I only have eyes for you
I only have one lifetime
I only want you to love me
I oughta bust out and love you
I paid my dues
I paid with a broken heart
I pray you won't let me down
I prayed for love
I promise myself (I won't mention your name)
I promise you
I promised the Lord
I put my britches on just like everybody else
I quit my pretty Mama
I ran all the way home
I really don't want to know
I really know the score
I really love you
I remember Acapulco
I remember Mama
I remember my love
I remember New York
I remember you
I resign from your love
I said goodnight my darling (but you said goodbye to me)
I said I wouldn't beg you
I said it's you
I saw God
I saw her first
I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus
I saw my future in a rainbow
I saw the light
I saw three ships
I saw your face in the moon
I say hello
I say I love you
I see in the paper
I see my baby's face again
I see the eyes of Jesus
I see through you
I see your face before me
I shall not be moved
I shall return
I should care
I should have known
I shoulda been on my merry way
I shouldn't cry but I do
I sing this song
I solemnly swear
I soon will be done with the troubles of this world
I stay in the mood for you
I stayed down
I still love you
I still love you so
I still remember
I still say your name in my prayers
I still see you
I still want you
I stopped living the day you stopped loving me
I suppose
I surrender
I surrender dear
I swear by the stars
I talk to the trees
I thank you
I thank you Lord
I think I'm losing my mind
I think of you
I think of you and cry myself to sleep
I think we've met before
I thought about you
I thought I was dreaming
I thought of the last night
I tickled her under the chin
I tin whistle at you
I told
I told every little star
I told you so
I took your love for a toy
I tried to tell you
I trust in God
I trusted you
I trusted you baby (but you double crossed me)
I turn to you
I understand we're through
I used to cry mercy, mercy
I used to love you but it's allover now
I used to sigh for the silvery moon
I vow to never love again
I wake up every morning with a heartache
I walked all night long
I walked alone
I waltz alone
I wanna be around
I wanna be close
I wanna be loved
I wanna dance
I wanna go back home
I wanna go home
I wanna hear
I wanna hug ya, kiss ya, squeeze ya
I wanna know
I wanna love you
I wanna love you tonight
I wanna see my baby
I want a bowlegged woman
I want a clear record
I want a girl
I want a girl just like the girl that marries dear old Dad
I want a home in Dixie
I want a little girl
I want a lover
I want a man
I want a man (who's gonna do right)
I want a man (with a great big future)
I want a rich man's son
I want a wittle wabbit (The puppy song)
I want a woman
I want a woman (that can cook)
I want love
I want my baby
I want my crown
I want my Fanny Brown
I want my freedom
I want no one but you
I want some
I want to be a Christian soldier
I want to be free
I want to be happy
I want to be in the land of milk and honey
I want to be in your arms
I want to be just like Him
I want to be loved (by someone)
I want to be loved (only by you)
I want to be loved but only by you
I want to be more like Jesus
I want to be near you
I want to be ready
I want to be swung
I want to be wanted
I want to dig a little deeper
I want to give it all to you
I want to go
I want to go to heaven
I want to have a talk with you
I want to hold your hand
I want to know
I want to know more
I want to live (for my family)
I want to live and love
I want to live right
I want to live with Christ, my saviour
I want to live with Mommie there
I want to love you
I want to love you baby
I want to move in the room with the Lord
I want to rest
I want to scream (Do you feel it)
I want to see God
I want to see Him
I want to see Jesus
I want to talk about you
I want to tell you why
I want to thank you (from the bottom of my heart)
I want wings
I want you
I want you so bad
I want you to rock me
I want you to use me
I want you, I need you, I love you
I want your love
I wanta make sweet love to you
I was
I was a fool
I was a fool to love you
I was born to move
I was cryin' then (but you're cryin' now)
I was dreaming someone else's dream
I was gone
I was healed by the wound in His side
I was in St. Louis
I was made for you
I was moaning when somebody touched me
I was never nearer heaven
I was only playin'
I was satisfied
I was sorta wonderin'
I was talkin' when I should a been listenin'
I was the one
I was there
I was waiting for a dream
I was wrong
I wasn't thinking, I was drinking
I wasted a nickel
I went back home
I who have nothing
I will trust in the Lord
I wish
I wish I could cry
I wish I could shimmy like my Sister Kate
I wish I didn't love you so
I wish I had a Dad
I wish I had a girl
I wish I had a record
I wish I had a sweetheart
I wish I had of known
I wish I may, I wish I might
I wish I was a single girl again
I wish I were in love again
I wish it would rain
I wish that I could tell him
I wish that I had been there
I wish there was something I could do
I wish you love
I wished a thousand times
I wished on the moon
I woke up crying
I won and lost my one and only
I won't be worried long
I won't be your fool
I won't care a hundred years from now
I won't cry alone
I won't forget
I won't go home
I won't have it
I won't plead no more
I won't take you back
I won't tell anybody but my Lord
I won't tell who's to blame
I wonder
I wonder and wonder and wonder
I wonder what became of me
I wonder who cares
I wonder who's kissing her now
I wonder why
I wonder why you said goodbye
I wonder, I wonder, I wonder
I wouldn't change you if I could
I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole
I'd be ashamed
I'd be ashamed (if I were you)
I'd be satisfied
I'd better make a move
I'd do anything
I'd feel just like a millionaire
I'd like to
I'd like to thank you, Mr. D.J.
I'd love to be a cow girl
I'd love to live in Loveland
I'd never cry again
I'd rather be a servant
I'd rather be abroad
I'd rather be on the inside looking out
I'd rather have God
I'd rather have Jesus
I'd rather serve Jesus
I'd walk a country mile
I'd worship you
I'll always be in love with you
I'll always belong to you
I'll always have faith in you
I'll always love you
I'll be a fool for you
I'll be a witness there too
I'll be all right
I'll be around
I'll be around if you need me
I'll be fine some day
I'll be gentle
I'll be gone
I'll be home
I'll be home again
I'll be home for Christmas
I'll be home someday
I'll be home to see you tomorrow
I'll be leaving you soon
I'll be listening
I'll be listening for my name
I'll be no stranger here
I'll be no stranger there
I'll be satisfied
I'll be seeing you
I'll be somewhere listening for my name
I'll be standing at the station when Jesus comes
I'll be sweeter tomorrow (than I was yesterday)
I'll be the same by you
I'll be there
I'll be there (if you ever want me)
I'll be thinking about you
I'll be true to the one I love
I'll be untrue (to be with you)
I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting for you
I'll be with Dad and Mother
I'll carry your love wherever I go
I'll close my eyes
I'll come back to you
I'll come crawling
I'll cry when you're gone
I'll die in love with you
I'll drown in my own tears
I'll drown in my tears
I'll drown my tears
I'll find somebody
I'll find you
I'll fly away
I'll follow His name
I'll follow you
I'll forget if you'll forgive
I'll forget you
I'll get along somehow
I'll get by
I'll give 'em rhythm
I'll give you odds
I'll go
I'll go crazy
I'll go my way by myself
I'll go with Him
I'll have a new life
I'll have the blues (over you)
I'll have to turn you down
I'll hide my heart
I'll just go away
I'll keep pressing on
I'll keep you happy
I'll know
I'll leave the door open
I'll let you go and wish you well
I'll live again
I'll lose my mind
I'll love you as long as I live
I'll love you till I die
I'll love you till the day I die
I'll meet you in church Sunday morning
I'll meet you in the morning
I'll need your love
I'll never be the same
I'll never cry over you
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never forget
I'll never forget what's her name
I'll never get married again
I'll never give up
I'll never go back on my word
I'll never know why
I'll never let go His hand
I'll never let her go
I'll never let you go
I'll never lose that loneliness for you
I'll never love no one but you
I'll never more be shackled in a fool's paradise
I'll never say no
I'll never smile again
I'll never stop loving you
I'll never take my love from you
I'll never take you back
I'll never turn back
I'll never walk in your door
I'll never, never leave you again
I'll never, never let you go
I'll not be a stranger
I'll not walk alone
I'll pay the price (the rest of my life)
I'll pray for you
I'll remember April
I'll remember you
I'll remember you love in my prayers
I'll run all the way
I'll sail my ship alone
I'll search heaven
I'll second that emotion
I'll see it happen to you
I'll see you again
I'll see you in my dreams
I'll send you kisses and love
I'll sign
I'll still be missing you
I'll still keep loving you
I'll still write your name in the sand
I'll string along with you
I'll take romance
I'll take the blame
I'll take you home again, Kathleen
I'll take your hat right off my rack
I'll tell of a savior
I'll trade my cross for a crown
I'll try
I'll upset you baby
I'll wait and pray
I'll wait for one more train
I'll wait on Jesus
I'll walk a country mile
I'll walk alone
I'll waltz with you in my dreams
I'll work it out
I'll ze
I'm a bad, bad girl
I'm a blessed man
I'm a cool teenager
I'm a different man from now
I'm a dreamer, aren't we all?
I'm a fool
I'm a fool for you
I'm a fool to care
I'm a free little bird
I'm a hi-ballin' Daddy
I'm a lone wolf
I'm a lonesome rooster
I'm a man
I'm a man of constant sorrow
I'm a married man
I'm a slave to you
I'm a square dab from the country (and the country's still in me)
I'm a woman but I don't talk
I'm a-rollin'
I'm afraid of the dark
I'm all alone
I'm all broke out with love
I'm all through trusting you
I'm alone
I'm alone because I love you
I'm always blue for you
I'm always chasing rainbows
I'm as free as the breeze
I'm ashamed of you
I'm available
I'm back to stay
I'm beggin' and pleadin'
I'm beggin' you baby
I'm beginning to believe in you
I'm beginning to forget
I'm beginning to see the light
I'm better off now (than I was before)
I'm better off now that you're gone
I'm Betting you free
I'm blue, I'm lonesome
I'm bound to ride
I'm building a home
I'm building a mansion in heaven
I'm burning all your letters
I'm calling on you
I'm comin' home
I'm coming back home to stay
I'm coming Virginia
I'm confessin' (that I love you)
I'm confessin' that I love you
I'm counting the days
I'm crazy about you
I'm crazy with love
I'm crying
I'm crying Holy unto the Lord
I'm crying inside
I'm crying mercy, mercy
I'm crying on the inside
I'm crying tonight over you
I'm depending on the Lord
I'm doin' all this time (and you put me down)
I'm drifting back to dreamland
I'm dying a sinner's death
I'm eating my heart out over you
I'm falling for you
I'm feeling for you
I'm forever blowing bubbles
I'm free
I'm gettin' sentimental over you
I'm getting rid of you
I'm getting sentimental over you
I'm giving all my love
I'm giving you your freedom
I'm glad for your sake
I'm glad I waited for you
I'm glad I'm on the inside looking out
I'm glad that's over
I'm glad there is you
I'm glad to be back
I'm glad to do it
I'm goin' away for good
I'm going home
I'm going through
I'm going to cry you right out of my mind
I'm going to have myself a ball
I'm going to lock you up
I'm going to sit at the welcome table
I'm going to that city
I'm gone
I'm gone, lone gone
I'm gone, yes I'm gone
I'm gonna be gone, gone, gone
I'm gonna change things
I'm gonna comb you outta my hair
I'm gonna do my best
I'm gonna get mad and leave you
I'm gonna get you
I'm gonna give you a dose of your medicine
I'm gonna have my picture took
I'm gonna kill that woman
I'm gonna leave this old town
I'm gonna leave you alone
I'm gonna leave you baby
I'm gonna live the life I sing about in my song
I'm gonna lock my heart and throw away the key
I'm gonna lock my heart and throwaway the key
I'm gonna love you till I die
I'm gonna miss you
I'm gonna move home bye and bye
I'm gonna move to the outskirts of town
I'm gonna pour me a drink
I'm gonna put you down
I'm gonna reach my heavenly home someday
I'm gonna run it down
I'm gonna rush right down to Macon
I'm gonna show you all some day
I'm gonna sing
I'm gonna sit right down and write myself a letter
I'm gonna squeal on you baby blues
I'm gonna stop
I'm gonna strut my stuff
I'm gonna sue Sioux City Sue
I'm gonna tell my mama
I'm gonna tell you
I'm gonna tell you something
I'm gonna try
I'm gonna wait
I'm gonna walk
I'm gonna walk and talk with my Lord
I'm gonna walk on
I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair
I'm gonna whale on you
I'm gonna wind your clock
I'm gonna write a song about you
I'm grateful
I'm guilty
I'm hanging up all my work clothes
I'm happy in the service of the Lord
I'm happy you hurt me
I'm heading out West
I'm helpless
I'm here love
I'm hog wild crazy over you
I'm in good hands
I'm in His care
I'm in love again
I'm in love with someone (who can't belong to me)
I'm in love with you
I'm in the groove tonight
I'm in the mood for love
I'm jealous of you
I'm jealous of your yesterdays
I'm just a drifter
I'm just a fool (and everybody knows)
I'm just a fruity woman
I'm just a little old fashioned
I'm just a lucky so and so
I'm just a poor little schemer
I'm just a stranger here
I'm just a used-to-be
I'm just another one in love with you
I'm just as good as you
I'm just here to get my baby out of pal
I'm just not that kind
I'm just wild about Harry
I'm just your stepping stone
I'm kissing your picture, counting tears
I'm learning
I'm leaving you Mama
I'm lonely
I'm lonely as a Georgia pine
I'm lonely darling
I'm lonesome
I'm lonesome without you
I'm longing for your love
I'm looking for my baby
I'm looking over a four leaf clover
I'm losing my mind over you
I'm losing you
I'm lucky I have you
I'm mad
I'm mad enough to cry
I'm mad with you
I'm making believe
I'm making tracks
I'm moving in
I'm moving on
I'm moving you right out of my heart
I'm my own Grandpa
I'm naturalized for heaven
I'm never to marry
I'm not afraid to die
I'm not broke, but I'm badly bent
I'm not crying anymore
I'm not demanding, pt.1
I'm not demanding, pt.2
I'm not gonna answer the door any more
I'm not gonna let'cha in
I'm not lazy, I'm just tired
I'm not looking backward
I'm not responsible
I'm not so young
I'm not surprised
I'm not to blame
I'm not turning backward
I'm oh so lonesome
I'm old fashioned
I'm on my last go round
I'm on my way
I'm on my way somewhere
I'm on my way to Atlanta
I'm on the battlefield for my Lord
I'm on the outside lookin' in
I'm on the outside looking in
I'm only human
I'm only trying
I'm only wishin'
I'm pulling stakes and leaving you
I'm putting all my eggs in one basket
I'm ready
I'm ready to go steady
I'm ready, I'm ready
I'm really needin' you
I'm satisfied
I'm saved
I'm scared to go home
I'm searchin' for words
I'm sending daffydills
I'm sending kisses to a girl in Texas
I'm sending my heart for repairs
I'm shakin'
I'm sheltered in His arms
I'm shook
I'm sick of you
I'm singing hallelujah
I'm singing the blues
I'm sitting on top of the world
I'm slowly molding
I'm so afraid
I'm so blue
I'm so blue I don't know
I'm so confused
I'm so crazy about you
I'm so crazy for love
I'm so glad
I'm so glad today
I'm so happy
I'm so happy I could cry
I'm so in love
I'm so in love with you
I'm so lonely
I'm so lonesome
I'm so lonesome I could cry
I'm so mad with you
I'm so tired
I'm sorry
I'm sorry baby
I'm sorry dear
I'm sorry for you
I'm sorry I caused you to cry
I'm sorry of that's the way you feel
I'm stepping out tonight
I'm stickin' with you baby
I'm still in love with you
I'm still lonely
I'm still lonesome
I'm stuck
I'm sweet on you
I'm talkin' about you
I'm tellin' you
I'm the biggest liar in town
I'm the boogie man
I'm the caring kind
I'm the devil who made her that way
I'm the guy that loves ya
I'm the jivin' Mr. Lee
I'm the man
I'm the sexiest gal in town
I'm the talk of the town
I'm thinking of you
I'm through confessin' the blues
I'm through with love
I'm through, I'm gone, I'm free
I'm tired
I'm tired of being tossed around
I'm tired of playing Santa Claus to you
I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired
I'm to blame
I'm too tough for Mr. Big Stuff
I'm tore down
I'm tore up
I'm traveling home
I'm traveling through this land
I'm troubled
I'm trying my best to get home to see Jesus
I'm turning over a brand new leaf
I'm tying the leaves
I'm tying the leaves so they won't come down
I'm tying up the blues (with a big blue ribbon)
I'm using my Bible for a road map
I'm waiting for Dad to come home
I'm waiting just for you
I'm waiting to hear my number called
I'm walking behind you
I'm walking through heaven with you
I'm waltzing with tears in my eyes
I'm wasting my time
I'm weak but willing
I'm winging my way back home
I'm wishing
I'm with you
I'm wonderin' and wonderin'
I'm wondering darling
I'm wondering how
I'm young
I'm your Christmas friend, don't be hungry
I'm your servant, Lord
I'm your taboo man
I'm your toy
I'm yours
I'm yours anyhow
I've always been a dreamer
I've answered God's call
I've been 'buked
I've been a fool from the start
I've been all around this world
I've been around
I've been cryin'
I've been dedicated
I've been drinking muddy water
I've been in the storm too long
I've been lonesome since you went away
I've been loving you too long
I've been so long darling
I've been striving for so long
I've been thinkin'
I've been with the Lord all day long
I've been working on the railroad
I've come back to get you
I've cried my last tear over you
I've decided
I've done and sold my soul
I've done my share
I've done what you told me to do
I've enjoyed being loved by you
I've found a new baby
I've found a true love
I've given my life to the business (Now it's giving the business to me)
I've gone crazy
I've got a brother overseas
I've got a crush on you
I've got a date to meet an angel
I've got a date with rhythm
I've got a feelin' you're foolin'
I've got a feeling I'm falling
I've got a frame without a picture
I've got a long way to go
I've got a longing
I've got a lot of livin' to do
I've got a man
I've got a right to be blue
I've got a right to be jealous, honey
I've got a right to the tree of life
I've got a round trip ticket
I've got big bulging eyes for you
I've got blues to spare
I've got eyes
I've got faith
I've got heartaches for a souvenir
I've got lonely arms
I've got love
I've got money
I've got my doubts about you
I've got my love to keep me warm
I've got nobody but you
I've got over you
I've got rhythm
I've got rings on my fingers
I've got that lonesome feeling (for that old sweetheart of mine)
I've got that old time religion in my heart
I've got the blues
I've got the blues for home sweet home
I've got the last laugh now
I've got the world on a string
I've got to change
I've got to cut you loose
I've got to find my baby
I've got to get my baby
I've got to go cry
I've got to know where I stand
I've got to know where I stand with you
I've got to move
I've got to tell
I've got to tell it
I've got you off my mind
I've got you under my skin
I've grown accustomed to her face
I've grown accustomed to your face
I've grown so used to you
I've had a hard way to go
I've had enough
I've had it
I've had my moments
I've heard that blues before
I've just got to know
I've just gotta be a cowboy
I've learned a lot from loving you
I've lost the only one
I've loved you forever it seems
I've made a covenant with my Lord
I've made it over at last
I've made nights by myself
I've never been in love before
I've only myself to blame
I've started out to find a better home
I've taken my fun where I found it
I've told every little star
I've tried
I've waited all my life for you
I've waited as long as I can wait
I've written your name on my heart
Ice cream, soda pop
Ice water
Ich hob zich gelozt
Ich will a chusin
Ich will zich spielen
Icky Yacky
Ida Red
Ida, sweet as apple cider
Iddy bitty girl
Idol of the flies
If all goes well
If and when it happens
If angels cry
If God can forgive you, so can I
If God wants to kill me
If I bring home the bacon
If I can love you in the morning
If I could be with you (one hour tonight)
If I could buy you
If I could change my heart
If I could hear my mother pray again
If I could only stay asleep
If I could write a book
If I didn't have him
If I didn't love you
If I don't love you
If I ever cry again
If I ever get rich Mom
If I ever got you back
If I get inside the gate
If I had a ribbon bow
If I had a woman
If I had my life to live over
If I had my way
If I had possession over judgement day
If I had said yes
If I had someone like you
If I had the chance
If I had you
If I knew
If I knew I'd never lose you
If I knew you were coming, I'd 've baked a cake
If I love again
If I loved you
If I never get to heaven
If I never had known
If I never wake again (I'll be in glory land)
If I only knew
If I ruled the world
If I should come back
If I should fall in love again
If I should lose you
If I thought you needed me
If I told you, would you believe me
If I was a cat
If I were a bell
If I were a carpenter
If I were young again
If I'm lucky
If I'm lucky (I'll be the one)
If Ida Club
If it feels good, do it
If it takes me a lifetime
If it wasn't for the Lord
If it's love you want
If Jesus had to pray
If love is trouble
If love were all
If my baby cooks as good as she looks, I'll be hungry, hungry all the time
If not for you
If something's wrong with my baby (something's wrong with me)
If that's the way you feel
If the creek don't rise
If the good Lord's willing and the creek don't rise
If the sun isn't shining in your window
If this be love
If this is a sin
If this is love
If we never meet again
If Winter comes
If wishes were horses
If you ain't got no bread
If you ain't lovin'
If you believe
If you believe in what you do
If you but care
If you could be the same
If you could change my heart
If you could see me now
If you don't believe I'm crying, take a look at my eyes
If you don't believe I'm leaving
If you don't give me what I want
If you don't love me, tell me so
If you don't think
If you don't think I'm sinking (look what a hole I'm in)
If you don't want me, then set me free
If you don't want no more of my loving
If you don't work, you can't eat
If you go
If you go away
If you had more time to be
If you hadn't told the first lie
If you have it
If you haven't written your mother
If you knew Susie
If you love me
If you make a start to heaven (don't turn around)
If you need it, God's got it
If you need me, I'll be around
If you never slip around
If you only cared a little
If you only have faith in me
If you only knew
If you play the blues, I'll cry
If you play with cats
If you see my love
If you should say goodbye
If you wanna go to heaven, die!
If you want me
If you want some lovin'
If you were mine
If you were only in my arms
If you will let me be your love
If you would only change your style
If you'd believe in me
If you'd forgive me
If you'd only be true
If you'll come back to me
If you'll let me
If you're but a dream
If you're lovely
If you've got the money, I've got the time
II chantait toujours
Il fait des bonds..le Pierrot qui danse
Ill wind
Illy dear
Image of a girl
In a beautiful mood
In a little kindergarten
In a little Spanish town
In a mellow dream
In a mellow tone
In a Persian market
In a sentimental mood
In a shanty in old shanty town
In a world of broken hearts
In all my dreams
In an old Hawaiian garden
In heat
In love again
In my arms
In my Father's House
In my heart
In my heart I am a free man
In my heart you're every thing -
In my little red book
In my merry Oldsmobile
In my school of love
In Napoli
In other words
In other words (Fly me to the moon)
In paradise
In reverse
In San Diego
In San Francisco
In shady brook lane
In spite of myself
In that great gettin' up mornin'
In that great gettin' up morning
In that great reunion
In that upper room
In the alley
In the Attic
In the blue of the evening
In the boat
In the bosom of Jesus
In the cool, cool, cool of the evening
In the dark polka
In the doorway crying
In the evenin'
In the evening by the moonlight
In the evening when the sun goes down
In the garden
In the great reunion
In the jailhouse now
In the land where we'll never grow old
In the Lord's cars
In the middle
In the middle, pt.1
In the middle, pt.2
In the moonlight
In the morning
In the old Summertime
In the open
In the palm of my hands
In the pens
In the rain
In the Redd
In the shade of the old apple tree
In the shadow of the pine
In the still of the night
In the subway
In the sunshine of His life
In the sweet by and by
In the sweet bye and bye
In the wee hours
In the wee wee hours (of the nite)
In the wilderness
In this world alone
In thought
In Thy service
In time
In trouble with the law
In walked Bud
In your arms
In your own sweet way
Indian boogie woogie
Indian giver
Indian love call
Indian river
Indian Summer
Indiana (Back home again in Indiana)
Infatuation blues
Initials in the tree
Ink dries quicker than tears
Innamarada di te
Inr kinderlein kommet
Inside information
Inside me
Inside or outside
Inside the beautiful gate
Instructions come inside
Insulated sugar
Intermezzo (from "Escape to happiness")
Intermission riff
Interstate 81
Intoxicated rat
Invercargill march
Invest your little heart in mine
Invitation waltz
Invoco te
Ira of the
Irresistible you
Is everything happy
Is it allover?
Is it fair?
Is it me
Is it this way
Is it true
Is it true (I still believe in you)
Is it yes or is it no
Is my baby mad at me
Is my lovin' too slow
Is that all I mean to you
Is this a useless war
Is you or is you ain't my baby
Is you too lazy
Is your love for real
Isle of Capri
Isn't it romantic?
Isnt' it a shame
Israel's deliverance
It ain't gonna rain no mo'
It ain't necessarily so
It ain't no big thing
It ain't no good
It ain't right
It ain't the meat
It bruised her somewhat
It came upon a midnight clear
It came upon the midnight clear
It can be found
It can't be
It can't be wrong
It can't last long
It could happen to you
It could have been you
It doesn't matter
It don't hurt no more
It don't mean a thing
It don't pay to advertise
It feels so good
It goes without saying
It had to be you
It hurts inside
It hurts me
It hurts me so
It hurts me too
It hurts my heart
It hurts to be in love
It hurts to see you go
It hurts to tell you
It is no secret
It is well
It isn't fair
It just ain't love
It just ain't right
It just tears me all to pieces
It made me happy
It may be the last time
It might as well be Spring
It must be him
It must be love
It must be wonderful
It must be you
It never entered my mind
It only hurts a little while
It seems
It seems to me
It shouldn't happen to a dog
It still suits me
It takes a long pull to get there
It takes a long pull to get there (reprise)
It takes time
It was all in vain
It was for you
It was so good
It was you
It will happen again
It won't be me
It won't be this way (always)
It won't seem like Christmas
It'll make a change in business
It'll never happen again
It's a bloody war
It's a blue world
It's a crying shame
It's a dirty shame
It's a dream
It's a gas, pt.1
It's a gas, pt.2
It's a good deal Mama
It's a highway to heaven
It's a lonely life (without you)
It's a lonely world (when you're all alone)
It's a long journey
It's a long walk back to town
It's a lovely day today
It's a low down dirty shame
It's a man's man's man's world
It's a man's man's man's world, pt.1
It's a man's man's man's world, pt.2
It's a most unusual day
It's a new day, pt.1
It's a new day, pt.2
It's a new thing now
It's a pity
It's a pity to say goodnight
It's a sad, sad feeling
It's a scream how Levine does the rhumba
It's a shame
It's a shame the way you treated me
It's a sin
It's a sin to love you like I do
It's a sin to tell a lie
It's a small world
It's a treat
It's a trifle too late
It's a wonderful world
It's ail right with me
It's all between the lines
It's all comin' down
It's all in the game
It's all over (but the tears I'll shed for you)
It's all over but the memories
It's all right now
It's all right with me
It's allover
It's alright if that's the way you feel
It's alright with me
It's always you
It's as simple as ABC
It's been a long, long time
It's been so long
It's been so long darling
It's beginning to look like Christmas
It's Christmas
It's Christmas all year 'round
It's Christmas time
It's Christmas time, pt.1
It's Christmas time, pt.2
It's cool down yonder by chilly Jordan
It's dangerous to be a husband
It's de-lovely (cha cha)
It's delovely
It's easy to remember
It's easy, child
It's enough to make anyone cry
It's gonna come out in the wash someday
It's gonna hurt you
It's gonna rain
It's grand to have someone to love you
It's hard to leave somebody that you love
It's I who loves you
It's just a habit with you
It's just between us two
It's legitimate
It's lonesome without you
It's love
It's love baby (24 hours a day)
It's love, baby
It's magic
It's Mama, she's the one
It's me who has to suffer
It's my thing
It's my thing, pt.1
It's my thing, pt.2
It's my time to go
It's no sin
It's no sin to love you
It's no use
It's not funny
It's not funny, honey
It's not so fine
It's only a paper moon
It's only sunshine
It's only you
It's our baby
It's over
It's over forever
It's praying time
It's raining here this morning
It's raining teardrops in my heart
It's sand man
It's sand, man
It's so hard to have fun and still be good
It's so hard to say I love you
It's so hard to smile
It's so new
It's so peaceful in the country
It's strange but true
It's Summertime
It's the talk of the town
It's too bad (Things are going so tough)
It's too easy to blame the weather
It's too late to change your mind
It's too late to cry
It's too late to say you were wrong
It's too soon to know
It's twistin' time
It's what's happening baby
It's wonderful
It's wrong to love you but I do
It's you (You're not the stepping out kind)
It's you I'm thinking of
It's you or no one
It's you, just you
It's you, you, you
It's your game, Mary Jane
It's your time to be blue
Itch with me
Itchy fingers
Itchy twitchy feeling
Ivory tower
J'aime t'embrasser
J.B. Boogie
J.J. Special (Jonah Jones special)
Ja-Hoosey baby
Jack and Jill boogie
Jack Rabbit
Jack the bear
Jack's idea
Jackson Schottische
Jacob's ladder
Jacob's vision
Jail bird
Jail house rock
Jailhouse blues
Jake is a fake
Jam for your bread
Jam on toast
Jamaica rum
Jamboree Jones
James Brown house party
Jammin' and jumpin'
Jammin' on down
Janie made a monster
Jay's blues, pt.1
Jay's blues, pt.2
Jazz city blues
Jazz City workshop
Jazz happy feet
Jazz in D minor suite (3 movements)
Jazz lips
Jazz me blues
Jazz pizzicato boogie
Jealous duet
Jealous fate
Jealous heart
Jealous hearted woman
Jealous love
Jealous man
Jealous woman
Jeanie Marie
Jeannine I dream of lilac time
Jeannine, I dream of lilac time
Jeb's black hourse brigade
Jeep's blues
Jeepers creepers
Jelly roll baker
Jennie from Jamaica
Jennie, get your hoe cakes done
Jenny Lynn
Jersey bounce
Jersey rock
Jesse James prayed
Jessie James
Jesus and Mother
Jesus answers my prayer
Jesus bears the cross
Jesus brought me
Jesus died
Jesus died upon the cross
Jesus don't give up on me
Jesus hold my hand
Jesus I love you
Jesus is a rock
Jesus is all the world
Jesus is all the world to me
Jesus is God's atomic bomb
Jesus is going to make up my dying bed
Jesus is gone, but He's coming back again
Jesus is His name
Jesus is mine
Jesus is my friend
Jesus is real to me
Jesus is standing at the right hand
Jesus is the one
Jesus is the rock
Jesus is waiting
Jesus knows
Jesus knows about my troubles
Jesus knows the reason why
Jesus loves us all
Jesus made a change
Jesus met the woman at the well
Jesus never fails
Jesus never left me
Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus paid it all
Jesus pleaded our case
Jesus prayed
Jesus precious King
Jesus savior, pilot me
Jesus saviour, pilot me
Jesus will be your best friend
Jesus will fix it
Jesus will move every burned out of your life
Jesus will save your soul
Jesus' blood
Jesus, food of angels
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all
Jesus, my Lord, my King
Jesus, the light of the world
Jesus, wonderful one
Jetz geht's los
Jilted love
Jim Dawg
Jim Day's news
Jim Wilson boogie
Jim's Bong
Jim, Peggy, the baby and me
Jimmie's jump
Jimmy caught the Dickens (pushing Ernest in the tub)
Jingle bells
Jinx and love
Jive at five
Jivin' mess
Jockey Joe
Jodie Jodie blues
Joe and me
Joe, the Mexican boy
John B
John Henry
John saw the Kingdom
John the revelator
John Three Sixteen
John's idea
Johnny come lately
Johnny cowboy
Johnny feels the blues
Johnny get your girl
Johnny had a yo yo
Johnny had a yo-yo
Johnny has gone
Johnny has gone for a soldier
Johnny Jaguar
Johnny never knew
Johnny on a pony 1-2-3
Johnny on the spot
Johnny one note
Johnny's little yo yo
Johnny's still singing
Johnny, Johnny
Johnson boys
Johnson County blues
Johnson's old grey mule
Johnson's whacks
Jole blon
Jole blon is gone, amen
Jole blon's ghost
Jole blon's sister
Jolie comme une rose
Jolly Coppersmith
Jolly old St. Nicholas
Jonah and the whale
Jonah Jones special
Jose is living the life of Reilly
Josephine please no lean on the bell
Joshua fit de battle of Jericho
Joy dust
Joy to the world
Jube's blues
Judgement's coming
Judgment day
Judgment day blues
Judy (I love you so)
Jug band jump
Jug of ale polka
Juicy (Roy's blues)
Juke box
Juke box blues
Juke box jig
Julayda (My girl friend)
Julida polka
Jumba, jumba, Catari
Jump and grunt
Jump and shout
Jump call
Jump steady
Jump, Jack, jump
Jumpin' at the Club Blue Flame
Jumpin' at the jubilee
Jumpin' at the track
Jumpin' at the Waterhole
Jumpin' at the Woodside
Jumpin' Jack flash
Jumpin' Joe
Jumpin' the blues
Jumpin' with Symphony Sid
Jumpin' with the mountain king
Jumping Jennie
Jumping with the rhumba
June bug
June is bustin' out all over
June is busting out allover
June night
Jungle dreams, pt.1
Jungle dreams, pt.2
Jungle drums
Jungle juice
Jungle king
Jungle rhumba
Jungle rock
Junior blues
Junk wagon
Just a closer walk with Thee
Just a country banjo
Just a gigolo
Just a little
Just a little bit
Just a little bit of everything
Just a little bit of lovin'
Just a little bit of soul
Just a little song each morning
Just a little talk with Jesus
Just a phone call will do
Just a piece of paper
Just a world of heartaches
Just a-diggin' and a-diggin'
Just about right
Just about then
Just another day
Just another face
Just another woman
Just as I am
Just as long as I'm with you
Just as long as Jesus lives
Just as long as you're with me
Just as soon as I get home
Just as sure
Just be glad
Just be true love
Just because
Just because you're gonna leave me
Just being you
Just call my name
Just can't quit
Just can't run away
Just crazy
Just doing rock and roll
Just don't care
Just dreamin'
Just enough room for storage
Just for a while
Just for me
Just for you
Just for your love
Just forget about me
Just friends
Just hold my hand
Just imagine
Just in case
Just in case you change your mind
Just in case you changed your mind
Just in time
Just Jesus alone
Just keep on smiling
Just let me love you
Just like a woman
Just like before
Just like for always
Just like that
Just like two drops of water
Just Max
Just me
Just moving along with a happy song
Just one kiss goodnite
Just one little kiss
Just one moment
Just one more chance
Just one more time
Just one of those songs
Just one of those things
Just out for kicks
Just out of reach
Just over in the glory land
Just over the glory line
Just pickin'
Just plain funk
Just plain love
Just pretending
Just shuckin'
Just so you call me
Just squeeze me
Just tell me when
Just that way
Just to be with you
Just to be with you again
Just to behold His face
Just too shy
Just try
Just two people in the world
Just us chickens
Just whisper
Just won't do right
Just won't move
Just you and me, darling
Just you, just me
K.C. Blues
K.C. Loving
Kaiser schutzen
Kamman's a-coming
Kansas City
Kansas City railroad blues
Katz meow
Keep a light in the window for me
Keep a light in the window of heaven
Keep a memory
Keep a-talking
Keep a-talking baby
Keep a-walkin'
Keep in touch
Keep it movin'
Keep looking up
Keep me humble
Keep moving on
Keep on churnin' (till the butter comes)
Keep on dancing
Keep on keeping on
Keep on loving me
Keep on loving you
Keep on praying
Keep on pushing your luck
Keep on the firing line
Keep on working for the Lord
Keep them cold icy fingers off of me
Keep your hands on your heart
Keep your skillet good and greasy
Keep your skirts down, Mary Ann
Keeper of heartbreak inn
Keepin' out of mischief now
Keeping myself for you
Kelly green
Kenny's hop
Kentucky home rock
Kentucky mountain
Kentucky shack
Kentucky waltz
Key West rhumba
Keys in the mailbox
Kiamish Choctow rose
Kidney stew
Kill her with kindness
Kind hearted woman blues
Kind of Moody
Kinda sorta miss you
King a ling
King bee
King Curtis stomp
King fish
King for a day
King Jesus
King lover
King Of kings
King of the road
King of the sea
King Porter special
King Porter stomp
King's spinner
Kiss me Kate selection
Kiss me quick and go
Kiss the baby
Kissin' rock drive
Kissing bug
Kissing bug boogie
Kit' n kaboodie
Kitty Clyde
Klickety klack
Kneel and pray
Kneel at the cross
Kneel down
Knock him down whiskey
Knock me a kiss
Knock on wood
Knock on wood, I feel good
Knockin' blues
Knockin' on the door of love
Know what you're doing
Knowing you as I do
Known only to Him
Knoxville girl
Ko ko
Ko ko mo
Ko ko mo (I love you so)
Kokomo's boogie
Kool it
Korea's mountain North land
L'amour, toujours l'amour
L'cha ki l'cha
L'enterrement de Cornelius
La ballade des baladins
La bamba
La bossa (The wreckin' rock)
La censura
La chaloupe
La chanson pour Roseline
La cinquantaine
La comparsa
La Comparsa (Carnival procession)
La cucara cha cha
La cucaracha
La cumparsita
La dee dab
La Golondrina
La la
La marche de Babette
La mer
La Paloma
La petite Suzon
La pioggia cadra
La plume de ma tante
La princesse de Juillet
La ronde
La Seine
La Sonadora
La Spagnola
La valse a mille temps
La vida en rosa
La vida en rosa (La vie en rose)
La vie en rose
La zandunga
Laddle, laddle, laddle on a lollipop
Lady 'round the lady
Lady be good
Lady Bird
Lady love
Lady of Spain
Lady Queen
Lady will power
Lakewood and John Marshall blues
Lament for a lover
Lament to love
Land of dreams
Landlord blues
Landslide of love
Landy roll'a
Large size Mama
Las Vegas
Last call for alcohol
Last kiss
Last laugh blues
Last mile of the way
Last night
Last night on the back porch
Last night's foolin' around
Last time out for love
Last year senior prom, this year, Viet Nam
Last year's Christmas card
Late date
Late freight
Late last night
Late late blues
Late Spring
Later for the saver
Laugh (though you want to cry)
Laughing boy
Laughing but crying
Laughing eyes polka
Laughing girl, crying boy
Laughing polka
Laughing through the tears
Lavender blue
Lavender coffin
Law scene
Lawdy lawdy lard, pt.1
Lawdy lawdy lard, pt.2
Lawdy Mama
Lawrence of Arabia
Lay down my heavy burden
Lay down your soul
Lay it on the line
Lay something on the bar (besides your gloves)
Lazy afternoon
Lazy cowboy
Lazy down
Lazy little me
Lazy mood
Lazy moon
Lazy river
Lazy soul
Lazy woman
Le bal des amours d'un soir
Le dormeur du val
Le doux caboulot
Le grand amour de ma vie
Le grisbi
Le jour ou la pluie viendra
Le marchand de bonheur
Le mur
Le musicien
Le rideau rouge
Le vieux canal
Lead me to Calvary
Lead me to that rock
Lead me, guide me
Lead on, oh King eternal
Lead the light
Leaning on Jesus
Leaning on the everlasting arms
Leaping on Lenox
Leaps and bounds, pt.1
Leaps and bounds, pt.2
Learnin' the blues
Leave it alone
Leave it to me
Leave my kitten alone
Leave that fat
Leave that liar alone
Leave us alone
Leavin' tonight
Leavin' town
Leaving Hogan's alley on the fly
Leaving you with a worried mind
Led by the Master's Hand
Lee's command
Lee's march
Left alone
Left with a broken heart
Leftover hash
Legend of the glass mountain
Leizer badchen
Lend me your love
Lengua mala
Les amoureux
Les amours de Decembre
Les cigales de St. Tropez
Les enfants qui s'aiment
Les flons flons du bal
Les memes de mon quartier
Lester leaps in
Let 'em roll
Let a man come in and do the popcorn, pt.1
Let a man come in and do the popcorn, pt.2
Let down blues
Let God breath on me
Let her go
Let in the guiding light
Let it be me
Let it rain
Let it roll again
Let it roll, pt.1
Let it roll, pt.2
Let it shine
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
Let me be
Let me be (a steppin' soul)
Let me be (Stay away from me)
Let me be a souvenir
Let me be free
Let me be the one
Let me be the one you love
Let me be your love
Let me be your man
Let me call you sweetheart
Let me come back
Let me come home
Let me come with you, pt.1
Let me come with you, pt.2
Let me cry
Let me go
Let me hold your hand
Let me in your heart
Let me keep you warm
Let me know
Let me know tonight
Let me look at myself
Let me love you
Let me love you one more time
Let me play with your poodle
Let me rest
Let me rock you baby
Let me travel alone
Let me walk with you
Let me walk, Lord, by your side
Let nobody love you
Let some love in your heart
Let that liar pass on by
Let the dice decide
Let the doorbell ring
Let the guitars sing
Let the happenings happen
Let the little girl love
Let the power fall on me
Let the school bell ring ding a ling
Let the world see Jesus in my life
Let them talk
Let there be love
Let us waltz as we say goodbye
Let your conscience be your guide
Let your light shine on Ike
Let yourself go
Let's babalu
Let's ball tonight
Let's call it a day
Let's call it over now
Let's call the whole thing off
Let's cut one
Let's dance little girl
Let's do it
Let's do it again
Let's do the stroll
Let's don't sleep again
Let's face it
Let's face the music and dance
Let's fall in love
Let's get away from it all
Let's get it on
Let's get the show on the road
Let's get together
Let's go again
Let's go again (where we went last night)
Let's go Charleston
Let's go to Jesus
Let's go to the fair
Let's go upstairs
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's grow old together
Let's have a good time
Let's have a natural ball
Let's jump
Let's light the Christmas tree
Let's live for love
Let's live for tonight
Let's live it up
Let's make believe
Let's make Christmas mean something this year
Let's make every day a Christmas day
Let's make everyday a Xmas day
Let's make it
Let's make up tonight, honey
Let's motor
Let's move
Let's move out
Let's not wait
Let's play sweethearts again
Let's pray
Let's pretend
Let's rock while the rockin's good
Let's spend a night at the Canoga
Let's stay after school
Let's stay together
Let's surf awhile
Let's take a ride on a rocket
Let's take a walk
Let's talk our troubles over
Let's talk things over
Let's unite the whole world at Christmas
Let's work
Letter edged in black
Letter from Bermuda
Letter from home
Letter from my darling
Letter full of tears
Letter to baby
Levene does the thumba
Li'l darlin'
Liberated woman
Licking stick
Licking stick, licking stick, pt.1
Licking stick, licking stick, pt.2
Liebeslied (love story)
Liebestraum No.3
Liechtensteiner polka
Lieohtensteiner polka
Lies, lies, lies
Life can never be the same
Life gets tee-jus don't it
Life goes on and on
Life is just a bowl of cherries
Life is like a slice of cake
Life is like that
Life is nothing without music
Life lost its color (when I lost my love)
Life of Reily
Life's been so beautiful
Life's elevator
Life's little ups and downs (recitation)
Life's little ups and downs (vocal)
Life's too short
Lift your heads
Light in his soul
Light in the mansion
Light me up
Light my fire
Light of the moon
Light of the world
Light up the fire
Light up your lamp
Lightning bug
Lightning struck my heart
Lights out
Like a baby
Like a ship at sea
Like Baying something
Like boy, like girl
Like someone in love
Like you and me
Lilac wine
Lili Narlene
Limbo (The land of In-between)
Limbo jimbo
Limehouse blues
Lindy Lou
Ling ting tong
Linger awhile
Linville Schottische
Lion's roar
Lips that lie
Lipstick traces
Lisbon antigua
List'nin' to the green grass grow
Listen to me sing the blues
Listen to my heart
Listen to my music
Listen to the mocking bird
Listen with an open heart
Little adobe shack
Little April shower
Little baby be mine
Little Benny
Little Bessie
Little bill at Christmas
Little birdie
Little black train
Little blossom
Little book
Little boy again
Little boy blues storm
Little boy spelling
Little brown jug
Little community church
Little country preacher
Little darling pal of mine
Little David play on your harp
Little Dobie shack
Little Eva
Little fellow
Little foundling
Little girl
Little girl blue
Little girl don't cry
Little girl don't cry, little boy don't cry
Little girl of mine
Little girl, don't cry
Little green apples
Little groove maker me
Little groove maker, pt.1
Little groove maker, pt.2
Little Jack Horner
Little Jane
Little Jim
Little Jimmy, the crippled child
Little Joan
Little Joe
Little John blues
Little Klinker
Little landslide
Little Liza Jane
Little Maggie
Little Mary
Little Miss Bobby Sox
Little Miss Linda
Little Miss Muffet
Little mountain road
Little old locket of gold
Little ole you all
Little orphan Annie
Little pal
Little Pixie
Little red school house
Little red wagon
Little rock getaway
Little rockin' chair
Little Sally Walker
Little school girl
Little serenade
Little things mean a lot
Little things we used to do
Little Tillie Willie
Little tow head
Little turtle dove
Little white house by the side of the road
Little white lies
Little white washed chimney
Little Willie
Little woman blues
Live and learn
Live and love for baby
Live by His word
Live it up
Live so God can use you
Livery stable blues
Livin' it up
Livin' without you
Living for Jesus
Living in a house of sin
Living in misery
Living in the gloryland
Living legend, pt.1
Living legend, pt.2
Liza Brown
Liza Jane
Lo, how a rose
Loaded with love
Loan me a buck
Lock me in your heart
Lock, stock and barrel
Locked in my heart
Locked out
Loco limbo
Locomotive polka
Lollipop Mama
Lollypop Mama
London pageant
Lone star blues
Lonely and blue
Lonely and longing for you
Lonely blues
Lonely boy in love
Lonely broken heart
Lonely cabin
Lonely drifter
Lonely girl
Lonely girl, lonely boy
Lonely heart
Lonely heart, anxious kisses
Lonely hill
Lonely I wait
Lonely lips
Lonely little robin
Lonely man
Lonely me
Lonely moon
Lonely mountain
Lonely one
Lonely rain
Lonely room
Lonely star
Lonely street
Lonely teardrops
Lonely telephone
Lonely tombs
Lonely world
Lonesome 7-7203
Lonesome and driftin'
Lonesome day
Lonesome dollar Bill
Lonesome for someone
Lonesome guitar
Lonesome lover
Lonesome lullaby
Lonesome man blues
Lonesome midnight
Lonesome morning blues
Lonesome night
Lonesome road
Lonesome sailor's dream
Lonesome train
Lonesome traveler
Lonesome truck driver
Lonesome truck driver's blues
Lonesome wind blues
Lonesome with you
Long 'bout midnight
Long ago
Long ago and far away
Long dark hallway
Long distance
Long gone
Long gone lonesome blues
Long gone, pt.1
Long gone, pt.2
Long journey home
Long long ago
Long old road
Long playing Daddy
Long time baby
Long time gone
Long time waiting
Long train blues
Long white line
Long, long dresses
Long, long time
Longin' for you to come home
Look at little sister
Look at me
Look for me in heaven
Look for me in heaven, I'll be there
Look Ma, I'm cryin'
Look me in the eyes
Look on the brighter side
Look out your window
Look to the sea
Look what I got
Look what you've done to me
Looka here
Lookie lookie lookie
Lookin' for a man
Lookin' for my Jesus
Lookin' for somebody new
Looking ahead
Looking at you
Looking for a boy
Looking for a friend
Looking for a girl
Looking for a lover
Looking for a woman
Looking for someone to love
Loop de loop
Loose walk
Lope City
Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy, please
Lord I'll go
Lord I'm yours
Lord is that me
Lord Jesus, pt.1
Lord Jesus, pt.2
Lord knows I tried
Lord use me
Lord you been so good to me
Lord you've been good to me
Lord, come see about me
Lord, here I am
Lord, remember me
Lord, Thou hast been
Los Angeles
Losing battle
Losing your mind
Lost and doomed
Lost child
Lost in a fog
Lost in sin
Lost in this great big city
Lost Indian
Lost John boogie
Lost love
Lost my faith in you
Lost my woman
Lost on a sea of sorrow
Lost someone
Lost time
Lost train
Lot of money
Lotus blues
Lotus land
Lotus land, pt.1
Lotus land, pt.2
Lou's blues
Loud mouth Lucy
Louie Louie
Louisiana hop
Louisiana twist
Louisiana woman
Love ain't nothin' but candy
Love all night
Love and blue
Love and the weather
Love bird
Love birds
Love bound
Love call waltz
Love can't be beat
Love died tonight
Love don't love nobody
Love drops
Love for love
Love for sale
Love goes round an' round
Love gone, love returned
Love have mercy
Love I found you
Love in rhyme
Love in the first degree
Love is a fortune
Love is a funny thing
Love is a losing game
Love is a many splendored thing
Love is a simple thing
Love is a song
Love is a wonderful thing
Love is all we need
Love is blue
Love is crazy
Love is here to stay
Love is in the air
Love is just a bug
Love is just around the corner
Love is like a gamble
Love is like rain
Love is love
Love is strange
Love is the light (that leads me home)
Love is the sweetest thing
Love letters
Love letters in the sand
Love lifted me
Love locked out
Love made a U turn
Love makes the world go 'round
Love me
Love me a little bit less
Love me baby
Love me cherry
Love me darling
Love me darling just tonight
Love me like I love you
Love me now
Love me one more time
Love me or leave me
Love me or leave me alone
Love me or let me go
Love me or please let me be
Love me sweet
Love me tonight
Love me, love me not
Love my love
Love of my life
Love or a game
Love please come home
Love potion No.9
Love row
Love slave
Love song
Love struck
Love sweet love
Love talk
Love that boy
Love that gal
Love that man
Love that man of mine
Love theme from "Romeo and Juliet"
Love to spare
Love walked in
Love was in the air
Love wasn't there
Love what are you doing to my heart
Love will never reach me
Love ya
Love you with all my might
Love's last word is spoken
Love's old sweet song
Love's sweet water
Love, gloom, cash, love
Love, here is my heart
Love, life and money
Love, love, love
Love, love, love dream
Love, oh love
Love, oh love (Where can you be)
Love, oh love please come home
Love, please stay
Love, rock and thrill
Love, sweet love
Loved ones are waiting
Loveless island
Lovely hula hands
Lovely lady
Lovely Springtime
Lover blues
Lover come back to me
Lover let me be
Lover man
Lover man (Oh, where can you be)
Lover man blues
Lover man, oh where can you be
Lover's gold
Lover's moon
Lover's quarrel
Lover's rendezvous
Lover's stroll
Lovers and losers
Lovers only
Lovin' guitar man
Lovin' machine
Lovin' man
Loving baby
Loving care
Loving machine
Low and lonely
Low down
Low down dog
Low down hoe down
Low down sweet chariot
Low down woman blues
Low flame
Low land blues
Lowdown popcorn
Lowdown popcorn, pt.1
Lowdown popcorn, pt.2
Lucky buck
Lucky dreamer
Lucky heart
Lucky Lee
Lucy Lee
Lullaby for Leslie
Lullaby of Birdland
Lullaby of Broadway
Lullaby of the leaves
Lulu from Honolulu
Lulu's back in town
Lunceford special
Luscious woman
Lush life
Lying woman blues
Ma baby
Ma douce vallee
Ma-lika-you (Pizza pie)
Mabel' s dream
Mabel, Mabel
Mack the knife
Mack the knife concerto
Mack's hoedown
Mad about the boy
Mad about you
Mad boogie
Madalena (This night)
Madam X
Made for me
Madelinka polka
Mademoiselle de Paree
Madrecita linda
Maggie doesn't work here anymore
Maggie get the hammer
Maggie's brown jug
Magic tango
Magic wand
Maid of Cadiz
Maiden's prayer
Mail order woman
Mailman's sack
Mainer's breakdown
Mainer's jews harp
Mairzy doats
Mais oui
Mais qu'est-ce que j'ai?
Maitre Pierre
Make believe
Make believe heaven
Make love to me
Make me a present of you
Make me as strong as Samson
Make me happy
Make mine music
Make more room for Jesus
Make someone happy
Make your appointment today
Make your move
Makes me what you want me to be
Makin' love mountain style
Makin' whoopee
Making believe
Making wishes, marking time
Malcolm X
Malibu mal
Mam forgives
Mama (Don't you remember when you were young)
Mama blues
Mama darling
Mama don't agree
Mama don't allow
Mama Inez
Mama Jessie's place
Mama needs your loving, baby
Mama wants to drive
Mama's daughter
Mama, don't chase my love away
Mambo en Espana
Mambo en fa
Mambo honky tonk
Mambo jet
Mambo jumbo
Mambo lindo
Mambo Mexicano, pt.1
Mambo Mexicano, pt.2
Mambo negro
Mambo sh-mambo
Mamie in the afternoon
Man from New Orleans
Man hole
Man of the hour
Man on the moon
Man with a horn
Man's best friend
Man's drunk again
Man, have I got troubles
Managua, Nicaragua
Manchmal traum ich vom kornfeld (Sometimes I dream about the cornfield)
Mandolino serenade
Mandy, mandy
Mansion in the sky
Maple leaf rag
March of the angels
March of the Siamese children
March on, Cincinnati
Maria Elena
Maria my own
Marie Lavore
Marie, Marie
Marine's hymn
Mariquita Linda
Mark III
Marriage (Mary's) Boogie
Marriage polka
Married life
Married on paper
Married women stay married
Marry go round
Marshall plan
Martin's idea on the scale
Mary Ann
Mary B
Mary dear
Mary is a grand old name
Mary Lou
Mary oh Mary
Mary, little Mary
Mary, Mary
Mary's a grand old name
Maryland, my Maryland
Mash potatoes
Mash potatoes with me
Mashed potato popcorn, pt.1
Mashed potato popcorn, pt.2
Mashed potatoes U.S.A.
Mashing potatoes
Mashuga over you
Master Jesus is a listening
Mastertone march
Mata Hari
Match box blues
Matinee hour in New Orleans
Max the factor
Max's no difference polka
May I
May I baby
May I never love again
May we all meet again
May you never be alone
Maybe good, maybe bad, pt.1
Maybe good, maybe bad, pt.2
Maybe I won't want you
Maybe I'll understand, pt.1
Maybe I'll understand, pt.2
Maybe it's all for the best
Maybe she would like to know
Maybe some rainy day
Maybe the last time
Maybe you will change your mind
Maybe you'll miss me when I'm gone
Mazinketantz, schweger tantz, potch tantz
McArthur Park
McDonald's streamlined farm
Me and my crazy self
Me and my mule
Me and my shadow
Me and the doggone blues
Mean bad and evil blues
Mean Mama blues
Mean old Bud bug blues
Mean old world
Mean to me
Meanest man in town
Meaning of love
Mecca flat blues
Medicine springs
Medley of Walt Disney fantasy
Meet me at the station
Meet me on the corner
Meet me tonight in dreamland
Meet me when they play the blues
Meet me with your black dress on
Meet Miss Pippin
Meet Mr. Callaghan
Meet the sun half way
Mein hut der hat drei ecken
Melancholy Madeline
Melancholy serenade
Mellophone mambo
Mellow blues, pt.1
Mellow blues, pt.2
Mellow bone
Melody in B flat
Melody in F
Melody in F cha cha
Melody of a dreamer
Melody of love
Memories always linger on
Memories of Mother
Memories of the ballet
Memories of the late great
Memories of you
Memory of the rain
Memory waltz
Memphis blues
Men of Ohio
Mercy me
Mercy, mercy, mercy
Mercy, mercy, Percy
Merle's buck dance
Merry Christmas (to you)
Merry Christmas baby
Merry Christmas I love you
Merry Christmas my baby and a very very happy New Year
Merry Christmas to all
Merry Christmas to Michael
Merry mambo
Merry widow
Merry widow selection
Merry widow waltz
Mes mains
Message of love
Message to pretty
Messin' around with the blues
Messin' up
Messing with the blues
Mexicali rose
Mexican hat dance
Mexican Joe
Mexican vodka
Mi arrendo
Mi bella mia
Mi nueva amor
Miami Beach rhumba
Miami Beach rumba
Middle of the night
Midnight and day
Midnight bells
Midnight blues
Midnight cowboy
Midnight hour
Midnight in Luxembourg
Midnight in Paris
Midnight jump
Midnight lover man
Midnight mirage
Midnight mist
Midnight moon
Midnight on Central Avenue
Midnight ramble
Midnight ramblin' tonight
Midnight rider
Midnight special
Midnight storm
Midnight sun
Midnight tears
Midnight train
Midnite mist
Mighty fine
Mighty mighty man
Milano blues
Milenberg joys
Military Wedding
Milk dreamland for two
Milky white way
Millions couldn't buy your love from me
Milt to the Hilt
Milton's kilts boogie
Milwaukee polka
Mind your own business
Mine again
Mine and mine alone
Mine forevermore
Minky and Pinkie
Minor intrusion
Minor matters
Minor pulsations
Minor seventh heaven
Minute waltz
Miracle of Fatima
Miracle of love
Mirror blues
Mis'ry and the blues
Misbelieving baby
Miser's serenade
Miserable man blues
Miseria walk
Miss Anna B
Miss Fanny Brown
Miss Fanny Brown returns
Miss Finegold
Miss heartache
Miss Hula
Miss Jimmie
Miss K.C.'s fine
Miss Rubberneck Jones
Miss Sadie Jane
Miss shake it
Miss the love (that I've been dreaming of)
Miss twister
Miss you so
Miss, miss mistreater
Missile ride
Missing in action
Mississippi cake walk
Mississippi jazz boat
Mississippi sawyer
Mississippi shore
Missouri waltz
Missy Ann
Mistake in life
Mister blue
Mister dream
Mister Fool
Mister Glenn
Mister Honky Tonk (from Christopher Street)
Mister midnight
Mister Pitiful
Mistreated blues
Mistreated woman
Misty moon
Mit sach und pack
Mix the boogie with the woogie
Moanin' and stompin' blues
Moanin' low
Moanin' the blues
Moaning blues
Moaning the blues
Mobile boogie
Mocking bird
Mocking bird yodel
Moderner liebestraum
Mohair Sam
Mohawk squaw
Molly Malone
Mom, won't you teach me to monkey
Moments like this
Momma says it's naughty
Momma, Momma, Momma
Mona Lisa
Monastery bells
Monday date
Monday mornin' blues
Money (That's what I want)
Money and gold, pt.1
Money and gold, pt.2
Money and women
Money bag woman
Money can't buy love
Money can't buy true love
Money won't change you, pt.1
Money won't change you, pt.2
Money, marbles and chalk
Money, money, money
Money, money, money, money
Monk's mood
Monkey business
Monkey donkey
Monkey hips and rice
Monkey monkey (You do it like this)
Monkey tonight
Monsieur le Duc
Monster party
Mood indigo
Moon and sand
Moon dreams
Moon love
Moon nocturne
Moon rise
Moon river
Moon river (from "Breakfast at Tiffany's")
Moon song
Moon tan
Moon's blues
Moon's tune
Moonglow & theme from Picnic
Moonlight and shadows
Moonlight in Vermont
Moonlight on my cabin
Moonlight on the Ganges
Moonlight serenade
Moonrise over Pali
Moonshine polka
More and more
More mess on my thing, pt.1
More mess on my thing, pt.2
More precious than silver or gold
More than you know
More, more, more
Morning blues
Morning side of the mountain
Morning star polka
Morning view
Morse code
Mosey on
Moten swing
Mother and Daddy are gone
Mother call my name in prayer
Mother don't you cry
Mother knows best
Mother left me her Bible
Mother Macree
Mother popcorn, pt.1
Mother popcorn, pt.2
Mother's flower garden
Mother's footsteps guide me on
Mother's name lives in my heart
Mother's only sleeping
Mother's plea
Mother's prayers are not in vain
Mother's prayers have followed me
Mother's son
Mother, dear mother
Motor city boogie
Motor head baby
Motorcycle boogie
Mountain church
Mountain dew
Mountain greenery
Mountain mambo
Mountain maw
Mountain oysters
Mountain Rosa Lee
Mountain Rosalee
Mountaineer always free
Mourning love (Lovey dovey time)
Mousy, Lucy and Bureau
Move it on over
Move me baby
Move on
Move over there woman
Move, move, move
Movin' along
Movin' on down the line
Movin' on now
Movin' time
Moving up
Mr. Astronaut
Mr. Ballard
Mr. Blues is coming to town
Mr. Bojangles
Mr. Bottle
Mr. Cool
Mr. Dollar
Mr. Fool
Mr. Goodtime
Mr. Hound Dog's in town
Mr. Jones (is a bad man)
Mr. Lonely
Mr. Piano player
Mr. Pride
Mr. Sandman
Mr. Snow
Mr. Trumpet man
Mr. Tuff Stuff
Mrs. Santa Claus
Much as I love you
Much later
Mud puddle
Muddy sea of sin
Muddy water
Mule milk
Mule train
Mumbles blues
Muscle bound
Music for a space station
Music for walking
Music maestro please
Music southern style
Music to count my teardrops by
Music to love by
Music you and me
Music, music, music
Musically yours
Muskrat ramble
Must go out to play
Must I cry again
Must you go
Must you keep on pretending
Mustang '65
Mustang (She's what you've been looking for)
Mustang Sally
Muttle is subtle today
My adobe hacienda
My angel
My Annabelle Lee
My baby and me
My baby changes like the weather
My baby dearest darling
My baby don't love me
My baby done left me
My baby is back
My baby just cared for me
My baby just cares for me
My baby keeps rollin'
My baby misses me too
My baby please
My baby's in love with another guy
My baby's 3-D
My baby's acting funny
My baby's all right
My baby's back home
My baby's boogie woogie
My baby's gone
My baby's got flat feet
My baby's tops
My beloved
My best wishes and regards
My big brass bed is gone
My biggest mistake
My biggest thrill
My blessed savior
My blue heaven
My blues are gone
My body belongs to God
My book of souvenirs
My boy flat top
My boy flat-top
My brand of loving
My bright tomorrow
My broken heart can't forget
My brother
My brother's bride
My building
My candy man
My Carolina gal
My Christmas tree
My concerto
My confession
My confession of love
My conscience is letting you go
My conscience never bothers me
My crazy heart
My cross eyed gal
My crucified one
My darlin' Ben
My darlin' honey baby
My darling Ann
My darling remember
My darling's not my darling anymore
My days are blue
My dear one
My dearest
My deceitful heart
My DeLuxe
My ding-a-ling
My dream
My dream just passed
My eyes are still dry
My faith is built upon the rocks
My faith looks up to Thee
My falling tears
My fantasy
My fate is in your hands
My Father's mansion
My first and my last love
My foolish heart
My forgiveable sin
My Fraulein waltz
My friend Jesus
My friends
My funny Valentine
My gal Sal
My girl
My God called me this morning
My God is a mighty man
My God is coming to us
My God is real
My God's getting us ready
My God's highway
My greatest need
My guitar is my sweetheart
My guy's come back
My handsome Molly
My happiness
My heart
My heart at Thy sweet voice
My heart believes
My heart belongs to Daddy
My heart can't understand
My heart cried out
My heart echoes
My heart goes thump thump
My heart is an open book
My heart is fixed
My heart jumped
My heart needs someone
My heart says no
My heart stood still
My heart tells me
My heart will be cryin'
My heart's not in it
My hero
My home America
My home in the sky
My home is down in Dixie
My home is in the sky
My home is no home without you
My home over there
My hope is built
My house is not a home
My hula baby
My ideal
My in laws made an outlaw out of me
My inspiration
My isle of golden dreams
My Jesus prayed
My Josephine
My kind of girl
My kind of trouble is you
My kinda girl
My last affair
My last call
My last hour
My life is in His hands
My life is no bed of roses
My life, my loved one
My little angel
My little angel child
My little baby
My little buckaroo
My little girl
My little grass shack in Kealakekua, Hawaii
My little nagging wife
My little son's plea
My little suede shoes
My little wild rose of the hills
My lonely heart
My lonely hour
My lonely prayer
My long skinny lanky Sarah Jane
My Lord done what He said
My Lord's going to set me free
My Lord's gonna move this wicked race
My love
My love for you
My love for you would fill ten pots
My love is coming down
My love is draggin'
My love is everything
My love needs company
My love song to you
My love will never change
My lovely Maria
My loving baby
My machine
My main trial is yet to come
My make believe baby
My Mama's boy friend
My man
My man boogie
My man is gone
My man is gone now
My man's gone now
My melancholy baby
My mojo and my lodestone
My most miserable Christmas
My mother's Bible
My mother's child
My mother's dying message
My mother's eyes
My mother's prayer
My mother's prayers
My mother's tear stained Bible
My my baby
My my darling
My name ain't Annie
My Natch'l man
My nerves
My new love
My old flame
My old hound dog
My old Kentucky home
My old Red River home
My old soldier always tries
My once a-week love
My one desire
My one true love
My only flower (Please come back to me)
My pillow stays wet
My playful baby's gone
My poor heart
My prayer
My prayer tonight
My precious baby girl
My precious love
My Rapp
My reason
My redeemer lives again
My reverie
My romance
My room
My rose garden
My runaway heart
My saddest mistake (took my son from me)
My shawl
My shepherd is God
My shining hour
My shoes must have followed you
My side of life
My sin
My sinful past
My sins of yesterday
My soldier boy
My song
My song while we dance
My soul couldn't rest contented
My soul shall be satisfied
My special dream
My story
My sugar is so refined
My sugar queen
My sugar sugar
My sun is going down
My sunrise
My sweet baby's love
My sweet Kentucky mountain home
My tears are drippin' (in the coffee that I'm sippin')
My tears will pour just like rain
My thrill is loving you
My time done come
My tissue paper heart
My title to heaven
My true confession
My true story
My turn now
My undecided heart
My wants for love
My way
My weary heart cries
My wee man
My wish
My woman blues
My wonderful one
My worst mistake
My, oh my
Mynah lament
Mysteries of life
Mystery of love
N.Y. Central
Na na, hey hey, kiss him goodbye
Nag, nag, nag
Name the song contest
Nashville lady
Nasty man blues
Nathalie s'en va
Natural born gamblin' man
Natural born lover
Nature boy
Naughty little angel
Nay nay go 'way
Near you
Nearer my love to Thee
Nearing my heavenly home
Neck bones and collard greens
Need God every hour
Need me
Need your love so bad
Nell don't wear no button up shoes
Nervous man, nervous
Never again
Never alone
Never been so lonesome
Never find a love like mine
Never get to hold you in my arms any more
Never give up a sweetheart
Never grow old
Never grow too old
Never in a hundred years
Never in a million years
Never knew
Never leave me
Never let a love grow cold
Never love no one but you
Never meant to be mine
Never mind the tears
Never more
Never on Sunday
Never say goodbye
Never trust a gypsy with your heart
Never, never
New Annie Laurie
New born again
New four-day rider
New gin mill special
New hello sunshine thing
New Jole blon
New little girl, little girl
New milk cow blues
New Mississippi River blues
New mule skinner blues
New Orleans
New Orleans lover man
New pair of shoes
New panhandle rag
New pins and needles
New Rebecca
New Sidewalks of New York
New song of the islands
New South wail
New step it up and go
New York concerto
New York sketchbook
Newport news
Newspaper boy blues
Next door
Next Sunday darling is my birthday
Next Sunday, darling, is my birthday
Next year's Junior prom
Nice and easy
Nice work if you can get it
Nickel plated
Night and day
Night and day boogie
Night beat
Night blue
Night cap
Night flight
Night flying
Night hawk prowl
Night in Tunisia
Night plane to Memphis
Night thrush
Night time is the time for making love
Night train
Night train, pt.1
Night train, pt.2
Night's curtain
Nightmare blues
Nightmare boogie
Nighty night
Nine more miles
Nine pound hammer
Nine tenths of the Tennessee river
Ninety-nine years
Nino the great Yacavino
Ninon ma Ninette
Ninth wave out
Nite and day
No alibis
No better for me
No bitter tears
No burdens pass through
No coming back
No eyes blues
No good
No good man of mine
No good Robin Hood
No good woman blues
No got de woman
No hard feelings
No heart at all
No heart to pay
No hiding place
No letter today
No longer a sweetheart of mine
No longer an orphan
No love at all
No love for me
No love tonight
No man and woman get along
No mistakin' it
No Mon, no Ron
No money, no luck blues
No more
No more blues
No more heartaches
No more heartaches, no more pain
No more in life
No more nothin' (but gettin' you off my mind)
No more roamin'
No more tears
No more worries
No more, no more
No name
No name blues
No name jive
No one
No one as sweet as you
No one but me
No one but you
No one but you know when
No one else could be
No one is sweeter than you
No one man (fits my plan)
No one to cry to
No one to love
No one to open the door
No one will ever know
No one's crying but me
No one, no sweeter than you
No other but you
No other love
No other one
No parking
No parking here
No part time love
No peace of mind
No place to lay your head
No regrets
No rock 'n 'roll tonight
No room
No rough stuff
No sad goodbyes
No says my heart
No shoes
No sign of love
No stranger
No Suh!
No te enganes corazon
No troubles bubbles
No twistin' on Sunday
No wars in heaven
No, I can't
No, it ain't
No, no, no
No, no, no, no
No, no, no, no (Don't leave me this way)
No, not a one
No.1 in the book
Noah and the ark
Nobility be bop
Nobody but you
Nobody cares
Nobody knows
Nobody knows but my baby and me
Nobody knows my trouble
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen
Nobody knows the troubles I've seen
Nobody knows you when you're down and out
Nobody listens, nobody cares
Nobody loves a fat man
Nobody loves me
Nobody loves me anymore
Nobody wants you
Nobody's business
Nobody's fault but mine
Nobody's gonna hurt you
Nobody's heart
Nobody's lonesome for me
Nobody's lovin' me
Nobody's sweetheart
Nobody's woman
Noch ein tanz (One more dance)
Noche de ronda
None but the lonely heart
Nonsei felice
Nose job
Nosey Joe
Not a hand to shake
Not just tomorrow but forever
Not mine
Not much (Do you baby)
Not my will
Not necessary
Not ours to know
Not so sleepy
Not too much twist, not too much shout
Not unloved nor unclaimed
Not until you came my way
Not until you come my way
Not wanted
Nothin' but the blues
Nothin' clickin' chicken
Nothin' else will do
Nothin' happens
Nothin' yet
Nothing at all
Nothing between
Nothing but good
Nothing but the blood
Nothing but the blues
Nothing but trouble
Nothing can change me
Nothing goes right for me (since you've been gone)
Nothing in this world (compared with you)
Nothing like this
Nothing matters anymore
Nothing more to say
Nothing too good for you
Notre amour est tout neuf
Now ain't you glad dear
Now and forever
Now at last
Now baby don't do it
Now get out
Now I got the blues
Now I know
Now I lay me down to dream
Now I lay me down to sleep
Now I'm free
Now I've got a woman
Now it can be told
Now Lord
Now or never
Now ride the "D" train
Now that I have you
Now that I need you
Now that you did it
Now the shoe is on the other foot
Now what 'cha gonna do
Now you know
Now you're in my arms
Nowhere on earth
Nowhere to run
Number four
Numi, Numi
Nurs'ry rhyme boogie
Nursery mambo
Nuttin' for Xmas
Nya, nya, nya
O amor que nada
O come all ye faithful
O come little children
O come, o come, Immanuel
O dem golden slippers
O Holy night
O little town of Bethlehem
O Lord have mercy on me
O Lord! I am not worthy
O sanctissima
O Sanctissima Sicilian
O sole mio
O Susannah
O Tannenbaum
O'Farrell, Jones and Hyde
Oak grove church
Oberek waltz
Obvious conclusions
Ocean liner bossa nova
Oceana roll
Oceans of love
Ode to Billy Joe
Ode to Monk
Of Thee I sing
Off and on
Off beat boogie
Off shore
Ogling ogre
Oh baby
Oh baby dance with me
Oh baby don't you weep, pt.1
Oh baby don't you weep, pt.2
Oh baby please
Oh baby, I want you back home
Oh baby, it scares me
Oh boy
Oh but I missed you
Oh by Jingo
Oh come all ye faithful
Oh Daddy bring that suitcase in
Oh didn't I ramble
Oh happy day
Oh Holy night
Oh John
Oh Julie
Oh little town of Bethlehem
Oh lonesome me
Oh Lord I'm glad
Oh Lord what a time, pt.1
Oh Lord what a time, pt.2
Oh Lord, I will follow Thee
Oh Lord, I wish I could sleep
Oh Lord, our Lord
Oh Lover (Hear my plea)
Oh Marie
Oh Miss Nellie
Oh Monah
Oh my aching back
Oh my Papa
Oh my soul
Oh oh Antonio
Oh oh oh baby
Oh please
Oh she's gone, gone, gone
Oh sinner man
Oh so happy
Oh sugar
Oh Susannah
Oh Suzannah
Oh Tannenbaum
Oh well, oh well baby
Oh what a beautiful morning
Oh what a time we'll have up there
Oh what I'd give
Oh why
Oh yeah
Oh yeah ah ah
Oh yeah, pt.1
Oh yeah, pt.2
Oh yes
Oh yes I love
Oh yes, I know
Oh yes, I love you
Oh! Babe
Oh! Baby
Oh! Mis'rable love
Oh! Nurse
Oh! She's gone (but not forgotten)
Oh! What a foolin'
Oh, baby
Oh, death
Oh, them saxes
Oh, where's my Bess
Oh, you beautiful doll
Oif'n Pripitchik
Oil man from Texas
Okie boogie
Oklahoma hills
Oklahoma waltz
Ol' man river
Old age boogie, pt.1
Old age boogie, pt.2
Old and in the way
Old battle ax
Old camp meeting
Old comrades
Old country church
Old devil moon
Old faithful and true love
Old fashioned
Old fashioned love
Old fashioned matrimony in mind
Old fashioned preacher
Old fashioned songs
Old flame
Old folks
Old folks at home
Old fool
Old gal and new gal blues
Old heartaches
Old home place
Old Joe Clark
Old log cabin
Old love letters
Old man river
Old mother nature
Old number nine
Old pal of yesterday
Old Paree
Old rattler
Old rattlers treed again
Old rusty trunk
Old shep
Old ship of Zion
Old soldier
Old spice
Old spinning wheel
Old time shuffle
Old Virginny rock
Ole amigo
Ole Chico
On a slow boat to China
On a Sunday afternoon
On and on
On Broadway
On Christmas Eve
On green Dolphin Street
On Mississippi
On my island of dreams
On my way to school, pt.1
On my way to school, pt.2
On that naggin' wife of mine
On the Alamo
On the banks of the lonely river (ten thousand miles away)
On the banks of the Ohio
On the banks of the wabash
On the battlefield
On the beach at Waikiki
On the Hook
On the isle
On the Jericho road
On the loose
On the road to freedom
On the street of regret
On the street where you live
On the sunny side of the street
On the trail
On top of old Smokey
On top of old Smoky
Once a fool
Once and for all
Once I believed
Once I had a love
Once in a dream
Once in a while
Once in love blues
Once in love with Amy
Once to every heart
Once upon a time
Once upon a time today
Once you find your guy
One and one is two baby
One at a time
One brief Summer
One broken heart
One broken heart (All alone)
One broken heart for sale
One Buffalo (You mean a nickel)
One chance
One day (You're gonna need me)
One day like this
One day not so long ago
One day religion
One fine day
One fine gal
One finger melody
One for my baby
One for the Monk
One good cry
One good reason
One hand loose
One has my name
One heart, one love, one life
One heartache too many
One honest love
One horse town, pt.1
One horse town, pt.2
One horse town, pt.3
One horse town, pt.4
One hundred years
One kind word from you
One kiss
One life, one love
One love, two love
One man blues
One man's loss (is another man's gain)
One minute
One mistake
One moment with you
One monkey don't stop no show
One more heart
One more time
One night of love
One night only
One o'clock jump
One of a kind mambo
One of these days
One of these mornings
One of those days
One sided love
One sided love affair
One step around
One stop
One sweet letter from you
One track
One track love
One track mind
One two three Alairy
One way
One word
One zippy zam
One, two, three kick blues
One-zy two-zy
Onion rings
Only a dream
Only a look
Only a matter of time
Only a whisper away
Only eighteen
Only forever
Only heaven knows
Only in a dream world
Only in dreams
Only make believe
Only me
Only one love
Only the embers remain
Only the lonely
Only you
Only you (and you alone)
Only young once
Oo la la
Oo wee
Oo wee babe
Oo-wee but I do
Oochi pachi
Ooh bah baby
Ooh bop sha boo
Ooh chica
Ooh ee baby
Ooh la la
Ooh midnight
Ooh ooh baby
Ooh! Ain't it wonderful
Ooo, sometimes
Opa blues
Open door, open arms
Open house
Open road
Open the door Richard
Open the window
Open up the back door
Open up the gates
Opera (All of us)
Opportunity is knockin' at your door
Opus X-3
Orange blossom special
Orange colored sky
Orchids in the moonlight
Oriental cha cha
Oriental moods
Oriental moon
Original Dixieland one step
Original Dixieland one-step
Original sweet black angel
Ory's creole trombone
Ory's creole trumpet
Oscar rides again
Osie's oasis
Other lips, other arms
Our album of love
Our anniversary
Our baby's memory
Our boogie
Our darlin's gone
Our day will come
Our delight
Our fathers had religion
Our finest hour
Our kind of love
Our lady of Fatima
Our love
Our love affair
Our love is dying
Our love is gone
Our love is here to stay
Our love will show the way
Our red headed son
Our serenade
Our very own
Our waltz
Our Winter love
Our worlds are not the same
Out behind the barn
Out front
Out in space
Out of a dream
Out of control
Out of my life
Out of my mind
Out of nowhere
Out of sight
Out of sight, out of mind
Out of the skillet and into the fire
Out of this world
Outside your picture frame
Outskirts of town
Over and gone
Over and under
Over in the glory land
Over my head
Over the hill
Over the line
Over the rainbow
Over the sunset hill
Over the waves
Over the waves rock
Over the waves waltz
Over yonder
Over you
Overdrive (The untouchable glide)
Overture to a famous bride
Owl hoot
Ox driver
Oxford minuet
Oye negra
P.S. I love you
Pa-paya Mama
Pacemaker boogie
Pagan love song
Page boy shuffle
Paid in full
Paint the town
Pal-ing around with you
Pale moon
Pale moonlight
Palestina, unzer heim, pt.1
Palestina, unzer heim, pt.2
Palestinian horras
Pan American
Pan American boogie
Pan handle rag
Panama rod
Panhandle country
Papa Jack
Papa's getting old
Papa's got a brand new bag
Papa's got a brand new bag, pt.1
Papa's got a brand new bag, pt.2
Papa's got the wagon
Paper face
Paper love
Paper love affair
Paper promises
Pappy's banjo boogie
Para que sufras
Parade of the wooden soldiers
Pardon me
Pardon me for loving you
Pardon me old Buddy
Pardon my whiskers
Paris in the Springtime
Paris je t'aime
Paris soul food
Paris Sunday
Park Avenue fantasy
Park Avenue petite
Parrot bar boogie
Part of me
Part of my life for awhile
Partners for life
Pass around the apples
Pass me not
Passing fancy
Passing of time
Passing zone blues
Passion blues
Passion flower
Pasta fasula
Path finder
Patience and fortitude
Pattern my life
Pattin' with Pate
Paul and Silas
Paul Gayten's blue prelude
Paul's mission
Pauvre Hobo (Hobo's blues)
Pay day jump
Peace in the valley
Peace of mind
Peace, peace
Peace, peace my children
Peaceful man
Peach tree street boogie
Peaches and cream
Peachy pie
Peacock alley
Peacock blues
Peacock patrol
Peas and rice
Pedal pushin' Papa
Pee Jay
Pee Wee
Peepin' Tom
Peeping Tom
Peg O' my heart
Peg pants
Pega palo
Peggy O'Neil
Peggy Sue
Pennies from heaven
Pennsylvania polka
Penny blows his top
Penny pinchin' Mama
Penthouse serenade
Peola Brown
People are together
People from another world
People will say we're in love
People will say we're in love (p.662)-
People will talk
Percy speaks
Percy's place
Perdido Street
Perfect joy
Perhaps it is better that way
Perpetual motion
Person to person
Pet milk blues
Peter blue and jasper too
Peter blues and jasper too
Pharo's daughter
Phfft! You were gone
Phil's mood
Philadelphia lawyer
Philly dog '67
Phoney woman blues
Photograph of you
Phweedah 5
Piano boogie
Piano breakdown
Piano concerto
Piccadilly Circus
Pick and hold
Pick me up on your way down
Pick me up, Lord
Pick yourself up
Pick' n'Pat
Pickin' Willie
Picking sweethearts
Picnic in the woods
Picture of you
Picture on the wall
Pieces of my heart
Pied piper
Pied piper from Islip
Pig ears and rice
Pig in the pen
Pig latin blues
Pigtails on parade
Pin ball blues
Pin ball millionaire
Pine tree, pine over me
Pineapple polka
Pinetop's boogie
Piney Brown blues
Ping pong
Pink and purple pills
Pink clouds
Pink ice
Pink panther
Pipeliner blues
Piper's patrol
Pistol packin' Mama
Pistol packing Mama
Pitchfork and shovel
Plain gold ring
Planting rice
Platinum fox
Play fellow
Play our favorite tango
Play the field
Play the music
Play vibes, play
Play, Cozy, play
Playing around
Playtime blues
Playtime polka
Pleading at midnight
Pleading blues
Please accept my love
Please answer my letter
Please baby please
Please be careful
Please be good to me
Please be kind
Please be my sunshine
Please be true
Please believe in me
Please come back
Please come back to me
Please come home for Christmas
Please don't be mad at me
Please don't be sorry for me
Please don't cry any more
Please don't ever let me go
Please don't feel sorry for me
Please don't go
Please don't go-o-o-o-oh
Please don't laugh when I cry
Please don't leave, please don't go
Please don't run away
Please don't talk about me when I'm gone
Please don't think I'm nosey
Please excuse my manners
Please forgive me
Please give my heart a break
Please have mercy
Please honey don't go
Please Louise
Please love me baby
Please Mr. Sun
Please open your heart
Please pretty baby
Please remember me
Please remember that I love you
Please say you're mine
Please set me free
Please stay by me
Please stop and listen
Please tell me baby
Please think it over
Please think of me
Please try to love me
Please understand
Please unlock the door
Please wait for me
Please, Johnny, don't you take my life
Please, please forgive me
Please, please, please
Pleasing you
Pledging my love
Plenty good room
Plink plank plunk
Pocket change
Poet and Peasant rumhature
Poison Ivy
Polka dot and moonbeams
Polka dots and moonbeams
Polka for two
Polly wolly doodle
Polly wolly doodle olay
Polly's blues
Polly's song
Pompton turnpike
Pony boy
Pony stop
Pony tail partner
Pony time
Poor boy
Poor butterfly
Poor Ellen Smith
Poor Joe
Poor little dancing girl
Poor little Liza, poor girl
Poor little rich girl
Poor old Joe
Poor rambler
Pop corn polka
Pop goes the weasel
Pop up song
Popcorn Charlie
Popcorn crazy
Popcorn with a feeling
Popcorn with a feeling, pt.2
Poppin' the whip
Popsie (Early morning boogie)
Porgy's prayer
Port to Portal pay
Port wine
Porter's groove
Portrait of a faded love
Portrait of Ucha
Post office
Pot likker
Potato head blues
Pots and pans
Pouring down rain
Poverty stricken
Pow wow boogie
Powder puff
Powder your face with sunshine
Power of the Lord
Powerful love
Practice what you preach
Praise God! He loves everybody
Praise God, I'm ready to go
Praise Him
Praise the Lord (Salvation has been brought down)
Pray for Jesus
Pray for me
Pray for the boys
Prayer bells of heaven
Prayer of a truck driver's son
Prayer of a waiting world
Praying for God's amazing grace
Preach the word
Preacher's making eyes at me
Precious Father
Precious jewel
Precious little sweetheart
Precious Lord
Precious memories
Precious minutes (I can really call mine)
Prelude in C sharp minor
Prelude No.7
Prelude to a kiss
Premiers pas
Prepare me, O lord
Press on
Pretty baby won't you come home
Pretty blonde-jole blon
Pretty eyed baby
Pretty huggin' baby
Pretty is as pretty does
Pretty juke box
Pretty little baby
Pretty little Miss in the garden
Pretty little tattle tale
Pretty little thing
Pretty little things called girls
Pretty moon
Pretty one
Pretty Polly
Pretty ways
Prima donna
Prince of players
Priscilla Brown
Prison bound blues
Prisoner of love
Prisoner's farewell
Private property
Procession of the nobles
Prom rag
Proud heritage march
Proud lady heart stealer
Prove your love
Psycho mambo
Puddin' head Jones
Pull down the blinds
Pull down the shade Marie
Pull down the shade, Marie
Pull down the shades, Marie
Pulling strings
Pulling through
Pum pa lum
Puppy for sale
Purple robe
Push and shove
Pusheart serenade
Put a tiny little light in your window
Put another chair at the table
Put it back
Put it on the cuff
Put me in your pocket
Put out the light
Put some meat on them bones
Put the chain on the door
Put your arms around me honey
Put your arms around me, honey
Put your little foot
Put your mind on me
Put your shoes on Lucy
Put your thing on me
Puxico polka
Puzzle of love
Quackity quack
Quaker City
Quand elle est la
Quand tu n'es pas la
Quando noite
Quando vien la sera
Quarantined love
Que Jay
Queen Bee (blues)
Queen boogie (Lotsa boogie)
Queen of diamonds
Queen of hearts
Queen of the harvest
Queen of the twist
Queer things
Quick as a flash
Quick sand
Quiet Dad
Quiet evening waltz, pt.1
Quiet evening waltz, pt.2
Quiet please
Quiet whiskey
Quieta Capulina
Quit pushin'
R.M. Blues
Ra ra roo (My dog is barking)
Rabbit eye pink and charcoal black
Race horse
Race track
Racket called love
Racoon river
Radar blues, pt.1
Radar blues, pt.2
Rag beat
Rag man boogie
Rag, rag, raggedy moon
Ragged but right
Ragged cross
Raggedy blues
Raggin' the banjo
Raggin' the scale
Rags to riches
Ragtime mambo
Ragtime melody
Rain down tears
Rain rain polka
Rainbow at midnight
Rainbow follows rain
Rainbow riot, pt.1
Rainbow riot, pt.2
Raindrop blues
Raindrops falling on my head
Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
Raindrops keep falling on my head
Raining in my hand
Rainy mornin' blues
Rainy morning blues
Rainy weather blues
Raisins and almonds
Rambler's waltz
Ramblin' blues
Ramblin' man
Ramblin' on my mind
Rang tang
Rat race
Ratio and proportion
Rattle snakin' Daddy
Rattlesnakin' Daddy
Ravel's bolero
Raw meat
Raw turkey
Razor blade
Re-bop boogie
Reach for the moon
Reach out
Read the Bible every day
Ready mix
Ready, willing and able
Real gone mambo
Real good feelin'
Real good feeling
Real good thing
Real hot boogie
Real love, true love
Real real fine, pt.1
Real real fine, pt.2
Real real gone
Real true love
Reap what you sow
Rear bumper
Reconsider me
Record hop
Recuerdos de l'Alhambra
Red ball
Red ball to Natchez
Red Boy at the Mardi Gras
Red boy is back
Red cross
Red deck of cards
Red handkerchief waltz
Red head
Red heads and blondes and brunettes
Red hot buns
Red hot love (Oo this love)
Red hot Mama
Red hot Mama and ice cold Papa
Red lights and bells
Red lilacs
Red Riding Hood blues
Red River valley
Red River valley rock
Red rose polka
Red roses for a blue lady
Red roses tied in blue
Red rosy cheeks and big brown eyes
Red shores
Red silk stockings and green perfume
Red suspender blues
Red top
Red wing
Red wing polka
Red's boogie
Regular gal
Relaxin' with Randle
Release me
Remember I feel lonesome too
Remember me
Remember me (I'm the one who loves you)
Remember me (You taught me to love)
Remember me, Lord
Remember my name in your prayers
Remington ride
Reminiscing blues
Rendez vous avec la liberte
Renfro Valley home
Reno and shuffler hornpipe
Reno ride
Respect my stroke
Rest for your soul
Restless over you
Return of Stagolee
Return to me
Return to sender
Rev. Abraham XII prayer
Rheumatism boogie
Rhumba en pueblo nuevo
Rhumba Venezia
Rhythm Mama
Rhythm of the city, pt.1
Rhythm of the city, pt.2
Rib tips
Rich blues
Rich man blues
Richmond Ruckus
Rickety Rickshaw man
Rico vacilon
Ride Hooker ride
Ride in my little red wagon
Ride on, ride on
Ride soldier, ride
Ride, Daddy, ride
Ride, jockey, ride
Riders blues
Ridin' high
Ridin' on that train
Ridin' on the moon
Riding and singing my song
Riding high
Riding home
Riding on the old Ferris wheel
Riding the roads
Riff tide
Riffin' the bass
Right around the corner
Right back to my arms
Right down front
Right from wrong blues
Right now
Right there
Ring a ding
Ring a-ling-a-ling
Ring out wild bells
Ring ring de banjo
Ring that golden bell
Ring-a-ling dong
Ringing in a brand new year
Rinky dink
Rinky dinky doo
Rio Coco
Rippin' and runnin'
Rise on Easter
Ritual fire dance
River boat dock
River get a-rollin'
River in the moonlight
River of Jordan
River of tears
River people
Riverboat shuffle
Roach's rock
Road runner
Road to sadness
Robie Dobbie
Rock -a-bye baby rock
Rock a bye baby
Rock a bye your baby with a Dixie melody
Rock a Daddy O
Rock and reel
Rock and roll blues
Rock and roll jungle
Rock and roll merry go round
Rock and roll nursery rhyme
Rock and roll wedding
Rock and roll, Mr. Bullfrog
Rock bottom
Rock candy
Rock candy heart
Rock gospel mash
Rock island line
Rock junction
Rock love
Rock Mr. Blues
Rock my soul
Rock of ages
Rock of ages, hide Thou me
Rock on
Rock that boogie
Rock, Granny, roll
Rock-a-bye baby
Rock-a-bye my baby
Rocket 69
Rocket flight
Rocket to the moon
Rockin' alone in an old rockin' chair
Rockin' and reelin'
Rockin' and rollin'
Rockin' and wailin' Daddy
Rockin' at midnight
Rockin' blues
Rockin' chair Mama
Rockin' chair money
Rockin' Mama blues
Rockin' mambo
Rockin' on the waves
Rockin' with Fes
Rockin' with Red
Rockin' with Richard
Rocking alone in an old rocking chair
Rocking pneumonia and the boogie woogie flu
Rocking up a storm
Rocks in my face
Rocks in your head
Rocky force
Rocky road
Rocky roads
Rockyn' up
Roebie's blues
Roland's theme
Roll me over
Roll my lady roll
Roll on
Roll on your weary way
Roll, roll pretty baby
Roller coaster
Rollin' on rubber wheels
Rollin' stone
Rollin' the blues
Rolling home
Rolling river
Roly poly
Romance in the dark
Romance in the stars
Romance me
Romanoff and Juliet (theme)
Romans Ten and Nine
Ronde Mexicaine
Roof top
Root hog
Rosalinda waltz
Rosanna (Girl that I love)
Rosas de plata
Rose Ann
Rose Bud
Rose garden
Rose get your clothes
Rose Marie
Rose of Mexico
Rose of Oklahoma
Rose of Tennessee
Rose of Washington Square
Rose room
Roses of Picardy
Rosetta, Rosetta
Rot gut
Rough and rocky
Rough stuff blues
Roumanian fantasy
Round and round we go
Round the world boogie
Rounder's blues
Route 66
Rover rover
Row hoe
Row row row
Row, row your boat
Row, row, row
Roy Brown boogie
Roy Brown's boogie
Royal blue
Royal garden blues
Royal wedding
Rub a little boogie
Rubber dolly
Ruby more blues
Ruby my dear
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
Rue d'Belleville
Rue Saint-Vincent
Rummy dumb Bunny
Rumors about my baby
Rumors are flying
Run baby
Run for the judgement
Run mountain (Check a little hill)
Run on
Run, children, run
Run, fool, run
Runaround heart
Runnin' away
Rushin' on home
Russel Street hustle
Russian sherr
Ruth Ann
Rye whiskey
S and S ride
S'crazy pad
Sabre dance
Sad and disappointed Jill
Sad and lonely
Sad as a man can be
Sad bad glad
Sad but true
Sad fool
Sad life
Sad moments
Sadness and sorrow
Sailing home
Sailor lad
Sailor sailor
Saint Joseph high school bounce
Saint Louis blues
Sally good in
Sally let your bangs hang down
Sally Lou
Sally trombone
Salt peanuts
Salt Pork, West Virginia
Salty dog
Salty fish big bamboo
Salvation has been brought down
Salvation is all I need
Salvation is the way
Sam the accordion man
Sam's a liar (Jambalaya)
Same old thing
Same old worry
Sample man
San Antonio rose
San Francisco Bay blues
San Francisco blues
Sand boogie
Sand in my shoes
Sand mountain blues
Sands of the Sahara
Sandy road
Sans toi je n'ai plus rien
Sans toi, je n'ai plus rien
Santa Claus gave me a new start
Santa Claus goes straight to the ghetto
Santa Claus is comin' to town
Santa Claus is coming
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is definitely here to stay
Santa Claus shuffle
Santa Claus, Santa Claus
Santa Fe blues
Santa from Santa Fe
Santa is on his way
Santa Lucia
Santa's little sleigh bells
Sarah! Sarah!
Sashay pardner half way around
Sassy "B"
Sassy fiddle
Sassy's dream
Satan is waiting
Satan takes a holiday
Satan's daughter
Satchel mouth
Satin doll
Satin pillows
Satisfied mind
Satisfying Papa
Saturday blues
Saturday night
Saturday night Daddy
Saturday night in Watts, act one
Save a foolish man
Save a kiss for me
Save a little dream for me
Save all your love for me
Save me some kisses
Save me, save me
Save your love for me
Saving my love for my baby
Savior of the world
Saviour of the old rugged cross
Savoy blues
Sax cantabile
Saxophone pads
Say "si si"
Say a little prayer for the boys over there
Say hello to yesterday
Say hey pretty baby
Say it
Say it again
Say it isn't so
Say it isn't true
Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud
Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud, pt.1
Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud, pt.2
Say it over again
Say it with music
Say si si
Say so
Say so long
Say something sweet
Say what
Say when
Scamon boogie
Scarlet town
Scenes in the City
Scheherazade suite
School bell rock
School girl
School letter
Schubert's serenade
Scott's bluff
Scotty roo
Scrap of paper
Scrapple from the apple
Scratch that itch
Scratchin' boogie
Scruds du
Se acaso voce chegasse
Sea breeze
Sea rovin' cowboy
Sealed with a kiss
Searching for your love
Season's greetings
Seat belts please
Second hand hearts
Secret love
Secrets of my heart
Section blues
See about me
See how they done my Lord
See see baby
See that baby in the lowely manger
See the sign of judgment
See us thru, Lord
See you Friday
Seek Jesus, He still may be found
Seek, seek and ye shall find
Seems like old times
Send down that rain
Send in your name and address
Send me a picture baby
Send me pretty Mama
Send me somebody
Send me the pillow (you dream on)
Send me the pillow you dream on
Senorita what's her name
Sensuous woman
Sentimental heart
Sentimental heaven
Sentimental journey
Sentimental strings
Sentimental trumpet
Separate rooms
September Bong
September in the rain
September song
Serenade from "Student Prince"
Sermon hallelujah amen
Sermon Jonah
Serpent's tooth
Set my tears to music
Set your dial on heaven
Seven come eleven
Seven days a week
Seven lonely days
Seven long days
Seven nights to rock
Seven steps
Seventh wife of the seventh son
Seventy six trombones
Sexy sexy sexy, pt.1
Sexy sexy sexy, pt.2
Sexy ways
Shackles and chains
Shades of Brown, pt.1
Shades of Brown, pt.2
Shadows of the night
Shake 'em baby
Shake 'em up (Poor Joe)
Shake 'em up baby
Shake hands with a fool
Shake it and break it
Shake it up mambo
Shake my mother's hand
Shake my mother's hand for me
Shake shake
Shake that thing
Shake, rattle and roll
Shaky Mae
Shame on me
Shame on you
Shame, shame, shame, shame on you
Share cropper's son
Sharp harp
Sharpest guy in town
She ain't been spoken for
She ain't not saint
She boodle dee, boodle dee
She burnt it
She cooked my goose
She cooks me cabbage
She cried just a minute
She did
She didn't even say hello
She didn't say yes
She don't love me
She don't need no other
She don't work
She has forgotten
She just walked in
She just won't sell no more
She left me standing on the mountain
She lost her Re-bop
She loves you
She made a mistake
She made my blood run cold
She never gets got
She put the whammy on me
She says "crazy"
She sleeps bebeath the Norris dam
She thinks I don't care
She told me she loved me
She wants me to move
She went away
She won't be my baby no more
She wouldn't do for you
She wrote it, I read it
She'll always be around
She's a backwoods woman
She's a lassie from Lancashire
She's a shady lady
She's all right
She's always there
She's done and left me
She's found somebody new
She's funny that way
She's gone
She's gone and left another broken heart
She's gone away
She's gone blues
She's gone too long
She's gone, pt.1
She's gone, pt.2
She's got a gold mine
She's got a whole lot of soul
She's got big flat feet
She's got great big eyes
She's got something
She's got wings to fly
She's just a cute thing
She's just right for me
She's just the girl I love
She's mine
She's mine, she's yours
She's more to be pitied
She's my lover
She's real fine
She's so good to me
She's so sweet
She's some daisy for 19 years old
She's taking all my money
She's the kind
She's the one
Shebar (Shebossa)
Sheik of Araby
Shenandoah waltz
Shhhhhhhh (for a little while)
Shim sham shuffle
Shim-sham shuffle
Shimmy shakin' Daddy
Shimmy sham
Shimmy shimmy
Shine on me
Shine your light to others seeking home
Sholem alechem
Shoo fly pie
Shoot the moon
Shoot the turkey buzzard
Shopping list
Short but sweet
Short dealer blues
Short man
Short shorts
Short stack
Short walk
Shorty Boo
Shorty come out from under my bed
Shorty's got to go
Shorty's gotta go
Shot gun polka
Shot is funky down here
Shotgun boogie
Shotgun polka
Shotgun wedding
Should I kiss you
Should I let you go
Shout and shimmy
Shout and sing
Shout Bamalama
Shout it
Shout little Lulie
Shoutin' on the hills of glory
Shouting with Elder Beck
Shove off
Show me
Show me the way
Show me Thy way
Showboy special
Shreveport blues
Shrimp boats (a-comin' there's dancin' tonight)
Shuckin I
Shuckin' and jivin'
Shuffle board shuffle
Shuffle town
Shufflin' boogie
Shut my mouth wide open
Shut the door
Shy Ann
Shy serenade
Si je pouvais revivre un jour ma vie
Si si nova
Si tu partais
Siam Sam
Sick and tired
Side by side
Side car cycle
Side show
Side tracked
Sidewalk boogie
Sidewalks of New York
Siesta with Sonny
Sighing boogie
Sightseeing boogie
Sign of the judgment
Signed, sealed and delivered
Signed, sealed, then forgotten
Signifying monkey
Signs by the side of the road
Signs of Christmas
Silent George
Silent laughter
Silent night
Silent partner
Silk and satin
Silly little tune
Silver bells
Silver dew on the bluegrass tonight
Silver dollar
Silver ecstasy
Silver flowers
Silver in your hair
Silver moon
Silver pussycat
Silver slipper
Silver spoon
Silver star
Silver star stomp
Silver stars
Silver sunset
Silver threads among the gold
Silver threads and golden needles
Sin timbal
Since his sweet love has rescued me
Since I don't have you
Since I fell for you
Since I gave my heart to Jesus
Since I seen your smiling face
Since I've used my Bible for a road map
Since Jesus spoke peace to me
Since my mother's dead and gone
Since we said goodbye
Since we've met
Since you left me
Since you left me dear
Since you said goodbye
Since you went away
Since you've been away
Since you've been gone
Since you've been mine
Sing along with Mitch
Sing and shout for Jesus
Sing for your supper
Sing me a hurtin' song
Sing sing sing
Sing your song, baby
Singing on the trail
Singing with the angels
Single shot
Sinner man
Sinner read the Bible
Sinner's dream
Sinner's prayer
Sinner's warning
Sinner, saved by grace
Sioux City Sue
Sioux rock
Sippin' cider
Sir Robert speaks
Sissy strut
Sister Sadie
Sit right down and call me up
Sittin' alone countin' my tears
Sittin' around
Sittin' in
Sittin' on it all the time
Sittin' on the boat dock
Sitting here on a tongue
Sitting on the curbstone
Siwi Kon
Six days on the road
Six foot hole
Six foot under and smilin'
Six months
Six months ain't long
Six months till bedtime (two years till dawn)
Six P.M.
Six to eight
Six white horses
Sixteen tons
Sixty minute man
Skaters waltz
Skee dattle to Seattle
Skeedle dum bum
Skid row
Skinny dippin'
Skinny leg woman
Skip to my Lou
Skippy Doe
Slappin' the boogie
Slaughter on 10th Avenue
Sleep my child
Sleep on
Sleep talk
Sleep walking
Sleepin' bee
Sleepy time gal
Sleigh ride
Sleigh ride in July
Slick possum
Slightly dreamy
Slightly groovy
Slightly reminiscent of her
Slim Gaillard's boogie
Slim Jim
Slim's boogie
Slim's cement boogie
Slim's stomp
Slip away
Slip knot
Slippin' around
Slippin' banjo
Slippin' in
Sloop and slide
Slooptime U.S.A
Slow blues
Slow down baby
Slow down my darling
Slow groove
Slow poke
Slow train thru Arkansas
Slow walk
Slowly going out of my mind
Slowly losing my mind
Small fry
Small small island
Smart Alec
Smiling faces
Smitty's blues
Smoke gets in your eyes
Smoke rings
Smoke stack blues
Smokey's lovesick blues
Smokie Joe's
Smokie, pt.2
Smooth ride
Smooth, slow and easy
Smothered soul
Snaggle tooth Ruth
Snake charmer
Snake hearted woman blues
Snakes and ladders
Sneaky Pete
Snow covered mound
Snow deer
Snow deer rag
Snow storm
Snuff box
Snuff dipper
Snuggled on your shoulder
So be it
So blue
So can I
So close to me
So darling
So fine
So full of love
So God can use me
So goes my heart
So good to be home
So good, so fine, you're mine
So in love
So long
So long I'm gone
So long, farewell, goodbye
So lovely
So many days
So many hard times
So many people
So much lovin'
So much tonight
So nice
So nice to be loved
So rare
So right
So sad
So sorry, so sorry
So tired
So undecided
So what
So wonderful
So-o-o good
Soft one
Soft pillow
Soft shoe shuffle
Soft soap
Soft touch
Soft warm lips
Soft winds
Softly and tenderly
Softly as in a morning sunrise
Softly calling
Sol y sombra
Soldier boy
Soldier's grave
Soldier's joy
Soldier's last letter
Soldier's return
Solid rock
Solo for guitar
Solomon's song
Some beautiful day
Some day
Some day when dreams come true
Some day you'll pay
Some enchanted evening
Some fine morning
Some kind of head
Some little someone
Some of these days
Some of these nights
Some other day, some other time
Some things will never change
Somebody call the station
Somebody cries
Somebody done stole my cherry red
Somebody else is taking my place
Somebody else's darling
Somebody knockin'
Somebody lied
Somebody loves me
Somebody new
Somebody somewhere (Hear my plea)
Somebody stole my gal
Somebody told me
Somebody touched me
Somebody's been
Somebody's been scratchin'
Somebody's got to go
Somebody's got to help me
Somebody's knockin'
Somebody's knocking at your door
Somebody's praying for you
Somebody's rose
Somebody's spoiling these women
Someday baby
Someday I'll be the one
Someday my prince will come
Someday we'll know
Someday we'll meet again
Someday you'll call my name
Someday you'll remember
Someday you'll want me to want you
Someday, after awhile (you'll be sorry)
Someday, someway
Someone from somewhere
Someone like you
Someone loves me
Someone made you for me
Someone more lonesome than you
Someone moved the ladder
Someone to love me
Someone to show me the way
Someone to treat me
Someone to watch over me
Someone who cares
Someone will love me in heaven
Someone's chasing me
Someone's rocking my dreamboat
Something about the Lord is mighty sweet
Something got a hold of me
Something got hold of me
Something got me
Something happened
Something I'm gonna be
Something in the moon that gives me a thrill
Something money can't buy
Something moves me within my heart
Something to live for
Something to remember you by
Something to remind me of you
Something told me
Something within
Something within me
Something wonderful
Something you didn't done
Something's got a hold of me
Something's gotta give
Something's wrong with my lovin' machine
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
Sometimes I wonder
Sometimes I'm happy
Somewhere (there is someone)
Somewhere down the line
Somewhere my love
Somewhere somebody cares
Son of a preacher man
Son, please meet me in heaven
Song about songs
Song bird
Song Jonah
Song man
Song of India
Song of old Hawaii
Song of the bayou
Song of the islands
Song of the vagabond
Song of the wanderer
Songs my mother used to hum
Sonny boy
Sonny's tune
Sooey, sooey baby
Soon one morning
Sophie polka
Sophisticated lady
Sorrow and sadness
Sorrow's valley
Sorry I'm so sorry
Soul food, pt.1
Soul food, pt.2
Soul jerk it baby
Soul man
Soul march
Soul of my saviour
Soul pad
Soul party
Soul power
Soul power, pt.1
Soul power, pt.2
Soul power, pt.3
Soul president
Soul pride, pt.1
Soul pride, pt.2
Soul soliloquy
Soul train
Soul with different notes
Soulful Christmas
Soulful delight
Soulful proclamation
Soulin' on the Robert E. Lee
Sound of music
Soup spoon
Sourwood mountain
Sous les ponts de Paris
Sous les toits de Paris
South Australia
South of Old San Antone
South of the border
South of the Orient
South Pacific shore
South sea island magic
Southern fried
Southern hospitality
Space guitar
Space ship
Space time
Spanish dance
Spanish guitar
Spare time Papa
Sparkling blue eyes
Sparkling eyes waltz
Speak low
Speak to me
Speak to me in my dreams tonight
Speak to me of love
Special baby
Special delivery
Special delivery stomp
Special kind of treatment
Special lesson No.1
Spend your dreams with me
Spider of the night
Spider Web
Spinning wheel
Split the ring
Spoiled hambone blues
Sportree's jump
Spotty the lonesome Pup, pt.1
Spotty the lonesome Pup, pt.2
Spotty the lonesome Pup, pt.3
Spotty the lonesome Pup, pt.4
Spring can really hang you up the most
Spring fever
Spring in Naples
Spring in old New York
Spring is here
Spring sequence
Springtime in dear old Dixie
Springtime in heaven
Squeeze me
St. Bernard polka
St. James infirmary
St. Louis blues
St. Louis Jimmy blues
St. Louis Lou
Stack of dollars
Staff in my hand
Stagger Lee
Stained glass
Stairway to the sea
Stairway to the stars
Stairway to the Steinway
Stand by me
Stand in line
Stand up and get funky
Standing alone
Standing at the edge of the sea
Standing in the safety zone
Standing on the highway
Standing outside
Standing room only (outside your heart)
Standing somewhere in the shadows
Stanley the steamer
Star beams
Star dust
Star eyes
Star from heaven
Star gazer (Mellow music)
Star in the East
Star mist
Star shine in your eyes
Star spangled banner
Starlight my love
Starlight Schottische
Starlight waltz
Stars fell on Alabama
Stars in my eyes
Stars in the skies
Stars in the sky
Start to praying
Started to find a better home
Starting from tonight
Stay after school
Stay as sweet as you are
Stay away from my baby
Stay away from the window
Stay away, don't bother me
Stay by my side
Stay in the wagon yard
Stay my love
Stay offa that street
Stay on church
Stay out of my pantry
Stay out of the North
Steady Eddie
Steal away
Steam roller
Steam whistle jump
Steamboat Bill
Steamboat Bill boogie
Steel guitar polka
Steel guitar rag
Steel guitar stomp
Steel rock
Stella by starlight
Step by step I'm nearing the Kingdom
Step in my direction
Step it faster
Step it up and go
Step out on faith
Stephen Foster medley
Stephen Foster rhumba medley
Stepped in the water
Steppin' high
Steppin' on my heart
Steppin' out
Steppin' out kind
Stepping stones to glory
Stets Munter
Sticking on you baby
Still afraid of losing you
Still going down slow
Still trying to get to Little Rock
Still wailin'
Stingy little thing
Stolen bass
Stolen moments
Stomp boogie
Stomp your feet
Stomp, look and listen
Stompin' at the Savoy
Stomping room only
Stompy Jones
Stone fox
Stone walls and steel bars
Stonewall's brigade
Stoney creek
Stop and go boogie
Stop and go polka
Stop fightin', start lovin'
Stop foolin' around
Stop knockin'
Stop light
Stop messin' around
Stop rockin' that train
Stop talking to your child, mother-in-law
Stop that boogie
Stop that train
Stop the pain
Stop the world
Stop the world (and let me off)
Stop your crying
Stop, come see me
Stop, look and listen
Stop, look and listen, and don't forget to pray
Stop, please stop
Storm music
Stormy mood
Stormy night blues
Stormy weather
Story of a starry night
Story of an aching heart
Story of the orphan
Story of three loves (Rhapsody on a theme by Paganini)
Strange blues
Strange diet
Strange feeling
Strange love
Strange music
Strange tango
Strange things happen
Strange town
Stranger in paradise
Stranger on the shore
Strangers in the night
Strawberry jam
Strawberry man
Strawberry woman
Streamline No.99
Streamlined religion
Street lights
Street of dreams
Street of sorrow
Street piano
Street scene
Stretch out
Strictly cash
Strictly confidential
Strike three
Strike up the band
Striking bainer (Dry bones)
Striking blues
String of blues
String, eraser and blotter
Strip tease swing
Stroll some more
Strollin' with Nolen
Stromtium 90
Struck the match
Struttin' to truckin'
Struttin' with some barbecue
Stu's dues blues
Stuck with love
Study war no mo'
Stumbling block
Stump house mountain
Stumpy Joe
Stuttering blues
Subway blues
Such a bad situation
Such a lot to say
Sudden fear
Suede Jacquet
Sufferin' in mind
Sufferin' with the blues
Suffering with the blues
Sugar bee
Sugar beet
Sugar bun
Sugar cane
Sugar coated sweetheart
Sugar foot stomp
Sugar girl
Sugar hill blues
Sugar lips
Sugar loaf waltz
Sugar Mama blues
Sugar mixture
Sugar plum boogie
Sugar stealing baby
Sugar tooth
Sugar ways
Suicide blues
Summer in the city
Summer kisses
Summer love
Summer night
Summer setting
Summertime (reprise)
Sump'n else
Sun shadows
Sunbonnet Sue
Sunday driver
Sunday kind of love
Sunday morning blues
Sundown and sorrow
Sunny day
Sunny side of love
Sunny side of the mountain
Sunny Tennessee
Sunshine always follows rain
Sunshine and flowers
Sunshine blues
Sunshine of your smile
Sunshine polka
Sunshine's back in town
Super bad
Super bad, pt.1
Super bad, pt.2
Super bad, pt.3
Super good, pt.1
Super good, pt.2
Sur le pont d'Avignon
Sur les toits de Paris
Sure cure for the blues
Sure to fall
Surf monkey
Surfin' along (Joggin' along)
Surfin' beat
Surfin' in blue
Surfin' the blues away
Surprise, surprise, surprise
Surrey with the fringe on top
Susie May
Swanee river hoe down
Swanee river mambo
Sweater girl
Swedish rhapsody
Sweeping through the city
Sweet and gentle
Sweet and lovely
Sweet and low
Sweet angel
Sweet Anita
Sweet bunch of daisies
Sweet bye and bye
Sweet Darlin'
Sweet dawn
Sweet dreams
Sweet Eleanor
Sweet Georgia bop
Sweet Georgia Brown
Sweet heaven was there
Sweet home blues
Sweet Jesus
Sweet Leilani
Sweet lips
Sweet little baby boy
Sweet little baby boy, pt.1
Sweet little baby boy, pt.2
Sweet Lorraine
Sweet lovin' baby
Sweet lovin' Mama
Sweet Mama do right
Sweet Mama put him in low
Sweet memories
Sweet moments
Sweet music
Sweet Nancy
Sweet night of love
Sweet nothing
Sweet old me
Sweet orchard vine
Sweet Pea
Sweet peach
Sweet revenge
Sweet Sakeena
Sweet Sally Brown
Sweet sauce
Sweet slumber
Sweet stuff
Sweet Sue
Sweet Sue, just you
Sweet Suzannah
Sweet sweet thing
Sweet talking Mama
Sweet thing
Sweet victory
Sweet wind
Sweet, sweet William
Sweeter than a flower
Sweeter than the flowers
Sweeter than the flowers No. 2
Sweetest thing you ever seen
Sweetheart boogie
Sweetheart of Sigma Chi
Sweetheart please come back to me
Sweetheart you done me wrong
Sweetheart you know I love you so
Sweetheart, I still remember
Sweethearts on parade
Swimmin' blues
Swing baby
Swing billy a-la-mode
Swing low sweet boogie
Swing low sweet chariot
Swing low, sweet Socolow
Swing while you're young
Swingin' derriere
Swingin' goatsherd blues
Swingin' till the girls come home
Swingin' with Johnny
Swinging on a star
Swinging shepherd blues
Switch blade
Switchie witchie titchie
Switchie, witchie, titchie
Swoon boulevard
Syam's blues
Sympathy (Symphony)
Symphony Sid's symphonette
T'ain't nobody's business if I do
T.B. Blues
Tab's interlude
Tab's purple heart
Tabby let your hair hang down
Table cloth stomp
Tagula cha cha
Tahitian lullaby
Tailor made (Crackers)
Tainted gold
Take a city bride
Take a fool's advice
Take a little chance
Take a lot
Take a message to Mother
Take a number
Take back your paper heart
Take everything
Take five
Take hold of my hand
Take it away
Take it on out the door
Take it or leave it
Take it to the Captain
Take me back
Take me back, take me back
Take me home
Take me I'm yours
Take me in your arms
Take me out to the ball game
Take me to the altar
Take me to the happy land
Take me to the water
Take my hand
Take my love
Take my money, take my love
Take the A train
Take the Lord along with you
Take them all away
Take three parts jazz: Route 4 / Lyriste / Father George
Take time to understand
Take up that cross
Take up Thy cross
Take your fine frame home
Take your shot
Take your tears (to the one who took your kisses)
Takes two
Takes two to tango
Takin' a chance on love
Takin' care of business
Takin' up where I left off
Taking a chance on love
Taking my time
Tales from the Vienna woods
Talk about Jesus
Talk of the town
Talk to me
Talk to me, talk to me
Talk to the man upstairs
Talkin' 'bout a woman
Talkin' about you
Talkin' loud and sayin' nothin'
Talkin' loud and saying nothing, pt.1
Talkin' loud and saying nothing, pt.2
Talking loud and saying nothing
Talking to myself
Talking tribute to Cowboy Copas
Tangled heart
Tango ballad
Tango in "D"
Tango of roses (Love me)
Tango of the roses
Tanto tiens tanto vales
Taps Miller
Tara's theme
Tasty pudding
Tattle tale polka
Tattler's wagon
Tattlers wagon
Taylor made
Tchaikovsky fantasy
Te petite
Tea for three
Tea for two
Tea-a-wanna whistle
Teach me tonight
Tear down the maintains
Tear stained guitar
Tear stained photograph
Tear stains on your pillow
Teardrops and empty arms
Teardrops are falling
Teardrops from my eyes
Teardrops on your letter
Tearin' it up
Tearing hair
Tears at the altar
Tears begin to fall
Tears for souvenirs
Tears in my heart
Tears of happiness
Tears of joy
Tears of joy fill my eyes
Tears of St. Anne
Tears on my pillow
Tears that make believe
Teasin' Brown
Tee Vee
Teen age ideas
Teen love
Teen-age war chant
Teenage jamboree
Teenage wedding
Teenage years
Telephone blues
Telestar drive
Tell heaven I'm coming
Tell him that I need him
Tell it like it is
Tell it to me
Tell me
Tell me (how was I to know)
Tell me (that I'm the one)
Tell me (You really love me)
Tell me all about Georgia
Tell me baby
Tell me Daddy if you know
Tell me does your conscience bother you
Tell me if you love me
Tell me little woman
Tell me more
Tell me not to go
Tell me now
Tell me so
Tell me that you love me
Tell me that you love me tonight
Tell me the reason why
Tell me tonight
Tell me what I did wrong
Tell me what'cha gonna do
Tell me whatcha gonna do
Tell me who
Tell me why
Tell me you care
Tell me you love me
Tell me you're kidding
Tell me you're mine
Tell me, tell me
Tell the truth
Tell the whole world
Tell the world
Tell them
Tell your lies to the man in the moon
Tell your troubles to Jesus
Telo digo francamente
Temptation takes us
Ten broken hearts
Ten commandments (from woman to man)
Ten minutes to midnight
Ten most wanted men
Ten out
Ten paces
Ten saben
Tend to your business
Tender darling
Tender woman
Tenderly cha cha
Tengo verde
Tennessee boogie
Tennessee breakdown
Tennessee Central No.9
Tennessee choo choo
Tennessee church bells
Tennessee cutup breakdown
Tennessee flat guitar
Tennessee mambo
Tennessee memories
Tennessee moon
Tennessee rock and roll
Tennessee senorita
Tennessee stomp
Tennessee tango
Tennessee waltz
Tennessee waltz rock
Tennessee wig-walk
Terra plane blues
Terra plane blues (version 2)
Tesbro mio
Tete de bois
Texahoma boogie
Texas boogie
Texas green
Texas in my soul
Texas oil
Texas Red
Texas turkey
Thank God
Thank God for Jesus
Thank God for victory in Korea
Thank heaven for little girls
Thank you
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Mr. Ballard (for creating the twist)
Thanks for the buggy ride
Thanks Mr. Postman
That ain't no lie
That ain't nothing but right
That ain't right
That awful day
That beautiful home
That beautiful picture
That beautiful woman
That could never be
That depot in the sky
That dood it
That Goldblatt magic
That guy's out gunnin' for you
That Holy number
That home far away
That house on the hill
That I wanna see
That kiss
That lady
That little log cabin of mine
That low down move
That lucky old sun
That Memphis train
That moon is no stopping place for me
That moon's no stopping place for me
That mountain train
That old black magic
That old devil called love
That old feeling
That old gang of mine
That old train
That star belongs to me
That sugar baby of mine
That wasn't in the deal
That woman
That woman's a pearl diver
That's a plenty
That's a sin
That's all
That's all I ask of you
That's all I want
That's all I want from you
That's all she wrote
That's enough, lock 'em up
That's entertainment
That's how close
That's how I feel
That's how I feel about you
That's how I need you
That's how long (I'm gonna love you)
That's how you grow old
That's it
That's it, man
That's life
That's love
That's me right now
That's my desire
That's my Diane
That's my doll
That's my Lindy Lou
That's my Pa
That's my prayer
That's my weakness now
That's my zone (He's pickin' on)
That's my zone (He's picking on)
That's okay
That's the chance you've got to take
That's the gal for me
That's the groovy thing, pt.1
That's the groovy thing, pt.2
That's the loving way
That's the spirit
That's the stuff you gotta watch
That's the way I feel
That's the way it goes
That's the way love goes
That's the way of a fool
That's the way to treat your woman
That's the way you like to play
That's what a song can do
That's what I get for loving you
That's what I got for loving you
That's what I like
That's what I thought you said
That's what we need
That's what you're doing to me
That's what you're doing to me (alt. take)
That's when I lost my heart
That's when it's coming home to you
That's when your heartaches begin
That's why I woke him up to say goodbye
That's why I'm crying all the time
That's why I'm crying in my sleep
That's your mistake
The "In" crowd
The 23rd psalm
The admiral's daughter
The altar
The American plan
The angel of death
The angels must have cried last night
The arm of God
The arm of Uncle Sam
The Army save my husband back
The army's always there
The atomic telephone
The automobile song
The b-i-ee-i-ee
The baby sitter
The balcony
The bald headed end of the broom
The ballad of Billy the Kid
The ballad of Jack Frost
The ballad of the blue and gray
The band played on
The barnyard hop
The Basset family overhead
The battle field
The battle of Atlanta
The beat goes on
The bells
The bells are ringing
The bells of St. Mary's
The best part of my years
The best thing for you
The best things in life are free
The better to love you
The Bible my Daddy left for me
The big frog
The big kiss
The big Mamoo
The big push
The big question
The big sky
The bittersweet
The Blandenburg races
The blast
The blind child's prayer
The blind man stood on the road and cried
The blue book
The Blue Danube
The blue tail fly
The blue waltz
The blues
The blues came pouring down
The blues can jump
The blues done got me and gone
The blues got me again
The blues got me rockin'
The blues, pt.1
The blues, pt.2
The bluest blues
The Bo-Do rock
The boo boo song, pt.1
The boo boo song, pt.2
The boogie's fine tonight
The Book cooks
The book of life
The book of love
The book of revelations
The bossa nova Watusi twist
The Boston bops rhumba
The boy needs a girl
The boy next door
The boy on a dolphin
The breeze
The breeze and I
The broken reed polka
The buggy ride
The bully of the town
The bunny hop
The buzzard
The buzzard song
The cabin
The Cadillac song
The campbells are coming
The Carioca
The Carousel waltz
The cart wheel
The case is closed
The champ
The champ (suite in 5 movements)
The charm of you
The chase
The chase is on
The chicken
The chicken twist
The child's side of life
The chipmunk song
The Christmas song, pt.1
The Christmas song, pt.2
The closer you are
The clown
The club for broken hearts
The code of the mountains
The code song (I love you)
The coffee grind
The Columbus stockade blues
The Congo twist
The Continental
The Continental walk
The coo
The corner of my eye
The cowboy song
The Cracker jack
The creed
The creeks gone muddy (and the fish won't bite)
The cricket, the dove and the goldfish
The crickets sing
The cry of the wild goose
The crying blues
The darkest hour
The Dart and the Lincoln
The day I fell in love
The day is dawning (I'll make it all right)
The day you are mine
The deacon don't like it
The deacon moves in
The deal (Don't let your deal go down)
The death of Hank Williams
The death of Little Kathy fiscus
The desert song
The devil and the farmer
The devil may care
The devil to pay
The devil's kiss
The dime song
The dinghy song
The dividing line
The doggone recession
The donkey serenade
The donkey trot
The doodle twist
The door is always open for me
The door is open (to my heart)
The door is still open
The door to my heart is wide open
The Dr. Kildare theme
The drunk, pt.1
The drunk, pt.2
The drunken driver
The duck walk
The eagle speaks
The egg or the hen
The elder
The end of a love affair
The end of the rainbow
The end of the road
The end's coming again
The entry of the gladiators
The everglades
The family tree musta fell on me
The farmer in the dell
The feeling is real
The feudin' boogie
The finger of suspicion points at you
The first Noel
The first shot
The first sign of love
The first step down is the longest
The first time we met
The fisherman from Lalgeoog
The fishing song
The five hula lessons
The flag, the place and the time
The float
The florist and the vase
The fog
The folks who live on the hill
The forks of the road
The fountain of youth
The fox
The freckle song
The friendship tree
The future holds nothing
The garden of Eden
The gear jammer and the hobo
The gentleman is a dope
The ghost walks on the cool side
The gift of God
The ginger Snap
The girl by my side
The girl by the river
The girl I left in sunny Tennessee
The girl I love is an okie
The girl in my life
The girl in the blue velvet band
The girl on the pilice gazette
The girl that I marry
The girl with the flaxen hair
The girl without a name
The girls back home
The girls I never kissed
The golden rocket
The golden rule
The golden touch
The goodbye song
The goof
The grab
The grape vine
The greasy spoon
The great drinking bout
The great Googally Moogally
The great plan of salvation
The greatest
The green green grass of home
The groovy age
The grunt, pt.1
The grunt, pt.2
The gypsy
The half has never been told
The hammer
The hand of the Lord
The handicapped
The happy wanderer
The happy whistler
The hard way
The Harlem clown
The Harry Lime theme
The harvest past
The hash
The Hawaiian wedding song
The hawk
The Hawk talks
The heaven and earth
The hey hey hey song
The hiccough song
The high and the mighty
The hill lone and gray
The hills of Roan County
The hokey-pokey
The holiday polka
The holly
The holly and the ivy
The Holy Ghost walked right in
The Honey Man
The honey song (Honey I'm in love with you)
The honeymoon waltz
The hoochie coochie coo
The hop scotch
The hope of a broken heart
The hoppy hop
The horse
The hour of parting
The house next door
The house of God
The house of the Lord
The house on top of the hill
The hunch
The hunter
The hussy song
The ild song
The influential Mr. Cohn
The invader
The jeep is jumpin'
The joker
The judgement day
The jumpin' bean
The jumping jack
The kangaroo
The Kellys, the Morellis, the Lipshitzes
The key
The key that fits her door
The key to my door
The keys in the mailbox
The kid from Franklin Street
The king
The King and I
The kiss cha cha
The kiss of betrayal
The kiss of no return
The kissing chain
The kitten and the cat
The knick knack man
The Korean story
The lady and the soldier
The lady in red
The lady is a tramp
The lamp is low
The lamp of life (is burning low)
The lamplighter serenade
The landlady's daughter
The last goodbye
The last letter
The last mile
The last mile of the way
The last of the good rocking men
The last old shovel
The last time for love
The last time I saw Mother
The last time I saw Paris
The last waltz
The last words of the jivin' Mr. Lee
The laughing saxophone
The leaves mustn't fall
The legend of the dogwood tree
The legend of the well
The legend of Tiabi
The lemon twist
The letter
The life of Hank Williams
The life story of Hank williams
The light of the Lord
The lights across the river
The lights are growing dim
The little brown church
The little hotel down the street
The little match girl cried
The little match girl cried with me
The little shoemaker
The little wooden church
The loneliest guy in town
The lonely one
The lonely side of town
The lonely tide
The lonely train
The lonesome hearted blues
The longer we're together (the more we drift apart)
The Lord is my shepherd
The Lord is watching (over me)
The Lord laid His hands on me
The Lord will make a way somehow
The Lord will make a way somehow, pt.1
The Lord will make a way somehow, pt.2
The Lord's last supper
The losing game
The lost train
The love I cast away
The love of God is real
The love that I give her
The love we shared
The loveliest night of the year
The low road
The lucky guy
The lucky silver coin
The madison
The man I love
The man in the glass
The man in the glass, pt.1
The man in the glass, pt.2
The man in the telephone booth "Hello Mama"
The man in the telephone booth 'Hello baby"
The man upstairs
The man who plays the mandolino
The man who sings the blues
The man with the golden arm
The marching rock
The Marr-ket place
The masquerade is over
The matador
The measure of my love
The memory of your smile
The merry-go-round broke down
The mess around
The message from the soul sisters, pt.1
The message from.., pt.2
The midget
The midnight hour was shining
The midnight theme
The mighty Mississippi
The mistreater
The monkey
The monkey one more time
The moon got in my eyes
The moon is low
The moon is weeping over you
The moon was yellow
The moon won't tell
The more I see you
The mortgage is due
The most
The most important thing
The muddy sea of sin
The natives are restless
The natives are restless tonight
The nearest thing to heaven
The nearness of you
The new bright world
The new Jerusalem
The new sow song
The new thing
The night before Christmas
The night before Christmas, pt.1
The night before Christmas, pt.2
The night I got saved
The night is young
The night they invented champagne
The night was made for love
The night we called it a day
The night we got the bird
The nothing to sing the blues about
The numbers
The object of my affection
The ocarina
The old country church
The old family Bible
The old fireside
The old green back (ain't what it used to be)
The old grey goose
The old hymns (my mother used to sing)
The old maid and the burglar man
The old mill
The old red barn
The old refrain
The old rugged cross
The old shoe cobbler
The old swinging bridge
The one I love belongs to somebody else
The one rose that's left in my heart
The one thing
The only one
The only thing that really matters to me
The organ grinder
The outer world
The parrot
The party's over
The path that leads me home
The peanut vendor
The penny whistle
The people on my party line
The petite waltz
The piccolino
The picture becomes quite clear
The piper's son
The pistol song
The pisture
The pizza pizzerell
The pogo hop
The pony
The popcorn
The postman just passes me by
The preacher and the bear
The prince of love
The purple grotto
The push
The rabbit got the gun
The rail
The rain in Spain
The rain is still falling
The real thing
The real thing happened to me
The rebel yell
The Red and Black
The red rose
The right away
The right girl, the right time
The right kind of lovin'
The right string but the wrong yo yo
The ring
The rising sun
The road of broken hearts
The road of prayer
The road to heaven
The rocky, bumpy road to love
The room of my heart
The room upstairs
The roosters are crowing
The rose in her hair
The roses will remember
The round square dance
The route
The sad nite owl
The sad song (Fa fa fa fa fa)
The same sweet girl
The scratch
The search
The search goes on
The search is all over
The search is allover
The seasons
The secret
The shadow of your smile
The Sheik of Araby
The shell
The shimmie
The show is over
The shrine of St. Cecilia
The silk umbrella polka
The silver that nailed him to the cross
The Sissy song
The skipper (of the Flying Enterprise)
The sky is crying
The sky is falling
The slummer the slum
The slush
The smoother
The soldier's prayer book
The solitary blues
The song from Moulin Rouge
The song is ended
The song is you
The song of the whispering leaves
The song you just played
The soul of J.B
The soul pride, pt.1
The sound of music
The spell
The spider and the fly
The spur of a moment
The squash
The St. Bernard dog
The star
The stars were mine
The steppin' out kind
The stepping soul
The stomp
The stone was rolled away
The storm
The story of Bull Run
The story of Christmas
The story of my heart
The story of our lady of Fatima
The story of Santa Victoria
The story of the Lawson family
The strange little girl
The strange one
The stranger
The stranger in the tavern
The streamlined cannon ball
The stroller
The strut
The stumble
The sun didn't shine
The sun will never go down
The surf
The surrey with the fringe on top
The sweetest fall of all
The sweetest song in the world
The swinging gypsies
The talking mule
The ten commandments
The tender trap
The Tennessee stud
The terrible cost of sin
The Texas polka
The thing in "G"
The things I love
The things we did last Summer
The things we used to do
The things you want most of all
The three men in my life, pt.1
The three men in my life, pt.2
The three ravens
The thrill is gone
The tie that binds
The time will come
The tinkle song
The touch of the Master's hand
The trail of the lonesome pine
The trail of time
The train is gone
The train kept a-rollin'
The trakey-doo
The tramp on the street
The troglodyte
The trolley song
The trombones
The troubles of this world
The true meaning of Christmas
The truth about you
The twist
The twist serenade
The two giants, pt.1
The two giants, pt.2
The two timer
The U-2 flight
The unclouded day
The unseen rider
The very thought of you
The view from Jazzbo's head
The virgen
The voice of Free America
The walkin' blues
The wall around your heart
The waltz you saved for me
The Watusi roll
The way I feel
The way I love you
The way you do
The way you look tonight
The Wednesday night waltz
The weight
The wheels of life
The whiffenpoof song
The whisperers
The whistler and the fiddler
The whole thing
The wig
The wiggle waggle woo
The wild side of life
The wild stage of life
The wind and the clod black night
The wind, the sun and me
The windmill of your mind
The window up above
The wings of the great speckled bird
The wise old owl
The wobble
The wolf pack
The woman I love
The wonder of God's love
The world is turning over
The world is waiting for the sunrise
The world prayer
The worst of the hurt is over
The wrath of God
The wreck of old 97
The wreck of the 1256
The yodeling mountaineer
Them changes
Them there eyes
Theme Four
Theme from "A Summer Place"
Theme from "Love story"
Theme from "Romeo and Juliet"
Theme from "The Unforgiven"
Theme from 'Forever"
Theme One
Theme Three
Theme Two
Then came the dawn
Then cry
Then I'll be happy
Then I'll be tired of you
Then the lid blew off
Then you can tell me goodbye
Then you know (you've been in love)
Then you've never been blue
There ain't no grave gonna hold my body down
There ain't nobody gonna miss me
There are just two I's in Dixie
There goes my baby
There goes my heart
There goes the bride
There I've said it again
There is a fountain
There is a girl for me
There is a tavern in the town
There is a trap
There is no failure in God
There is no greater love
There is no you
There is someone in this world for me
There is something missing
There must be a change
There must be a reason
There must be a way
There she goes
There stand the glass
There was a time
There was a time, pt.1
There was a time, pt.2
There will never be another you
There'll be no one
There'll be no teardrops tonight
There'll be some changes made
There'll come a time
There'll never be a sweeter girl than you
There'll never be another you
There's 48 states in the Union
There's a big rock in the road
There's a blue sky way out yonder
There's a boat dat's leavin' (soon for New York)
There's a broken heart waiting for you
There's a chill on the hill tonight
There's a dance goin' on
There's a dangerous curve ahead
There's a difference
There's a difference in religion and salvation
There's a gold mine in the sky
There's a grave in the wave of the ocean
There's a handwriting on the wall
There's a higher power
There's a highway to heaven
There's a hole in the ground
There's a home coming day up in heaven
There's a leak in this old building
There's a light guiding me
There's a little bit of everything in Texas
There's a little bit of heaven everywhere
There's a lull in my life
There's a new day tomorrow
There's a new heaven for my soul
There's a page in the Bible
There's a place
There's a place called banjo mountain
There's a red hot fire in my locomotive
There's a small hotel
There's a tavern in the town
There's a teardrop in your eye
There's a train leaving ev'ry fifteen minutes
There's another baby waiting for me down the line
There's been a change in me
There's gonna be a change
There's hope for the world
There's more than one way to skin a cat
There's no business like show business
There's no fool like an old fool
There's no much trouble
There's no place like home
There's no room in my heart for the blues
There's no sorrow
There's no substitute for love
There's no tomorrow
There's no use to pretend
There's no you
There's not a friend like the lonely Jesus
There's nothing I can do
There's nothing like the Holy Ghost
There's power in the blood
There's rest for the weary
There's rest just ahead
There's sadness in your eyes
There's something about him
There's something about you
There's something wrong
There's still a little time
There's sumpin' about love
There's the same old lovelight in your eyes
These are the J.B.'s, pt.1
These are the J.B.'s. pt.2
These are the things I love
These arms of mine
These bones gwine rise again
These foolish things
These foolish things (remind me of you)
These foolish things remind me of you
These haunting years
These precious love letters
These shoes are killin' me
These tears
These things shall pass
These three little words
These wild, wild women