'Cause I love |
'Cause I'm your friend |
'Cause you're my lover |
'Deed I do |
'Long about sundown |
'Neath the old olive tree |
'Round midnight |
'S nice |
'S wonderful |
'Tis so sweet |
'Tis sweet to be remembered |
'When my little girl is smiling |
(All the things in life that) Pleases you |
(At a place they call) The rising tide |
(Can you) Feel it, pt.1 |
(Can you) Feel it, pt.2 |
(Caught) In the middle of two hearts |
(Darling I'll see you) Tonight |
(Dear girl) Can you forgive |
(Don't let it be said) Too late |
(Don't let temptation) Turn you 'round |
(Don't telephone, don't telegraph) Tell a woman |
(Early one morning) He answered my prayer |
(Gotta gal upon my mind) I gotta gallop into gallop |
(I can see that) You're living a lie |
(I didn't think you'd really go) I didn't think you'd ever leave me |
(I do the) Shimmy shimmy |
(I fell in love the night I wore) My first long pants |
(I just placed) A vacant sign upon my heart |
(I just received word) Mom is dying tonight |
(I left my heart in) Heidelberg |
(I love you) For sentimental reasons |
(I need you) My love is real |
(I shouldn't love you) But I do |
(I vow to) Never love again |
(I wanna go) Where the soul trees grow |
(I want to be free) Don't want nobody standing over me |
(I want to be ready) When Jesus comes |
(I want to tell you) She's mine |
(I'd love to) Make love to you |
(I'm a) Country boy |
(I'm a) Stranger in my home |
(I'm goin' back to) The house on the hill |
(I've got a woman crazy for me) She's funny that way |
(It was) Late last night |
(It's no) Sin |
(Just as long as we've got water) We'll have soup |
(Let me be) The first one to know |
(Let me love you) All night long |
(Let me wear) Your little band of gold |
(Let your love) Watch over me |
(My dearest) Don't desert me |
(Need nobody to help me) Keep up with my man |
(New pretty blonde) New Jole Blon |
(No) I won't cry anymore |
(Oh listen) Baby you done me wrong |
(Oh you great) Big beautiful doll |
(She's so fine) I just gotta make her mine |
(Sitting on) The dock of the bay |
(Something moves me) Within my heart |
(Tell your friends to) Stop laughing at me |
(The welfare) Turns its back on you |
(Times Square) Boogie |
(Walk with me) Each and every day |
(Why don't you) Leave it alone |
(Yes I can see) The handwriting on the wall |
(You ain't nothin' but a female) Hound dog |
(You came along from) Out of Nowhere |
(You don't love me) True |
(You got your) Freedom |
(You have to) Cry sometimes |
(You've been) So good to me |
(You've got to walk that) Lonesome valley |
1-2-3-4-5 |
100,000 women can't be wrong |
12 o'clock Dixieland express |
12th Street rag |
144 thousand were there |
1540 special |
18 de Septembre |
1958 blues |
24 hours a day |
24 hours a day (365 a year) |
24 sad hours |
3-D |
31 flavors |
4-F Papa |
45 Degree angle |
49th Street rag |
51st street blues |
51st Street blues, pt.1 |
51st Street blues, pt.2 |
54 blues |
5th Street blues |
634-5789 |
69 Mother's place |
720 in the books |
8:45 stomp |
800 million Chinese |
A bad case of you |
A beautiful life |
A beautiful waste of time |
A big fat gal like me |
A born loser |
A boy like you |
A brand new case of love |
A brand new me |
A brand new thrill |
A bundle of kisses |
A bus ride |
A candle and a rose |
A case of the blues |
A chain can't hold me |
A charge to keep |
A charge to keep I have |
A child's garden of manners, pt.1 |
A child's garden of manners, pt.2 |
A child's garden of manners, pt.3 |
A child's garden of manners, pt.4 |
A chip on your shoulder |
A city called heaven |
A conch ain't got no bone |
A cool teenager |
A cottage for sale |
A country boy goes to town |
A crazy afternoon |
A crown He wore |
A crushed red rose (and a faded blue ribbon) |
A Daddy's lullaby |
A dagger in my chest |
A date with Pate |
A day in the country |
A day in the life of a fool |
A different kind of pretty |
A different shade of colors |
A doina & skotchna |
A dollar ain't a dollar anymore |
A doozy |
A dream came true |
A dream, in the night |
A drunkard's confession |
A few more years |
A few words about Jesus |
A fine romance |
A foggy day |
A fool for you |
A fool in love |
A fool such as I |
A friend alone |
A friend in need |
A funny kind of Christmas for me |
A gay day |
A ghost of a chance |
A girl like you |
A good man is a seldom thing |
A good' un |
A green truck driver's first experience |
A handful of stars |
A Hawaiian holiday |
A heart full of you |
A heartache to recall |
A heartbreak ago |
A Hello Mama |
A hoot an' a holler |
A hopeless case |
A hundred years from today |
A kiss is not a kiss |
A la carte |
A letter from a lady |
A letter home |
A little bird told me |
A little bit of love |
A little bit of lovin' |
A little bit of nylon |
A little less |
A little lie |
A little rain must fall |
A little Rainey |
A little soldier for Jesus |
A little wake up music |
A lock of your hair |
A lonely little boy around one little Christmas toy |
A lonely road when you're all alone |
A lonesome truck driver's blues |
A long necked bottle (and a big water glass) |
A long, long time |
A love in my heart |
A love untrue |
A lover's dream |
A Mamme's hartz |
A man came down from the mountain |
A man goin' crazy |
A man has to go back to the cross roads |
A man has to go back to the crossroads |
A man taking names |
A man, a mink and a million |
A married man's a fool |
A married man's fool |
A mellow thing |
A memory |
A mighty pretty waltz |
A million light years away |
A million people have died |
A million regrets |
A million tears from now |
A minor thought |
A mother's cry |
A mother's prayer |
A new feeling |
A new shift |
A new way of life |
A nice day for somethin' |
A night out |
A nightingale can sing the blues |
A nightingale sang in Berkeley Square |
A note or two, pt.1 |
A note or two, pt.2 |
A Ok |
A one way love |
A package of lies tied in blue |
A package of old love letters |
A package tied in blue |
A parable |
A petal from a faded rose |
A place called Vietnam |
A place in the sun |
A power greater than atomic |
A pretty girl is like a melody |
A pretty wreath for Mother's grave |
A quiet time with Jesus |
A rare and ordinary thing |
A real good time |
A real nice clambake |
A red headed woman |
A ring and a vow |
A ring around my finger |
A rose on God's shore |
A rusty old halo |
A sinner I will be |
A sinner kissed an angel |
A sinner's love affair |
A soldier's grave |
A soldier's plea |
A soldier's prayer |
A sole mio |
A song of joy |
A Spring morning |
A string of broken hearts |
A Sunday kind of love |
A tale of Woe |
A talk with James Brown (You got to have a job pt. 1) |
A talk with the news |
A taste of fresh air |
A Tennessee ocean |
A tenor wails the blues |
A thousand and one sleepless nights |
A thousand times or more |
A thousand times over |
A thousand to one |
A tribute to Robert A. Taft |
A trip to the moon |
A trout, no doubt |
A truck driver's romance |
A true friend is hard to find |
A used to be to you |
A very precious love |
A vitamin called love |
A voloch & frailichs |
A wayfaring pilgrim |
A whole heap of Mama |
A winner never quits |
A woman in love |
A woman is a funny thing |
A woman is a sometime thing |
A woman's intuition |
A woman's work (is never done) |
A woman, a lover, a friend |
A wonderful guy |
A wonderful thing |
A wonderful thing happens |
A world I can't live in |
A wreath on the door of my heart |
A year of time |
Abandon a musica Brasilia moderne |
Above Jacob's ladder |
Absolutely free |
Abstractions |
Accent on youth |
Accentuate the positive |
Ace in the hole |
Ace of spades |
Ach du lieber Augustin |
Across the sea |
Actions speak louder than words |
Ad infinitum |
Adam |
Adam and Eve |
Adam come and get your rib |
Addicted to a truck |
Adestes fidelis |
Adios |
Adios Mariquita Linda |
Adios muchachos |
Adios Palomita |
Adorable one |
Adoramus te, Chris te |
Adventures in paradise |
Advertising man |
Advice |
Affaire d'amour |
Afraid |
African mailman |
After all |
After all I've been to you |
After all we have meant to each other |
After awhile |
After effects |
After hours |
After I gave you my heart |
After loving a woman |
After lunch |
After running this race |
After school |
After sundown |
After the ball |
After the sunrise |
After tonight |
After we've been in love |
After what you said last night |
After work |
After yesterday |
After you done it |
After you've gone |
Afternoon in Paris |
Afternoon jump |
Again |
Aged and mellow |
Aggravatin' Lou from Louisville |
Aggravatin' woman |
Agnes waltz |
Ah la oola |
Ah! Si j'avais des sous |
Ah-ha |
Aijalion |
Ain't gonna ride no more |
Ain't gonna study war no more |
Ain't got no blues today |
Ain't got no home |
Ain't I losing you? |
Ain't it a shame |
Ain't it a sin |
Ain't it awful |
Ain't it crazy |
Ain't it funky |
Ain't it funky now, pt.1 |
Ain't it funky now, pt.2 |
Ain't it jelly roll |
Ain't it sad |
Ain't life grand |
Ain't love grand |
Ain't misbehavin' |
Ain't never seen so much rain before |
Ain't no change |
Ain't no cotton pickin' chicken |
Ain't no grave gonna hold my body down |
Ain't no meat on de bone |
Ain't no mountain (high enough) |
Ain't no rocking no more |
Ain't nobody's business |
Ain't nothing we can do about it |
Ain't nothing wrong with that |
Ain't nothing wrong with that baby |
Ain't she sweet |
Ain't that a groove, pt.1 |
Ain't that a groove, pt.2 |
Ain't that just like a man |
Ain't that just like a woman |
Ain't that love |
Ain't that some pickin' |
Ain't that the way life is |
Ain't too proud to beg |
Ain't you glad |
Ain't you glad you did it |
Ainsi va la vie |
Air mail special |
Air mail special on the fly |
Aird admirer |
Airecu |
Airegin |
Alabam' |
Alabama boogie |
Alabama jubilee |
Alabamy bound |
Alamas perdidas |
Alfreda |
Algerian fantasy, pt.1 |
Algerian fantasy, pt.2 |
Ali Baba |
Alimony blues |
Alimony trouble |
Aline |
All aboard |
All about Ronnie |
All alone |
All alone and lonely |
All around the world |
All because of Calvary |
All because of my broken heart |
All because of my jealous heart |
All blues |
All by myself |
All day and all night |
All day long |
All dressed up |
All dressed up with a broken heart |
All for you |
All God's chillun got rhythm |
All goodbyes ain't gone |
All hail the power of Jesus name |
All I do is dream of you |
All I have is just a memory |
All I have to offer you is me |
All I need is you |
All I want |
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth |
All I want is you |
All is forgiven |
All my life |
All my love |
All my love belongs to you |
All my love up and died |
All night baby |
All night long |
All night, all day |
All of a sudden my heart sings |
All of me |
All of us |
All of you |
All or nothing at all |
All over again |
All she wants to do is boogie |
All she wants to do is mambo |
All she wants to do is rock |
All star boy |
All states boogie |
All suit-No man |
All that wine is gone |
All the bees are buzzin' 'round my honey |
All the cats join' in |
All the king's men |
All the things you are |
All the time |
All the way |
All the way choo choo |
All the way to Reno |
All the world is lonely now |
All these things you are to me |
All this and heaven too |
All too soon |
All you have to do is tell me |
All your love belongs to me |
Alleluia |
Alley cat |
Alley corn |
Allez vous en |
Alma llanera |
Almighty God |
Almost like being in love |
Aloha Oe |
Alone |
Alone together |
Alone with a memory of you |
Along came Jones |
Alouette |
Alpenliedermarsch |
Alpine boogie |
Alpine polka |
Alta conga |
Altoona |
Always |
Always a bride |
Always be kind to your mother |
Always it's you |
Always love me |
Am I all of your future |
Am I asking too much |
Am I blue |
Am I correckit |
Am I still your fool |
Am I that easy to forget |
Am I the one to blame |
Am I to blame |
Am I too late |
Amacer Guarirr |
Amapola |
Amazing grace |
Ambush |
Amelia (Emily) polka |
Amen |
America is my home, pt.1 |
America is my home, pt.2 |
American patrol |
American plantation dances |
American salute |
American salute (When Johnny comes marching home) |
Americans we |
Among my souvenirs |
Amor |
Amor tempranero |
Amore senza sole |
Amour d'Italie |
Amour, mon cher amour |
Amoureuse |
An apple for the teacher |
An empty mansion |
An empty old cottage |
An oil man from Texas |
An old farm for sale |
An old man's story |
Anastasia |
Anchored iri Jesus |
Anchors aweigh |
And I do just what I want |
And I need you |
And I'll be yours |
And It shall come to pass |
And so for now Aloha |
And so to sleep again |
And take my love |
And the angels sing |
And there you are |
Andalucia |
Andantino |
Andromeda |
Anema e core |
Angel baby |
Angel cakes |
Angel darling |
Angel eyes |
Angel fire |
Angel in the sky |
Angel lips and devil eyes |
Angel love |
Angels in the sky |
Angels, angels, angels |
Angry |
Angus |
Anitra's dance |
Anitra's jump |
Annabelle |
Annie does the popcorn |
Annie had a baby |
Annie Laurie |
Annie pretty baby |
Annie's aunt Fanny |
Annie's blues |
Anniversary song |
Another Daddy gone wrong |
Another day |
Another guy's line |
Another night is coming |
Another one |
Another way |
Another woman haunts my life |
Another woman's man |
Answer me |
Answer me, my love |
Answer to a maiden's prayer |
Answer to big town |
Answer to Chubby's bed room blues |
Answer to Mother popcorn |
Answer to my dreams |
Answer to rainbow at midnight |
Anticipation |
Anticipation blues |
Antietam |
Anvil chorus |
Any day now |
Any old time |
Anyone can fall in love |
Anything goes |
Anything you ask (I'll do for you) |
Anything you want |
Anytime |
Anytime is sweetheart time |
Anywhere, anytime |
Apango lindo |
Apple cake |
Apple cider, apple cider |
Applejack |
Applejack boogie |
Appointment with love |
Appomattox |
April in Paris |
April in Portugal |
April showers |
Apron strings |
Aquarius |
Are there tears behind your smiles |
Are you afraid to die |
Are you ever coming back |
Are you forgetting? |
Are you from Dixie |
Are you havin' any fun? |
Are you honest |
Are you lonely for me baby |
Are you lonely too |
Are you lonesome tonight |
Are you mine' |
Are you practising his love |
Are you ready |
Are you ready? |
Are you satisfied (with your love) |
Are you sure |
Are you tired of me darling |
Are you waiting just for me |
Are you waiting just for me? |
Argumentative |
Arise my darling |
Arizona |
Arkansas |
Arkansas blues |
Arkansas traveler |
Army song |
Around the corner |
Around the corner and up the street |
Around the world |
Around the world in eighty days |
Arrimate carrinito |
Arrivederci Roma |
Arriverdeci Roma |
Artificial flowers |
Artist's life |
Artistry by Bostic |
Artistry in moods |
Artistry in rhythm |
As advertised |
As far as we're concerned |
As long as forever |
As long as I live |
As long as there's a tomorrow |
As long as you're satisfied |
As sure as I live |
As sweet as you |
As the days go by |
As the races go tearing by |
As time goes by |
As time rolls on |
As years go by |
As you desire me |
As you take a walk thru my mind |
Ashamed of myself |
Ashamed to own the blessed savior |
Ashes on my pillow |
Asheville junction |
Asia minor |
Ask me |
Asking for you |
At dawn |
At dawning |
At home with the blues |
At last |
At mother's knee |
At my door |
At sundown |
At the cross |
At the dark end of the street |
At the jazz band ball |
Atlanta |
Atomic polka |
Auf wiederseh'n sweetheart |
Auld Lang Syne |
Aunt Sarah |
Aunt Suzie |
Aupres de ma blonde |
Autobahn blues |
Automobile baby |
Automobile to glory |
Autumn breeze |
Autumn dreams |
Autumn in New York |
Autumn in New York, pt.1 |
Autumn in New York, pt.2 |
Autumn leaves |
Autumn serenade |
Avalon |
Ave Maria |
Ave Maria, Oh maiden, oh mother |
Avenue of prayer |
Aviator Papa |
Aw shucks baby |
Awaiting the return of my boy |
Away |
Away in a manger |
Away in the manger |
Azores |
Ba bah wo wo |
Ba-bee da boat is leaving |
Baa baa to you |
Babes in the woods |
Baby |
Baby ain't I loving you |
Baby baby |
Baby ballerina |
Baby be mine |
Baby blues |
Baby come on home |
Baby cries over the ocean |
Baby darling |
Baby doll |
Baby don't believe him |
Baby don't leave |
Baby don't want me |
Baby don't you ever leave poor me |
Baby don't you know |
Baby face |
Baby here I come, pt.1 |
Baby here I come, pt.2 |
Baby I don't care |
Baby I got news for you |
Baby I have news for you |
Baby I love you |
Baby I need a whole lot of everything |
Baby I'm coming home to you |
Baby I'm doing it |
Baby I'm in love with you |
Baby I'm lost without you |
Baby I'm so doggon' tired |
Baby I'm so glad |
Baby I'm through |
Baby I'm your man |
Baby it's you |
Baby let's dance |
Baby let's play house |
Baby look at you (Just for you) |
Baby mine |
Baby please |
Baby please don't go |
Baby take me home with you |
Baby won't you please come home |
Baby you done flubbed your dub with me |
Baby you're just my speed |
Baby you're so fine |
Baby you've got me |
Baby, ain't I losing you? |
Baby, baby shame on you |
Baby, baby, baby |
Baby, baby, baby, baby |
Baby, oh baby |
Baby, please change your mind |
Baby, shame on you |
Baby, we're really in love |
Baby, you're right |
Baby, you've been wrong |
Baby-O |
Back Bay shuffle |
Back beat |
Back beat boogie |
Back bitin' woman |
Back door |
Back door blues |
Back home |
Back in love again |
Back in the good old days |
Back in your own backyard |
Back in your own hometown |
Back mountain rock |
Back on the block |
Back stabbin' |
Back street |
Back to loneliness |
Back to the doghouse |
Back trackin' |
Back up a little bit |
Back up and push |
Back, back, back to Baltimore |
Backslider's ball |
Backslider's plea |
Backstage at the Apollo |
Backwards |
Backwater blues |
Backwoods |
Bacon fat |
Bad action woman |
Bad boy |
Bad company |
Bad dream blues |
Bad girl |
Bad habit |
Bad luck blues |
Bad Man Jackson, that's me |
Bad news baby (There'll be no rockin' tonight) |
Bad news blues |
Bad news travels fast (in our town) |
Bad woman blues |
Baddest man in Texas |
Bag of tricks |
Bahama Mama |
Baia |
Bailando garabato |
Bake them hoe cakes brown |
Baker's other dozen |
Bala bala bala bamba |
Balancing with Bill |
Bald headed blues |
Bali Ha'i (from "South Pacific") |
Ball of fire |
Ballad of Big Fred |
Ballad of Christopher Columbus |
Ballet bleu |
Ballin' the jack |
Baltimore bounce |
Baltimore oriole |
Bam-a-lam |
Band aid |
Band of gold |
Banjo bugle |
Banjo ride |
Banjo rock and roll |
Banjo signal |
Banjo special |
Bar fly |
Bar fly baby |
Bar room blues |
Barbara |
Barbara Allen |
Barbara polka |
Barbara's song |
Barcarolle |
Barcarolle (from "Tales of Hoffman") |
Barefoot Nellie |
Bargain basement |
Bargain day |
Barina |
Barking dog blues |
Barn yard rag |
Barnyard boogie |
Baseball baby |
Baseball boogie |
Basically blues |
Basile waltz |
Bass face (Central Avenue boogie) |
Batiste |
Batman's blues |
Battered bride boogie |
Battle axe |
Battlefield |
Baubles, bangles and beads |
Bayou mood |
Bazoom (I need your lovin') |
Be anything but be mine |
Be anything, be mine |
Be bop blues |
Be bop Santa Claus |
Be bop wino |
Be careful it's my heart |
Be careful, it's my heart |
Be fair with me |
Be mine my love |
Be my life's companion |
Be my little baby bumble bee |
Be my little chick-a-dee |
Be my little pet |
Be my love |
Be on time |
Be ready to go |
Be safe, be sure, be careful |
Be sure true love is hard to find |
Be sweet to me |
Beachcomber |
Beacon in the night |
Beale Street blues |
Beale Street boogie |
Beams of heaven |
Bean-O |
Bear creek hop |
Bearcat blues |
Bearcat chant and cheer Cincinnati |
Beatin' and blowin' |
Beaulieu beef |
Beautician blues |
Beautiful |
Beautiful brown eyes |
Beautiful dreamer |
Beautiful eyes |
Beautiful garden prayer |
Beautiful morning glory |
Beautiful star of Bethlehem |
Bebop sizzle |
Because I love you so |
Because of my love for you |
Because of you |
Because the one I love has said goodbye |
Because you care |
Because you're so beautiful |
Because you've chosen me |
Because you've fallen in love |
Bedroom blues |
Beef ball baby |
Been down so long |
Been going a long time |
Been in the storm too long |
Beer barrel boogie |
Beer barrel polka |
Beer drinking blues |
Beer stein Schottische |
Beet patch |
Before it's too late |
Before judgement day |
Before lunch |
Before my time |
Before she leaves town |
Before this time (another year) |
Before you go |
Beg and steal |
Beggar to a king |
Beggin' just ain't my bag |
Begging you please |
Begging, begging |
Begin the beguine |
Beginning to miss you |
Behave yourself |
Behind our closed door |
Behind the sun, pt.1 |
Behind the sun, pt.2 |
Behold, what manner of love |
Being in love |
Being lonely |
Believe |
Believe in me |
Believe it or not |
Believe me |
Believe me I don't mind |
Believe me when I tell you |
Believe my sins have found me out |
Believers shall enjoy, non believers shall suffer |
Bell bottom trousers |
Bell boy boogie |
Bell song |
Belle of the ball |
Bells ring |
Belong to someone |
Below the Mason Dixon line |
Beneath that lonely mound of clay |
Bermuda |
Berry well |
Besame mucho |
Besame senorita |
Beside you |
Bess, you is my woman now |
Bessie Lou |
Bessie's sin |
Betcha I'll getcha |
Betrayed waltz |
Better ask somebody |
Better beware |
Better days ahead |
Better get it in your soul |
Better late than never |
Better luck next time |
Betty |
Betty Lorraine |
Betty, Betty |
Between sun up and sun down |
Between the devil and the deep blue sea |
Between the lines |
Between tomorrow and yesterday |
Between you and me |
Beulah come back |
Beverly |
Beware, beware |
Bewildered |
Bewildered and confused |
Bewitched |
Beyn Gvulot |
Beyond recall |
Beyond the blue horizon |
Beyond the hill |
Beyond the reef |
Beyond the shadow of a doubt |
Bible on the table |
Bicycle Tillie |
Biding my time |
Big as a mountain |
Big balls in town |
Big balls of fire |
Big bayou |
Big Ben boogie |
Big black eyes |
Big blue diamond |
Big blue diamonds |
Big booger |
Big boss |
Big boy |
Big boys don't cry |
Big brick wall |
Big butter and egg man |
Big Casey |
Big cat |
Big city drag |
Big Daddy's blues |
Big deal |
Big Dog, pt.1 |
Big Dog, pt.2 |
Big ends |
Big fat Mamas are back in style again |
Big fat Papa |
Big foot |
Big foot Sam from Birmingham |
Big four boogie |
Big girl |
Big head |
Big house blues |
Big Jay shuffle |
Big Jim |
Big Joe |
Big leg Emma's |
Big mouth gal |
Big old country fool |
Big Red |
Big red sunset |
Big stick candy |
Big ten inch record |
Big Tilda |
Big time blues |
Big town |
Big train |
Big wheel |
Big yellow moon |
Bijou |
Bill Bailey |
Bill Bailey (won't you please come home) |
Bill Bailey, won't you please |
Bill dogs it |
Bill's breakdown |
Billy goat blues |
Billy goat rag |
Billy in the lion's den |
Billy in the lowland |
Billy's bubble |
Bim bam boom |
Bimbo |
Bing bong |
Bing bong goes my heart |
Bingo |
Bip a little, bop a lot |
Birdie |
Birdie in the cage and six hands around |
Birmingham |
Birth of the blues |
Birth of the king |
Birthday medley |
Bite again, bite again |
Bitter tears |
Bitty ditty |
Black and white rag |
Black belt |
Black cat trail |
Black coffee |
Black diamond |
Black gal |
Black lace |
Black light |
Black man blues |
Black mountain rag |
Black rose |
Black roses |
Black satin ribbons |
Black stockings |
Blackenized |
Blackhawk waltz |
Blame it on my youth |
Bless this house |
Bless your heart little girl |
Blessed are the dead |
Blessed Jesus hold my hand |
Blind and dumb man blues |
Blind Barnabus |
Blind's blues |
Blinding tears |
Blip blop |
Blip boogie |
Blockhead |
Blond sailor |
Blood is redder than wine |
Blood pressure |
Bloodhound |
Bloodshot eyes |
Bloody Mary |
Blop down |
Blop up |
Blow Mr. Be Bop |
Blow that lonesome whistle, Casey |
Blow the ashes away |
Blow your brains out |
Blowin' the suds off my beer |
Blowin' to California |
Blowing the blues away |
Blowout |
Blowout all the candles (Happy birthday to you) |
Blue and sentimental |
Blue Autumn |
Blue bells of Scotland |
Blue Bird |
Blue bonnets for her golden hair |
Blue Champagne |
Blue Christmas |
Blue Danube |
Blue Danube merengue |
Blue Danube waltz |
Blue day |
Blue days and lonely nights |
Blue December |
Blue eyed darling |
Blue eyed Elaine |
Blue flame |
Blue flowers |
Blue fool |
Blue funk |
Blue ghost has got me |
Blue grass |
Blue grass trick driver |
Blue guitar |
Blue guitar blues |
Blue Hamp |
Blue Hawaii |
Blue is the way that I feel |
Blue jean baby |
Blue jean boogie |
Blue jean bop |
Blue jean heart |
Blue jeans and pony tail |
Blue lady |
Blue largo |
Blue Lou |
Blue love |
Blue mantilla |
Blue memory |
Blue Memphis |
Blue Mexico skies |
Blue Monday (I ain't got nobody) |
Blue moon |
Blue notoriety |
Blue Pacific moonlight |
Blue Pacific waltz |
Blue party dress |
Blue piano |
Blue prelude |
Blue rhumba |
Blue river |
Blue room |
Blue rose |
Blue rose waltz |
Blue sensation |
Blue shadows |
Blue silhouette |
Blue skies |
Blue skies in your eyes |
Blue skirt waltz |
Blue smoke (Kohu Auwahi) |
Blue star |
Blue steel |
Blue Suede shoes |
Blue tail fly |
Blue tango |
Blue Tennessee rain |
Blue turning grey over you |
Blue velvet |
Blue yesterday |
Blue-who |
Blueberry hill |
Bluebirds singing in the rain |
Bluer than blue |
Blues |
Blues about baby |
Blues at first sight |
Blues at my door |
Blues at sunrise |
Blues before me |
Blues don't call my name |
Blues everywhere |
Blues for baby |
Blues for everybody |
Blues for Handy |
Blues for the camels |
Blues for the Ivy League |
Blues for the ivy leagues |
Blues for the night owls |
Blues for the red boy |
Blues for the whistler |
Blues from Eddie |
Blues in B flat |
Blues in F |
Blues in heart and tears in eyes |
Blues in my heart |
Blues in our time |
Blues in the closet |
Blues in the clouds |
Blues in the clouds? |
Blues in the moonlight |
Blues in the night |
Blues in trouble |
Blues like midnight |
Blues mambo |
Blues nocturne |
Blues stay away from me |
Blues stay away from me, pt.1 |
Blues stay away from me, pt.2 |
Blues tavern |
Blues walk |
Blues you never lose |
Bluesicale |
Bluesology |
Bluz for Suz |
Bo beep |
Bo peep |
Bo weevil |
Bo-da-ley Didd-ley |
Bob Kames theme song |
Bob Scoward |
Bobby baby (What am I gonna do with you) |
Bobby blows |
Bobby Campbell |
Bobby Kaie |
Bobby sox |
Bobby sox baby |
Bobby sox rocker |
Bobo boogie |
Body and soul |
Boggy eyes |
Bohemia after dark |
Boil them cabbage down |
Boll weevil |
Bond Street |
Bone tones |
Bongo blues |
Bongo boogie |
Bongo bop |
Bonnie baby |
Bony Moronie |
Boo hoo |
Boo-da-ba |
Boodie boodie |
Boodie green |
Boogie at midnight |
Boogie baby |
Boogie blues |
Boogie bounce |
Boogie king |
Boogie Lou |
Boogie me |
Boogie numbers |
Boogie party tonight |
Boogie woogie baby |
Boogie woogie Lou |
Boogie woogie yodel |
Boogie's blues |
Book of tears |
Booker blues |
Booker boogie |
Boom diddy boom |
Boom diddy wawa baby |
Boom-a-chick-chick |
Boomerang |
Bootleggin' baby |
Bootsie |
Born to be a lover |
Born to be blue |
Born to be lonely |
Born to be lonesome |
Born to blow the blues |
Born to lose |
Born to ramble |
Boss |
Bossa nova and grits |
Bossa nova blues |
Bossalino (Mambolino) |
Bostic jump |
Bostic's boogie blues |
Botay Bay |
Both sides now |
Bottle to the baby |
Bottles of wine |
Bottles that surround me |
Bottomless blues |
Bouillabaisse |
Boum! |
Bounce the berry |
Bouncing heart |
Bound for the shore |
Bouquet of roses |
Bourbon Street shuffle |
Bow wow boogie |
Box car boogie baby |
Box car letters |
Boy |
Boy meets girl |
Boy you got yourself a girl |
Boy! This stuff kills me |
Boys and girls |
Brad's blues |
Bradshaw boogie |
Brahms' lullaby |
Brand new road |
Branded whereever I go |
Brandy-me tea |
Braum's souvenirs |
Brazil |
Bread of heaven |
Break away |
Breaking up the house |
Breeze |
Breezin' along with the breeze |
Brenda |
Bridge to Shangri-La |
Bright lights a' burning |
Brighter mansion over there |
Brightly shines the moon |
Bring a torch, Jeanette, Isabella |
Bring it back |
Bring it on down to my house |
Bring it up |
Bring me your love |
Bring my lovin' back to me |
Bring the boys to the house |
Bringin' in the Georgia mail |
Bringing in a brand new year |
Bringing up the guitar |
Broadway |
Broadway beat |
Broadway caravan |
Broadway melody |
Broke and lonely |
Broken dreams |
Broken heart |
Broken hearted |
Broken marriage vows |
Brother Rapp |
Brother Rapp, pt.1 |
Brother Rapp, pt.2 |
Brother, drop dead (boogie) |
Brother, I'm with you |
Brother-in-law |
Brotherly love |
Brought me |
Brown angel |
Brown bottle blues |
Brown eyed baby |
Brown eyes |
Brown eyes or blue eyes |
Brown's Ferry blues |
Brownie's boogie |
Brush those tears from your eyes |
Brushy creek |
Bubbins rock |
Bubbles in the wine |
Buck dance |
Bucket head |
Buckeye boogie |
Buddy Bolden said |
Buddy boy |
Buddy stay off of that wine |
Buddy's stomp |
Buddy-E |
Buffalo gal |
Buffalo pickin' |
Buffalo shuffle |
Buggle nose |
Buggy ride |
Bugle call from heaven |
Bugle call rag |
Bugology |
Building a building |
Building on that rock |
Building on the sand |
Bull fighter |
Bull frog boogie |
Bull Moose Jackson blues |
Bullfrog |
Bully of the town |
Bum Mae |
Bumble bee polka |
Bumble bee stomp |
Bumble boogie |
Bumming around |
Bump on a log |
Bunkhouse blues |
Burden to the Lord |
Burlesque polka |
Burlington chase |
Burning lips |
Burning your love letters |
Burnt toast |
Burnt toast and black coffee |
Burrito barracho |
Bushes |
Bushy tail |
But beautiful |
But definitely |
But does that make you mine |
But I did |
But I do, you know I do |
But I still do |
But I tried |
But it's alright |
But not for me |
But only with you |
But you know I love you |
Butcher Pete, pt.1 |
Butcher Pete, pt.2 |
Buttahatchee |
Butter duck |
Butter your popcorn |
Buttered popcorn |
Butterfly |
Butterfly polka |
Butterscotch |
Buttin' in |
Button up your overcoat |
Buttons |
Buttons and bows |
Buzz bomb |
By a waterfall |
By and by understanding |
By my side |
By only you |
By the bells |
By the candle light |
By the candleglow |
By the lake waltz |
By the time I get to Phoenix |
By you, by you |
By your side |
By-Ian |
Bye and bye |
Bye baby bye |
Bye bye ...ora |
Bye bye baby |
Bye bye baby (I'm leaving you) |
Bye bye baby blues |
Bye bye blackbird |
Bye bye blues |
C jam blues |
C Que's blues |
C'est ca l'amore |
C'est ca l'amore (It's love) |
C'est la vie |
C'est la vie (so goes life) |
C'est magnifique |
C'est merveilleux, l'amour |
C'est pas une chanson d'amour |
C'est si bon |
C-I-N-C-I-N-N-A-T-I |
C.C. Rider |
Cabaret |
Cable car |
Cachita |
Cachito |
Cactus polka |
Cadillac 8 |
Cadillac baby |
Cadillac Mama |
Cajun doll |
Calcutta |
Caldonia |
Caldonia's wedding day |
Calico ball |
California |
California earthquake |
California here I come |
California suite |
Call Him up |
Call His name |
Call me darling |
Call me darling once again |
Call me darling, call me sweetheart, call me dear |
Call me dumplin's |
Call of the cross |
Call on me |
Callin' all chickens |
Calling softly |
Calling to that other shore |
Calm, cool and collected |
Calvary |
Calypso capers |
Calypsomaniac |
Camille |
Campin' in Canaan land |
Camping out |
Camptown races |
Camptown races mambo |
Camptown rock |
Can Can |
Can can skirt |
Can I |
Can I depend on you |
Can I forget you |
Can I get some help |
Can it all be love |
Can mind |
Can the Lord depend on you |
Can you stay |
Can't be the same |
Can't do it mambo |
Can't do sixty no more |
Can't find my Sadie |
Can't hardly stand it |
Can't help lovin' dat man |
Can't help lovin' that gal |
Can't help lovin' that man |
Can't help myself |
Can't it be you |
Can't it be you? |
Can't seem to laugh anymore |
Can't sit down, pt.1 |
Can't sit down, pt.2 |
Can't sleep any more |
Can't take it |
Can't take my eyes off of you |
Can't you hear Him calling |
Can't you just feel it |
Can't you see I need a friend |
Canaan land |
Canadian capers |
Canadian sunset |
Canal Street blues |
Canasta |
Candela |
Candella |
Candleglow |
Candy |
Candy bar |
Candy from a baby |
Candy kisses |
Candy Lee |
Cannibals |
Cannonball rock |
Cantique de Noel |
Canto moruno |
Cantus Firmus |
Cape Canaveral blues |
Cape Kennedy, Fla |
Capricious |
Capullito de aleli (You can in Yucatan) |
Car hop |
Car je t'aime |
Caravan |
Carbon copy |
Carefree kisses |
Careless |
Careless driver |
Careless love |
Careless soul |
Carinoso |
Carinto mio |
Carioca |
Carltonia |
Carmela |
Carmelita polka |
Carnival |
Carnival of Venice |
Carol of the bells |
Carolina in the mornin' |
Carolina in the morning |
Carolina moon |
Carolina sunshine girl |
Carolina waltz |
Caroline in the morning |
Carry me back to old Virginia |
Casanova cricket |
Casbah |
Cascade |
Casey Jones |
Castle in the stars |
Casually |
Cat fruit |
Cat nap |
Cat on the keys, pt.1 |
Cat on the keys, pt.2 |
Cat walk |
Cat walk Period |
Cat walks |
Catari Catari |
Catch your lover |
Catfish baby |
Catnip |
Caught in the middle of two hearts |
Caught me when my love was down |
Cavalier polka |
Cave man |
Cecil boogie |
Cecil's house party blues |
Cecilia |
Cedarwood blues |
Celia |
Cement mixer |
Central Avenue boogie |
Central Park blues |
Cerebellum |
Certainly Lord |
Cha cha moro |
Cha cha sue |
Cha conga pachango |
Chabossa (Redskin cha cha) |
Chacha cha cha |
Chain gang |
Chain gang blues |
Chain of love |
Chains of love |
Chalk hearts on the wall |
Chalk talk |
Change partners |
Change your game |
Changes |
Changing blues |
Changing partners |
Chano |
Chanson bohemienne |
Chantilly lace |
Chapel of hearts |
Chapel of St. Clair |
Chaperon |
Charade |
Chariot |
Charleston |
Charleston dancer |
Charleston for Bon Bon |
Charleston rock |
Charleston style |
Charley my boy |
Charlie Brooks and Nellie Adair |
Charlotte breakdown |
Charmaine |
Charming Betsy |
Chattahoochie lullaby |
Chattanooga choo choo |
Chattanooga shoe shine boy |
Che canga |
Cheap bananas |
Cheapskate |
Cheatin' around |
Cheatin' on your baby |
Cheating again |
Check the yellow pages |
Cheek to cheek |
Cheer up |
Cheerful little earful |
Chelsea bridge |
Cherokee |
Cherokee boogie |
Cherokee waltz |
Cherry |
Cherry bean |
Cherry pink and apple blossom white |
Cherry red |
Cherry wine |
Chester overture |
Chew tobacco rag |
Chi-baba, chi-baba |
Chiapanecks |
Chic-a-choo freight |
Chica boo |
Chicago |
Chicago blues |
Chicago buzz |
Chick-chick polka |
Chicken backs |
Chicken blues |
Chicken don't roost too high |
Chicken flicker's ball (The gandy dancers' ball) |
Chicken gumbo |
Chicken house boogie |
Chicken little |
Chicken out |
Chicken reel |
Chicken strut |
Chickies old gray mule |
Chico Mexico |
Chief Um (Take it easy) |
Child's play |
Children of the mist |
Chili bean |
Chili was hot (but Willie was not) |
Chime bells |
China blues |
Chinatown my Chinatown |
Chinatown rock |
Chinatown, my Chinatown |
Chinese breakdown |
Chinese food |
Chiquita banana |
Chiquita from Chi-Wah-Wah |
Chiquita mia |
Chitlins and pig feet |
Chlo-e |
Chloe |
Choc'late ice cream cone |
Chocolate ice cream cone |
Chocolate malt |
Chocolate pork chop man |
Choice |
Choking kind |
Choking the strings |
Chonnie on chon |
Choo choo |
Choo choo ch' boogie |
Choo choo choo |
Choo-choo |
Choose your God |
Chopin polonaise |
Chopper '70 |
Choppin' it down |
Chopstick boogie |
Chopstick mambo |
Christ come seeking |
Christian highway |
Christians tribulations |
Christina |
Christmas blues |
Christmas candles |
Christmas comes but once a year |
Christmas doll |
Christmas Eve in my home town |
Christmas finds me lonely wanting you |
Christmas hymn |
Christmas in heaven |
Christmas is coming |
Christmas is love |
Christmas is near |
Christmas island |
Christmas letters |
Christmas questions |
Christmas reunion |
Christmas song |
Christmas tears |
Christmas time for everybody but me |
Christmas time's a coming |
Christmas tree polka |
Christmas waltz |
Chubby's confession |
Chuckles |
Chuggin' along (Cold nose) |
Cielito lindo |
Cincinnati breakdown |
Cincinnati Post march |
Cinderella fantasy |
Cinderella's curfew |
Cindy |
Cindy Lou |
Cindy Marie |
Cinnamon sinner |
Circle waltz |
Ciribiribin |
Clair de lune |
Clang clang clang |
Clap your hands |
Clara, don't be downhearted |
Clarinet polka |
Classical popsicle |
Clean sweep |
Cleanhead's back in town |
Clementine |
Cleveland ohio blues |
Click clack |
Climb the wall |
Climbing high mountains |
Clinch mountain backstep |
Cling to me |
Clock tickin' rhythm |
Clopin-clopant |
Close as pages in a book |
Close to my heart |
Close to train time |
Close your eyes |
Closed door |
Closin' another door |
Cloud sailin' (Don't move) |
Cloudburst |
Clouds |
Cloudy day blues |
Cluck old hen |
Cmash two wings |
Co co coconut |
Cocaine blues |
Cocktails for two |
Coffee blues |
Coggie run run |
Cokernut tree |
Cold at heart |
Cold cash |
Cold cold heart |
Cold hands and warm heart |
Cold hearted lover |
Cold moods |
Cold sweat |
Cold sweat, pt.1 |
Cold sweat, pt.2 |
Cold tater pie |
Cold, cold heart |
Cole Porter selections |
Cole tater |
Colgate premium record, pt.2 |
Collection box |
Collection of broken hearts |
Colonel Bogey |
Colonel Bogey march |
Color me gone |
Colpevole |
Columbus stockade blues |
Combo's boogie |
Come a little bit closer |
Come along Julie |
Come along with me to heaven |
Come and dine |
Come and get it |
Come away to Camaguey |
Come back |
Come back baby |
Come back little Eva |
Come back to me |
Come back to Sorrento |
Come back to your loved ones |
Come back Uncle John |
Come back, come back |
Come by Sunday |
Come closer to me |
Come closer to me (Acertate mas) |
Come de night |
Come early, stay late |
Come go with me |
Come here darling |
Come here son |
Come here woman |
Come home |
Come in the altar |
Come in the ark |
Come in the room |
Come in this house |
Come on |
Come on a-my house |
Come on and get it |
Come on and let your hair down |
Come on and put me in the alley |
Come on and save me |
Come on baby, let's shake it |
Come on gimme some lovin' |
Come on home |
Come on home little baby |
Come on home, everything's alright |
Come on in |
Come on in (and make yourself at home) |
Come on in my kitchen |
Come on in the house |
Come on Jesus (Give me a helping hand) |
Come on right now |
Come on rock little girl |
Come on sugar |
Come on with it |
Come on, be my rainbow |
Come on, come on, come on |
Come on, let's have a good time |
Come on, let's sing |
Come on, sugar |
Come over here |
Come rain or come shine |
Come share the sunshine with me |
Come to me |
Come to me baby |
Come to Vienna |
Come ye disconsolate |
Come-a, come-a, baby |
Comedy album-Moonshine yellow |
Comes love |
Coming back to you |
Coming home to you |
Coming hone in the morning |
Command me |
Comme ci, comme ca |
Con rumbo perdido |
Concerto in B flat minor |
Conclusions |
Coney Island |
Confederate flag |
Confessin' the blues |
Confidential |
Confidential Kitty |
Confirmation |
Confirmation, pt.1 |
Confirmation, pt.2 |
Confused |
Congo mambo |
Constantinople |
Constantly |
Construction gang |
Contiro |
Conversation |
Coo cha |
Coo see coo |
Cool competition |
Cool cool baby |
Cool disc jockey |
Cool eyes |
Cool feet |
Cool fool |
Cool it (Wait till the sun shines, Nellie) |
Cool jerk |
Cool water |
Coon blues |
Coosy |
Copenhagen |
Copy cat |
Coralee |
Corazon de ... |
Corn whiskey |
Corn's tune |
Cornet de frites |
Cornet shop suey |
Cornshucks blues |
Corrine Corrina |
Corrine, Corrina |
Cottage for sale |
Cotton ball, pt.1 |
Cotton ball, pt.2 |
Cotton eyed Joe |
Cotton pickin' heart |
Cotton picking |
Cotton tail |
Could be |
Could this be magic |
Could you |
Count Bill |
Count your blessings |
Count your many blessings |
Count's special |
Counterfeit heart |
Counting tear drops |
Counting the days |
Country boogie |
Country boy |
Country boy rock 'n roll |
Country breakdown |
Country girl polka |
Country home |
Country latin special |
Country side of Nearon (Where the bluegrass music flows) |
Country twist |
Courtin' in the rain |
Cow cow boogie |
Cow town boogie |
Cozy and bossa |
Cozy corner |
Cozy's corner |
Cozy's mambo |
Crab man |
Cracked ice |
Cradle rock |
Crap game fugue |
Crawdad song |
Crawlin' around |
Crawling home |
Crazy chicken |
Crazy finger blues |
Crazy heart |
Crazy in the heart |
Crazy love (Comes love) |
Crazy lovin' |
Crazy over you |
Crazy Sadie |
Crazy times |
Crazy, crazy love |
Crazy, crazy women |
Creation |
Creation of love |
Creole gal |
Creole love call |
Crickets sing for Anna Maria |
Cripple creek |
Crippled for life |
Critics choice |
Crocodile tears |
Cromwell's dream |
Croquemitoufle |
Crosley march |
Cross firing |
Cross roads |
Cross ties |
Cross-eyed gal from the Ozarks |
Crossbones |
Crossed eyed mule |
Crossroads of broken hearts |
Crowley waltz |
Crown and robbins fight |
Cruce dl oro (Cross of gold) |
Cruel love |
Cruisin' for a bruisin' |
Cruising down the river |
Cry |
Cry baby blues |
Cry baby boogie |
Cry baby cry |
Cry me a river |
Cry no more |
Cryin' and singin' the blues |
Cryin' for the Carolines |
Crying and singin' the blues |
Crying blues |
Crying heart blues |
Crying my heart out for you |
Crying over you |
Crying shame |
Crying tears |
Crying time |
Crying with the rising sun |
Cuando caliente el sol (Love me with all your heart) |
Cuba after dark |
Cuba en Espana |
Cuban carnival |
Cuban echoes |
Cuban jaunt |
Cuban love song |
Cubano chant |
Cuckoo in the clock |
Cuddle up |
Cuddle up a little closer |
Cuddle up with Carolyn |
Cumana |
Cumberland gap |
Cup of loneliness |
Curley headed baby |
Curly haired baby |
Currant jelly |
Custer's last stand |
Cute little ways |
Cutie |
Cuttin' in |
Cuttin' out |
Cynthia |
D natural rock |
D'mitri |
D.B. Blues |
D.W. Washburn |
Dad gave my dog away |
Daddy dear |
Daddy don't go |
Daddy is sleeping up in heaven |
Daddy Laddy |
Daddy plays the horn |
Daddy rollin' stone |
Daddy rolling stone |
Daddy why |
Daddy's glad you came home |
Daddy's house |
Daddy's little baby |
Daddy's little blue eyed baby |
Daddy's little blue eyed boy |
Daddy-O |
Daisies never tell |
Daisy bell |
Daisy bell (Bicycle built for two) |
Daisy dean |
Dale a beber |
Dall a Von |
Dance |
Dance little girlie |
Dance of love |
Dance of Sagittarius, pt.1 |
Dance of Sagittarius, pt.2 |
Dance of the redskins |
Dance of the Spanish onion |
Dance till it hurtcha |
Dance to the music |
Dance with me Georgia |
Dance with me the Christmas tree 'round |
Dancin' wild |
Dancin' with someone |
Dancing at the midway schottische |
Dancing in my socks |
Dancing in the dark |
Dancing in the moonlight |
Dancing in the sun |
Dancing little thing |
Dancing on the ceiling |
Dancing senorita |
Dancing to the beat |
Dancing to the music |
Dancing with somebody new |
Dancing with tears in my eyes |
Danger! Heartbreak ahead |
Dangerous lips |
Danglin' |
Daniel prayed |
Danny boy |
Danny's tune |
Danube waltz |
Danube waves |
Darby's ram |
Dardanella |
Dark as a dungeon |
Dark clouds |
Dark eyes |
Dark glasses |
Dark hollow |
Dark Shadows |
Darktown strutter's ball |
Darlin' |
Darlin' oh darlin' |
Darlin' why |
Darling |
Darling (I miss you so) |
Darling brown eyes |
Darling I miss you so |
Darling I want your love |
Darling je vous aime beaucoup |
Darling Nellie across the sea |
Darling Nellie Gray |
Darling you done me wrong |
Darling you should know |
Darling, darling, I love you |
Darling, I'll be true |
Darling, it's you, you, you |
Darling, please be mine |
Darling, please forgive me |
Darling, where can you be |
Darling, won't you love me now |
Darn that dream |
Darner marsch |
Darting hymn |
Dat's love |
Dave's blues |
Dave's boogie woogie |
Davenport blues |
Davy you upset my home |
Davy you upset my life |
Davy's got the cutest little dinghy in the Navy |
Dawn on the desert |
Day and night |
Day by day |
Day done broke too soon this morning |
Day dream |
Day in, day out |
Day train |
Daybreak |
Daybreak in Dixie |
Daybreak rock |
Days of wine and roses |
Days passed and gone |
De Alamos a San Francisa (Schottische) |
De gay young lad |
De knife, de fork, de spoon |
De tes mains |
Dead man's hop |
Deadly weapon |
Deal yourself another hand |
Dealing from the bottom |
Dealing with the devil |
Dear Dad |
Dear friend |
Dear God |
Dear Joan |
Dear little boy of mine |
Dear Lord and Father of mankind |
Dear mother |
Dear old Dixie |
Dear one |
Dearest |
Dearly beloved |
Death in the morning |
Death of an angel |
Death row |
Deck of cards |
Deck the halls |
Dedicated to the one I love |
Dedicated to you |
Dedication to mother |
Dee Dee |
Deed I do |
Deeno dantry |
Deep blue sea |
Deep elm boogie blues |
Deep elm boogie woogie blues |
Deep in a dream |
Deep in my heart |
Deep in my heart dear |
Deep in my heart for you |
Deep in the heart of Texas |
Deep night |
Deep purple |
Deep river |
Deep sea blues |
Deep sea diver |
Deep secret |
Deep South boogie |
Deep within my heart |
Deep, deep in the cellar |
Del Rio boogie |
Delahdino |
Delicado |
Delightful |
Delta blues |
Delta dawn |
DeLuxe polka |
Dem crazy bums |
Democracy |
Denny's tune |
Deo-X |
Depending on Jesus |
Desert dawn |
Desert song |
Desperately |
Desperation's back again |
Destruction road |
Detour ahead |
Detroit boogie |
Devachen |
Devil can't harm a praying man |
Devil with the rest |
Devil woman |
Devil's den, pt.1 |
Devil's den, pt.2 |
Devil's dream |
Devil's jump |
Dew drop polka |
Diabilita |
Diamonds and pearls |
Diane |
Dibblin' and dabblin' |
Did you ever love a woman? |
Did you ever see a dream walking? |
Did you ever try to cry? |
Diddle diddle dumpling |
Diddy wah boogie |
Didja ever |
Didn't it rain |
Didn't they crucified my Lord |
Didn't we |
Die greene kouseene |
Dier mi gallo |
Dig like you never dug |
Diga diga doo |
Diggin' for Diz |
Dill pickles |
Dim the lights |
Dimples |
Dinah |
Ding dang doo |
Ding dong |
Ding dong bells |
Ding dong doo |
Ding dong polka |
Dinner date |
Dinner for one please James |
Dip your finger in the water (and cool my tongue) |
Dirty ol' Sam |
Dirty deal blues |
Dirty words |
Dis train |
Disc jockey nightmare |
Discontented are you darling |
Disgusted |
Dissatisfied |
Dites moi (Bali Ha'i) |
Divorces |
Dixie |
Dixie boogie |
Dixie breakdown |
Dixie flyer |
Dixie lament |
Dixieland umpta |
Dizzy atmosphere |
Dizzy fingers |
Do be you |
Do I love her? Deed I do |
Do I love you |
Do I worry? |
Do it again |
Do it again, please |
Do it no more |
Do it yourself kit |
Do it Zulu style |
Do me good |
Do nothin' till you hear from me |
Do right |
Do right baby |
Do right woman (Turn me loose) |
Do something for me |
Do the cha cha cherry |
Do the president twist |
Do the wiggle |
Do unto others |
Do unto you |
Do what the Lord says, do |
Do what you do |
Do you believe |
Do you believe in Jesus |
Do you believe? |
Do you call that religion? |
Do you ever think of me |
Do you ever worry |
Do you feel like riffin'? |
Do you hear what I hear |
Do you know |
Do you know Him? |
Do you know how Jesus is coming back |
Do you know how to boogie |
Do you know how to twist |
Do you know why? |
Do you love me |
Do you love me, do you love me |
Do you love the Lord |
Do you mean it? |
Do you mean the words you say |
Do you mean what you say |
Do you really want to rescue me, pt.1 |
Do you really want to rescue me, pt.2 |
Do you remember |
Do you want to shout |
Do-re-mi |
Doctor Jazz stomp |
Doctor Jesus |
Doctor Jesus (reprise) |
Does Jesus care |
Does Jesus care? |
Does your heart beat for me |
Dog bite your hide |
Dog days |
Dog food |
Dog house boogie |
Doggin' me down |
Doggin' around |
Doggy Joe |
Doin' |
Doin' everything |
Doin' the limbo |
Doing the good |
Doll dance |
Doll face |
Doll of clay |
Dollar Bill Mama blues, pt.1 |
Dollar Bill Mama blues, pt.2 |
Dollar sign |
Dolly dear |
Dolly dimple dance |
Dolphin Street boogie |
Dominique |
Domino |
Domino polka |
Don John (Don Juan) |
Don Juan |
Don's dilemma |
Don's diploma |
Don't ask me why |
Don't be a drop-out |
Don't be afraid to love |
Don't be ashamed |
Don't be ashamed of Mother |
Don't be ashamed to call my name |
Don't be misled |
Don't be no fool |
Don't be no fool-fool |
Don't be so mean |
Don't be that long |
Don't be that way |
Don't beat around the bush |
Don't blame me |
Don't blame my heart |
Don't bother me |
Don't bring Lulu |
Don't bring me posies |
Don't bring your blues to me |
Don't bug me, hug me |
Don't call me |
Don't call me (I'll call you) |
Don't call no more |
Don't change your mind |
Don't cheat in our home town |
Don't count your dreams |
Don't cry baby |
Don't cry, my soldier boy |
Don't deceive me |
Don't deny me |
Don't dilly dally on the way |
Don't do it again |
Don't do it please |
Don't do me wrong |
Don't do that baby |
Don't drop it |
Don't ever change your pretty ways |
Don't ever close the door |
Don't ever leave me |
Don't ever take my picture down |
Don't fall in love with anyone |
Don't fall in love with me |
Don't feel that a way |
Don't fence me in |
Don't forget about me |
Don't forget me |
Don't forget to write |
Don't get around much any more |
Don't get around much anymore |
Don't get funky |
Don't get me wrong |
Don't get too wild, child (Sightseeing boogie) |
Don't get your dander up |
Don't give me no phony love |
Don't give no more than you can take |
Don't go |
Don't go away |
Don't go baby |
Don't go home |
Don't go honky tonkin' |
Don't go I love you |
Don't hang around me anymore |
Don't hold it |
Don't judge |
Don't knock at my door |
Don't know |
Don't know what you're missing |
Don't know why |
Don't know why, I just do |
Don't laugh at me |
Don't laugh at me now |
Don't leave me |
Don't leave me baby, don't |
Don't leave me dear |
Don't leave me no more |
Don't leave me this way |
Don't leave me with the yum yum blues |
Don't leave my poor heart breakin' |
Don't leave my poor heart breaking |
Don't leave poor me |
Don't let go |
Don't let him hurt you baby |
Don't let it be in vain |
Don't let it be said |
Don't let it happen to me |
Don't let it rain |
Don't let me die a lonely man |
Don't let me do things I shouldn't |
Don't let our love die |
Don't let temptation turn you 'round |
Don't let temptation turn you round |
Don't let the blues get you down |
Don't let the stars (get in your eyes) |
Don't let the stars get in your eyes |
Don't let them change your mind |
Don't let your sweet love die |
Don't look down on me |
Don't look now |
Don't make a fool out of me |
Don't make it so good |
Don't make me love you |
Don't mind |
Don't misuse my love |
Don't monkey around my widder when I'm gone |
Don't offer me the stars |
Don't open that door |
Don't play bad with my love |
Don't play it no more |
Don't play with love |
Don't ration my love |
Don't say goodbye (just say so long) |
Don't say goodnight |
Don't say love has ended |
Don't say no |
Don't say your last goodbye |
Don't shake hands with the devil |
Don't sing no sad songs for me |
Don't sit under the apple tree |
Don't slam the door |
Don't smoke in bed |
Don't squawk |
Don't steal my heart |
Don't step over an old love |
Don't stop Dan |
Don't stop kissing me goodnight |
Don't sweet talk me |
Don't sweetheart me |
Don't take her, she's all I got |
Don't take it so hard |
Don't take me for granted |
Don't take my heart, little girl |
Don't take my picture, take me |
Don't take my whiskey away from me |
Don't take your love |
Don't take your love from me |
Don't talk about me |
Don't tease me this way |
Don't tell me how |
Don't tell me your worries |
Don't tell my mommy |
Don't thank me |
Don't think twice |
Don't throw your love on me so strong |
Don't tickle |
Don't trade the old for a new |
Don't tread on the tail of me coat |
Don't treat me that way |
Don't treat me this way |
Don't trifle with the Lord |
Don't try to fool me |
Don't try to take it with you when you go |
Don't wait 'til the night before Christmas |
Don't wait any longer, dear sinner |
Don't wait too long |
Don't wait too long to forgive |
Don't wait up for me |
Don't wait Up for me, Mama |
Don't wait, pretty baby |
Don't wake up the kids |
Don't whistle till you see the blue of her eyes |
Don't worry 'bout me |
Don't worry 'bout nothin' |
Don't worry about me |
Don't write to mother too late |
Don't you cry over me |
Don't you do it |
Don't you go |
Don't you know |
Don't you know I care |
Don't you know I love you baby |
Don't you know I'm in love |
Don't you know it's wrong |
Don't you know me any more? |
Don't you know me anymore |
Don't you know? |
Don't you love me |
Don't you remember me? |
Don't you sweetheart me |
Don't you think I oughta know |
Don't you want to go |
Don't you want to rock |
Donkey serenade |
Donna Lou |
Doodle bee |
Doodle bug |
Doodle doo doo |
Doodlin' |
Door bell blues |
Dorky |
Dot |
Dottie baby |
Dottie my love |
Double banjo blues |
Double crossin' liquor |
Double crossin' woman |
Double eagle |
Double funky |
Double or nothing |
Double promotion blues |
Double shot |
Double talk |
Double talk baby |
Double trouble |
Double whammy |
Double your lovin' |
Doubled eyed whammy |
Down among the sheltering palms |
Down at Poppa Joe's |
Down at the depot |
Down boy |
Down boy down |
Down by the old mill stream |
Down by the river |
Down by the riverside |
Down home boogie |
Down home bossa nova |
Down home girl |
Down home jump |
Down in Daytona |
Down in Dixie (where they say "you all") |
Down in Dixie where they say you all |
Down in Montevideo |
Down in Nashville, Tennessee |
Down in the Bahamas |
Down in the bottom |
Down in the depth of the 99th floor |
Down in the depths |
Down in the dumps |
Down in the Indes |
Down in the Indies |
Down old log cabin way |
Down on all five |
Down on my knees |
Down on the bottom |
Down on the farm |
Down slow |
Down stream |
Down the aisle |
Down the alley |
Down the road |
Down the road a piece |
Down the road and over the hill |
Down the valley of the shadow |
Down to earth |
Down where the rainbow ends |
Down where the river bends |
Down where the wurlberger flows |
Down yonder |
Downhearted blues |
Doxy |
Dr. Lover |
Dread the night |
Dream |
Dream after the ball |
Dream bait |
Dream boy dream |
Dream dust |
Dream girl |
Dream of love |
Dream on |
Dream street |
Dream train engineer |
Dream world |
Dream you fool |
Dreaming |
Dreaming a lullaby |
Dreaming blues |
Dreaming of a little cabin |
Dreams |
Dreams come true |
Dreams or reality |
Dreamy eyes |
Drifting and dreaming |
Drifting apart |
Drifting waters |
Drifting with the tide |
Driftwood on the sea |
Drill 'em all |
Drill Daddy, drill |
Drinkin' sherry wine |
Drinkin' wine spoo-dee-o-dee |
Drinking blues |
Drinking from the fountain |
Drive me home |
Drive on |
Drivin' the blues |
Driving nails |
Driving sideways |
Drop down to my place |
Drop me a line |
Drum boogie |
Drum fever |
Drum sticks |
Drumble |
Drume negrita |
Drunk again |
Drunkard's dream |
Dry bones |
Dry bones twist |
Du du liegst mir in Herzen |
Du und du waltz |
Duck walk |
Ducky |
Due to the shortage |
Duff |
Dug-Gunn shame |
Duke's choice |
Dumb dumb |
Dumplin' dumplin' |
Dumpling dumpling |
Dungaree doll |
Dupree blues |
Dureop, pt.1 |
Dureop, pt.2 |
Dusk tide |
Dust off the old piano rolls |
Dust on the Bible |
Dusty blue |
Dynamite darling |
E basta cosi |
E flat B flat |
E vero |
Each night I pray (there'll come a time) |
Each time I pray |
Earl blows a fuse |
Earl's blues |
Earl's Dog |
Earl's imagination |
Earl's rhumboogie |
Early bird |
Early hours |
Early in the morning |
Early in the morning blues |
Early in the morning, late at night |
Early one morning |
Early session |
Ease my troubled mind |
East bound freight train |
East Coast outpost |
East coasting |
East of the sun |
East side |
East St. Louis toodle-oo |
Easter parade |
Eastwood blues |
Easy |
Easy does it |
Easy going |
Easy going kisses |
Easy living |
Easy love easy kisses |
Easy street |
Easy talk |
Easy to be hard |
Easy to love |
Easy to remember |
Ebb tide |
Ebb tide, pt.1 |
Ebb tide, pt.2 |
Ebony eyes |
Ebony rhapsody |
Ebony silhouette |
Eccentric |
Eccentric rag |
Echo express |
Echoes |
Echoes from the burning bush |
Echoes in my heart |
Echoes of Harlem |
Echoes of Hawaii |
Echoes of Russia |
Echoes of Spring |
Echoes of the islands |
Echoes over the smokeys |
Echos |
Ecstasy |
Eddie's blues |
Eddie's bounce |
Eddie's function |
Edge of love |
Education |
Ee-tid-ee-dee |
Eeny-meeny-miney-moe |
Egertlander Regimentsmarsch |
Eggs and grits |
Eight ball |
Eight more miles to Louisville |
Ein schiff wird kommen (A ship will come) |
El Borracho |
El cavaquinho |
El choclo |
El cumbanchero |
El manisero (The peanut vendor) |
El Morocco tea rooms |
El ranger nosa |
El relicario |
El Sinaloense (Huapango) |
El tigre |
El toro valiente |
El tumbaito |
El vagaboundo |
Eleanor |
Eleanor Rigby |
Electric polka |
Electrified donkey |
Elegie |
Eleven o'clock twist |
Elizabethean serenade |
Ellie |
Elmer's tune |
Elvis |
Emaline |
Embargo on escargot |
Embraceable you |
Emotions |
Empathy |
Emperor waltz |
Empty arms |
Empty arms and a heart full of sorrow |
Empty bottle, empty heart |
Empty cabin |
Empty chair |
En Kelohenu (chassidic) |
En Kelohenu (traditional) |
Enchantment |
Encore to "Hot lips" |
End it here |
End of my journey |
End this misery |
English sweetheart |
Enojada |
Escape-ism, pt.1 |
Escape-ism, pt.2 |
Espana Cani |
Espana en cha cha |
Esso besso spanka |
Estoyalabando |
Estrellita |
Et la fete continue |
Eternal home |
Eternally |
Eternity |
Eternity without Him |
European blues |
Ev'ry time |
Ev'rytime |
Ev'rytime we say goodbye |
Eva Lee |
Even me |
Even more |
Even the bad times with her were good |
Evening |
Evening breeze |
Evening dreams |
Evening star |
Eventide (Moonrise) |
Ever lovin' pride and joy |
Ever since we met |
Evergreen |
Everlovin' |
Every beat of my heart |
Every cloud |
Every day and every hour |
Every day I have the blues |
Every day in the week |
Every day seems like Sunday |
Every dog has his day |
Every hour, every day |
Every little movement |
Every second |
Every time I dream (You're my darlin') |
Every time I feel the spirit |
Every time I see you |
Every time we say goodbye |
Every which a kinda way |
Everybody blues |
Everybody do the chicken |
Everybody does wrong sometimes |
Everybody goes to town (on Saturday night) |
Everybody knew but me |
Everybody knew the truth but me |
Everybody knows |
Everybody loves a fat man |
Everybody loves a fat man (and oh how a fat man can love) |
Everybody loves her |
Everybody needs love |
Everybody needs some loving |
Everybody needs somebody to love |
Everybody ought to love their soul |
Everybody ought to pray sometime |
Everybody wants a little peace |
Everybody wants money (but nobody wants to work) |
Everybody will be happy (over there) |
Everybody's blues |
Everybody's got a girl but me |
Everybody's loving my baby |
Everybody's talkin' |
Everybody's with you when you' re winning |
Everybody's woman |
Everyday will be Sunday |
Everyone knows that I'm lonely |
Everything is gonna be alright |
Everything but one man, woman |
Everything but you |
Everything happens to me |
Everything has changed |
Everything I have is yours |
Everything I love |
Everything reminds me of you |
Everything will be all right |
Everything you said came true |
Everything's all right |
Everything's coming up roses |
Everything's gonna be all right |
Everything's gonna be alright |
Everything's the same |
Everywhere I go |
Evidence for the existence of the unconscious |
Evil gal's jockeys |
Evil ways |
Evil woman don't play your games with me |
Evolution |
Exactly like you |
Excite me Daddy |
Excuse me |
Excuse me (I think I've got a heartache) |
Exercise |
Exkatamo |
Exodus |
Explosive population |
Extra version |
Extraversion |
Eyes that never cry |
Ezekial saw de wheel |
Ezra's waltz |
Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa |
Face to face |
Faces |
Fact of the sin (?) |
Faded gardenia |
Failing health blues |
Fair weather friend |
Fair you well |
Fairest Lord Jesus |
Fairweather baby |
Fairyland |
Faith and charity |
Faith in grace, that's all I need |
Faith of our Fathers |
Faithful |
Faithful and true love |
Fall guy |
Fall in these arms of mine |
Fallen angel |
Falling |
Falling in love again |
Falling in love with love |
Falling leaf |
Falling rain |
Falling rain blues |
Falling tears |
False face |
False friend blues |
False love |
False or true |
Family altar |
Family Bible |
Fancy pants |
Fanny Brown |
Fanny Brown got married |
Fanny Brown's wedding day |
Fanny Fanny blues (Fan your Fanny blues) |
Fantasy |
Far away places |
Far East cha cha |
Far from you |
Far rockaway |
Fare Thee well, Deacon Jones, fare Thee well |
Farewell, goodbye |
Farfel |
Farm town gal |
Farther along |
Farther on |
Fascinatin' rhythm |
Fascinating rhythm |
Fascination |
Fast blues |
Fast clip |
Fast express |
Fast life |
Fast moving night train |
Fast track |
Fast train through Arkansas |
Fast woman, slow gin |
Fasting Street opera, pt.2 |
Fat boy |
Fat Eddie |
Fat gal |
Fat girl |
Fat mama |
Fat soul |
Fat stockings |
Fat stuff |
Fat wood, pt.1 |
Fat wood, pt.2 |
Father alone |
Father forgive him |
Father, Father |
Fear not, my child |
Fears of using me |
Feast on milk and honey |
Featherbed Mama |
Feathers |
Feddi |
Feel so lonesome |
Feel so sad |
Feelin' low |
Feelin' the blues |
Feeling cool |
Feeling lowdown |
Feeling mellow |
Feeling of jazz |
Feeling sentimental |
Feeling zero |
Felsen fest furs Vaterland |
Fete a Napoli |
Feu de bois |
Fever |
Few get it |
Few short letters |
Fiddle faddle |
Field hand man |
Fifteen cents is all I got |
Fifty five seconds |
Fifty miles to travel |
Fifty years ago |
Fighting for freedom |
Filibuster |
Filipino baby |
Fill my heart to over flowing |
Fill my heart with happiness |
Finale |
Find another love |
Find yourself a new thing |
Finders keepers, losers weepers |
Fine and dandy |
Fine brown baby |
Fine old foxy self |
Fine, fine baby |
Fing fang foy |
Finger fling |
Finger poppin' time |
Finger tips |
Finishing the unfinished |
Fire and rain |
Fire ball mail |
Fire's a-comin' |
Fireball |
Firewater |
Firm foundation |
First bass |
First love |
First time in Miami |
First time starter |
First, last and always game of love |
Fish fare |
Fish net |
Fisherman's polka |
Fishing pole song |
Fishing song |
Fishtail blues |
Five foot two, eyes of blue |
Five little kisses |
Five minutes longer |
Five minutes more |
Five o'clock whistle |
Five round stones |
Five string banjo boogie |
Five string drag |
Five string special |
Five to eight boogie |
Five wives |
Fix me a pallet |
Fix me Jesus |
Flame in my heart |
Flamenco sketches |
Flamin' Mamie |
Flaming love |
Flamingo |
Flaner tous les deux |
Flashing on and off |
Flat footed Mama |
Flattery will get you nowhere |
Flesh, blood and bones |
Flip flap flossie |
Flip kitten |
Floating |
Floormat Blues |
Flop eared mule |
Florentine |
Flores negras |
Florida pickin' |
Flow gently, sweet rhythm |
Flowers for a lady |
Flowers for the master's bouquet |
Flowers, Mister Florist, please |
Floyd's guitar blues |
Flub |
Flute to Boot |
Fly birdie fly |
Fly me to the moon |
Flyin' colors |
Flying |
Flying disc |
Flying home |
Flying home to you baby |
Flying machine |
Fog horn |
Foggy night |
Foggy river |
Folk county blues |
Follies Bergere |
Follow me |
Follow the leader |
Fool 'em devil |
Fool around with love |
Fool for you |
Fool that I am |
Fool's folly |
Fool, fool, fool |
Foolin' blues |
Foolin' myself |
Fooling myself |
Foolish castles |
Foolish fool |
Foolish me for loving you |
Foolish prayer |
Foolish pride |
Foolish tears |
Fools rush in |
Fools rush in (where angels fear to trend) |
Foot pattin' |
Football |
For a few dollars |
For all we know |
For heaven's sake |
For miles and miles |
For minors only |
For old times sake |
For once in my life |
For only you |
For sentimental reasons |
For the Bible tells me so |
For the good times |
For you |
For you I prayed |
For you my love |
Fore day in the morning |
Fore day train |
Forever |
Forever and a day |
Forever and ever |
Forever and forever |
Forever far apart |
Forever I'll wait |
Forevermore |
Forget and forgive |
Forget me |
Forget me not |
Forgive |
Forgive me |
Forgive me (Gomen Nasai) |
Forgive me darling |
Forgotten heartaches |
Forgotten men |
Formula X-9 |
Fortune teller |
Fortunes, fortunes, unknown treasures |
Forty years ago |
Forward flight |
Four |
Four axemen |
Four bare walls and a ceiling |
Four books in the Bible |
Four brothers |
Four hands |
Four or five times |
Four thirty in the morning |
Four to four |
Four women |
Fourteen days ago |
Fox chase |
Fox hunt |
Fraidy cat |
Frailach tantz |
Fran |
Franken boogie |
Frankenstein's party |
Frankie and Johnny |
Frasquita serenade |
Freckle face |
Freckle faced girl |
Freckle song |
Freddy's midnite dream |
Free |
Free again |
Free at last |
Free for all |
Free for all (Go Red, go) |
Free from blame |
Free lancin' again |
Free sugar |
Free-hearted |
Freedom march |
Freeway 75 |
Freight train boogie |
French corn |
Frequency response |
Frere Jacques |
Friday night blues |
Frieda |
Friend from Texas |
Friend of mine |
Friendless blues |
Friends call me a fool |
Frisco line |
Frivolous Sal |
Frog legs |
From bad to good blues |
From Lexington to Louisville |
From midnight till dawn |
From one pair of arms to another |
From Russia with love |
From someone who cares |
From the back side, pt.1 |
From the back side, pt.2 |
From the manger to the cross |
From this moment on |
Fros-Tee nite |
Frosty the snowman |
Frozen girl |
Fruit salad |
Frustration |
Fuguetta blues |
Full Count |
Full moon |
Full moon and empty arms |
Full time love |
Fun fun |
Fun, fun, fun |
Function at the junction |
Funk bomb |
Funky cajun |
Funky country music |
Funky drummer, pt.1 |
Funky drummer, pt.2 |
Funky love |
Funky soul No.1 |
Funky soul No.1, pt.1 |
Funky soul No.1, pt.2 |
Funky soul train |
Funky street |
Funny (not much) |
Funny bone |
Funny love |
Funny what true love can do |
Funny world |
Fur trapper's ball |
Further out |
G-I-R-L girl |
Gainesville |
Gal from Kokomo |
Gal in calico |
Gals don't mean a thing |
Galway Bay |
Gamblin' man |
Gamblin' woman |
Game of love |
Games people play |
Gangster of love |
Garden in the sky |
Garner in Hollywood |
Gathering buds |
Gathering flower from the hillside |
Gathering flowers from the hillside |
Gathering in the sky |
Gay's blues |
Gayten's boogie |
Gayten's nightmare |
Gear jammer |
Gee baby ain't I good to you |
Gee baby, it's nice to hold you again |
Gee, I really want you |
Gene's dream (Bill's grill) |
Geneva |
Gentle on my mind |
Gentleman friend |
George Washington twist |
George, BB and Roy |
Georgia bound |
Georgia on my mind |
Georgia rag |
Georgia rose |
German waltz medley No.11 |
Gesu bambino |
Get a pin up girl |
Get along downtown |
Get away back |
Get away from here |
Get away from my door |
Get away Jordan |
Get away old man, get away |
Get back on the glory road |
Get back on the shelf, baby |
Get behind me Satan |
Get gone |
Get happy |
Get hot |
Get it |
Get it one more time |
Get it right or leave it alone |
Get it together |
Get it together and do what you should |
Get it together, pt.1 |
Get it together, pt.2 |
Get lost |
Get lost Jack Frost |
Get me to the church on time |
Get on down |
Get out and get under |
Get out of my life |
Get out of my sight |
Get ready |
Get right with God |
Get something out of it |
Get that hump in your back |
Get things ready for me, Ma |
Get to that |
Get up and go to school |
Get up get into it, get involved, pt.1 |
Get up get into it, get involved, pt.2 |
Get up, get into it, get involved |
Get up, I feel like being like a sex machine |
Get up, I feel like being like a sex machine, pt.1 |
Get up, I feel like being like a sex machine, pt.2 |
Get your enjoys |
Get your mind out the gutter |
Get your soul |
Get yourself a monkey man |
Get yourself a red head |
Gethsemane |
Gettin' drunk |
Gettin' old |
Gettin' sentimental over you |
Gettin' with the twist |
Gettin'down |
Getting late in the evening |
Getting nearer |
Getting to know you |
Gettysburg recalled |
Ghost of a chance |
Ghost of my baby |
Ghost riders in the sky |
Ghost walk |
Giannina mia |
Gibble gobble |
Gift of love |
Giggles |
Gigi |
Gimme |
Gimme a little kiss |
Gimme, gimme, gimme some gefilte fish |
Gimmie |
Gin |
Gin and coconut milk |
Gin gin gin |
Ginger bread |
Ginger my love |
Girl friend polka |
Girl from Decatur |
Girl from Kookamunga |
Girl girl girl |
Girl of the night |
Girl town blues |
Girl without a name |
Girl you better stop it |
Girl, you had a thing goin' |
Girls, girls, girls |
Git along Cindy |
Git it |
Git to gittin' baby |
Git with the guts |
Gittin' a little hipper |
Give 'em Hal |
Give 'em up! |
Give a cheer |
Give a little whistle |
Give a little, take a little |
Give away Jordan |
Give back my ring and picture |
Give in |
Give it back |
Give it up |
Give it up or turn it a loose |
Give it up or turn it loose |
Give me |
Give me a chance |
Give me a cue baby |
Give me a horse |
Give me back my heart |
Give me love |
Give me something called love |
Give me that old time religion |
Give me the simple life |
Give me this night |
Give me you |
Give me your hand |
Give me your heart (that's all I need) |
Give me your love |
Give my regards to Broadway |
Give thanks |
Give the world a sunny smile |
Given up the world |
Giving out of juice |
Glad rag doll |
Glad to be unhappy |
Glen's chimes |
Glide on |
Glo' glug |
Gloria's tune |
Glorify His name |
Glory bound train |
Glory of love |
Glory to His name |
Gloryland boogie |
Glow worm |
Go 'way down from my window |
Go ahead |
Go ahead and fly |
Go away (Far away) |
Go away blues |
Go back to the country girl |
Go down Moses |
Go find another man |
Go get some more you fool |
Go now |
Go on now |
Go on your way |
Go power at Christmas time |
Go tell it on the mountain |
Go where I send Thee |
God answers prayer |
God bless the child |
God changed my life |
God don't like it |
God gave me you |
God had His way |
God has taken my flower |
God I confess |
God is a refuge |
God is already here |
God knows my heart |
God knows what's best |
God leads His children |
God loves you child |
God loves your child |
God of our Fathers |
God only knows |
God overpowered Satan |
God please protect America |
God put a rainbow in the sky |
God rest ye merry gentlemen |
God understands |
God will guide you |
God's almighty gonna cut you down |
God's amazing grace |
God's amazing love |
God's Bible is your guide |
God's got His eyes on you |
God's green earth |
God's hand rules the world |
God's highway |
God's radio phone |
God's record book of life |
God's soldier |
God's word shall never pass away |
God, please protect America |
Gods gonna move |
Goin' back home today |
Goin' back to school |
Goin' back to the blue ridge mountains |
Goin' home |
Goin' home to Mother |
Goin' South |
Goin' to New Orleans |
Goin' to the country store |
Goin' up Cripple Creek |
Going back to Alabama |
Going back to Jesus |
Going back to Mexico |
Going back with Jesus |
Going down slow |
Going down the country |
Going down town |
Going for a ride |
Going home |
Going home tomorrow |
Going rock |
Going to California blues |
Going to move |
Going to see the King |
Going up home to live in green pastures |
Going up to be with God |
Gola mi mambo |
Gold diggin' baby |
Gold to tin |
Golden idol |
Golden moon |
Golden rule of love |
Golden slippers |
Golden wrist watch |
Golden years |
Gondola |
Gone |
Gone again |
Gone again blues |
Gone are all my dreams |
Gone are the thousand thrills |
Gone is the past |
Gone so long |
Gone with the wind |
Gone with the wind this morning |
Gone, gone, gone |
Gong rock |
Gonna be too late |
Gonna dirty up my name |
Gonna fix your wagon |
Gonna hop on down the line |
Gonna lay down my old guitar |
Gonna open up a business |
Gonna paint the town red |
Gonna raise a ruckus tonight |
Gonna row my boat |
Gonna take another walk downtown |
Gonna tie one on |
Gonna try |
Gonna wait for my chance |
Goobala, goobala |
Good about you |
Good bait |
Good book blues |
Good bread alley |
Good cookin' (Home cookin') |
Good deal, Lucille |
Good doing Daddy |
Good for nothin' Joe |
Good good lovin' |
Good googa mooga |
Good gosh |
Good jelly blues |
Good King Wenceslas |
Good lookin |
Good looking and foxy too |
Good lovin' |
Good lovin' blues |
Good mambo tonight |
Good man |
Good man blues |
Good mornin' |
Good morning Mr. Judge |
Good morning Mr. Blues |
Good morning to heaven |
Good morning, pretty baby |
Good news |
Good night |
Good night darling |
Good rockin' man |
Good rockin' tonight |
Good rocking tonight |
Good thing go to waste |
Good things come to those who wait |
Good time Charlie |
Good time Saturday night |
Good to me |
Good twistin' tonight |
Good, good lovin' |
Good, good, good |
Goodbye |
Goodbye and good luck |
Goodbye and so long to you |
Goodbye baby |
Goodbye baby, goodbye |
Goodbye Bird |
Goodbye Booze |
Goodbye Charlie, goodbye |
Goodbye for him (Hello for me) |
Goodbye girls, I'm through |
Goodbye hallelujah! I'm gone |
Goodbye I'm gone |
Goodbye Jimmy, goodbye |
Goodbye little girl blues |
Goodbye Liza Jane |
Goodbye Maria, I'm off to Korea |
Goodbye my heart |
Goodbye my lady love |
Goodbye my love |
Goodbye my love, pt.1 |
Goodbye my love, pt.2 |
Goodbye old booze |
Goodbye so long |
Goodbye sweetheart, goodbye |
Goodbye, good luck my love |
Goodnight Cincinnati, good morning Tennessee |
Goodnight Irene |
Goodnight my dear, my darling |
Goodnight my love |
Goodnight sweetheart |
Goodnight sweetheart, goodnight |
Goodnight waltz |
Goodnight wherever you are |
Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight |
Goody good love |
Goody good things |
Goofa nut |
Goofus |
Goofy dust blues |
Goofy organ |
Goose bumps |
Goose pimples |
Goosebumps |
Gosh, I miss you all the time |
Gospel boogie |
Got a date with an angel |
Got a feelin' |
Got a letter |
Got a little ache in my heart |
Got no way of knowing |
Got the blues for my baby |
Got the hesitation blues |
Got the Louisiana blues |
Got to cry |
Got to find my baby |
Got to have her lovin' |
Got to keep on traveling |
Got worried blues in my mind |
Got worried blues on my mind |
Got you on my mind |
Gotta get back to Dixie |
Gotta get free |
Gotta get me one |
Gotta go |
Gotta go weddin' |
Gotta have some lovin' |
Gotta make her mine |
Gotta see Mama |
Gotta travel on |
Gotta walk |
Goza mi mambo |
Grab me baby |
Graduation queen |
Grain of sand |
Granada |
Grand hog snooper |
Grand old flag |
Grand Stan |
Grandaddy's rockin' |
Grandfather's clock |
Grandma can boogie |
Grandma loves to rock and roll |
Grandma plays the numbers |
Grandma's daze |
Grandpa stole my baby |
Grandpa's banjo boogie |
Grandpa's boogie |
Grandpa's getting married again |
Grant it Lord |
Grasshopper |
Gratefully |
Grave yard light |
Graveyard disposition |
Gravy train |
Grazin' in the grass |
Greasy spoon |
Great big Casey |
Great day |
Great joy |
Great man |
Great mystery |
Green champagne |
Green eyes |
Green Moss |
Green mountain hop |
Green onions |
Green valley waltz |
Green walls |
Green's blues |
Green, green grass of home |
Greenback dollar |
Greens a go go |
Greensleeves |
Greetings |
Grenadie marsch |
Greyhound |
Grieg concerto in A minor |
Grillenbanner |
Grinder man blues |
Grinding |
Groove one |
Groove station |
Groove to remember |
Groovey blues |
Groovie boogie boy |
Groovin' |
Groovin' high |
Groovin' higher |
Groovy baby |
Groovy movie |
Ground hog |
Grundy hoedown |
Gua gaira Guantanamera |
Guarare |
Guess I never had it so good |
Guess I'll take a journey |
Guess my ears were playing tricks on me last night |
Guess who |
Guess who took your place |
Guide me Lord, I'm going thru |
Guilty |
Guilty feeling |
Guilty feelings |
Guitar jump |
Guitar pickin' fool |
Guitar pickin' truck driver |
Gulf Coast blues |
Gum drop |
Gum shoe |
Gumbo (Gumbossa) |
Gumbo blues |
Gun totin' Mama |
Gunga din |
Gypsy in my soul |
Gypsy lady |
Gypsy legend |
Gypsy's warning |
Ha-ha cha cha |
Had you told it like it was |
Hail to the Nantucket Yacht Club |
Hail! Holy Queen |
Half a love |
Half as much flirtin' |
Half awake |
Half fast twist |
Half hearted love |
Half Nelson |
Half pint of whiskey |
Hallelujah |
Hallelujah morning |
Ham and eggs |
Hamburger |
Hammer head |
Hand clapping one more time |
Hand in hand |
Hand in hand with Jesus |
Hand in hand with you |
Hand jive one more time |
Hand me down heart |
Hand me down my walking cane |
Hand out |
Handcuffed to love |
Handle with care |
Handprints on the window pane |
Hands across the table |
Handwriting on the wall |
Hang it up |
Hang on a little longer |
Hang out |
Hang over blues |
Hang ups we don't need |
Hang your tears out to dry |
Hangman's boogie |
Hangover boogie |
Hanid |
Hank's dilemma |
Hank's holiday |
Hank's idea |
Hank's pranks |
Hap's breakdown |
Happy |
Happy are we |
Happy birthday |
Happy birthday loser |
Happy birthday polka |
Happy blues |
Happy blues (Stomp boogie) |
Happy feet |
Happy holiday |
Happy landings |
Happy little home in Arkansas |
Happy mandolin |
Happy melody |
Happy minor |
Happy New Year, darling |
Happy on the prairie |
Happy sargeant |
Happy talk |
Happy wedding anniversary polka |
Harbor lights |
Harbour lights |
Harbour of love |
Harchy carchy |
Hard drive |
Hard driving woman |
Hard feeling |
Hard forgetting memories |
Hard hearted |
Hard hearted lover blues |
Hard hearted one |
Hard hearted you and chicken hearted me |
Hard luck blues |
Hard tack |
Hard times |
Hard times are gone |
Hard times in a cotton mill |
Hard to get along |
Hard to go through life alone |
Hard to handle |
Hard to hold back tears |
Hard work blues |
Hard working family man |
Hard working man |
Hardtop race |
Harelip blues |
Harem girl |
Hark! The herald angels sing |
Harlem hop |
Harlem hunch |
Harlem nocturne |
Harlem rug cutter |
Harlem shuffle |
Harmonica blues |
Harmonica boogie |
Harmonica boogie shuffle |
Harmonica fantasy |
Harmonica rhythms |
Harmonicas on parade |
Harp capers |
Harriet |
Harry come back |
Harsburg |
Harvest time schottische |
Has anybody seen Kelly |
Has he been good to you |
Hash brown |
Hasting Street opera, pt.1 |
Hasting Street woogie man |
Hastings Street jump |
Haulin' freight |
Hava nagila |
Hava Nagilah |
Havanase festival |
Have a baby |
Have a good time |
Have a heart |
Have a little faith in me |
Have a little talk with Jesus |
Have a new life |
Have faith in me |
Have fun |
Have I come home to die? |
Have I ever told you |
Have I overstayed my welcome (in your heart) |
Have I sinned? |
Have I stayed away too long? |
Have mercy baby |
Have mercy, have a little pity |
Have no fear |
Have Thine own way |
Have you any love |
Have you any time for Jesus? |
Have you ever been lonely |
Have you ever had the blues |
Have you ever loved a woman |
Have you ever tried to cry (and the tears just wouldn't come) |
Have you ever watched love die? |
Have you met Miss Jones? |
Have you no mercy |
Have yourself a merry little Christmas |
Hawaiian echoes |
Hawaiian interlude |
Hawaiian lei song |
Hawaiian paradise |
Hawaiian war chant |
Hawie's boogie |
Hayride |
He ain't heavy (He's my brother) |
He brought joy |
He called me comrade |
He came along |
He cares |
He created |
He delivered me |
He died on Calvary |
He don't love me anymore |
He gave me everything |
He holds our gifts in His hand |
He is able |
He knows |
He knows how much I can bear |
He leads me on |
He lifted me |
He lifted me from sin |
He lives in me |
He loves you baby |
He made me free |
He made them |
He needs me |
He never has left me alone |
He never left me alone |
He never let go my hand |
He never let me go of my hand |
He remembered me |
He said He would deliver me |
He said if I be lifted up |
He saved my soul |
He sets me free |
He signed my pardon |
He stands by his window |
He stole my girl |
He stopped me from straying |
He touched me |
He wants a little pizza |
He was too good to me |
He watches over me |
He went to sleep the hogs ate him |
He will forgive you |
He will set your fields on fire |
He will understand |
He'd rather be a girl |
He'll come like a thief in the night |
He'll do for you |
He'll have to go |
He'll hear you when you call |
He'll make the way |
He'll never let you down |
He'll part the waters |
He'll save your soul yet |
He'll set your free |
He'll strike you down |
He'll understand and say well done |
He's a friend of mine |
He's a loser |
He's all and all to me |
He's all right |
He's coming back to earth again |
He's coming home |
He's coming to us dead |
He's funny that way |
He's gone |
He's got something good for me |
He's got the whole world in |
He's got the whole world in His hands |
He's mine |
He's mine forever |
He's my all |
He's not ashamed of you |
He's passing this way |
He's proved himself |
He's still alright |
He's such a quiet man |
He's the one |
He's the same today |
Head happy with wine |
Head over heels |
Headin' South |
Heading for the river |
Heads or tails, I win |
Heads up |
Hear dem bells |
Hear Jerusalem mourn |
Hear me now |
Hear me talkin' |
Hear my plea |
Heart break ridge |
Heart breaking woman |
Heart let my feet run |
Heart of a bum |
Heart of my heart |
Heart of stone |
Heart please be still |
Heart stealin' Mama |
Heart to heart |
Heart trouble blues |
Heart weary and blue |
Heart weary lonesome and blue |
Heartache blues |
Heartache on His hands |
Heartaches |
Heartaches that make you cry |
Heartaches, heartaches |
Heartbreak (It's hurtin' me) |
Heartbreaker |
Heartbreaking waltz |
Heartbroken |
Heartless lover |
Hearts of stone |
Hearts only ache (hearts never break) |
Hearts win, you lose |
Heather |
Heatin' round the bush |
Heaven all around me |
Heaven bound gospel train |
Heaven eternal for me |
Heaven is the place |
Heaven knows |
Heaven on my mind |
Heaven only knows |
Heaven seemed so near |
Heaven sent you to me |
Heaven will be my home |
Heaven will surely be worth it all |
Heaven's light is shining on me |
Heaven's treasures |
Heavenly angel |
Heavenly blues |
Heavenly Fathers |
Heavenly road |
Heavenly Ruby |
Heavy hips |
Heavy juice |
Heavy load |
Heavy sugar |
Heavyweight Mama |
Hee haw show |
Heebie jeebie blues |
Heigh-ho! |
Helen |
Helen polka |
Helena polka |
Hell is an ugly broad |
Hello |
Hello again sweet lips |
Hello blues |
Hello darling |
Hello Dolly |
Hello little school girl |
Hello lover, goodbye tears |
Hello ma baby |
Hello Miss fine |
Hello Miss Jessie Lee |
Hello Mister heartache |
Hello Mr. John |
Hello sixty |
Hello young lovers |
Help me |
Help me (Cuatro vidas) |
Help me find my right mind |
Help my love |
Helpless |
Helpless baby |
Helpless heart |
Hemlock and primroses |
Hen scratchin' stomp |
Henrietta polka |
Henrietta's polka |
Henry's got flat feet |
Her and my best friend |
Her Mama doesn't think it's right |
Here 'Tis |
Here comes Charlie |
Here comes my heart again |
Here comes my pretty baby |
Here comes Sally |
Here comes Santa Claus |
Here comes Smiley |
Here comes the hurt |
Here comes the night |
Here goes |
Here goes a fool |
Here I go |
Here I go again |
Here I stand |
Here in my arms |
Here in my heart |
Here in my lonely room |
Here is happiness |
Here is my story |
Here is the bride (where is the groom) |
Here it is Saturday again |
Here it is, right here |
Here today and gone tomorrow |
Here we go again |
Here's my heart |
Here's what I'm here for |
Herky jerk, pt.2 |
Hey America |
Hey Bernardine |
Hey big boy hey hey |
Hey Daddy-O! |
Hey Jim |
Hey John |
Hey Jude |
Hey la bas |
Hey little boy |
Hey little girl |
Hey little kick |
Hey Miss Bessie |
Hey Mr. Gatemouth |
Hey Mr. Warden |
Hey now |
Hey Ruby |
Hey school girl |
Hey shah |
Hey spo-dee-o-dee |
Hey you gotta teach me |
Hey! Castro |
Hey, bartender |
Hey, hey, hey |
Hey, look me over |
Hey, Mr. Cotton picker |
Hey, people |
Hey, whatcha doin' |
Hi de ho boogie on a Saturday night |
Hi lili hi lo |
Hi-ballin' Daddy |
Hi-de-ank-tum |
Hi-fly |
Hi-Lili Hi-lo |
Hi-O-Sylvester |
Hide away |
Hide away-1962 |
Hide your face |
Hideaway |
High and wide |
High falutin' honey |
High flying woman |
High geared Daddy |
High heels |
High life polka |
High noon (Do not forsake me) |
High on a mountain |
High on a windy hill |
High rise |
High school days |
High school hop |
High society |
High society blues |
High tide |
High winds |
Higher |
Highly strung |
Highway 60 |
Highway 61 blues |
Highway of shame |
Highway to happiness |
Hildegarde |
Hillbilly be bop |
Hillbilly boogie |
Hillbilly jump |
Hillbilly wedding |
Hills of home |
Hills of Roan County |
Hindustan |
Hineh mah tov |
Hinkty chick blues |
Hip bag '67 |
Hip city slicker |
Hip hip |
Hip shakin' Mama |
Hip talk |
Hippiti yo |
Hippy |
Hippy dippy |
His boundless love |
His gift |
His hands |
His Honor |
His majesty the wolf |
Historia de amor |
Hit and run |
Hit that jive Jack |
Hit that jive, Jack |
Hit that thing |
Hit the road to dreamland |
Hitchhiker |
Hob nobbin' |
Hobby horse |
Hoch Tirol |
Hoch und Deutschmeister |
Hodge podge |
Hoe down boogie |
Hog killin' time |
Hog maw and cabbage slaw |
Hogan's alley |
Hold 'im Joe, jump in the cine wheel and turn me |
Hold fast to the right |
Hold him Joe |
Hold it |
Hold it right here |
Hold it right there |
Hold me |
Hold me baby |
Hold me close |
Hold me tight |
Hold me, hold me, hold me |
Hold me, kiss me, squeeze me |
Hold my baby's hand |
Hold my hand |
Hold on |
Hold on Josie |
Hold on to what you got |
Hold on to what you've got |
Hold on to you |
Hold on! I'm comin' |
Hold that kiss |
Hold them trumpets |
Hold to God's unchanging hand |
Hold your loving |
Hole in the matress |
Holiday |
Holiday blues |
Holiday for strings |
Holiday religion |
Holler |
Hollerin' and screamin' |
Hollywood, U.S.A |
Holy Father |
Holy Ghost |
Holy God we praise Thy name |
Holy ground |
Holy holy |
Holy mackerel |
Holy, Holy, Holy |
Holy, Holy, Holy (That's all right) |
Home |
Home again |
Home at last |
Home boy |
Home brew rag |
Home by the sea |
Home don't seem like home anymore |
Home for the holidays |
Home fries |
Home in San Antone |
Home in the rock |
Home made wine |
Home on the range |
Home sweet home |
Home sweet home rock |
Homecoming waltz |
Homesick for heaven I've got a longing to go |
Hometown polka |
Hometown shout |
Honest Abe |
Honest and truly |
Honey |
Honey baby |
Honey boy |
Honey bun |
Honey child |
Honey dripper |
Honey song - |
Honey, don't you know I'm lonely |
Honey, honey, honey |
Honey, I ain't teasin' |
Honey, I could fall in love |
Honey, why can't you be sweet to me? |
Honey, won't you please come home |
Honeybun |
Honeydripper |
Honeymoon |
Honeymoon polka |
Honeymoon pooper |
Honeysuckle rose |
Honkin' the blues |
Honky tank |
Honky tonk |
Honky tonk heaven |
Honky tonk merry-go-round |
Honky tonk No.3 |
Honky tonk popcorn |
Honky tonk swing |
Honky tonk time |
Honky tonk train |
Honky tonk train blues |
Honky tonk, pt.1 |
Honky tonk, pt.2 |
Honky tonkin' |
Honolulu Lou |
Honolulu rock-a-roll-a |
Hook, line and sinker |
Hoop-de-doo-polka |
Hoopla |
Hootenanny |
Hop scotch |
Hopalong Chasity |
Hope you're satisfied |
Hopin' |
Hoping you'll understand |
Hora sta cotton picker |
Horn with two mouth pieces |
Horror movie |
Horse and buggy |
Horse shoe boogie |
Hot box |
Hot cinders |
Hot dog rag |
Hot ginger |
Hot licks and all |
Hot lips |
Hot pants, pt.1 |
Hot pants, pt.2 |
Hot peanuts |
Hot rod baby |
Hot rod Hades |
Hot rod Harley |
Hot rod kids and women drivers |
Hot rod Lincoln |
Hot rod race |
Hot sauce boss |
Hot shot rag |
Hot soup |
Hot strings |
Hot Tamale |
Hot Toddy |
Hotel for dogs, pt.1 |
Hotel for dogs, pt.2 |
Hotel for dogs, pt.3 |
Hotel for dogs, pt.4 |
Hotel keeper |
Hotter than that |
Hound dog |
Houndog |
Hour of power |
Hours past midnight |
House of bread blues |
House of Jack |
House of love |
House rent |
House rent party |
House with no windows |
Houston Texas gal |
How 'dja like to love me |
How about a handout |
How about you |
How about you? |
How am I to know |
How are things in Glocca Morra |
How are you standing with God |
How are you these days |
How bad I do feel |
How beautiful heaven must be |
How can I |
How can I be best man |
How can I be sure? |
How can I forget you |
How can I sleep |
How can I win you |
How can we thank Him for what He has done |
How can you hate me (the way I love you) |
How can you treat me this way |
How could I know |
How could it have been you and I |
How could Red Riding Hood (have been so very good) |
How could we ever have been strangers |
How could you |
How could you know (when you haven't tried me) |
How could you leave your man alone |
How deep is the ocean |
How did I get this way |
How do I tell her |
How do you feel (when your love is so real) |
How far am I from Canaan |
How far to Little Rock |
How fine can you be? |
How great Thou art |
How high the moon |
How I miss my darling mother |
How I wonder |
How lonely can you be |
How long |
How long (blues) |
How long darling |
How long has it been |
How long has it been since you've been home |
How long has this been going on |
How long has this been going on? |
How long must I wait |
How long will it last |
How long, how long blues |
How many biscuits can you eat |
How many hearts can you break |
How many miles |
How many stars |
How many stars have to shine |
How many tears (must I shed over you) |
How many years |
How mountain girls can love |
How much do I owe you |
How much do you think I can stand |
How much longer Lord shall it be |
How much love can one heart hold |
How much we know |
How would you know |
How you gonna get respect |
How you gonna get your lovin' done |
How you like it |
How you've tortured my mind |
Howlin' moon dog |
Howling at midnight |
Huckle boogie |
Huckleberry boogie |
Huckleberry pie |
Huff's bluff |
Hug a little, kiss a little |
Hug me tight |
Hughette waltz |
Hula hula |
Humble bumble bee |
Humoresque |
Humpty dumpty (had a great fall) |
Humpty dumpty heart |
Hundred proof heartaches |
Hungry child |
Hunky Dory |
Hunt and peck |
Huntin' business all the time |
Hurry back baby |
Hurry home to me |
Hurry hurry back baby |
Hurts me so |
Hurts me to my heart |
Hush a bye |
Hush your mouth |
Hush! Somebody's calling my name |
Hush-a-bye |
Hydromatic baby |
Hymn of the church |
Hymn to the sun |
I ain't coming back anymore |
I ain't getting caught |
I ain't goin' honky tonkin' any more |
I ain't gonna be no monkey man no more |
I ain't gonna cry for you |
I ain't gonna give nobody none of my jelly roll |
I ain't got a pot (to peel potatoes in) |
I ain't got much to lose |
I ain't got nobody |
I ain't got over it yet |
I ain't like that no more |
I ain't mad at you |
I ain't no watch dog |
I ain't nothin' but a Tom Cat's kitten |
I am a weary pilgrim |
I am in love |
I am slowly dying of a broken heart |
I am so glad |
I am sorry I got in the way |
I am the bread |
I am the man |
I am the way |
I am Thine |
I am with you |
I believe |
I believe I'll fall in love |
I believe I'll go downtown again |
I believe I'm losing my mind |
I believe in the old time way |
I belong to the blues |
I belong to you (you're the keeper of my heart) |
I bongo you |
I built a fence around my heart |
I burned your letter |
I call on you |
I call you darling |
I can dream, can't I? |
I can hear music |
I can hear my baby calling |
I can hear my baby crying |
I can hear my mother praying |
I can hear the angels singing |
I can lose (if you can gain) |
I can remember |
I can say it |
I can see an angel |
I can tell |
I can tell just as plain |
I can' tell my broken heart a lie |
I can't |
I can't afford another broken heart |
I can't believe that you're in love with me |
I can't depend on you |
I can't escape from you |
I can't fight the time |
I can't forgive myself (for not forgiving you) |
I can't get around to getting over you |
I can't get started |
I can't get started with you |
I can't give you anything but love |
I can't give you my heart |
I can't go |
I can't go on |
I can't go on (without you) |
I can't go on livin' |
I can't go on without you |
I can't go through life |
I can't help it |
I can't help it (I just do-do-do) |
I can't help it if I cry |
I can't help what others do |
I can't help you (I'm falling too) |
I can't judge nobody |
I can't know how |
I can't love you (if you treat me this way) |
I can't make up my mind |
I can't make you |
I can't puzzle this thing out |
I can't release you from my mind |
I can't remember |
I can't remember to forget |
I can't run away |
I can't see why |
I can't sit down |
I can't stand it |
I can't stand losing you |
I can't stand myself |
I can't stand myself (when you touch me), pt.1 |
I can't stand myself (when you touch me), pt.2 |
I can't stand you no more |
I can't steal another's bride |
I can't stop lovin' you |
I can't stop loving you |
I can't take it no more |
I can't tell you I got enough |
I can't turn you loose |
I can't wed you |
I care |
I care not what the world may say about me |
I carry your picture in my heart |
I concentrate on you |
I could cry |
I could hardly wait |
I could have danced all night |
I could have told you |
I could lose these blues (if you bring my baby back) |
I could love you |
I could make you care |
I could tell by the look in her eye |
I could write a book |
I couldn't believe it |
I couldn't believe it was true |
I couldn't hear nobody pray |
I cover the waterfront |
I cried |
I cried a tear |
I cried and cried |
I cried and cried and cried |
I cried for you |
I cried Holy |
I cried in my sleep |
I cried to a foolish heart |
I cry |
I danced with an angel |
I declare, that's enough |
I did and I does and I do |
I didn't have the heart to say goodbye |
I didn't know |
I didn't know (You got married) |
I didn't know what time it was |
I didn't mean a word I said |
I discovered you |
I do (love you) |
I do, I do, I do |
I don't believe |
I don't blame you |
I don't care |
I don't care no more |
I don't care one bit |
I don't care what you do |
I don't fear |
I don't have to tell you (that I love you) |
I don't have to worry |
I don't know |
I don't know about you |
I don't know gee from haw |
I don't know how to do but one thing |
I don't know how to get along |
I don't know what to do |
I don't know what to tell my heart |
I don't know where to go |
I don't know why |
I don't know why I just do |
I don't know why I love you |
I don't know why I love you like I do |
I don't love you anymore |
I don't mean to be mean |
I don't mind |
I don't need a ventriloquist |
I don't need your love and kisses |
I don't want no part of you |
I don't want no substitute |
I don't want nobody |
I don't want nobody to give me nothing, pt.1 |
I don't want nobody to give me nothing, pt.2 |
I don't want nobody to have it but you |
I don't want nobody's troubles |
I don't want ta |
I don't want to be lost |
I don't want to cry |
I don't want to cry anymore |
I don't want to go home again |
I don't want to leave you, darling |
I don't want to play in the kitchen |
I don't want to set the world on fire |
I don't want to walk without you |
I don't want to wind up in love |
I don't want you (if you don't want me) |
I don't want you around |
I don't want you to see me cry |
I don't want your love |
I don't want your rambling letters |
I don't worry |
I done got over |
I done it |
I done made it up in my mind |
I done told you |
I doose what I choose |
I dream |
I dream of Jeanie with the light brown hair |
I dream of you |
I dream such foolish dreams |
I dreamed I searched heaven |
I dreamed I went to heaven |
I dreamed the blues |
I dreamed you dreamed of me |
I dreamed you were here last night |
I dreamed, I gambled, I lost |
I dreamt I dwelt in Harlem |
I fall in love too easily |
I fall in love with you every day |
I feel a little closer |
I feel a streak of love coming on |
I feel all right |
I feel alright |
I feel good |
I feel like going home |
I feel like traveling on |
I feel pretty |
I feel so blue |
I feel that old age coming on |
I feel that old age creeping on |
I feel that old feeling coming on |
I feel that young man rhythm |
I feel that-a-way |
I feel the pain |
I finally made it |
I find no fault |
I forgot to be your lover |
I found a dream |
I found a million dollar baby |
I found a new love |
I found an angel |
I found my baby |
I found out |
I found someone |
I found the Lord |
I found you |
I gave up everything |
I gave up getting over you |
I get a kick out of you |
I get a thrill |
I get evil |
I get so happy |
I get the blues in the Springtime |
I get the blues when it rains |
I go for that |
I got a friend above all others |
I got a hard way to go |
I got a lot of time for a lot of things |
I got a mind to leave you (I got a mind to go back home) |
I got a Mother done gone on |
I got a new love (sent to me from above) |
I got a notion |
I got a plumb crazy notion |
I got a right to the tree of life |
I got a watch dog |
I got a witness |
I got an alibi |
I got eyes |
I got it bad and that ain't good |
I got it from a bird |
I got it made (in the shade) |
I got loaded |
I got lost in his arms |
I got plenty o'nuttin' |
I got plenty of nuthin' |
I got plenty of nuthin' (reprise) |
I got rhythm |
I got some problems |
I got the blues |
I got the feelin' |
I got the feeling |
I got the monkey off my back |
I got the sun in the morning |
I got tired |
I got you (I feel good) |
I got you, you got me |
I got your water on |
I gotcha covered (House rent boogie) |
I gotta get away from you |
I gotta get back |
I gotta go get my baby |
I gotta go home (and catch up on my sleep) |
I gotta have another chance |
I gotta have you |
I gotta tell it |
I gotta walk |
I guess I'll have to cry, cry, cry |
I guess I've let you down |
I guess you don't remember now |
I guess you just don't care |
I guess you know you're right |
I had my fingers crossed |
I had the craziest dream |
I had the funniest feeling |
I had to come back to you |
I had to lose you |
I hadn't anyone till you |
I hate myself |
I hate to be jealous |
I hate you |
I have a desire |
I have a long way to go |
I have been in the storm too long |
I have dreamed |
I have no reason to complain |
I have to cry sometimes |
I have to laugh to keep from crying |
I have two loves |
I haven't seen you in a month of Sundays |
I hear a rhapsody |
I hear a voice |
I hear jingle bells |
I hear love bells |
I hear music |
I hear you knockin' |
I heard my name on the radio |
I heard the voice |
I heard you call me dear |
I heard you cry last night |
I hope you love me |
I hope you love me too |
I hope you see the same star that I do |
I hope you understand |
I hope you're crying too |
I hung my head and cried |
I idolize my baby's eyes |
I John, saw a mighty number |
I just called to say that I love you |
I just came from your wedding |
I just can't keep the tears from tumblin' down |
I just can't see you any more |
I just can't understand |
I just do |
I just dropped by |
I just got the message, baby |
I just got to get to know you |
I just like you |
I just rose to tell you |
I just steal away and pray |
I just stood there |
I just want me some love |
I just want to be loved |
I keep falling in love |
I kiss your hand, Madame |
I kiss your hand woman |
I knew it all the time |
I know |
I know a man |
I know better now |
I know but I'll never tell |
I know He is with me everywhere |
I know how to do it |
I know I love you so |
I know I've been changed |
I know it was the blood |
I know it's hard, but it's fair |
I know it's love |
I know it's true |
I know it's wrong |
I know Jesus will save |
I know my baby |
I know my love is true |
I know she's gone |
I know somethin' |
I know the man |
I know we'll never meet again |
I know what it means to be lonesome |
I know who threw the whiskey in the well |
I know why |
I know you got soul |
I know you miss me |
I know you're married but I love you still |
I Know your burdens are greater than mine |
I know, I know |
I know, oh yes I know |
I lead a charmed life |
I left my heart in San Francisco |
I left my heart in Texas |
I let a song go out of my heart |
I let noth1ng separate me |
I let the freight train carry me on |
I let you slip through my finger tips |
I like it |
I like it, I like it |
I like my baby's pudding |
I like the old time way |
I like to recognize the tune |
I like to see my baby |
I like what I like like I like it |
I live the life I love |
I live true to you |
I lost again |
I lost my Irish heart (in Hawaii) |
I lost track of every thing |
I lost track of everything |
I love alone |
I love and care for you |
I love Jeemy |
I love lepres |
I love my baby |
I love my baby (I'm a liar if I say I don't) |
I love my little yo yo |
I love Paris |
I love the name of Jesus |
I love the way you say goodnight |
I love the woman |
I love Thy church oh God |
I love to call His name |
I love to ride |
I love to watch the moonlight |
I love to yodel |
I love you |
I love you (my darling) |
I love you (my darling, I love you) |
I love you a bushel and a peck |
I love you a thousand ways |
I love you and you'll always have my heart |
I love you anyhow |
I love you because |
I love you dear forever |
I love you for myself |
I love you more as time goes by |
I love you more each day |
I love you more every day |
I love you more today |
I love you Porgy |
I love you so |
I love you so much |
I love you so much it hurts |
I love you truly |
I love you yes I do |
I love you, I love you s-o-o-o |
I love you, I love you, I do |
I love you, I want you, I need you |
I love you, pt.1 |
I love you, pt.2 |
I love you, yes I do |
I loved you once before |
I loved you once in silence |
I loves you Porgy |
I made a mistake (because it was only you) pt.1 |
I made a mistake (because it was only you) pt.2 |
I made a mistake because it's only you, pt.1 |
I made a mistake because it's only you, pt.2 |
I make this pledge (to you) |
I married a man (with nothin' at all) |
I married a man (with nothing at all) |
I married an angel |
I married the gal (with the cycle) |
I may be wrong |
I may never pass this way again |
I met you at my birthday |
I met you at my birthday party |
I might as well admit |
I might have saved a broken heart |
I miss you |
I miss you so |
I miss your love |
I must be crazy |
I must be dreaming |
I must go where Mary goes |
I must keep walking |
I must tell Jesus |
I named my dog after you |
I need |
I need a whole lot of everything |
I need advice |
I need help (I can't do it alone) |
I need help (I can't do it alone), pt.1 |
I need help (I can't do it alone), pt.2 |
I need Jesus |
I need love |
I need somebody in my arms |
I need someone to tell my troubles by |
I need the prayers |
I need Thee |
I need Thee every hour |
I need ya |
I need you |
I need you all the time |
I need you baby |
I need you Jesus |
I need you now |
I need you tonight |
I need your key (to turn me on) |
I need your lovin' baby |
I need your tenderness |
I needed you |
I never dreamed |
I never had a dream come true |
I never had it so good |
I never loved anyone but you |
I never mention your name |
I never see Maggie alone |
I never see my baby alone |
I never turn back |
I often wonder why you changed your mind |
I once loved you baby |
I only exist |
I only have eyes for you |
I only have one lifetime |
I only want you to love me |
I oughta bust out and love you |
I paid my dues |
I paid with a broken heart |
I pray you won't let me down |
I prayed for love |
I promise myself (I won't mention your name) |
I promise you |
I promised the Lord |
I put my britches on just like everybody else |
I quit my pretty Mama |
I ran all the way home |
I really don't want to know |
I really know the score |
I really love you |
I remember Acapulco |
I remember Mama |
I remember my love |
I remember New York |
I remember you |
I resign from your love |
I said goodnight my darling (but you said goodbye to me) |
I said I wouldn't beg you |
I said it's you |
I saw God |
I saw her first |
I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus |
I saw my future in a rainbow |
I saw the light |
I saw three ships |
I saw your face in the moon |
I say hello |
I say I love you |
I see in the paper |
I see my baby's face again |
I see the eyes of Jesus |
I see through you |
I see your face before me |
I shall not be moved |
I shall return |
I should care |
I should have known |
I shoulda been on my merry way |
I shouldn't cry but I do |
I sing this song |
I solemnly swear |
I soon will be done with the troubles of this world |
I stay in the mood for you |
I stayed down |
I still love you |
I still love you so |
I still remember |
I still say your name in my prayers |
I still see you |
I still want you |
I stopped living the day you stopped loving me |
I suppose |
I surrender |
I surrender dear |
I swear by the stars |
I talk to the trees |
I thank you |
I thank you Lord |
I think I'm losing my mind |
I think of you |
I think of you and cry myself to sleep |
I think we've met before |
I thought about you |
I thought I was dreaming |
I thought of the last night |
I tickled her under the chin |
I tin whistle at you |
I told |
I told every little star |
I told you so |
I took your love for a toy |
I tried to tell you |
I trust in God |
I trusted you |
I trusted you baby (but you double crossed me) |
I turn to you |
I understand we're through |
I used to cry mercy, mercy |
I used to love you but it's allover now |
I used to sigh for the silvery moon |
I vow to never love again |
I wake up every morning with a heartache |
I walked all night long |
I walked alone |
I waltz alone |
I wanna be around |
I wanna be close |
I wanna be loved |
I wanna dance |
I wanna go back home |
I wanna go home |
I wanna hear |
I wanna hug ya, kiss ya, squeeze ya |
I wanna know |
I wanna love you |
I wanna love you tonight |
I wanna see my baby |
I want a bowlegged woman |
I want a clear record |
I want a girl |
I want a girl just like the girl that marries dear old Dad |
I want a home in Dixie |
I want a little girl |
I want a lover |
I want a man |
I want a man (who's gonna do right) |
I want a man (with a great big future) |
I want a rich man's son |
I want a wittle wabbit (The puppy song) |
I want a woman |
I want a woman (that can cook) |
I want love |
I want my baby |
I want my crown |
I want my Fanny Brown |
I want my freedom |
I want no one but you |
I want some |
I want to be a Christian soldier |
I want to be free |
I want to be happy |
I want to be in the land of milk and honey |
I want to be in your arms |
I want to be just like Him |
I want to be loved (by someone) |
I want to be loved (only by you) |
I want to be loved but only by you |
I want to be more like Jesus |
I want to be near you |
I want to be ready |
I want to be swung |
I want to be wanted |
I want to dig a little deeper |
I want to give it all to you |
I want to go |
I want to go to heaven |
I want to have a talk with you |
I want to hold your hand |
I want to know |
I want to know more |
I want to live (for my family) |
I want to live and love |
I want to live right |
I want to live with Christ, my saviour |
I want to live with Mommie there |
I want to love you |
I want to love you baby |
I want to move in the room with the Lord |
I want to rest |
I want to scream (Do you feel it) |
I want to see God |
I want to see Him |
I want to see Jesus |
I want to talk about you |
I want to tell you why |
I want to thank you (from the bottom of my heart) |
I want wings |
I want you |
I want you so bad |
I want you to rock me |
I want you to use me |
I want you, I need you, I love you |
I want your love |
I wanta make sweet love to you |
I was |
I was a fool |
I was a fool to love you |
I was born to move |
I was cryin' then (but you're cryin' now) |
I was dreaming someone else's dream |
I was gone |
I was healed by the wound in His side |
I was in St. Louis |
I was made for you |
I was moaning when somebody touched me |
I was never nearer heaven |
I was only playin' |
I was satisfied |
I was sorta wonderin' |
I was talkin' when I should a been listenin' |
I was the one |
I was there |
I was waiting for a dream |
I was wrong |
I wasn't thinking, I was drinking |
I wasted a nickel |
I went back home |
I who have nothing |
I will trust in the Lord |
I wish |
I wish I could cry |
I wish I could shimmy like my Sister Kate |
I wish I didn't love you so |
I wish I had a Dad |
I wish I had a girl |
I wish I had a record |
I wish I had a sweetheart |
I wish I had of known |
I wish I may, I wish I might |
I wish I was a single girl again |
I wish I were in love again |
I wish it would rain |
I wish that I could tell him |
I wish that I had been there |
I wish there was something I could do |
I wish you love |
I wished a thousand times |
I wished on the moon |
I woke up crying |
I won and lost my one and only |
I won't be worried long |
I won't be your fool |
I won't care a hundred years from now |
I won't cry alone |
I won't forget |
I won't go home |
I won't have it |
I won't plead no more |
I won't take you back |
I won't tell anybody but my Lord |
I won't tell who's to blame |
I wonder |
I wonder and wonder and wonder |
I wonder what became of me |
I wonder who cares |
I wonder who's kissing her now |
I wonder why |
I wonder why you said goodbye |
I wonder, I wonder, I wonder |
I wouldn't change you if I could |
I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole |
I'd be ashamed |
I'd be ashamed (if I were you) |
I'd be satisfied |
I'd better make a move |
I'd do anything |
I'd feel just like a millionaire |
I'd like to |
I'd like to thank you, Mr. D.J. |
I'd love to be a cow girl |
I'd love to live in Loveland |
I'd never cry again |
I'd rather be a servant |
I'd rather be abroad |
I'd rather be on the inside looking out |
I'd rather have God |
I'd rather have Jesus |
I'd rather serve Jesus |
I'd walk a country mile |
I'd worship you |
I'll always be in love with you |
I'll always belong to you |
I'll always have faith in you |
I'll always love you |
I'll be a fool for you |
I'll be a witness there too |
I'll be all right |
I'll be around |
I'll be around if you need me |
I'll be fine some day |
I'll be gentle |
I'll be gone |
I'll be home |
I'll be home again |
I'll be home for Christmas |
I'll be home someday |
I'll be home to see you tomorrow |
I'll be leaving you soon |
I'll be listening |
I'll be listening for my name |
I'll be no stranger here |
I'll be no stranger there |
I'll be satisfied |
I'll be seeing you |
I'll be somewhere listening for my name |
I'll be standing at the station when Jesus comes |
I'll be sweeter tomorrow (than I was yesterday) |
I'll be the same by you |
I'll be there |
I'll be there (if you ever want me) |
I'll be thinking about you |
I'll be true to the one I love |
I'll be untrue (to be with you) |
I'll be waiting |
I'll be waiting for you |
I'll be with Dad and Mother |
I'll carry your love wherever I go |
I'll close my eyes |
I'll come back to you |
I'll come crawling |
I'll cry when you're gone |
I'll die in love with you |
I'll drown in my own tears |
I'll drown in my tears |
I'll drown my tears |
I'll find somebody |
I'll find you |
I'll fly away |
I'll follow His name |
I'll follow you |
I'll forget if you'll forgive |
I'll forget you |
I'll get along somehow |
I'll get by |
I'll give 'em rhythm |
I'll give you odds |
I'll go |
I'll go crazy |
I'll go my way by myself |
I'll go with Him |
I'll have a new life |
I'll have the blues (over you) |
I'll have to turn you down |
I'll hide my heart |
I'll just go away |
I'll keep pressing on |
I'll keep you happy |
I'll know |
I'll leave the door open |
I'll let you go and wish you well |
I'll live again |
I'll lose my mind |
I'll love you as long as I live |
I'll love you till I die |
I'll love you till the day I die |
I'll meet you in church Sunday morning |
I'll meet you in the morning |
I'll need your love |
I'll never be the same |
I'll never cry over you |
I'll never fall in love again |
I'll never forget |
I'll never forget what's her name |
I'll never get married again |
I'll never give up |
I'll never go back on my word |
I'll never know why |
I'll never let go His hand |
I'll never let her go |
I'll never let you go |
I'll never lose that loneliness for you |
I'll never love no one but you |
I'll never more be shackled in a fool's paradise |
I'll never say no |
I'll never smile again |
I'll never stop loving you |
I'll never take my love from you |
I'll never take you back |
I'll never turn back |
I'll never walk in your door |
I'll never, never leave you again |
I'll never, never let you go |
I'll not be a stranger |
I'll not walk alone |
I'll pay the price (the rest of my life) |
I'll pray for you |
I'll remember April |
I'll remember you |
I'll remember you love in my prayers |
I'll run all the way |
I'll sail my ship alone |
I'll search heaven |
I'll second that emotion |
I'll see it happen to you |
I'll see you again |
I'll see you in my dreams |
I'll send you kisses and love |
I'll sign |
I'll still be missing you |
I'll still keep loving you |
I'll still write your name in the sand |
I'll string along with you |
I'll take romance |
I'll take the blame |
I'll take you home again, Kathleen |
I'll take your hat right off my rack |
I'll tell of a savior |
I'll trade my cross for a crown |
I'll try |
I'll upset you baby |
I'll wait and pray |
I'll wait for one more train |
I'll wait on Jesus |
I'll walk a country mile |
I'll walk alone |
I'll waltz with you in my dreams |
I'll work it out |
I'll ze |
I'm a bad, bad girl |
I'm a blessed man |
I'm a cool teenager |
I'm a different man from now |
I'm a dreamer, aren't we all? |
I'm a fool |
I'm a fool for you |
I'm a fool to care |
I'm a free little bird |
I'm a hi-ballin' Daddy |
I'm a lone wolf |
I'm a lonesome rooster |
I'm a man |
I'm a man of constant sorrow |
I'm a married man |
I'm a slave to you |
I'm a square dab from the country (and the country's still in me) |
I'm a woman but I don't talk |
I'm a-rollin' |
I'm afraid of the dark |
I'm all alone |
I'm all broke out with love |
I'm all through trusting you |
I'm alone |
I'm alone because I love you |
I'm always blue for you |
I'm always chasing rainbows |
I'm as free as the breeze |
I'm ashamed of you |
I'm available |
I'm back to stay |
I'm beggin' and pleadin' |
I'm beggin' you baby |
I'm beginning to believe in you |
I'm beginning to forget |
I'm beginning to see the light |
I'm better off now (than I was before) |
I'm better off now that you're gone |
I'm Betting you free |
I'm blue, I'm lonesome |
I'm bound to ride |
I'm building a home |
I'm building a mansion in heaven |
I'm burning all your letters |
I'm calling on you |
I'm comin' home |
I'm coming back home to stay |
I'm coming Virginia |
I'm confessin' (that I love you) |
I'm confessin' that I love you |
I'm counting the days |
I'm crazy about you |
I'm crazy with love |
I'm crying |
I'm crying Holy unto the Lord |
I'm crying inside |
I'm crying mercy, mercy |
I'm crying on the inside |
I'm crying tonight over you |
I'm depending on the Lord |
I'm doin' all this time (and you put me down) |
I'm drifting back to dreamland |
I'm dying a sinner's death |
I'm eating my heart out over you |
I'm falling for you |
I'm feeling for you |
I'm forever blowing bubbles |
I'm free |
I'm gettin' sentimental over you |
I'm getting rid of you |
I'm getting sentimental over you |
I'm giving all my love |
I'm giving you your freedom |
I'm glad for your sake |
I'm glad I waited for you |
I'm glad I'm on the inside looking out |
I'm glad that's over |
I'm glad there is you |
I'm glad to be back |
I'm glad to do it |
I'm goin' away for good |
I'm going home |
I'm going through |
I'm going to cry you right out of my mind |
I'm going to have myself a ball |
I'm going to lock you up |
I'm going to sit at the welcome table |
I'm going to that city |
I'm gone |
I'm gone, lone gone |
I'm gone, yes I'm gone |
I'm gonna be gone, gone, gone |
I'm gonna change things |
I'm gonna comb you outta my hair |
I'm gonna do my best |
I'm gonna get mad and leave you |
I'm gonna get you |
I'm gonna give you a dose of your medicine |
I'm gonna have my picture took |
I'm gonna kill that woman |
I'm gonna leave this old town |
I'm gonna leave you alone |
I'm gonna leave you baby |
I'm gonna live the life I sing about in my song |
I'm gonna lock my heart and throw away the key |
I'm gonna lock my heart and throwaway the key |
I'm gonna love you till I die |
I'm gonna miss you |
I'm gonna move home bye and bye |
I'm gonna move to the outskirts of town |
I'm gonna pour me a drink |
I'm gonna put you down |
I'm gonna reach my heavenly home someday |
I'm gonna run it down |
I'm gonna rush right down to Macon |
I'm gonna show you all some day |
I'm gonna sing |
I'm gonna sit right down and write myself a letter |
I'm gonna squeal on you baby blues |
I'm gonna stop |
I'm gonna strut my stuff |
I'm gonna sue Sioux City Sue |
I'm gonna tell my mama |
I'm gonna tell you |
I'm gonna tell you something |
I'm gonna try |
I'm gonna wait |
I'm gonna walk |
I'm gonna walk and talk with my Lord |
I'm gonna walk on |
I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair |
I'm gonna whale on you |
I'm gonna wind your clock |
I'm gonna write a song about you |
I'm grateful |
I'm guilty |
I'm hanging up all my work clothes |
I'm happy in the service of the Lord |
I'm happy you hurt me |
I'm heading out West |
I'm helpless |
I'm here love |
I'm hog wild crazy over you |
I'm in good hands |
I'm in His care |
I'm in love again |
I'm in love with someone (who can't belong to me) |
I'm in love with you |
I'm in the groove tonight |
I'm in the mood for love |
I'm jealous of you |
I'm jealous of your yesterdays |
I'm just a drifter |
I'm just a fool (and everybody knows) |
I'm just a fruity woman |
I'm just a little old fashioned |
I'm just a lucky so and so |
I'm just a poor little schemer |
I'm just a stranger here |
I'm just a used-to-be |
I'm just another one in love with you |
I'm just as good as you |
I'm just here to get my baby out of pal |
I'm just not that kind |
I'm just wild about Harry |
I'm just your stepping stone |
I'm kissing your picture, counting tears |
I'm learning |
I'm leaving you Mama |
I'm lonely |
I'm lonely as a Georgia pine |
I'm lonely darling |
I'm lonesome |
I'm lonesome without you |
I'm longing for your love |
I'm looking for my baby |
I'm looking over a four leaf clover |
I'm losing my mind over you |
I'm losing you |
I'm lucky I have you |
I'm mad |
I'm mad enough to cry |
I'm mad with you |
I'm making believe |
I'm making tracks |
I'm moving in |
I'm moving on |
I'm moving you right out of my heart |
I'm my own Grandpa |
I'm naturalized for heaven |
I'm never to marry |
I'm not afraid to die |
I'm not broke, but I'm badly bent |
I'm not crying anymore |
I'm not demanding, pt.1 |
I'm not demanding, pt.2 |
I'm not gonna answer the door any more |
I'm not gonna let'cha in |
I'm not lazy, I'm just tired |
I'm not looking backward |
I'm not responsible |
I'm not so young |
I'm not surprised |
I'm not to blame |
I'm not turning backward |
I'm oh so lonesome |
I'm old fashioned |
I'm on my last go round |
I'm on my way |
I'm on my way somewhere |
I'm on my way to Atlanta |
I'm on the battlefield for my Lord |
I'm on the outside lookin' in |
I'm on the outside looking in |
I'm only human |
I'm only trying |
I'm only wishin' |
I'm pulling stakes and leaving you |
I'm putting all my eggs in one basket |
I'm ready |
I'm ready to go steady |
I'm ready, I'm ready |
I'm really needin' you |
I'm satisfied |
I'm saved |
I'm scared to go home |
I'm searchin' for words |
I'm sending daffydills |
I'm sending kisses to a girl in Texas |
I'm sending my heart for repairs |
I'm shakin' |
I'm sheltered in His arms |
I'm shook |
I'm sick of you |
I'm singing hallelujah |
I'm singing the blues |
I'm sitting on top of the world |
I'm slowly molding |
I'm so afraid |
I'm so blue |
I'm so blue I don't know |
I'm so confused |
I'm so crazy about you |
I'm so crazy for love |
I'm so glad |
I'm so glad today |
I'm so happy |
I'm so happy I could cry |
I'm so in love |
I'm so in love with you |
I'm so lonely |
I'm so lonesome |
I'm so lonesome I could cry |
I'm so mad with you |
I'm so tired |
I'm sorry |
I'm sorry baby |
I'm sorry dear |
I'm sorry for you |
I'm sorry I caused you to cry |
I'm sorry of that's the way you feel |
I'm stepping out tonight |
I'm stickin' with you baby |
I'm still in love with you |
I'm still lonely |
I'm still lonesome |
I'm stuck |
I'm sweet on you |
I'm talkin' about you |
I'm tellin' you |
I'm the biggest liar in town |
I'm the boogie man |
I'm the caring kind |
I'm the devil who made her that way |
I'm the guy that loves ya |
I'm the jivin' Mr. Lee |
I'm the man |
I'm the sexiest gal in town |
I'm the talk of the town |
I'm thinking of you |
I'm through confessin' the blues |
I'm through with love |
I'm through, I'm gone, I'm free |
I'm tired |
I'm tired of being tossed around |
I'm tired of playing Santa Claus to you |
I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired |
I'm to blame |
I'm too tough for Mr. Big Stuff |
I'm tore down |
I'm tore up |
I'm traveling home |
I'm traveling through this land |
I'm troubled |
I'm trying my best to get home to see Jesus |
I'm turning over a brand new leaf |
I'm tying the leaves |
I'm tying the leaves so they won't come down |
I'm tying up the blues (with a big blue ribbon) |
I'm using my Bible for a road map |
I'm waiting for Dad to come home |
I'm waiting just for you |
I'm waiting to hear my number called |
I'm walking behind you |
I'm walking through heaven with you |
I'm waltzing with tears in my eyes |
I'm wasting my time |
I'm weak but willing |
I'm winging my way back home |
I'm wishing |
I'm with you |
I'm wonderin' and wonderin' |
I'm wondering darling |
I'm wondering how |
I'm young |
I'm your Christmas friend, don't be hungry |
I'm your servant, Lord |
I'm your taboo man |
I'm your toy |
I'm yours |
I'm yours anyhow |
I've always been a dreamer |
I've answered God's call |
I've been 'buked |
I've been a fool from the start |
I've been all around this world |
I've been around |
I've been cryin' |
I've been dedicated |
I've been drinking muddy water |
I've been in the storm too long |
I've been lonesome since you went away |
I've been loving you too long |
I've been so long darling |
I've been striving for so long |
I've been thinkin' |
I've been with the Lord all day long |
I've been working on the railroad |
I've come back to get you |
I've cried my last tear over you |
I've decided |
I've done and sold my soul |
I've done my share |
I've done what you told me to do |
I've enjoyed being loved by you |
I've found a new baby |
I've found a true love |
I've given my life to the business (Now it's giving the business to me) |
I've gone crazy |
I've got a brother overseas |
I've got a crush on you |
I've got a date to meet an angel |
I've got a date with rhythm |
I've got a feelin' you're foolin' |
I've got a feeling I'm falling |
I've got a frame without a picture |
I've got a long way to go |
I've got a longing |
I've got a lot of livin' to do |
I've got a man |
I've got a right to be blue |
I've got a right to be jealous, honey |
I've got a right to the tree of life |
I've got a round trip ticket |
I've got big bulging eyes for you |
I've got blues to spare |
I've got eyes |
I've got faith |
I've got heartaches for a souvenir |
I've got lonely arms |
I've got love |
I've got money |
I've got my doubts about you |
I've got my love to keep me warm |
I've got nobody but you |
I've got over you |
I've got rhythm |
I've got rings on my fingers |
I've got that lonesome feeling (for that old sweetheart of mine) |
I've got that old time religion in my heart |
I've got the blues |
I've got the blues for home sweet home |
I've got the last laugh now |
I've got the world on a string |
I've got to change |
I've got to cut you loose |
I've got to find my baby |
I've got to get my baby |
I've got to go cry |
I've got to know where I stand |
I've got to know where I stand with you |
I've got to move |
I've got to tell |
I've got to tell it |
I've got you off my mind |
I've got you under my skin |
I've grown accustomed to her face |
I've grown accustomed to your face |
I've grown so used to you |
I've had a hard way to go |
I've had enough |
I've had it |
I've had my moments |
I've heard that blues before |
I've just got to know |
I've just gotta be a cowboy |
I've learned a lot from loving you |
I've lost the only one |
I've loved you forever it seems |
I've made a covenant with my Lord |
I've made it over at last |
I've made nights by myself |
I've never been in love before |
I've only myself to blame |
I've started out to find a better home |
I've taken my fun where I found it |
I've told every little star |
I've tried |
I've waited all my life for you |
I've waited as long as I can wait |
I've written your name on my heart |
Ice cream, soda pop |
Ice water |
Ich hob zich gelozt |
Ich will a chusin |
Ich will zich spielen |
Icky Yacky |
Ida Red |
Ida, sweet as apple cider |
Idaho |
Iddy bitty girl |
Idol of the flies |
If |
If all goes well |
If and when it happens |
If angels cry |
If God can forgive you, so can I |
If God wants to kill me |
If I bring home the bacon |
If I can love you in the morning |
If I could be with you (one hour tonight) |
If I could buy you |
If I could change my heart |
If I could hear my mother pray again |
If I could only stay asleep |
If I could write a book |
If I didn't have him |
If I didn't love you |
If I don't love you |
If I ever cry again |
If I ever get rich Mom |
If I ever got you back |
If I get inside the gate |
If I had a ribbon bow |
If I had a woman |
If I had my life to live over |
If I had my way |
If I had possession over judgement day |
If I had said yes |
If I had someone like you |
If I had the chance |
If I had you |
If I knew |
If I knew I'd never lose you |
If I knew you were coming, I'd 've baked a cake |
If I love again |
If I loved you |
If I never get to heaven |
If I never had known |
If I never wake again (I'll be in glory land) |
If I only knew |
If I ruled the world |
If I should come back |
If I should fall in love again |
If I should lose you |
If I thought you needed me |
If I told you, would you believe me |
If I was a cat |
If I were a bell |
If I were a carpenter |
If I were young again |
If I'm lucky |
If I'm lucky (I'll be the one) |
If Ida Club |
If it feels good, do it |
If it takes me a lifetime |
If it wasn't for the Lord |
If it's love you want |
If Jesus had to pray |
If love is trouble |
If love were all |
If my baby cooks as good as she looks, I'll be hungry, hungry all the time |
If not for you |
If something's wrong with my baby (something's wrong with me) |
If that's the way you feel |
If the creek don't rise |
If the good Lord's willing and the creek don't rise |
If the sun isn't shining in your window |
If this be love |
If this is a sin |
If this is love |
If we never meet again |
If Winter comes |
If wishes were horses |
If you ain't got no bread |
If you ain't lovin' |
If you believe |
If you believe in what you do |
If you but care |
If you could be the same |
If you could change my heart |
If you could see me now |
If you don't believe I'm crying, take a look at my eyes |
If you don't believe I'm leaving |
If you don't give me what I want |
If you don't love me, tell me so |
If you don't think |
If you don't think I'm sinking (look what a hole I'm in) |
If you don't want me, then set me free |
If you don't want no more of my loving |
If you don't work, you can't eat |
If you go |
If you go away |
If you had more time to be |
If you hadn't told the first lie |
If you have it |
If you haven't written your mother |
If you knew Susie |
If you love me |
If you make a start to heaven (don't turn around) |
If you need it, God's got it |
If you need me, I'll be around |
If you never slip around |
If you only cared a little |
If you only have faith in me |
If you only knew |
If you play the blues, I'll cry |
If you play with cats |
If you see my love |
If you should say goodbye |
If you wanna go to heaven, die! |
If you want me |
If you want some lovin' |
If you were mine |
If you were only in my arms |
If you will let me be your love |
If you would only change your style |
If you'd believe in me |
If you'd forgive me |
If you'd only be true |
If you'll come back to me |
If you'll let me |
If you're but a dream |
If you're lovely |
If you've got the money, I've got the time |
Igloo |
II chantait toujours |
Il fait des bonds..le Pierrot qui danse |
Ill wind |
Illy dear |
Image of a girl |
Imagination |
Immediately |
Impossible |
In a beautiful mood |
In a little kindergarten |
In a little Spanish town |
In a mellow dream |
In a mellow tone |
In a Persian market |
In a sentimental mood |
In a shanty in old shanty town |
In a world of broken hearts |
In all my dreams |
In an old Hawaiian garden |
In heat |
In love again |
In my arms |
In my Father's House |
In my heart |
In my heart I am a free man |
In my heart you're every thing - |
In my little red book |
In my merry Oldsmobile |
In my school of love |
In Napoli |
In other words |
In other words (Fly me to the moon) |
In paradise |
In reverse |
In San Diego |
In San Francisco |
In shady brook lane |
In spite of myself |
In that great gettin' up mornin' |
In that great gettin' up morning |
In that great reunion |
In that upper room |
In the alley |
In the Attic |
In the blue of the evening |
In the boat |
In the bosom of Jesus |
In the cool, cool, cool of the evening |
In the dark polka |
In the doorway crying |
In the evenin' |
In the evening by the moonlight |
In the evening when the sun goes down |
In the garden |
In the great reunion |
In the jailhouse now |
In the land where we'll never grow old |
In the Lord's cars |
In the middle |
In the middle, pt.1 |
In the middle, pt.2 |
In the moonlight |
In the morning |
In the old Summertime |
In the open |
In the palm of my hands |
In the pens |
In the rain |
In the Redd |
In the shade of the old apple tree |
In the shadow of the pine |
In the still of the night |
In the subway |
In the sunshine of His life |
In the sweet by and by |
In the sweet bye and bye |
In the wee hours |
In the wee wee hours (of the nite) |
In the wilderness |
In this world alone |
In thought |
In Thy service |
In time |
In trouble with the law |
In walked Bud |
In your arms |
In your own sweet way |
Inches |
Indian boogie woogie |
Indian giver |
Indian love call |
Indian river |
Indian Summer |
Indiana |
Indiana (Back home again in Indiana) |
Infatuation blues |
Initials in the tree |
Ink dries quicker than tears |
Innamarada di te |
Innocence |
Inquiry |
Inr kinderlein kommet |
Inside information |
Inside me |
Inside or outside |
Inside the beautiful gate |
Inspiration |
Instantly |
Instructions come inside |
Insulated sugar |
Intermezzo |
Intermezzo (from "Escape to happiness") |
Intermission riff |
Interstate 81 |
Interwoven |
Intoxicated rat |
Introduction |
Invercargill march |
Invest your little heart in mine |
Invitation waltz |
Invoco te |
Ira of the |
Irene |
Irma |
Irresistible you |
Is everything happy |
Is it allover? |
Is it fair? |
Is it me |
Is it this way |
Is it true |
Is it true (I still believe in you) |
Is it yes or is it no |
Is my baby mad at me |
Is my lovin' too slow |
Is that all I mean to you |
Is this a useless war |
Is you or is you ain't my baby |
Is you too lazy |
Is your love for real |
Isabella |
Isle of Capri |
Isn't it romantic? |
Isnt' it a shame |
Israel's deliverance |
It |
It ain't gonna rain no mo' |
It ain't necessarily so |
It ain't no big thing |
It ain't no good |
It ain't right |
It ain't the meat |
It bruised her somewhat |
It came upon a midnight clear |
It came upon the midnight clear |
It can be found |
It can't be |
It can't be wrong |
It can't last long |
It could happen to you |
It could have been you |
It doesn't matter |
It don't hurt no more |
It don't mean a thing |
It don't pay to advertise |
It feels so good |
It goes without saying |
It had to be you |
It hurts inside |
It hurts me |
It hurts me so |
It hurts me too |
It hurts my heart |
It hurts to be in love |
It hurts to see you go |
It hurts to tell you |
It is no secret |
It is well |
It isn't fair |
It just ain't love |
It just ain't right |
It just tears me all to pieces |
It made me happy |
It may be the last time |
It might as well be Spring |
It must be him |
It must be love |
It must be wonderful |
It must be you |
It never entered my mind |
It only hurts a little while |
It seems |
It seems to me |
It shouldn't happen to a dog |
It still suits me |
It takes a long pull to get there |
It takes a long pull to get there (reprise) |
It takes time |
It was all in vain |
It was for you |
It was so good |
It was you |
It will happen again |
It won't be me |
It won't be this way (always) |
It won't seem like Christmas |
It'll make a change in business |
It'll never happen again |
It's a bloody war |
It's a blue world |
It's a crying shame |
It's a dirty shame |
It's a dream |
It's a gas, pt.1 |
It's a gas, pt.2 |
It's a good deal Mama |
It's a highway to heaven |
It's a lonely life (without you) |
It's a lonely world (when you're all alone) |
It's a long journey |
It's a long walk back to town |
It's a lovely day today |
It's a low down dirty shame |
It's a man's man's man's world |
It's a man's man's man's world, pt.1 |
It's a man's man's man's world, pt.2 |
It's a most unusual day |
It's a new day, pt.1 |
It's a new day, pt.2 |
It's a new thing now |
It's a pity |
It's a pity to say goodnight |
It's a sad, sad feeling |
It's a scream how Levine does the rhumba |
It's a shame |
It's a shame the way you treated me |
It's a sin |
It's a sin to love you like I do |
It's a sin to tell a lie |
It's a small world |
It's a treat |
It's a trifle too late |
It's a wonderful world |
It's ail right with me |
It's all between the lines |
It's all comin' down |
It's all in the game |
It's all over (but the tears I'll shed for you) |
It's all over but the memories |
It's all right now |
It's all right with me |
It's allover |
It's alright if that's the way you feel |
It's alright with me |
It's always you |
It's as simple as ABC |
It's been a long, long time |
It's been so long |
It's been so long darling |
It's beginning to look like Christmas |
It's Christmas |
It's Christmas all year 'round |
It's Christmas time |
It's Christmas time, pt.1 |
It's Christmas time, pt.2 |
It's cool down yonder by chilly Jordan |
It's dangerous to be a husband |
It's de-lovely (cha cha) |
It's delovely |
It's easy to remember |
It's easy, child |
It's enough to make anyone cry |
It's gonna come out in the wash someday |
It's gonna hurt you |
It's gonna rain |
It's grand to have someone to love you |
It's hard to leave somebody that you love |
It's I who loves you |
It's just a habit with you |
It's just between us two |
It's legitimate |
It's lonesome without you |
It's love |
It's love baby (24 hours a day) |
It's love, baby |
It's magic |
It's Mama, she's the one |
It's me who has to suffer |
It's my thing |
It's my thing, pt.1 |
It's my thing, pt.2 |
It's my time to go |
It's no sin |
It's no sin to love you |
It's no use |
It's not funny |
It's not funny, honey |
It's not so fine |
It's only a paper moon |
It's only sunshine |
It's only you |
It's our baby |
It's over |
It's over forever |
It's praying time |
It's raining here this morning |
It's raining teardrops in my heart |
It's sand man |
It's sand, man |
It's so hard to have fun and still be good |
It's so hard to say I love you |
It's so hard to smile |
It's so new |
It's so peaceful in the country |
It's strange but true |
It's Summertime |
It's the talk of the town |
It's too bad (Things are going so tough) |
It's too easy to blame the weather |
It's too late to change your mind |
It's too late to cry |
It's too late to say you were wrong |
It's too soon to know |
It's twistin' time |
It's what's happening baby |
It's wonderful |
It's wrong to love you but I do |
It's you (You're not the stepping out kind) |
It's you I'm thinking of |
It's you or no one |
It's you, just you |
It's you, you, you |
It's your game, Mary Jane |
It's your time to be blue |
Itch with me |
Itchy fingers |
Itchy twitchy feeling |
Ivory tower |
Ivy |
J'aime t'embrasser |
J'attendrai |
J.B. Boogie |
J.J. Special (Jonah Jones special) |
Ja-da |
Ja-Hoosey baby |
Jack and Jill boogie |
Jack Rabbit |
Jack the bear |
Jack's idea |
Jacknif-in' |
Jackson Schottische |
Jacob's ladder |
Jacob's vision |
Jail bird |
Jail house rock |
Jailhouse blues |
Jake is a fake |
Jalousie |
Jam for your bread |
Jam on toast |
Jamaica rum |
Jambalaya |
Jamboree |
Jamboree Jones |
James Brown house party |
Jammin' and jumpin' |
Jammin' on down |
Janie made a monster |
Jasmine |
Java |
Jay's blues, pt.1 |
Jay's blues, pt.2 |
Jazz city blues |
Jazz City workshop |
Jazz happy feet |
Jazz in D minor suite (3 movements) |
Jazz lips |
Jazz me blues |
Jazz pizzicato boogie |
Jealous |
Jealous duet |
Jealous fate |
Jealous heart |
Jealous hearted woman |
Jealous love |
Jealous man |
Jealous woman |
Jealousy |
Jean |
Jeanie |
Jeanie Marie |
Jeannine |
Jeannine I dream of lilac time |
Jeannine, I dream of lilac time |
Jeb's black hourse brigade |
Jeep's blues |
Jeepers creepers |
Jelly roll baker |
Jennie from Jamaica |
Jennie, get your hoe cakes done |
Jenny Lynn |
Jericho |
Jersey bounce |
Jersey rock |
Jeruseleum |
Jesse James prayed |
Jessie James |
Jesus |
Jesus and Mother |
Jesus answers my prayer |
Jesus bears the cross |
Jesus brought me |
Jesus died |
Jesus died upon the cross |
Jesus don't give up on me |
Jesus hold my hand |
Jesus I love you |
Jesus is a rock |
Jesus is all the world |
Jesus is all the world to me |
Jesus is God's atomic bomb |
Jesus is going to make up my dying bed |
Jesus is gone, but He's coming back again |
Jesus is His name |
Jesus is mine |
Jesus is my friend |
Jesus is real to me |
Jesus is standing at the right hand |
Jesus is the one |
Jesus is the rock |
Jesus is waiting |
Jesus knows |
Jesus knows about my troubles |
Jesus knows the reason why |
Jesus loves us all |
Jesus made a change |
Jesus met the woman at the well |
Jesus never fails |
Jesus never left me |
Jesus of Nazareth |
Jesus paid it all |
Jesus pleaded our case |
Jesus prayed |
Jesus precious King |
Jesus savior, pilot me |
Jesus saviour, pilot me |
Jesus will be your best friend |
Jesus will fix it |
Jesus will move every burned out of your life |
Jesus will save your soul |
Jesus' blood |
Jesus, food of angels |
Jesus, Jesus |
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all |
Jesus, my Lord, my King |
Jesus, the light of the world |
Jesus, wonderful one |
Jet |
Jetz geht's los |
Jezebel |
Jilted love |
Jim Dawg |
Jim Day's news |
Jim Wilson boogie |
Jim's Bong |
Jim, Peggy, the baby and me |
Jimmie's jump |
Jimmy caught the Dickens (pushing Ernest in the tub) |
Jingle bells |
Jinx and love |
Jive at five |
Jivin' mess |
Jo-Ann |
Job |
Jockey Joe |
Jodie Jodie blues |
Joe and me |
Joe, the Mexican boy |
Johanna |
John B |
John Henry |
John saw the Kingdom |
John the revelator |
John Three Sixteen |
John's idea |
Johnny |
Johnny come lately |
Johnny cowboy |
Johnny feels the blues |
Johnny get your girl |
Johnny had a yo yo |
Johnny had a yo-yo |
Johnny has gone |
Johnny has gone for a soldier |
Johnny Jaguar |
Johnny never knew |
Johnny on a pony 1-2-3 |
Johnny on the spot |
Johnny one note |
Johnny's little yo yo |
Johnny's still singing |
Johnny, Johnny |
Johnson boys |
Johnson County blues |
Johnson's old grey mule |
Johnson's whacks |
Jole blon |
Jole blon is gone, amen |
Jole blon's ghost |
Jole blon's sister |
Jolie comme une rose |
Jolly Coppersmith |
Jolly old St. Nicholas |
Jonah and the whale |
Jonah Jones special |
Jor-du |
Jordan |
Jose |
Jose is living the life of Reilly |
Josephine |
Josephine please no lean on the bell |
Joshua fit de battle of Jericho |
Joy |
Joy dust |
Joy to the world |
Juanita |
Jube's blues |
Judgement's coming |
Judgment day |
Judgment day blues |
Judy |
Judy (I love you so) |
Jug band jump |
Jug of ale polka |
Juicy |
Juicy (Roy's blues) |
Juke box |
Juke box blues |
Juke box jig |
Julayda (My girl friend) |
Julida polka |
Julio |
Jumba, jumba, Catari |
Jump and grunt |
Jump and shout |
Jump call |
Jump steady |
Jump, Jack, jump |
Jumpin' at the Club Blue Flame |
Jumpin' at the jubilee |
Jumpin' at the track |
Jumpin' at the Waterhole |
Jumpin' at the Woodside |
Jumpin' Jack flash |
Jumpin' Joe |
Jumpin' the blues |
Jumpin' with Symphony Sid |
Jumpin' with the mountain king |
Jumping Jennie |
Jumping with the rhumba |
June bug |
June is bustin' out all over |
June is busting out allover |
June night |
Jungle |
Jungle dreams, pt.1 |
Jungle dreams, pt.2 |
Jungle drums |
Jungle juice |
Jungle king |
Jungle rhumba |
Jungle rock |
Junior |
Junior blues |
Junk wagon |
Just |
Just a closer walk with Thee |
Just a country banjo |
Just a gigolo |
Just a little |
Just a little bit |
Just a little bit of everything |
Just a little bit of lovin' |
Just a little bit of soul |
Just a little song each morning |
Just a little talk with Jesus |
Just a phone call will do |
Just a piece of paper |
Just a world of heartaches |
Just a-diggin' and a-diggin' |
Just about right |
Just about then |
Just another day |
Just another face |
Just another woman |
Just as I am |
Just as long as I'm with you |
Just as long as Jesus lives |
Just as long as you're with me |
Just as soon as I get home |
Just as sure |
Just be glad |
Just be true love |
Just because |
Just because you're gonna leave me |
Just being you |
Just call my name |
Just can't quit |
Just can't run away |
Just crazy |
Just doing rock and roll |
Just don't care |
Just dreamin' |
Just enough room for storage |
Just for a while |
Just for me |
Just for you |
Just for your love |
Just forget about me |
Just friends |
Just hold my hand |
Just imagine |
Just in case |
Just in case you change your mind |
Just in case you changed your mind |
Just in time |
Just Jesus alone |
Just keep on smiling |
Just let me love you |
Just like a woman |
Just like before |
Just like for always |
Just like that |
Just like two drops of water |
Just Max |
Just me |
Just moving along with a happy song |
Just one kiss goodnite |
Just one little kiss |
Just one moment |
Just one more chance |
Just one more time |
Just one of those songs |
Just one of those things |
Just out for kicks |
Just out of reach |
Just over in the glory land |
Just over the glory line |
Just pickin' |
Just plain funk |
Just plain love |
Just pretending |
Just shuckin' |
Just so you call me |
Just squeeze me |
Just tell me when |
Just that way |
Just to be with you |
Just to be with you again |
Just to behold His face |
Just too shy |
Just try |
Just two people in the world |
Just us chickens |
Just whisper |
Just won't do right |
Just won't move |
Just you and me, darling |
Just you, just me |
Justice |
K.C. Blues |
K.C. Loving |
Ka-lu-a |
Kaiser schutzen |
Kamman's a-coming |
Kansas City |
Kansas City railroad blues |
Karen |
Katanga |
Kate |
Kathleen |
Katz meow |
Kaw-liga |
Keep a light in the window for me |
Keep a light in the window of heaven |
Keep a memory |
Keep a-talking |
Keep a-talking baby |
Keep a-walkin' |
Keep in touch |
Keep it movin' |
Keep looking up |
Keep me humble |
Keep moving on |
Keep on churnin' (till the butter comes) |
Keep on dancing |
Keep on keeping on |
Keep on loving me |
Keep on loving you |
Keep on praying |
Keep on pushing your luck |
Keep on the firing line |
Keep on working for the Lord |
Keep them cold icy fingers off of me |
Keep your hands on your heart |
Keep your skillet good and greasy |
Keep your skirts down, Mary Ann |
Keeper of heartbreak inn |
Keepin' out of mischief now |
Keeping myself for you |
Kelly green |
Kenny's hop |
Kentucky |
Kentucky home rock |
Kentucky mountain |
Kentucky shack |
Kentucky waltz |
Key West rhumba |
Keys in the mailbox |
Kiamish Choctow rose |
Kiddush |
Kidney stew |
Kill her with kindness |
Kind hearted woman blues |
Kind of Moody |
Kinda sorta miss you |
King a ling |
King bee |
King Curtis stomp |
King fish |
King for a day |
King Jesus |
King lover |
King Of kings |
King of the road |
King of the sea |
King Porter special |
King Porter stomp |
King's spinner |
Kiss me Kate selection |
Kiss me quick and go |
Kiss the baby |
Kissin' rock drive |
Kissing bug |
Kissing bug boogie |
Kit' n kaboodie |
Kitty Clyde |
Klickety klack |
Kneel and pray |
Kneel at the cross |
Kneel down |
Knittin' |
Knock him down whiskey |
Knock me a kiss |
Knock on wood |
Knock on wood, I feel good |
Knock! |
Knockin' blues |
Knockin' on the door of love |
Knockout |
Know what you're doing |
Knowing you as I do |
Knowledge |
Known only to Him |
Knoxville girl |
Ko ko |
Ko ko mo |
Ko ko mo (I love you so) |
Ko-ko |
Koala |
Kokomo's boogie |
Kool it |
Korea's mountain North land |
Krafty |
Kwan-Youen |
L'amour, toujours l'amour |
L'cha ki l'cha |
L'enterrement de Cornelius |
L-O-V-E |
La ballade des baladins |
La bamba |
La bossa (The wreckin' rock) |
La censura |
La chaloupe |
La chanson pour Roseline |
La cinquantaine |
La comparsa |
La Comparsa (Carnival procession) |
La cucara cha cha |
La cucaracha |
La cumparsita |
La dee dab |
La Golondrina |
La la |
La marche de Babette |
La mer |
La Paloma |
La petite Suzon |
La pioggia cadra |
La plume de ma tante |
La princesse de Juillet |
La ronde |
La Seine |
La Sonadora |
La Spagnola |
La valse a mille temps |
La vida en rosa |
La vida en rosa (La vie en rose) |
La vie en rose |
La zandunga |
Laddle, laddle, laddle on a lollipop |
Lady 'round the lady |
Lady be good |
Lady Bird |
Lady love |
Lady of Spain |
Lady Queen |
Lady will power |
Lafayette |
Lah-dee-dah-dee |
Lakewood and John Marshall blues |
Lament for a lover |
Lament to love |
Land of dreams |
Landlord blues |
Landslide of love |
Landy roll'a |
Large size Mama |
Largo |
Las Vegas |
Last call for alcohol |
Last kiss |
Last laugh blues |
Last mile of the way |
Last night |
Last night on the back porch |
Last night's foolin' around |
Last time out for love |
Last year senior prom, this year, Viet Nam |
Last year's Christmas card |
Late date |
Late freight |
Late last night |
Late late blues |
Late Spring |
Later |
Later for the saver |
Laugh (though you want to cry) |
Laughing boy |
Laughing but crying |
Laughing eyes polka |
Laughing girl, crying boy |
Laughing polka |
Laughing through the tears |
Laura |
Lavender blue |
Lavender coffin |
Laverne |
Law scene |
Lawdy lawdy lard, pt.1 |
Lawdy lawdy lard, pt.2 |
Lawdy Mama |
Lawrence of Arabia |
Lay down my heavy burden |
Lay down your soul |
Lay it on the line |
Lay something on the bar (besides your gloves) |
Lazy afternoon |
Lazy cowboy |
Lazy down |
Lazy little me |
Lazy mood |
Lazy moon |
Lazy river |
Lazy soul |
Lazy woman |
Le bal des amours d'un soir |
Le dormeur du val |
Le doux caboulot |
Le grand amour de ma vie |
Le grisbi |
Le jour ou la pluie viendra |
Le marchand de bonheur |
Le mur |
Le musicien |
Le rideau rouge |
Le vieux canal |
Lead me to Calvary |
Lead me to that rock |
Lead me, guide me |
Lead on, oh King eternal |
Lead the light |
Leaning on Jesus |
Leaning on the everlasting arms |
Leaping on Lenox |
Leaps and bounds, pt.1 |
Leaps and bounds, pt.2 |
Learnin' the blues |
Leave it alone |
Leave it to me |
Leave my kitten alone |
Leave that fat |
Leave that liar alone |
Leave us alone |
Leavin' tonight |
Leavin' town |
Leaving Hogan's alley on the fly |
Leaving you with a worried mind |
Led by the Master's Hand |
Lee's command |
Lee's march |
Left alone |
Left with a broken heart |
Leftover hash |
Legend of the glass mountain |
Leizer badchen |
Lend me your love |
Lengua mala |
Lenore |
Leona |
Les amoureux |
Les amours de Decembre |
Les cigales de St. Tropez |
Les enfants qui s'aiment |
Les flons flons du bal |
Les memes de mon quartier |
Lester leaps in |
Let 'em roll |
Let a man come in and do the popcorn, pt.1 |
Let a man come in and do the popcorn, pt.2 |
Let down blues |
Let God breath on me |
Let her go |
Let in the guiding light |
Let it be me |
Let it rain |
Let it roll again |
Let it roll, pt.1 |
Let it roll, pt.2 |
Let it shine |
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow |
Let me be |
Let me be (a steppin' soul) |
Let me be (Stay away from me) |
Let me be a souvenir |
Let me be free |
Let me be the one |
Let me be the one you love |
Let me be your love |
Let me be your man |
Let me call you sweetheart |
Let me come back |
Let me come home |
Let me come with you, pt.1 |
Let me come with you, pt.2 |
Let me cry |
Let me go |
Let me hold your hand |
Let me in your heart |
Let me keep you warm |
Let me know |
Let me know tonight |
Let me look at myself |
Let me love you |
Let me love you one more time |
Let me play with your poodle |
Let me rest |
Let me rock you baby |
Let me travel alone |
Let me walk with you |
Let me walk, Lord, by your side |
Let nobody love you |
Let some love in your heart |
Let that liar pass on by |
Let the dice decide |
Let the doorbell ring |
Let the guitars sing |
Let the happenings happen |
Let the little girl love |
Let the power fall on me |
Let the school bell ring ding a ling |
Let the world see Jesus in my life |
Let them talk |
Let there be love |
Let us waltz as we say goodbye |
Let your conscience be your guide |
Let your light shine on Ike |
Let yourself go |
Let's babalu |
Let's ball tonight |
Let's call it a day |
Let's call it over now |
Let's call the whole thing off |
Let's cut one |
Let's dance little girl |
Let's do it |
Let's do it again |
Let's do the stroll |
Let's don't sleep again |
Let's face it |
Let's face the music and dance |
Let's fall in love |
Let's get away from it all |
Let's get it on |
Let's get the show on the road |
Let's get together |
Let's go again |
Let's go again (where we went last night) |
Let's go Charleston |
Let's go to Jesus |
Let's go to the fair |
Let's go upstairs |
Let's go, let's go, let's go |
Let's grow old together |
Let's have a good time |
Let's have a natural ball |
Let's jump |
Let's light the Christmas tree |
Let's live for love |
Let's live for tonight |
Let's live it up |
Let's make believe |
Let's make Christmas mean something this year |
Let's make every day a Christmas day |
Let's make everyday a Xmas day |
Let's make it |
Let's make up tonight, honey |
Let's motor |
Let's move |
Let's move out |
Let's not wait |
Let's play sweethearts again |
Let's pray |
Let's pretend |
Let's rock while the rockin's good |
Let's spend a night at the Canoga |
Let's stay after school |
Let's stay together |
Let's surf awhile |
Let's take a ride on a rocket |
Let's take a walk |
Let's talk our troubles over |
Let's talk things over |
Let's unite the whole world at Christmas |
Let's work |
Letter edged in black |
Letter from Bermuda |
Letter from home |
Letter from my darling |
Letter full of tears |
Letter to baby |
Levene does the thumba |
Li'l darlin' |
Libeccio |
Liberated woman |
Licking stick |
Licking stick, licking stick, pt.1 |
Licking stick, licking stick, pt.2 |
Liebchen |
Liebesfreud |
Liebeslied (love story) |
Liebestraum |
Liebestraum No.3 |
Liechtensteiner polka |
Lieohtensteiner polka |
Lies, lies, lies |
Life can never be the same |
Life gets tee-jus don't it |
Life goes on and on |
Life is just a bowl of cherries |
Life is like a slice of cake |
Life is like that |
Life is nothing without music |
Life lost its color (when I lost my love) |
Life of Reily |
Life's been so beautiful |
Life's elevator |
Life's little ups and downs (recitation) |
Life's little ups and downs (vocal) |
Life's too short |
Lift your heads |
Light |
Light in his soul |
Light in the mansion |
Light me up |
Light my fire |
Light of the moon |
Light of the world |
Light up the fire |
Light up your lamp |
Lightning bug |
Lightning struck my heart |
Lights out |
Like |
Like a baby |
Like a ship at sea |
Like Baying something |
Like boy, like girl |
Like someone in love |
Like you and me |
Lilac wine |
Lili Narlene |
Limbo (The land of In-between) |
Limbo jimbo |
Limehouse blues |
Lindy Lou |
Ling ting tong |
Linger awhile |
Linville Schottische |
Lion's roar |
Lips that lie |
Lipstick traces |
Lisbon antigua |
List'nin' to the green grass grow |
Listen to me sing the blues |
Listen to my heart |
Listen to my music |
Listen to the mocking bird |
Listen with an open heart |
Little adobe shack |
Little April shower |
Little baby be mine |
Little Benny |
Little Bessie |
Little bill at Christmas |
Little birdie |
Little black train |
Little blossom |
Little book |
Little boy again |
Little boy blues storm |
Little boy spelling |
Little brown jug |
Little community church |
Little country preacher |
Little darling pal of mine |
Little David play on your harp |
Little Dobie shack |
Little Eva |
Little fellow |
Little foundling |
Little girl |
Little girl blue |
Little girl don't cry |
Little girl don't cry, little boy don't cry |
Little girl of mine |
Little girl, don't cry |
Little green apples |
Little groove maker me |
Little groove maker, pt.1 |
Little groove maker, pt.2 |
Little Jack Horner |
Little Jane |
Little Jim |
Little Jimmy, the crippled child |
Little Joan |
Little Joe |
Little John blues |
Little Klinker |
Little landslide |
Little Liza Jane |
Little Maggie |
Little Mary |
Little Miss Bobby Sox |
Little Miss Linda |
Little Miss Muffet |
Little mountain road |
Little old locket of gold |
Little ole you all |
Little orphan Annie |
Little pal |
Little Pixie |
Little red school house |
Little red wagon |
Little rock getaway |
Little rockin' chair |
Little Sally Walker |
Little school girl |
Little serenade |
Little things mean a lot |
Little things we used to do |
Little Tillie Willie |
Little tow head |
Little turtle dove |
Little white house by the side of the road |
Little white lies |
Little white washed chimney |
Little Willie |
Little woman blues |
Live and learn |
Live and love for baby |
Live by His word |
Live it up |
Live so God can use you |
Livery stable blues |
Livin' it up |
Livin' without you |
Living for Jesus |
Living in a house of sin |
Living in misery |
Living in the gloryland |
Living legend, pt.1 |
Living legend, pt.2 |
Liza |
Liza Brown |
Liza Jane |
Lo, how a rose |
Loaded with love |
Loan me a buck |
Lobo |
Lock me in your heart |
Lock, stock and barrel |
Locked in my heart |
Locked out |
Loco limbo |
Locomotive polka |
Lollipop Mama |
Lollypop Mama |
London pageant |
Lone star blues |
Loneliness |
Lonely |
Lonely and blue |
Lonely and longing for you |
Lonely blues |
Lonely boy in love |
Lonely broken heart |
Lonely cabin |
Lonely drifter |
Lonely girl |
Lonely girl, lonely boy |
Lonely heart |
Lonely heart, anxious kisses |
Lonely hill |
Lonely I wait |
Lonely lips |
Lonely little robin |
Lonely man |
Lonely me |
Lonely moon |
Lonely mountain |
Lonely one |
Lonely rain |
Lonely room |
Lonely star |
Lonely street |
Lonely teardrops |
Lonely telephone |
Lonely tombs |
Lonely world |
Lonesome |
Lonesome 7-7203 |
Lonesome and driftin' |
Lonesome day |
Lonesome dollar Bill |
Lonesome for someone |
Lonesome guitar |
Lonesome lover |
Lonesome lullaby |
Lonesome man blues |
Lonesome midnight |
Lonesome morning blues |
Lonesome night |
Lonesome road |
Lonesome sailor's dream |
Lonesome train |
Lonesome traveler |
Lonesome truck driver |
Lonesome truck driver's blues |
Lonesome wind blues |
Lonesome with you |
Long 'bout midnight |
Long ago |
Long ago and far away |
Long dark hallway |
Long distance |
Long gone |
Long gone lonesome blues |
Long gone, pt.1 |
Long gone, pt.2 |
Long journey home |
Long long ago |
Long old road |
Long playing Daddy |
Long time baby |
Long time gone |
Long time waiting |
Long train blues |
Long white line |
Long, long dresses |
Long, long time |
Longin' for you to come home |
Look at little sister |
Look at me |
Look for me in heaven |
Look for me in heaven, I'll be there |
Look Ma, I'm cryin' |
Look me in the eyes |
Look on the brighter side |
Look out your window |
Look to the sea |
Look what I got |
Look what you've done to me |
Looka here |
Lookie lookie lookie |
Lookin' for a man |
Lookin' for my Jesus |
Lookin' for somebody new |
Looking ahead |
Looking at you |
Looking for a boy |
Looking for a friend |
Looking for a girl |
Looking for a lover |
Looking for a woman |
Looking for someone to love |
Loop de loop |
Loose walk |
Lope City |
Lord have mercy |
Lord have mercy, please |
Lord I'll go |
Lord I'm yours |
Lord is that me |
Lord Jesus, pt.1 |
Lord Jesus, pt.2 |
Lord knows I tried |
Lord use me |
Lord you been so good to me |
Lord you've been good to me |
Lord, come see about me |
Lord, here I am |
Lord, remember me |
Lord, Thou hast been |
Loris |
Los Angeles |
Losing battle |
Losing your mind |
Lost and doomed |
Lost child |
Lost in a fog |
Lost in sin |
Lost in this great big city |
Lost Indian |
Lost John boogie |
Lost love |
Lost my faith in you |
Lost my woman |
Lost on a sea of sorrow |
Lost someone |
Lost time |
Lost train |
Lot of money |
Lotus blues |
Lotus land |
Lotus land, pt.1 |
Lotus land, pt.2 |
Lou's blues |
Loud mouth Lucy |
Louie Louie |
Louisan |
Louisiana |
Louisiana hop |
Louisiana twist |
Louisiana woman |
Love |
Love ain't nothin' but candy |
Love all night |
Love and blue |
Love and the weather |
Love bird |
Love birds |
Love bound |
Love call waltz |
Love can't be beat |
Love died tonight |
Love don't love nobody |
Love drops |
Love for love |
Love for sale |
Love goes round an' round |
Love gone, love returned |
Love have mercy |
Love I found you |
Love in rhyme |
Love in the first degree |
Love is a fortune |
Love is a funny thing |
Love is a losing game |
Love is a many splendored thing |
Love is a simple thing |
Love is a song |
Love is a wonderful thing |
Love is all we need |
Love is blue |
Love is crazy |
Love is here to stay |
Love is in the air |
Love is just a bug |
Love is just around the corner |
Love is like a gamble |
Love is like rain |
Love is love |
Love is strange |
Love is the light (that leads me home) |
Love is the sweetest thing |
Love letters |
Love letters in the sand |
Love lifted me |
Love locked out |
Love made a U turn |
Love makes the world go 'round |
Love me |
Love me a little bit less |
Love me baby |
Love me cherry |
Love me darling |
Love me darling just tonight |
Love me like I love you |
Love me now |
Love me one more time |
Love me or leave me |
Love me or leave me alone |
Love me or let me go |
Love me or please let me be |
Love me sweet |
Love me tonight |
Love me, love me not |
Love my love |
Love of my life |
Love or a game |
Love please come home |
Love potion No.9 |
Love row |
Love slave |
Love song |
Love struck |
Love sweet love |
Love talk |
Love that boy |
Love that gal |
Love that man |
Love that man of mine |
Love theme from "Romeo and Juliet" |
Love to spare |
Love walked in |
Love was in the air |
Love wasn't there |
Love what are you doing to my heart |
Love will never reach me |
Love ya |
Love you with all my might |
Love's last word is spoken |
Love's old sweet song |
Love's sweet water |
Love, gloom, cash, love |
Love, here is my heart |
Love, life and money |
Love, love, love |
Love, love, love dream |
Love, oh love |
Love, oh love (Where can you be) |
Love, oh love please come home |
Love, please stay |
Love, rock and thrill |
Love, sweet love |
Loved ones are waiting |
Loveland |
Loveless island |
Lovely hula hands |
Lovely lady |
Lovely Springtime |
Lover |
Lover blues |
Lover come back to me |
Lover let me be |
Lover man |
Lover man (Oh, where can you be) |
Lover man blues |
Lover man, oh where can you be |
Lover's gold |
Lover's moon |
Lover's quarrel |
Lover's rendezvous |
Lover's stroll |
Lovers and losers |
Lovers only |
Lovin' guitar man |
Lovin' machine |
Lovin' man |
Loving baby |
Loving care |
Loving machine |
Low and lonely |
Low down |
Low down dog |
Low down hoe down |
Low down sweet chariot |
Low down woman blues |
Low flame |
Low land blues |
Lowdown popcorn |
Lowdown popcorn, pt.1 |
Lowdown popcorn, pt.2 |
Lowland-ism |
Lucille |
Lucinda |
Lucky buck |
Lucky dreamer |
Lucky heart |
Lucky Lee |
Lucy Lee |
Lullaby |
Lullaby for Leslie |
Lullaby of Birdland |
Lullaby of Broadway |
Lullaby of the leaves |
Lulu from Honolulu |
Lulu's back in town |
Lunceford special |
Luscious woman |
Lush life |
Lying woman blues |
Ma baby |
Ma douce vallee |
Ma-lika-you (Pizza pie) |
Mabel' s dream |
Mabel, Mabel |
Mack the knife |
Mack the knife concerto |
Mack's hoedown |
Mad |
Mad about the boy |
Mad about you |
Mad boogie |
Madalena |
Madalena (This night) |
Madam X |
Made for me |
Madelinka polka |
Mademoiselle de Paree |
Madrecita linda |
Maggie doesn't work here anymore |
Maggie get the hammer |
Maggie's brown jug |
Magic tango |
Magic wand |
Maharadja |
Mahzel |
Maid of Cadiz |
Maiden's prayer |
Mail order woman |
Mailman's sack |
Mainer's breakdown |
Mainer's jews harp |
Mainliner |
Mairzy doats |
Mais oui |
Mais qu'est-ce que j'ai? |
Maitre Pierre |
Make believe |
Make believe heaven |
Make love to me |
Make me a present of you |
Make me as strong as Samson |
Make me happy |
Make mine music |
Make more room for Jesus |
Make someone happy |
Make your appointment today |
Make your move |
Makes me what you want me to be |
Makin' love mountain style |
Makin' whoopee |
Making believe |
Making wishes, marking time |
Malcolm X |
Malibu mal |
Mam forgives |
Mam'selle |
Mama |
Mama (Don't you remember when you were young) |
Mama blues |
Mama darling |
Mama don't agree |
Mama don't allow |
Mama Inez |
Mama Jessie's place |
Mama needs your loving, baby |
Mama wants to drive |
Mama's daughter |
Mama, don't chase my love away |
Mambo en Espana |
Mambo en fa |
Mambo honky tonk |
Mambo jet |
Mambo jumbo |
Mambo lindo |
Mambo Mexicano, pt.1 |
Mambo Mexicano, pt.2 |
Mambo negro |
Mambo sh-mambo |
Mambolino |
Mambostic |
Mamie in the afternoon |
Mamsaca |
Man from New Orleans |
Man hole |
Man of the hour |
Man on the moon |
Man with a horn |
Man's best friend |
Man's drunk again |
Man, have I got troubles |
Managua, Nicaragua |
Manchmal traum ich vom kornfeld (Sometimes I dream about the cornfield) |
Mandolino serenade |
Mandy |
Mandy, mandy |
Manhattan |
Mansion in the sky |
Manteca |
Manus |
Many |
Maple leaf rag |
March of the angels |
March of the Siamese children |
March on, Cincinnati |
Marcheta |
Margie |
Margot |
Maria |
Maria Elena |
Maria my own |
Marie |
Marie Lavore |
Marie, Marie |
Marimba |
Marine's hymn |
Mariquita Linda |
Mark III |
Marriage (Mary's) Boogie |
Marriage polka |
Married life |
Married on paper |
Married women stay married |
Marry go round |
Marsanova |
Marshall plan |
Marta |
Martin's idea on the scale |
Mary |
Mary Ann |
Mary B |
Mary dear |
Mary is a grand old name |
Mary Lou |
Mary oh Mary |
Mary, little Mary |
Mary, Mary |
Mary's a grand old name |
Maryland, my Maryland |
Mash potatoes |
Mash potatoes with me |
Mashed potato popcorn, pt.1 |
Mashed potato popcorn, pt.2 |
Mashed potatoes U.S.A. |
Mashing potatoes |
Mashuga over you |
Masquerade |
Master |
Master Jesus is a listening |
Mastertone march |
Mata Hari |
Match box blues |
Matches |
Mathildy |
Matinee hour in New Orleans |
Max the factor |
Max's no difference polka |
May I |
May I baby |
May I never love again |
May we all meet again |
May you never be alone |
Maybe |
Maybe good, maybe bad, pt.1 |
Maybe good, maybe bad, pt.2 |
Maybe I won't want you |
Maybe I'll understand, pt.1 |
Maybe I'll understand, pt.2 |
Maybe it's all for the best |
Maybe she would like to know |
Maybe some rainy day |
Maybe the last time |
Maybe you will change your mind |
Maybe you'll miss me when I'm gone |
Mazinketantz, schweger tantz, potch tantz |
McArthur Park |
McDonald's streamlined farm |
Me and my crazy self |
Me and my mule |
Me and my shadow |
Me and the doggone blues |
Mean bad and evil blues |
Mean Mama blues |
Mean old Bud bug blues |
Mean old world |
Mean to me |
Meanest man in town |
Meaning of love |
Mecca flat blues |
Medicine springs |
Medley |
Medley of Walt Disney fantasy |
Meet me at the station |
Meet me on the corner |
Meet me tonight in dreamland |
Meet me when they play the blues |
Meet me with your black dress on |
Meet Miss Pippin |
Meet Mr. Callaghan |
Meet the sun half way |
Mein hut der hat drei ecken |
Melancholy Madeline |
Melancholy serenade |
Melinda |
Mellophone mambo |
Mellow blues, pt.1 |
Mellow blues, pt.2 |
Mellow bone |
Melody in B flat |
Melody in F |
Melody in F cha cha |
Melody of a dreamer |
Melody of love |
Memories |
Memories always linger on |
Memories of Mother |
Memories of the ballet |
Memories of the late great |
Memories of you |
Memory of the rain |
Memory waltz |
Memphis blues |
Men of Ohio |
Mercy me |
Mercy, mercy, mercy |
Mercy, mercy, Percy |
Merle's buck dance |
Merry Christmas (to you) |
Merry Christmas baby |
Merry Christmas I love you |
Merry Christmas my baby and a very very happy New Year |
Merry Christmas to all |
Merry Christmas to Michael |
Merry mambo |
Merry widow |
Merry widow selection |
Merry widow waltz |
Mes mains |
Message of love |
Message to pretty |
Messin' around with the blues |
Messin' up |
Messing with the blues |
Metro |
Mexicali rose |
Mexican hat dance |
Mexican Joe |
Mexican vodka |
Mexico |
Mi arrendo |
Mi bella mia |
Mi nueva amor |
Miami Beach rhumba |
Miami Beach rumba |
Mickey |
Middle of the night |
Midnight |
Midnight and day |
Midnight bells |
Midnight blues |
Midnight cowboy |
Midnight hour |
Midnight in Luxembourg |
Midnight in Paris |
Midnight jump |
Midnight lover man |
Midnight mirage |
Midnight mist |
Midnight moon |
Midnight on Central Avenue |
Midnight ramble |
Midnight ramblin' tonight |
Midnight rider |
Midnight special |
Midnight storm |
Midnight sun |
Midnight tears |
Midnight train |
Midnite mist |
Midriff |
Mighty fine |
Mighty mighty man |
Milano blues |
Milenberg joys |
Milestones |
Military Wedding |
Milk dreamland for two |
Milky white way |
Millions couldn't buy your love from me |
Milord |
Milt to the Hilt |
Milton's kilts boogie |
Milwaukee polka |
Mind your own business |
Mine |
Mine again |
Mine and mine alone |
Mine forevermore |
Minky and Pinkie |
Minor intrusion |
Minor matters |
Minor pulsations |
Minor seventh heaven |
Minute waltz |
Miracle of Fatima |
Miracle of love |
Miramar |
Mirror blues |
Mis'ry and the blues |
Misbelieving baby |
Miser's serenade |
Miserable |
Miserable man blues |
Miseria walk |
Misery |
Misirlou |
Miss Anna B |
Miss Fanny Brown |
Miss Fanny Brown returns |
Miss Finegold |
Miss heartache |
Miss Hula |
Miss Jimmie |
Miss K.C.'s fine |
Miss Rubberneck Jones |
Miss Sadie Jane |
Miss shake it |
Miss the love (that I've been dreaming of) |
Miss twister |
Miss you so |
Miss, miss mistreater |
Missile ride |
Missing in action |
Mississippi cake walk |
Mississippi jazz boat |
Mississippi sawyer |
Mississippi shore |
Missouri |
Missouri waltz |
Missy Ann |
Mistake in life |
Mister blue |
Mister dream |
Mister Fool |
Mister Glenn |
Mister Honky Tonk (from Christopher Street) |
Mister midnight |
Mister Pitiful |
Mistreated blues |
Mistreated woman |
Mistreater |
Misty |
Misty moon |
Mit sach und pack |
Mix the boogie with the woogie |
Moanin' and stompin' blues |
Moanin' low |
Moanin' the blues |
Moaning blues |
Moaning the blues |
Moasin' |
Mobile boogie |
Mocking bird |
Mocking bird yodel |
Moderner liebestraum |
Mohair Sam |
Mohawk squaw |
Molasses |
Molly Malone |
Mom, won't you teach me to monkey |
Moments like this |
Momma says it's naughty |
Momma, Momma, Momma |
Mona Lisa |
Monastery bells |
Monday date |
Monday mornin' blues |
Mondongo |
Money (That's what I want) |
Money and gold, pt.1 |
Money and gold, pt.2 |
Money and women |
Money bag woman |
Money can't buy love |
Money can't buy true love |
Money won't change you, pt.1 |
Money won't change you, pt.2 |
Money, marbles and chalk |
Money, money, money |
Money, money, money, money |
Monk's mood |
Monkey business |
Monkey donkey |
Monkey hips and rice |
Monkey monkey (You do it like this) |
Monkey tonight |
Monsieur le Duc |
Monster party |
Mood indigo |
Moon and sand |
Moon dreams |
Moon love |
Moon nocturne |
Moon rise |
Moon river |
Moon river (from "Breakfast at Tiffany's") |
Moon song |
Moon tan |
Moon's blues |
Moon's tune |
Moonbeams |
Moonbeaux |
Moondust |
Moonglow |
Moonglow & theme from Picnic |
Moonlight and shadows |
Moonlight in Vermont |
Moonlight on my cabin |
Moonlight on the Ganges |
Moonlight serenade |
Moonrise over Pali |
Moonshine polka |
Moosey |
More |
More and more |
More mess on my thing, pt.1 |
More mess on my thing, pt.2 |
More precious than silver or gold |
More than you know |
More, more, more |
Morning blues |
Morning side of the mountain |
Morning star polka |
Morning view |
Morse code |
Mosey on |
Moten swing |
Mother and Daddy are gone |
Mother call my name in prayer |
Mother don't you cry |
Mother knows best |
Mother left me her Bible |
Mother Macree |
Mother popcorn, pt.1 |
Mother popcorn, pt.2 |
Mother's flower garden |
Mother's footsteps guide me on |
Mother's name lives in my heart |
Mother's only sleeping |
Mother's plea |
Mother's prayers are not in vain |
Mother's prayers have followed me |
Mother's son |
Mother, dear mother |
Motor city boogie |
Motor head baby |
Motorcycle boogie |
Mountain church |
Mountain dew |
Mountain greenery |
Mountain mambo |
Mountain maw |
Mountain oysters |
Mountain Rosa Lee |
Mountain Rosalee |
Mountaineer always free |
Mourning love (Lovey dovey time) |
Mousy, Lucy and Bureau |
Move |
Move it on over |
Move me baby |
Move on |
Move over there woman |
Move, move, move |
Movin' |
Movin' along |
Movin' on down the line |
Movin' on now |
Movin' time |
Moving up |
Mr. Astronaut |
Mr. Ballard |
Mr. Blues is coming to town |
Mr. Bojangles |
Mr. Bottle |
Mr. Cool |
Mr. Dollar |
Mr. Fool |
Mr. Goodtime |
Mr. Hound Dog's in town |
Mr. Jones (is a bad man) |
Mr. Lonely |
Mr. Piano player |
Mr. Pride |
Mr. Sandman |
Mr. Snow |
Mr. Trumpet man |
Mr. Tuff Stuff |
Mrs. Santa Claus |
Much as I love you |
Much later |
Mud puddle |
Muddy sea of sin |
Muddy water |
Mule milk |
Mule train |
Mumbles blues |
Muscle bound |
Music for a space station |
Music for walking |
Music maestro please |
Music southern style |
Music to count my teardrops by |
Music to love by |
Music you and me |
Music, music, music |
Musically yours |
Muskeeta |
Muskrat ramble |
Must go out to play |
Must I cry again |
Must you go |
Must you keep on pretending |
Mustang '65 |
Mustang (She's what you've been looking for) |
Mustang Sally |
Mutation |
Muttle is subtle today |
My adobe hacienda |
My angel |
My Annabelle Lee |
My baby and me |
My baby changes like the weather |
My baby dearest darling |
My baby don't love me |
My baby done left me |
My baby is back |
My baby just cared for me |
My baby just cares for me |
My baby keeps rollin' |
My baby misses me too |
My baby please |
My baby's in love with another guy |
My baby's 3-D |
My baby's acting funny |
My baby's all right |
My baby's back home |
My baby's boogie woogie |
My baby's gone |
My baby's got flat feet |
My baby's tops |
My beloved |
My best wishes and regards |
My big brass bed is gone |
My biggest mistake |
My biggest thrill |
My blessed savior |
My blue heaven |
My blues are gone |
My body belongs to God |
My book of souvenirs |
My boy flat top |
My boy flat-top |
My brand of loving |
My bright tomorrow |
My broken heart can't forget |
My brother |
My brother's bride |
My building |
My candy man |
My Carolina gal |
My Christmas tree |
My concerto |
My confession |
My confession of love |
My conscience is letting you go |
My conscience never bothers me |
My crazy heart |
My cross eyed gal |
My crucified one |
My darlin' Ben |
My darlin' honey baby |
My darling Ann |
My darling remember |
My darling's not my darling anymore |
My days are blue |
My dear one |
My dearest |
My deceitful heart |
My DeLuxe |
My ding-a-ling |
My dream |
My dream just passed |
My eyes are still dry |
My faith is built upon the rocks |
My faith looks up to Thee |
My falling tears |
My fantasy |
My fate is in your hands |
My Father's mansion |
My first and my last love |
My foolish heart |
My forgiveable sin |
My Fraulein waltz |
My friend Jesus |
My friends |
My funny Valentine |
My gal Sal |
My girl |
My God called me this morning |
My God is a mighty man |
My God is coming to us |
My God is real |
My God's getting us ready |
My God's highway |
My greatest need |
My guitar is my sweetheart |
My guy's come back |
My handsome Molly |
My happiness |
My heart |
My heart at Thy sweet voice |
My heart believes |
My heart belongs to Daddy |
My heart can't understand |
My heart cried out |
My heart echoes |
My heart goes thump thump |
My heart is an open book |
My heart is fixed |
My heart jumped |
My heart needs someone |
My heart says no |
My heart stood still |
My heart tells me |
My heart will be cryin' |
My heart's not in it |
My hero |
My home America |
My home in the sky |
My home is down in Dixie |
My home is in the sky |
My home is no home without you |
My home over there |
My hope is built |
My house is not a home |
My hula baby |
My ideal |
My in laws made an outlaw out of me |
My inspiration |
My isle of golden dreams |
My Jesus prayed |
My Josephine |
My kind of girl |
My kind of trouble is you |
My kinda girl |
My last affair |
My last call |
My last hour |
My life is in His hands |
My life is no bed of roses |
My life, my loved one |
My little angel |
My little angel child |
My little baby |
My little buckaroo |
My little girl |
My little grass shack in Kealakekua, Hawaii |
My little nagging wife |
My little son's plea |
My little suede shoes |
My little wild rose of the hills |
My lonely heart |
My lonely hour |
My lonely prayer |
My long skinny lanky Sarah Jane |
My Lord done what He said |
My Lord's going to set me free |
My Lord's gonna move this wicked race |
My love |
My love for you |
My love for you would fill ten pots |
My love is coming down |
My love is draggin' |
My love is everything |
My love needs company |
My love song to you |
My love will never change |
My lovely Maria |
My loving baby |
My machine |
My main trial is yet to come |
My make believe baby |
My Mama's boy friend |
My man |
My man boogie |
My man is gone |
My man is gone now |
My man's gone now |
My melancholy baby |
My mojo and my lodestone |
My most miserable Christmas |
My mother's Bible |
My mother's child |
My mother's dying message |
My mother's eyes |
My mother's prayer |
My mother's prayers |
My mother's tear stained Bible |
My my baby |
My my darling |
My name ain't Annie |
My Natch'l man |
My nerves |
My new love |
My old flame |
My old hound dog |
My old Kentucky home |
My old Red River home |
My old soldier always tries |
My once a-week love |
My one desire |
My one true love |
My only flower (Please come back to me) |
My pillow stays wet |
My playful baby's gone |
My poor heart |
My prayer |
My prayer tonight |
My precious baby girl |
My precious love |
My Rapp |
My reason |
My redeemer lives again |
My reverie |
My romance |
My room |
My rose garden |
My runaway heart |
My saddest mistake (took my son from me) |
My shawl |
My shepherd is God |
My shining hour |
My shoes must have followed you |
My side of life |
My sin |
My sinful past |
My sins of yesterday |
My soldier boy |
My song |
My song while we dance |
My soul couldn't rest contented |
My soul shall be satisfied |
My special dream |
My story |
My sugar is so refined |
My sugar queen |
My sugar sugar |
My sun is going down |
My sunrise |
My sweet baby's love |
My sweet Kentucky mountain home |
My tears are drippin' (in the coffee that I'm sippin') |
My tears will pour just like rain |
My thrill is loving you |
My time done come |
My tissue paper heart |
My title to heaven |
My true confession |
My true story |
My turn now |
My undecided heart |
My wants for love |
My way |
My weary heart cries |
My wee man |
My wish |
My woman blues |
My wonderful one |
My worst mistake |
My, oh my |
Myer |
Mynah lament |
Mysteries of life |
Mystery of love |
N.Y. Central |
Na na, hey hey, kiss him goodbye |
Nag, nag, nag |
Nagasaki |
Name the song contest |
Nancy |
Nashville lady |
Nasty man blues |
Nathalie s'en va |
Natural born gamblin' man |
Natural born lover |
Nature boy |
Naughty little angel |
Navajo |
Nay nay go 'way |
Near you |
Nearer my love to Thee |
Nearing my heavenly home |
Necessity |
Neck bones and collard greens |
Need God every hour |
Need me |
Need your love so bad |
Nell don't wear no button up shoes |
Nervous man, nervous |
Nessuno |
Never |
Never again |
Never alone |
Never been so lonesome |
Never find a love like mine |
Never get to hold you in my arms any more |
Never give up a sweetheart |
Never grow old |
Never grow too old |
Never in a hundred years |
Never in a million years |
Never knew |
Never leave me |
Never let a love grow cold |
Never love no one but you |
Never meant to be mine |
Never mind the tears |
Never more |
Never on Sunday |
Never say goodbye |
Never trust a gypsy with your heart |
Never, never |
New Annie Laurie |
New born again |
New four-day rider |
New gin mill special |
New hello sunshine thing |
New Jole blon |
New little girl, little girl |
New milk cow blues |
New Mississippi River blues |
New mule skinner blues |
New Orleans |
New Orleans lover man |
New pair of shoes |
New panhandle rag |
New pins and needles |
New Rebecca |
New Sidewalks of New York |
New song of the islands |
New South wail |
New step it up and go |
New York concerto |
New York sketchbook |
Newport news |
Newspaper boy blues |
Next door |
Next Sunday darling is my birthday |
Next Sunday, darling, is my birthday |
Next year's Junior prom |
Nice and easy |
Nice work if you can get it |
Nickel plated |
Night and day |
Night and day boogie |
Night beat |
Night blue |
Night cap |
Night flight |
Night flying |
Night hawk prowl |
Night in Tunisia |
Night plane to Memphis |
Night thrush |
Night time is the time for making love |
Night train |
Night train, pt.1 |
Night train, pt.2 |
Night's curtain |
Nightfall |
Nightmare |
Nightmare blues |
Nightmare boogie |
Nighty night |
Nine more miles |
Nine pound hammer |
Nine tenths of the Tennessee river |
Ninety-nine years |
Nino the great Yacavino |
Ninon ma Ninette |
Ninth wave out |
Nita |
Nite and day |
No alibis |
No better for me |
No bitter tears |
No burdens pass through |
No coming back |
No eyes blues |
No good |
No good man of mine |
No good Robin Hood |
No good woman blues |
No got de woman |
No hard feelings |
No heart at all |
No heart to pay |
No hiding place |
No letter today |
No longer a sweetheart of mine |
No longer an orphan |
No love at all |
No love for me |
No love tonight |
No man and woman get along |
No mistakin' it |
No Mon, no Ron |
No money, no luck blues |
No more |
No more blues |
No more heartaches |
No more heartaches, no more pain |
No more in life |
No more nothin' (but gettin' you off my mind) |
No more roamin' |
No more tears |
No more worries |
No more, no more |
No name |
No name blues |
No name jive |
No one |
No one as sweet as you |
No one but me |
No one but you |
No one but you know when |
No one else could be |
No one is sweeter than you |
No one man (fits my plan) |
No one to cry to |
No one to love |
No one to open the door |
No one will ever know |
No one's crying but me |
No one, no sweeter than you |
No other but you |
No other love |
No other one |
No parking |
No parking here |
No part time love |
No peace of mind |
No place to lay your head |
No regrets |
No rock 'n 'roll tonight |
No room |
No rough stuff |
No sad goodbyes |
No says my heart |
No shoes |
No sign of love |
No stranger |
No Suh! |
No te enganes corazon |
No troubles bubbles |
No twistin' on Sunday |
No wars in heaven |
No, I can't |
No, it ain't |
No, no, no |
No, no, no, no |
No, no, no, no (Don't leave me this way) |
No, not a one |
No.1 in the book |
Noah |
Noah and the ark |
Nobility be bop |
Nobody but you |
Nobody cares |
Nobody knows |
Nobody knows but my baby and me |
Nobody knows my trouble |
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen |
Nobody knows the troubles I've seen |
Nobody knows you when you're down and out |
Nobody listens, nobody cares |
Nobody loves a fat man |
Nobody loves me |
Nobody loves me anymore |
Nobody wants you |
Nobody's business |
Nobody's fault but mine |
Nobody's gonna hurt you |
Nobody's heart |
Nobody's lonesome for me |
Nobody's lovin' me |
Nobody's sweetheart |
Nobody's woman |
Noch ein tanz (One more dance) |
Noche de ronda |
Noel |
Noi |
Nola |
None but the lonely heart |
Nonsei felice |
Nose job |
Nosey Joe |
Nostalgia |
Not a hand to shake |
Not just tomorrow but forever |
Not mine |
Not much (Do you baby) |
Not my will |
Not necessary |
Not ours to know |
Not so sleepy |
Not too much twist, not too much shout |
Not unloved nor unclaimed |
Not until you came my way |
Not until you come my way |
Not wanted |
Nothin' |
Nothin' but the blues |
Nothin' clickin' chicken |
Nothin' else will do |
Nothin' happens |
Nothin' yet |
Nothing at all |
Nothing between |
Nothing but good |
Nothing but the blood |
Nothing but the blues |
Nothing but trouble |
Nothing can change me |
Nothing goes right for me (since you've been gone) |
Nothing in this world (compared with you) |
Nothing like this |
Nothing matters anymore |
Nothing more to say |
Nothing too good for you |
Notre amour est tout neuf |
Nourogg |
Now ain't you glad dear |
Now and forever |
Now at last |
Now baby don't do it |
Now get out |
Now I got the blues |
Now I know |
Now I lay me down to dream |
Now I lay me down to sleep |
Now I'm free |
Now I've got a woman |
Now it can be told |
Now Lord |
Now or never |
Now ride the "D" train |
Now that I have you |
Now that I need you |
Now that you did it |
Now the shoe is on the other foot |
Now what 'cha gonna do |
Now you know |
Now you're in my arms |
Nowhere on earth |
Nowhere to run |
Number four |
Numi, Numi |
Nurs'ry rhyme boogie |
Nursery mambo |
Nuttin' for Xmas |
Nya, nya, nya |
O amor que nada |
O C D |
O come all ye faithful |
O come little children |
O come, o come, Immanuel |
O dem golden slippers |
O Holy night |
O little town of Bethlehem |
O Lord have mercy on me |
O Lord! I am not worthy |
O sanctissima |
O Sanctissima Sicilian |
O sole mio |
O Susannah |
O Tannenbaum |
O'Farrell, Jones and Hyde |
Oak grove church |
Oberek waltz |
Oblivion |
Obsession |
Obvious conclusions |
Ocean liner bossa nova |
Oceana roll |
Oceans of love |
Ode to Billy Joe |
Ode to Monk |
Of Thee I sing |
Off and on |
Off beat boogie |
Off shore |
Ogling ogre |
Oh baby |
Oh baby dance with me |
Oh baby don't you weep, pt.1 |
Oh baby don't you weep, pt.2 |
Oh baby please |
Oh baby, I want you back home |
Oh baby, it scares me |
Oh boy |
Oh but I missed you |
Oh by Jingo |
Oh come all ye faithful |
Oh Daddy bring that suitcase in |
Oh didn't I ramble |
Oh happy day |
Oh Holy night |
Oh John |
Oh Julie |
Oh little town of Bethlehem |
Oh lonesome me |
Oh Lord I'm glad |
Oh Lord what a time, pt.1 |
Oh Lord what a time, pt.2 |
Oh Lord, I will follow Thee |
Oh Lord, I wish I could sleep |
Oh Lord, our Lord |
Oh Lover (Hear my plea) |
Oh Marie |
Oh Miss Nellie |
Oh Monah |
Oh my aching back |
Oh my Papa |
Oh my soul |
Oh oh Antonio |
Oh oh oh baby |
Oh please |
Oh she's gone, gone, gone |
Oh sinner man |
Oh so happy |
Oh sugar |
Oh Susannah |
Oh Suzannah |
Oh Tannenbaum |
Oh well, oh well baby |
Oh what a beautiful morning |
Oh what a time we'll have up there |
Oh what I'd give |
Oh why |
Oh yeah |
Oh yeah ah ah |
Oh yeah, pt.1 |
Oh yeah, pt.2 |
Oh yes |
Oh yes I love |
Oh yes, I know |
Oh yes, I love you |
Oh! Babe |
Oh! Baby |
Oh! Mis'rable love |
Oh! Nurse |
Oh! She's gone (but not forgotten) |
Oh! What a foolin' |
Oh, baby |
Oh, death |
Oh, them saxes |
Oh, where's my Bess |
Oh, you beautiful doll |
Oif'n Pripitchik |
Oil man from Texas |
Okie boogie |
Oklahoma |
Oklahoma hills |
Oklahoma waltz |
Ol' man river |
Old age boogie, pt.1 |
Old age boogie, pt.2 |
Old and in the way |
Old battle ax |
Old camp meeting |
Old comrades |
Old country church |
Old devil moon |
Old faithful and true love |
Old fashioned |
Old fashioned love |
Old fashioned matrimony in mind |
Old fashioned preacher |
Old fashioned songs |
Old flame |
Old folks |
Old folks at home |
Old fool |
Old gal and new gal blues |
Old heartaches |
Old home place |
Old Joe Clark |
Old log cabin |
Old love letters |
Old man river |
Old mother nature |
Old number nine |
Old pal of yesterday |
Old Paree |
Old rattler |
Old rattlers treed again |
Old rusty trunk |
Old shep |
Old ship of Zion |
Old soldier |
Old spice |
Old spinning wheel |
Old time shuffle |
Old Virginny rock |
Ole amigo |
Ole Chico |
Oleo |
Oleo-O |
On a slow boat to China |
On a Sunday afternoon |
On and on |
On Broadway |
On Christmas Eve |
On green Dolphin Street |
On Mississippi |
On my island of dreams |
On my way to school, pt.1 |
On my way to school, pt.2 |
On that naggin' wife of mine |
On the Alamo |
On the banks of the lonely river (ten thousand miles away) |
On the banks of the Ohio |
On the banks of the wabash |
On the battlefield |
On the beach at Waikiki |
On the Hook |
On the isle |
On the Jericho road |
On the loose |
On the road to freedom |
On the street of regret |
On the street where you live |
On the sunny side of the street |
On the trail |
On top of old Smokey |
On top of old Smoky |
Onalee |
Once |
Once a fool |
Once and for all |
Once I believed |
Once I had a love |
Once in a dream |
Once in a while |
Once in love blues |
Once in love with Amy |
Once to every heart |
Once upon a time |
Once upon a time today |
Once you find your guy |
One and one is two baby |
One at a time |
One brief Summer |
One broken heart |
One broken heart (All alone) |
One broken heart for sale |
One Buffalo (You mean a nickel) |
One chance |
One day (You're gonna need me) |
One day like this |
One day not so long ago |
One day religion |
One fine day |
One fine gal |
One finger melody |
One for my baby |
One for the Monk |
One good cry |
One good reason |
One hand loose |
One has my name |
One heart, one love, one life |
One heartache too many |
One honest love |
One horse town, pt.1 |
One horse town, pt.2 |
One horse town, pt.3 |
One horse town, pt.4 |
One hundred years |
One kind word from you |
One kiss |
One life, one love |
One love, two love |
One man blues |
One man's loss (is another man's gain) |
One minute |
One mistake |
One moment with you |
One monkey don't stop no show |
One more heart |
One more time |
One night of love |
One night only |
One o'clock jump |
One of a kind mambo |
One of these days |
One of these mornings |
One of those days |
One sided love |
One sided love affair |
One step around |
One stop |
One sweet letter from you |
One track |
One track love |
One track mind |
One two three Alairy |
One way |
One word |
One zippy zam |
One, two, three kick blues |
One-zy two-zy |
Onion rings |
Only |
Only a dream |
Only a look |
Only a matter of time |
Only a whisper away |
Only eighteen |
Only forever |
Only heaven knows |
Only in a dream world |
Only in dreams |
Only make believe |
Only me |
Only one love |
Only the embers remain |
Only the lonely |
Only you |
Only you (and you alone) |
Only young once |
Oo la la |
Oo wee |
Oo wee babe |
Oo-bla-dee |
Oo-ee-baby |
Oo-oo-ee-bob-a-lee-bob |
Oo-Oo-Oo |
Oo-wah-cha-wah |
Oo-wee but I do |
Oo-wow-oo-wee |
Oochi pachi |
Oof! |
Ooh bah baby |
Ooh bop sha boo |
Ooh chica |
Ooh ee baby |
Ooh la la |
Ooh midnight |
Ooh ooh baby |
Ooh! Ain't it wonderful |
Ooh-diga-gow |
Ooh-oo-pah-doo |
Ooh-Oops |
Ooo, sometimes |
Opa blues |
Open door, open arms |
Open house |
Open road |
Open the door Richard |
Open the window |
Open up the back door |
Open up the gates |
Opera (All of us) |
Opportunity is knockin' at your door |
Opus X-3 |
Orange blossom special |
Orange colored sky |
Orchids in the moonlight |
Ordinarily |
Oriental cha cha |
Oriental moods |
Oriental moon |
Original Dixieland one step |
Original Dixieland one-step |
Original sweet black angel |
Ornithology |
Ory's creole trombone |
Ory's creole trumpet |
Oscalypso |
Oscar rides again |
Osie's oasis |
Osmosis |
Other lips, other arms |
Our album of love |
Our anniversary |
Our baby's memory |
Our boogie |
Our darlin's gone |
Our day will come |
Our delight |
Our fathers had religion |
Our finest hour |
Our kind of love |
Our lady of Fatima |
Our love |
Our love affair |
Our love is dying |
Our love is gone |
Our love is here to stay |
Our love will show the way |
Our red headed son |
Our serenade |
Our very own |
Our waltz |
Our Winter love |
Our worlds are not the same |
Out behind the barn |
Out front |
Out in space |
Out of a dream |
Out of control |
Out of my life |
Out of my mind |
Out of nowhere |
Out of sight |
Out of sight, out of mind |
Out of the skillet and into the fire |
Out of this world |
Outside your picture frame |
Outskirts of town |
Over and gone |
Over and under |
Over in the glory land |
Over my head |
Over the hill |
Over the line |
Over the rainbow |
Over the sunset hill |
Over the waves |
Over the waves rock |
Over the waves waltz |
Over yonder |
Over you |
Overdrive (The untouchable glide) |
Overflow |
Overhead |
Overture |
Overture to a famous bride |
Ow |
Ow! |
Owl hoot |
Ox driver |
Oxford minuet |
Oye negra |
P.S. I love you |
Pa-paya Mama |
Pacemaker boogie |
Padre |
Pagan love song |
Page boy shuffle |
Paid in full |
Paint the town |
Pal-ing around with you |
Pale moon |
Pale moonlight |
Palestina, unzer heim, pt.1 |
Palestina, unzer heim, pt.2 |
Palestinian horras |
Palmetto |
Pan American |
Pan American boogie |
Pan handle rag |
Panama rod |
Panhandle country |
Panic |
Papa Jack |
Papa's getting old |
Papa's got a brand new bag |
Papa's got a brand new bag, pt.1 |
Papa's got a brand new bag, pt.2 |
Papa's got the wagon |
Paper face |
Paper love |
Paper love affair |
Paper promises |
Pappy's banjo boogie |
Para que sufras |
Parade of the wooden soldiers |
Paradise |
Pardon me |
Pardon me for loving you |
Pardon me old Buddy |
Pardon my whiskers |
Paris in the Springtime |
Paris je t'aime |
Paris soul food |
Paris Sunday |
Park Avenue fantasy |
Park Avenue petite |
Parrot bar boogie |
Part of me |
Part of my life for awhile |
Partners for life |
Pass around the apples |
Pass me not |
Passing fancy |
Passing of time |
Passing zone blues |
Passion blues |
Passion flower |
Pasta fasula |
Pastry |
Path finder |
Patience and fortitude |
Pattern my life |
Pattin' with Pate |
Patting |
Paul and Silas |
Paul Gayten's blue prelude |
Paul's mission |
Pauvre Hobo (Hobo's blues) |
Pay day jump |
Peace |
Peace in the valley |
Peace of mind |
Peace, peace |
Peace, peace my children |
Peaceful man |
Peach tree street boogie |
Peaches and cream |
Peachy pie |
Peacock alley |
Peacock blues |
Peacock patrol |
Peas and rice |
Pedal pushin' Papa |
Pee Jay |
Pee Wee |
Peek-a-boo |
Peepin' Tom |
Peeping Tom |
Peg O' my heart |
Peg pants |
Pega palo |
Peggy O'Neil |
Peggy Sue |
Penicillin |
Pennies from heaven |
Pennsylvania polka |
Penny |
Penny blows his top |
Penny pinchin' Mama |
Penthouse serenade |
Peola Brown |
People |
People are together |
People from another world |
People will say we're in love |
People will say we're in love (p.662)- |
People will talk |
Pepe |
Percy speaks |
Percy's place |
Perdido |
Perdido Street |
Perfect joy |
Perfidia |
Perhaps |
Perhaps it is better that way |
Perpetual motion |
Person to person |
Personality |
Pet milk blues |
Peter blue and jasper too |
Peter blues and jasper too |
Pharo's daughter |
Phfft! You were gone |
Phil's mood |
Philadelphia lawyer |
Philly dog '67 |
Philson |
Phoney woman blues |
Photograph of you |
Phweedah 5 |
Piano |
Piano boogie |
Piano breakdown |
Piano concerto |
Piccadilly Circus |
Pick and hold |
Pick me up on your way down |
Pick me up, Lord |
Pick yourself up |
Pick' n'Pat |
Pickin' Willie |
Picking sweethearts |
Picnic in the woods |
Picture of you |
Picture on the wall |
Pieces of my heart |
Pied piper |
Pied piper from Islip |
Pig ears and rice |
Pig in the pen |
Pig latin blues |
Pigeon |
Pigtails on parade |
Pilou...pilou...he |
Pimento |
Pin ball blues |
Pin ball millionaire |
Pine tree, pine over me |
Pineapple polka |
Pinetop's boogie |
Piney Brown blues |
Ping pong |
Pink and purple pills |
Pink clouds |
Pink ice |
Pink panther |
Pipeliner |
Pipeliner blues |
Piper's patrol |
Pistol packin' Mama |
Pistol packing Mama |
Pitchfork and shovel |
Plain gold ring |
Plan |
Planting rice |
Platinum fox |
Play fellow |
Play our favorite tango |
Play the field |
Play the music |
Play vibes, play |
Play, Cozy, play |
Playera |
Playing around |
Playtime blues |
Playtime polka |
Playtypus |
Pleading |
Pleading at midnight |
Pleading blues |
Please |
Please accept my love |
Please answer my letter |
Please baby please |
Please be careful |
Please be good to me |
Please be kind |
Please be my sunshine |
Please be true |
Please believe in me |
Please come back |
Please come back to me |
Please come home for Christmas |
Please don't be mad at me |
Please don't be sorry for me |
Please don't cry any more |
Please don't ever let me go |
Please don't feel sorry for me |
Please don't go |
Please don't go-o-o-o-oh |
Please don't laugh when I cry |
Please don't leave, please don't go |
Please don't run away |
Please don't talk about me when I'm gone |
Please don't think I'm nosey |
Please excuse my manners |
Please forgive me |
Please give my heart a break |
Please have mercy |
Please honey don't go |
Please Louise |
Please love me baby |
Please Mr. Sun |
Please open your heart |
Please pretty baby |
Please remember me |
Please remember that I love you |
Please say you're mine |
Please set me free |
Please stay by me |
Please stop and listen |
Please tell me baby |
Please think it over |
Please think of me |
Please try to love me |
Please understand |
Please unlock the door |
Please wait for me |
Please, Johnny, don't you take my life |
Please, please forgive me |
Please, please, please |
Pleasing you |
Pledging my love |
Plenty good room |
Plink plank plunk |
Pneumonia |
Pocahontas |
Pocket change |
Poeme |
Poems |
Poet and Peasant rumhature |
Poinciana |
Poison Ivy |
Politics |
Polka dot and moonbeams |
Polka dots and moonbeams |
Polka for two |
Polly wolly doodle |
Polly wolly doodle olay |
Polly's blues |
Polly's song |
Polonaise |
Pompton turnpike |
Pony boy |
Pony stop |
Pony tail partner |
Pony time |
Poor boy |
Poor butterfly |
Poor Ellen Smith |
Poor Joe |
Poor little dancing girl |
Poor little Liza, poor girl |
Poor little rich girl |
Poor old Joe |
Poor rambler |
Pop corn polka |
Pop goes the weasel |
Pop up song |
Popcorn |
Popcorn Charlie |
Popcorn crazy |
Popcorn with a feeling |
Popcorn with a feeling, pt.2 |
Poppin' the whip |
Popsie (Early morning boogie) |
Porgy |
Porgy's prayer |
Porque |
Port to Portal pay |
Port wine |
Porter's groove |
Portrait of a faded love |
Portrait of Ucha |
Posin' |
Possessed |
Post office |
Pot likker |
Potato head blues |
Pots and pans |
Pouring down rain |
Poverty stricken |
Pow wow boogie |
Powder puff |
Powder your face with sunshine |
Power of the Lord |
Powerful love |
Practice what you preach |
Praise God! He loves everybody |
Praise God, I'm ready to go |
Praise Him |
Praise the Lord (Salvation has been brought down) |
Pray |
Pray for Jesus |
Pray for me |
Pray for the boys |
Prayer bells of heaven |
Prayer of a truck driver's son |
Prayer of a waiting world |
Praying for God's amazing grace |
Preach the word |
Preacher's making eyes at me |
Precious Father |
Precious jewel |
Precious little sweetheart |
Precious Lord |
Precious memories |
Precious minutes (I can really call mine) |
Prelude in C sharp minor |
Prelude No.7 |
Prelude to a kiss |
Premiers pas |
Prepare me, O lord |
Press on |
Pretend |
Pretending |
Pretty baby won't you come home |
Pretty blonde-jole blon |
Pretty eyed baby |
Pretty huggin' baby |
Pretty is as pretty does |
Pretty juke box |
Pretty little baby |
Pretty little Miss in the garden |
Pretty little tattle tale |
Pretty little thing |
Pretty little things called girls |
Pretty moon |
Pretty one |
Pretty Polly |
Pretty ways |
Priceless |
Prima donna |
Prince of players |
Priscilla Brown |
Prison bound blues |
Prisoner of love |
Prisoner's farewell |
Pristine |
Private property |
Procession of the nobles |
Prom rag |
Promises |
Proud |
Proud heritage march |
Proud lady heart stealer |
Prove your love |
Psycho mambo |
Puddentane |
Puddin' head Jones |
Pull down the blinds |
Pull down the shade Marie |
Pull down the shade, Marie |
Pull down the shades, Marie |
Pulling strings |
Pulling through |
Pum pa lum |
Pumatic |
Punch |
Puppy for sale |
Purple robe |
Push and shove |
Pusheart serenade |
Put a tiny little light in your window |
Put another chair at the table |
Put it back |
Put it on the cuff |
Put me in your pocket |
Put out the light |
Put some meat on them bones |
Put the chain on the door |
Put your arms around me honey |
Put your arms around me, honey |
Put your little foot |
Put your mind on me |
Put your shoes on Lucy |
Put your thing on me |
Puxico polka |
Puzzle of love |
Quackity quack |
Quaker City |
Quand elle est la |
Quand tu n'es pas la |
Quando noite |
Quando vien la sera |
Quarantined love |
Que Jay |
Queen |
Queen Bee (blues) |
Queen boogie (Lotsa boogie) |
Queen of diamonds |
Queen of hearts |
Queen of the harvest |
Queen of the twist |
Queer things |
Quick |
Quick as a flash |
Quick sand |
Quicksand |
Quiet Dad |
Quiet evening waltz, pt.1 |
Quiet evening waltz, pt.2 |
Quiet please |
Quiet whiskey |
Quieta Capulina |
Quit pushin' |
R.M. Blues |
Ra ra roo (My dog is barking) |
Rabbit eye pink and charcoal black |
Race horse |
Race track |
Racing |
Racket called love |
Racoon river |
Radar blues, pt.1 |
Radar blues, pt.2 |
Rag beat |
Rag man boogie |
Rag, rag, raggedy moon |
Ragged but right |
Ragged cross |
Raggedy blues |
Raggin' the banjo |
Raggin' the scale |
Rags to riches |
Ragtime mambo |
Ragtime melody |
Railroaded |
Rain down tears |
Rain rain polka |
Rainbow |
Rainbow at midnight |
Rainbow follows rain |
Rainbow riot, pt.1 |
Rainbow riot, pt.2 |
Raindrop blues |
Raindrops |
Raindrops falling on my head |
Raindrops keep fallin' on my head |
Raindrops keep falling on my head |
Raining in my hand |
Rainmaker |
Rainy mornin' blues |
Rainy morning blues |
Rainy weather blues |
Raisins and almonds |
Ram-bunk-shush |
Rambler's waltz |
Ramblin' blues |
Ramblin' man |
Ramblin' on my mind |
Ramona |
Ran-tan-plan |
Rang tang |
Rat race |
Ratio and proportion |
Rattle snakin' Daddy |
Rattlesnakin' Daddy |
Ravel's bolero |
Raw meat |
Raw turkey |
Razor blade |
Re-bop boogie |
Reach for the moon |
Reach out |
Read the Bible every day |
Ready mix |
Ready, willing and able |
Real gone mambo |
Real good feelin' |
Real good feeling |
Real good thing |
Real hot boogie |
Real love, true love |
Real real fine, pt.1 |
Real real fine, pt.2 |
Real real gone |
Real true love |
Reap what you sow |
Rear bumper |
Rebecca |
Reconsider me |
Record hop |
Recuerdos |
Recuerdos de l'Alhambra |
Red ball |
Red ball to Natchez |
Red Boy at the Mardi Gras |
Red boy is back |
Red cross |
Red deck of cards |
Red handkerchief waltz |
Red head |
Red heads and blondes and brunettes |
Red hot buns |
Red hot love (Oo this love) |
Red hot Mama |
Red hot Mama and ice cold Papa |
Red lights and bells |
Red lilacs |
Red Riding Hood blues |
Red River valley |
Red River valley rock |
Red rose polka |
Red roses for a blue lady |
Red roses tied in blue |
Red rosy cheeks and big brown eyes |
Red shores |
Red silk stockings and green perfume |
Red suspender blues |
Red top |
Red wing |
Red wing polka |
Red's boogie |
Reflections |
Regardless |
Regimentsmarsch |
Regular gal |
Rejoice |
Relatives |
Relaxin' with Randle |
Release me |
Remember |
Remember I feel lonesome too |
Remember me |
Remember me (I'm the one who loves you) |
Remember me (You taught me to love) |
Remember me, Lord |
Remember my name in your prayers |
Remington ride |
Reminiscing blues |
Rendez vous avec la liberte |
Renfro Valley home |
Reno and shuffler hornpipe |
Reno ride |
Respect |
Respect my stroke |
Rest for your soul |
Restless over you |
Return of Stagolee |
Return to me |
Return to sender |
Rev. Abraham XII prayer |
Revival |
Rheumatism boogie |
Rhumba en pueblo nuevo |
Rhumba Venezia |
Rhymes |
Rhythm Mama |
Rhythm of the city, pt.1 |
Rhythm of the city, pt.2 |
Rib tips |
Rich blues |
Rich man blues |
Richmond Ruckus |
Rickety Rickshaw man |
Rico vacilon |
Ride |
Ride Hooker ride |
Ride in my little red wagon |
Ride on, ride on |
Ride soldier, ride |
Ride, Daddy, ride |
Ride, jockey, ride |
Riders blues |
Ridin' high |
Ridin' on that train |
Ridin' on the moon |
Riding and singing my song |
Riding high |
Riding home |
Riding on the old Ferris wheel |
Riding the roads |
Riff tide |
Riffin' the bass |
Right around the corner |
Right back to my arms |
Right down front |
Right from wrong blues |
Right now |
Right there |
Ring a ding |
Ring a-ling-a-ling |
Ring out wild bells |
Ring ring de banjo |
Ring that golden bell |
Ring-a-ding-doo |
Ring-a-ling dong |
Ringing in a brand new year |
Rinky dink |
Rinky dinky doo |
Rio Coco |
Rippin' and runnin' |
Rise on Easter |
Ritual fire dance |
River boat dock |
River get a-rollin' |
River in the moonlight |
River of Jordan |
River of tears |
River people |
Riverboat shuffle |
Roach's rock |
Road runner |
Road to sadness |
Robie Dobbie |
Robin |
Rock -a-bye baby rock |
Rock a bye baby |
Rock a bye your baby with a Dixie melody |
Rock a Daddy O |
Rock and reel |
Rock and roll blues |
Rock and roll jungle |
Rock and roll merry go round |
Rock and roll nursery rhyme |
Rock and roll wedding |
Rock and roll, Mr. Bullfrog |
Rock bottom |
Rock candy |
Rock candy heart |
Rock gospel mash |
Rock island line |
Rock junction |
Rock love |
Rock Mr. Blues |
Rock my soul |
Rock of ages |
Rock of ages, hide Thou me |
Rock on |
Rock that boogie |
Rock, Granny, roll |
Rock-a-bucket |
Rock-a-bye baby |
Rock-a-bye my baby |
Rock-a-locka |
Rock-a-ma-soul |
Rocket 69 |
Rocket flight |
Rocket to the moon |
Rockin' alone in an old rockin' chair |
Rockin' and reelin' |
Rockin' and rollin' |
Rockin' and wailin' Daddy |
Rockin' at midnight |
Rockin' blues |
Rockin' chair Mama |
Rockin' chair money |
Rockin' Mama blues |
Rockin' mambo |
Rockin' on the waves |
Rockin' with Fes |
Rockin' with Red |
Rockin' with Richard |
Rocking alone in an old rocking chair |
Rocking pneumonia and the boogie woogie flu |
Rocking up a storm |
Rocks in my face |
Rocks in your head |
Rocky force |
Rocky road |
Rocky roads |
Rockyn' up |
Roebie's blues |
Roland's theme |
Roll me over |
Roll my lady roll |
Roll on |
Roll on your weary way |
Roll, roll pretty baby |
Roller coaster |
Rollin' on rubber wheels |
Rollin' stone |
Rollin' the blues |
Rolling home |
Rolling river |
Roly poly |
Romance |
Romance in the dark |
Romance in the stars |
Romance me |
Romanoff and Juliet (theme) |
Romans Ten and Nine |
Romantica |
Ronde Mexicaine |
Roof top |
Root hog |
Rosalie |
Rosalinda waltz |
Rosanna (Girl that I love) |
Rosas de plata |
Rose Ann |
Rose Bud |
Rose garden |
Rose get your clothes |
Rose Marie |
Rose of Mexico |
Rose of Oklahoma |
Rose of Tennessee |
Rose of Washington Square |
Rose room |
Rosebud |
Roselle |
Roses of Picardy |
Rosetta |
Rosetta, Rosetta |
Rot gut |
Rough and rocky |
Rough stuff blues |
Roulette |
Roumanian fantasy |
Round and round we go |
Round the world boogie |
Rounder's blues |
Route 66 |
Rover rover |
Row hoe |
Row row row |
Row, row your boat |
Row, row, row |
Roy Brown boogie |
Roy Brown's boogie |
Royal blue |
Royal garden blues |
Royal wedding |
Rub a little boogie |
Rubber dolly |
Rubberneck |
Ruby |
Ruby more blues |
Ruby my dear |
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer |
Rue d'Belleville |
Rue Saint-Vincent |
Rum-th-ry |
Rummy dumb Bunny |
Rumors about my baby |
Rumors are flying |
Run baby |
Run for the judgement |
Run mountain (Check a little hill) |
Run on |
Run, children, run |
Run, fool, run |
Runaround heart |
Runnin' away |
Rushin' on home |
Russel Street hustle |
Russian sherr |
Ruth Ann |
Rye whiskey |
S and S ride |
S'crazy pad |
S'posin' |
Sabotage |
Sabre dance |
Sad |
Sad and disappointed Jill |
Sad and lonely |
Sad as a man can be |
Sad bad glad |
Sad but true |
Sad fool |
Sad life |
Sad moments |
Sadness and sorrow |
Sailing home |
Sailor lad |
Sailor sailor |
Saint Joseph high school bounce |
Saint Louis blues |
Salaman |
Sally |
Sally good in |
Sally let your bangs hang down |
Sally Lou |
Sally trombone |
Salt peanuts |
Salt Pork, West Virginia |
Salty dog |
Salty fish big bamboo |
Salvation has been brought down |
Salvation is all I need |
Salvation is the way |
Sam the accordion man |
Sam's a liar (Jambalaya) |
Samantha |
Same old thing |
Same old worry |
Sample man |
Sampson |
San Antonio rose |
San Francisco Bay blues |
San Francisco blues |
San-ho-zay |
Sand boogie |
Sand in my shoes |
Sand mountain blues |
Sands of the Sahara |
Sandy road |
Sans toi je n'ai plus rien |
Sans toi, je n'ai plus rien |
Santa Claus gave me a new start |
Santa Claus goes straight to the ghetto |
Santa Claus is comin' to town |
Santa Claus is coming |
Santa Claus is coming to town |
Santa Claus is definitely here to stay |
Santa Claus shuffle |
Santa Claus, Santa Claus |
Santa Fe blues |
Santa from Santa Fe |
Santa is on his way |
Santa Lucia |
Santa's little sleigh bells |
Sapphire |
Sarabande |
Sarah! Sarah! |
Sarasota |
Sashay pardner half way around |
Sassafras |
Sassy |
Sassy "B" |
Sassy fiddle |
Sassy's dream |
Satan is waiting |
Satan takes a holiday |
Satan's daughter |
Satchel mouth |
Satin doll |
Satin pillows |
Satisfaction |
Satisfied mind |
Satisfying Papa |
Saturday blues |
Saturday night |
Saturday night Daddy |
Saturday night in Watts, act one |
Save a foolish man |
Save a kiss for me |
Save a little dream for me |
Save all your love for me |
Save me some kisses |
Save me, save me |
Save your love for me |
Saving my love for my baby |
Savior of the world |
Saviour of the old rugged cross |
Savoy blues |
Sax cantabile |
Saxophone pads |
Say "si si" |
Say a little prayer for the boys over there |
Say hello to yesterday |
Say hey pretty baby |
Say it |
Say it again |
Say it isn't so |
Say it isn't true |
Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud |
Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud, pt.1 |
Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud, pt.2 |
Say it over again |
Say it with music |
Say si si |
Say so |
Say so long |
Say something sweet |
Say what |
Say when |
Scamon boogie |
Scamparoo |
Scarlet town |
Scatter |
Scatterbrain |
Scenes in the City |
Scheherazade suite |
Scheherazade-moderne |
Schnickel-bop |
School bell rock |
School girl |
School letter |
Schubert's serenade |
Scorpio |
Scott's bluff |
Scotty roo |
Scrap of paper |
Scrapple from the apple |
Scratch that itch |
Scratchin' boogie |
Scrooge |
Scroogli-oli-re-bos |
Scruds du |
Scuffles |
Scuttlebug |
Se acaso voce chegasse |
Sea breeze |
Sea rovin' cowboy |
Seagreen |
Sealed with a kiss |
Searchin' |
Searching for your love |
Season's greetings |
Seat belts please |
Sebastian |
Second hand hearts |
Secret love |
Secrets of my heart |
Section blues |
See about me |
See how they done my Lord |
See see baby |
See that baby in the lowely manger |
See the sign of judgment |
See us thru, Lord |
See you Friday |
See-saw |
Seek Jesus, He still may be found |
Seek, seek and ye shall find |
Seems like old times |
Sen-sa-shun |
Send down that rain |
Send in your name and address |
Send me a picture baby |
Send me pretty Mama |
Send me somebody |
Send me the pillow (you dream on) |
Send me the pillow you dream on |
Senorita what's her name |
Sensation |
Sensationnel |
Sensuous woman |
Sentimental heart |
Sentimental heaven |
Sentimental journey |
Sentimental strings |
Sentimental trumpet |
Separate rooms |
Separated |
September Bong |
September in the rain |
September song |
Serenade |
Serenade from "Student Prince" |
Serenata |
Sermon |
Sermon hallelujah amen |
Sermon Jonah |
Serpent's tooth |
Set my tears to music |
Set your dial on heaven |
Setz! |
Seven come eleven |
Seven days a week |
Seven lonely days |
Seven long days |
Seven nights to rock |
Seven steps |
Sevens |
Seventeen |
Seventh wife of the seventh son |
Seventy six trombones |
Sextette |
Sexy sexy sexy, pt.1 |
Sexy sexy sexy, pt.2 |
Sexy ways |
Sha-gon |
Shackles and chains |
Shades of Brown, pt.1 |
Shades of Brown, pt.2 |
Shadows |
Shadows of the night |
Shake 'em baby |
Shake 'em up (Poor Joe) |
Shake 'em up baby |
Shake hands with a fool |
Shake it and break it |
Shake it up mambo |
Shake my mother's hand |
Shake my mother's hand for me |
Shake shake |
Shake that thing |
Shake, rattle and roll |
Shaky Mae |
Shame on me |
Shame on you |
Shame, shame, shame, shame on you |
Shamrock |
Share cropper's son |
Sharp harp |
Sharpest guy in town |
She ain't been spoken for |
She ain't not saint |
She boodle dee, boodle dee |
She burnt it |
She cooked my goose |
She cooks me cabbage |
She cried just a minute |
She did |
She didn't even say hello |
She didn't say yes |
She don't love me |
She don't need no other |
She don't work |
She has forgotten |
She just walked in |
She just won't sell no more |
She left me standing on the mountain |
She lost her Re-bop |
She loves you |
She made a mistake |
She made my blood run cold |
She never gets got |
She put the whammy on me |
She says "crazy" |
She sleeps bebeath the Norris dam |
She thinks I don't care |
She told me she loved me |
She wants me to move |
She went away |
She won't be my baby no more |
She wouldn't do for you |
She wrote it, I read it |
She'll always be around |
She's a backwoods woman |
She's a lassie from Lancashire |
She's a shady lady |
She's all right |
She's always there |
She's done and left me |
She's found somebody new |
She's funny that way |
She's gone |
She's gone and left another broken heart |
She's gone away |
She's gone blues |
She's gone too long |
She's gone, pt.1 |
She's gone, pt.2 |
She's got a gold mine |
She's got a whole lot of soul |
She's got big flat feet |
She's got great big eyes |
She's got something |
She's got wings to fly |
She's just a cute thing |
She's just right for me |
She's just the girl I love |
She's mine |
She's mine, she's yours |
She's more to be pitied |
She's my lover |
She's real fine |
She's so good to me |
She's so sweet |
She's some daisy for 19 years old |
She's taking all my money |
She's the kind |
She's the one |
Shebar (Shebossa) |
Sheik of Araby |
Sheila |
Shenandoah waltz |
Shhhhhhhh (for a little while) |
Shifty |
Shiloh |
Shim sham shuffle |
Shim-sham shuffle |
Shimmy shakin' Daddy |
Shimmy sham |
Shimmy shimmy |
Shinding |
Shine on me |
Shine your light to others seeking home |
Shockin' |
Sholem alechem |
Shoo |
Shoo fly pie |
Shoo-shoo |
Shoot the moon |
Shoot the turkey buzzard |
Shopping list |
Short but sweet |
Short dealer blues |
Short man |
Short shorts |
Short stack |
Short walk |
Shorty Boo |
Shorty come out from under my bed |
Shorty's got to go |
Shorty's gotta go |
Shot gun polka |
Shot is funky down here |
Shotgun boogie |
Shotgun polka |
Shotgun wedding |
Should I kiss you |
Should I let you go |
Shout and shimmy |
Shout and sing |
Shout Bamalama |
Shout it |
Shout little Lulie |
Shoutin' on the hills of glory |
Shouting with Elder Beck |
Shove off |
Show me |
Show me the way |
Show me Thy way |
Showboy special |
Shreveport blues |
Shrimp boats (a-comin' there's dancin' tonight) |
Shu-ee |
Shuckin I |
Shuckin' and jivin' |
Shuffle board shuffle |
Shuffle town |
Shuffler |
Shufflin' boogie |
Shut my mouth wide open |
Shut the door |
Shy Ann |
Shy serenade |
Si je pouvais revivre un jour ma vie |
Si si nova |
Si tu partais |
Siam Sam |
Siboney |
Sick and tired |
Side by side |
Side car cycle |
Side show |
Side tracked |
Sidewalk boogie |
Sidewalks of New York |
Siesta with Sonny |
Sighing boogie |
Sightseeing boogie |
Sign of the judgment |
Signed, sealed and delivered |
Signed, sealed, then forgotten |
Signifying monkey |
Signs by the side of the road |
Signs of Christmas |
Silencio |
Silent George |
Silent laughter |
Silent night |
Silent partner |
Silk and satin |
Silly little tune |
Silver bells |
Silver dew on the bluegrass tonight |
Silver dollar |
Silver ecstasy |
Silver flowers |
Silver in your hair |
Silver moon |
Silver pussycat |
Silver slipper |
Silver spoon |
Silver star |
Silver star stomp |
Silver stars |
Silver sunset |
Silver threads among the gold |
Silver threads and golden needles |
Similau |
Sin timbal |
Since his sweet love has rescued me |
Since I don't have you |
Since I fell for you |
Since I gave my heart to Jesus |
Since I seen your smiling face |
Since I've used my Bible for a road map |
Since Jesus spoke peace to me |
Since my mother's dead and gone |
Since we said goodbye |
Since we've met |
Since you left me |
Since you left me dear |
Since you said goodbye |
Since you went away |
Since you've been away |
Since you've been gone |
Since you've been mine |
Sindy |
Sing along with Mitch |
Sing and shout for Jesus |
Sing for your supper |
Sing me a hurtin' song |
Sing sing sing |
Sing your song, baby |
Singing on the trail |
Singing with the angels |
Single shot |
Sinner |
Sinner man |
Sinner read the Bible |
Sinner's dream |
Sinner's prayer |
Sinner's warning |
Sinner, saved by grace |
Sioux City Sue |
Sioux rock |
Sippin' cider |
Sir Robert speaks |
Sirouis |
Sissy strut |
Sister Sadie |
Sit right down and call me up |
Sitba |
Sittin' alone countin' my tears |
Sittin' around |
Sittin' in |
Sittin' on it all the time |
Sittin' on the boat dock |
Sitting here on a tongue |
Sitting on the curbstone |
Siwi Kon |
Six days on the road |
Six foot hole |
Six foot under and smilin' |
Six months |
Six months ain't long |
Six months till bedtime (two years till dawn) |
Six P.M. |
Six to eight |
Six white horses |
Six-Eight |
Sixteen tons |
Sixty minute man |
Skaters waltz |
Skee dattle to Seattle |
Skee-doo |
Skeedle dum bum |
Skid row |
Skinny dippin' |
Skinny leg woman |
Skip to my Lou |
Skippy Doe |
Skirts |
Skitchy |
Skylark |
Slap-ka-dab |
Slappin' the boogie |
Slaughter on 10th Avenue |
Slee-zee |
Sleep |
Sleep my child |
Sleep on |
Sleep talk |
Sleep walking |
Sleepin' bee |
Sleepy time gal |
Sleigh ride |
Sleigh ride in July |
Slick possum |
Slidin' |
Slightly dreamy |
Slightly groovy |
Slightly reminiscent of her |
Slim Gaillard's boogie |
Slim Jim |
Slim's boogie |
Slim's cement boogie |
Slim's stomp |
Slip away |
Slip knot |
Slip-n-out |
Slippers |
Slippin' around |
Slippin' banjo |
Slippin' in |
Slitz |
Sloop and slide |
Slooptime U.S.A |
Slouch-ee |
Slow blues |
Slow down baby |
Slow down my darling |
Slow groove |
Slow poke |
Slow train thru Arkansas |
Slow walk |
Slowly going out of my mind |
Slowly losing my mind |
Slugger |
Small fry |
Small small island |
Smart Alec |
Smile |
Smiles |
Smiling faces |
Smitty's blues |
Smogville |
Smoke gets in your eyes |
Smoke rings |
Smoke stack blues |
Smokestack |
Smokey's lovesick blues |
Smokie Joe's |
Smokie, pt.2 |
Smoking |
Smoochie |
Smooth ride |
Smooth, slow and easy |
Smothered soul |
Snaggle tooth Ruth |
Snake charmer |
Snake hearted woman blues |
Snakes and ladders |
Sneaky Pete |
Snow covered mound |
Snow deer |
Snow deer rag |
Snow storm |
Snuff box |
Snuff dipper |
Snuggled on your shoulder |
So be it |
So blue |
So can I |
So close to me |
So darling |
So fine |
So full of love |
So God can use me |
So goes my heart |
So good to be home |
So good, so fine, you're mine |
So in love |
So long |
So long I'm gone |
So long, farewell, goodbye |
So lovely |
So many days |
So many hard times |
So many people |
So much lovin' |
So much tonight |
So nice |
So nice to be loved |
So rare |
So right |
So sad |
So sorry, so sorry |
So tired |
So undecided |
So what |
So wonderful |
So-o-o good |
Sociability |
Sockeye |
Soft |
Soft one |
Soft pillow |
Soft shoe shuffle |
Soft soap |
Soft touch |
Soft warm lips |
Soft winds |
Softly and tenderly |
Softly as in a morning sunrise |
Softly calling |
Sol y sombra |
Soldier boy |
Soldier's grave |
Soldier's joy |
Soldier's last letter |
Soldier's return |
Solid rock |
Solitaire |
Solitude |
Solo for guitar |
Solomon's song |
Some beautiful day |
Some day |
Some day when dreams come true |
Some day you'll pay |
Some enchanted evening |
Some fine morning |
Some kind of head |
Some little someone |
Some of these days |
Some of these nights |
Some other day, some other time |
Some things will never change |
Somebody call the station |
Somebody cries |
Somebody done stole my cherry red |
Somebody else is taking my place |
Somebody else's darling |
Somebody knockin' |
Somebody lied |
Somebody loves me |
Somebody new |
Somebody somewhere (Hear my plea) |
Somebody stole my gal |
Somebody told me |
Somebody touched me |
Somebody's been |
Somebody's been scratchin' |
Somebody's got to go |
Somebody's got to help me |
Somebody's knockin' |
Somebody's knocking at your door |
Somebody's praying for you |
Somebody's rose |
Somebody's spoiling these women |
Someday |
Someday baby |
Someday I'll be the one |
Someday my prince will come |
Someday we'll know |
Someday we'll meet again |
Someday you'll call my name |
Someday you'll remember |
Someday you'll want me to want you |
Someday, after awhile (you'll be sorry) |
Someday, someway |
Somehow |
Someone from somewhere |
Someone like you |
Someone loves me |
Someone made you for me |
Someone more lonesome than you |
Someone moved the ladder |
Someone to love me |
Someone to show me the way |
Someone to treat me |
Someone to watch over me |
Someone who cares |
Someone will love me in heaven |
Someone's chasing me |
Someone's rocking my dreamboat |
Something |
Something about the Lord is mighty sweet |
Something got a hold of me |
Something got hold of me |
Something got me |
Something happened |
Something I'm gonna be |
Something in the moon that gives me a thrill |
Something money can't buy |
Something moves me within my heart |
Something to live for |
Something to remember you by |
Something to remind me of you |
Something told me |
Something within |
Something within me |
Something wonderful |
Something you didn't done |
Something's got a hold of me |
Something's gotta give |
Something's wrong with my lovin' machine |
Sometime |
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child |
Sometimes I wonder |
Sometimes I'm happy |
Somewhere |
Somewhere (there is someone) |
Somewhere down the line |
Somewhere my love |
Somewhere somebody cares |
Son of a preacher man |
Son, please meet me in heaven |
Song about songs |
Song bird |
Song Jonah |
Song man |
Song of India |
Song of old Hawaii |
Song of the bayou |
Song of the islands |
Song of the vagabond |
Song of the wanderer |
Songs my mother used to hum |
Sonny boy |
Sonny's tune |
Sooey, sooey baby |
Soon |
Soon one morning |
Sophie polka |
Sophisticated lady |
Sorri-Mao |
Sorrow and sadness |
Sorrow's valley |
Sorry |
Sorry I'm so sorry |
Soul food, pt.1 |
Soul food, pt.2 |
Soul jerk it baby |
Soul man |
Soul march |
Soul of my saviour |
Soul pad |
Soul party |
Soul power |
Soul power, pt.1 |
Soul power, pt.2 |
Soul power, pt.3 |
Soul president |
Soul pride, pt.1 |
Soul pride, pt.2 |
Soul soliloquy |
Soul train |
Soul with different notes |
Soulful Christmas |
Soulful delight |
Soulful proclamation |
Soulin' |
Soulin' on the Robert E. Lee |
Sound of music |
Soup spoon |
Sourwood mountain |
Sous les ponts de Paris |
Sous les toits de Paris |
South |
South Australia |
South of Old San Antone |
South of the border |
South of the Orient |
South Pacific shore |
South sea island magic |
Southern fried |
Southern hospitality |
Space guitar |
Space ship |
Space time |
Spain |
Spanish dance |
Spanish guitar |
Spare time Papa |
Sparkling blue eyes |
Sparkling eyes waltz |
Spasms |
Speak low |
Speak to me |
Speak to me in my dreams tonight |
Speak to me of love |
Special baby |
Special delivery |
Special delivery stomp |
Special kind of treatment |
Special lesson No.1 |
Specks |
Speedin' |
Spellbound |
Spend your dreams with me |
Spider of the night |
Spider Web |
Spinning wheel |
Split the ring |
Spoiled hambone blues |
Spoongie |
Sportree's jump |
Spots |
Spotty the lonesome Pup, pt.1 |
Spotty the lonesome Pup, pt.2 |
Spotty the lonesome Pup, pt.3 |
Spotty the lonesome Pup, pt.4 |
Sprang |
Spring can really hang you up the most |
Spring fever |
Spring in Naples |
Spring in old New York |
Spring is here |
Spring sequence |
Springtime in dear old Dixie |
Springtime in heaven |
Squashy |
Squeeze me |
St. Bernard polka |
St. James infirmary |
St. Louis blues |
St. Louis Jimmy blues |
St. Louis Lou |
Stack of dollars |
Staff in my hand |
Stagger Lee |
Stained glass |
Stairway to the sea |
Stairway to the stars |
Stairway to the Steinway |
Stampede |
Stand by me |
Stand in line |
Stand up and get funky |
Standing alone |
Standing at the edge of the sea |
Standing in the safety zone |
Standing on the highway |
Standing outside |
Standing room only (outside your heart) |
Standing somewhere in the shadows |
Stanley the steamer |
Star beams |
Star dust |
Star eyes |
Star from heaven |
Star gazer (Mellow music) |
Star in the East |
Star mist |
Star shine in your eyes |
Star spangled banner |
Stardust |
Stargazer |
Starlight my love |
Starlight Schottische |
Starlight waltz |
Stars fell on Alabama |
Stars in my eyes |
Stars in the skies |
Stars in the sky |
Start to praying |
Started to find a better home |
Starting from tonight |
Stay after school |
Stay as sweet as you are |
Stay away from my baby |
Stay away from the window |
Stay away, don't bother me |
Stay by my side |
Stay in the wagon yard |
Stay my love |
Stay offa that street |
Stay on church |
Stay out of my pantry |
Stay out of the North |
Steady Eddie |
Steal away |
Steam roller |
Steam whistle jump |
Steamboat Bill |
Steamboat Bill boogie |
Steel guitar polka |
Steel guitar rag |
Steel guitar stomp |
Steel rock |
Steeplechase |
Stella by starlight |
Step by step I'm nearing the Kingdom |
Step in my direction |
Step it faster |
Step it up and go |
Step out on faith |
Stephen Foster medley |
Stephen Foster rhumba medley |
Stepped in the water |
Steppin' high |
Steppin' on my heart |
Steppin' out |
Steppin' out kind |
Stepping stones to glory |
Stets Munter |
Sticking on you baby |
Sticky |
Still afraid of losing you |
Still going down slow |
Still trying to get to Little Rock |
Still wailin' |
Stingy |
Stingy little thing |
Stolen bass |
Stolen moments |
Stomp |
Stomp boogie |
Stomp your feet |
Stomp, look and listen |
Stompin' at the Savoy |
Stomping room only |
Stompy Jones |
Stone fox |
Stone walls and steel bars |
Stonewall's brigade |
Stoney creek |
Stop |
Stop and go boogie |
Stop and go polka |
Stop fightin', start lovin' |
Stop foolin' around |
Stop knockin' |
Stop light |
Stop messin' around |
Stop rockin' that train |
Stop talking to your child, mother-in-law |
Stop that boogie |
Stop that train |
Stop the pain |
Stop the world |
Stop the world (and let me off) |
Stop your crying |
Stop, come see me |
Stop, look and listen |
Stop, look and listen, and don't forget to pray |
Stop, please stop |
Storm music |
Stormy |
Stormy mood |
Stormy night blues |
Stormy weather |
Story of a starry night |
Story of an aching heart |
Story of the orphan |
Story of three loves (Rhapsody on a theme by Paganini) |
Strange |
Strange blues |
Strange diet |
Strange feeling |
Strange love |
Strange music |
Strange tango |
Strange things happen |
Strange town |
Stranger in paradise |
Stranger on the shore |
Strangers |
Strangers in the night |
Strawberry jam |
Strawberry man |
Strawberry woman |
Streamline No.99 |
Streamlined religion |
Street lights |
Street of dreams |
Street of sorrow |
Street piano |
Street scene |
Stretch out |
Strictly cash |
Strictly confidential |
Strike three |
Strike up the band |
Striking bainer (Dry bones) |
Striking blues |
String of blues |
String, eraser and blotter |
Strip tease swing |
Stroll some more |
Strollin' with Nolen |
Stromtium 90 |
Struck the match |
Struttin' to truckin' |
Struttin' with some barbecue |
Stu's dues blues |
Stuck with love |
Study war no mo' |
Stuffy |
Stumblin' |
Stumbling |
Stumbling block |
Stump house mountain |
Stumpy Joe |
Stuttering blues |
Subway blues |
Succotash |
Such a bad situation |
Such a lot to say |
Sudden fear |
Suds |
Sudsy |
Suede Jacquet |
Sufferin' in mind |
Sufferin' with the blues |
Suffering with the blues |
Sugar |
Sugar bee |
Sugar beet |
Sugar bun |
Sugar cane |
Sugar coated sweetheart |
Sugar foot stomp |
Sugar girl |
Sugar hill blues |
Sugar lips |
Sugar loaf waltz |
Sugar Mama blues |
Sugar mixture |
Sugar plum boogie |
Sugar stealing baby |
Sugar tooth |
Sugar ways |
Sugaree |
Suicide |
Suicide blues |
Summer in the city |
Summer kisses |
Summer love |
Summer night |
Summer setting |
Summertime |
Summertime (reprise) |
Sump'n else |
Sun shadows |
Sunbonnet Sue |
Sunday |
Sunday driver |
Sunday kind of love |
Sunday morning blues |
Sundown and sorrow |
Sunny |
Sunny day |
Sunny side of love |
Sunny side of the mountain |
Sunny Tennessee |
Sunshine always follows rain |
Sunshine and flowers |
Sunshine blues |
Sunshine of your smile |
Sunshine polka |
Sunshine's back in town |
Super bad |
Super bad, pt.1 |
Super bad, pt.2 |
Super bad, pt.3 |
Super good, pt.1 |
Super good, pt.2 |
Suppertime |
Sur le pont d'Avignon |
Sur les toits de Paris |
Sure cure for the blues |
Sure to fall |
Surf monkey |
Surfin' along (Joggin' along) |
Surfin' beat |
Surfin' in blue |
Surfin' the blues away |
Surprise, surprise, surprise |
Surrey with the fringe on top |
Susie May |
Suzette |
Swanee |
Swanee river hoe down |
Swanee river mambo |
Sway |
Sweater girl |
Swedish rhapsody |
Sweeping through the city |
Sweet and gentle |
Sweet and lovely |
Sweet and low |
Sweet angel |
Sweet Anita |
Sweet bunch of daisies |
Sweet bye and bye |
Sweet Darlin' |
Sweet dawn |
Sweet dreams |
Sweet Eleanor |
Sweet Georgia bop |
Sweet Georgia Brown |
Sweet heaven was there |
Sweet home blues |
Sweet Jesus |
Sweet Leilani |
Sweet lips |
Sweet little baby boy |
Sweet little baby boy, pt.1 |
Sweet little baby boy, pt.2 |
Sweet Lorraine |
Sweet lovin' baby |
Sweet lovin' Mama |
Sweet Mama do right |
Sweet Mama put him in low |
Sweet memories |
Sweet moments |
Sweet music |
Sweet Nancy |
Sweet night of love |
Sweet nothing |
Sweet old me |
Sweet orchard vine |
Sweet Pea |
Sweet peach |
Sweet revenge |
Sweet Sakeena |
Sweet Sally Brown |
Sweet sauce |
Sweet slumber |
Sweet stuff |
Sweet Sue |
Sweet Sue, just you |
Sweet Suzannah |
Sweet sweet thing |
Sweet talking Mama |
Sweet thing |
Sweet victory |
Sweet wind |
Sweet, sweet William |
Sweeter than a flower |
Sweeter than the flowers |
Sweeter than the flowers No. 2 |
Sweetest thing you ever seen |
Sweetheart boogie |
Sweetheart of Sigma Chi |
Sweetheart please come back to me |
Sweetheart you done me wrong |
Sweetheart you know I love you so |
Sweetheart, I still remember |
Sweethearts on parade |
Swimmin' blues |
Swing baby |
Swing billy a-la-mode |
Swing low sweet boogie |
Swing low sweet chariot |
Swing low, sweet Socolow |
Swing while you're young |
Swingin' derriere |
Swingin' goatsherd blues |
Swingin' till the girls come home |
Swingin' with Johnny |
Swinging on a star |
Swinging shepherd blues |
Switch blade |
Switch-a-roo |
Switchie witchie titchie |
Switchie, witchie, titchie |
Swoon boulevard |
Swooshy |
Syam's blues |
Sympathy (Symphony) |
Symphony |
Symphony Sid's symphonette |
T'ain't nobody's business if I do |
T.99 |
T.B. Blues |
T.K |
Tab's interlude |
Tab's purple heart |
Tabby let your hair hang down |
Table cloth stomp |
Taboo |
Tabor-inn |
Taffy |
Tagula cha cha |
Tahitian lullaby |
Tailor made (Crackers) |
Tainted gold |
Take a city bride |
Take a fool's advice |
Take a little chance |
Take a lot |
Take a message to Mother |
Take a number |
Take back your paper heart |
Take everything |
Take five |
Take hold of my hand |
Take it away |
Take it on out the door |
Take it or leave it |
Take it to the Captain |
Take me back |
Take me back, take me back |
Take me home |
Take me I'm yours |
Take me in your arms |
Take me out to the ball game |
Take me to the altar |
Take me to the happy land |
Take me to the water |
Take my hand |
Take my love |
Take my money, take my love |
Take the A train |
Take the Lord along with you |
Take them all away |
Take three parts jazz: Route 4 / Lyriste / Father George |
Take time to understand |
Take up that cross |
Take up Thy cross |
Take your fine frame home |
Take your shot |
Take your tears (to the one who took your kisses) |
Takes two |
Takes two to tango |
Takin' a chance on love |
Takin' care of business |
Takin' up where I left off |
Taking a chance on love |
Taking my time |
Tales from the Vienna woods |
Talk about Jesus |
Talk of the town |
Talk to me |
Talk to me, talk to me |
Talk to the man upstairs |
Talkin' 'bout a woman |
Talkin' about you |
Talkin' loud and sayin' nothin' |
Talkin' loud and saying nothing, pt.1 |
Talkin' loud and saying nothing, pt.2 |
Talking loud and saying nothing |
Talking to myself |
Talking tribute to Cowboy Copas |
Tally-ho |
Tamalpais |
Tambo |
Tammy |
Tangerine |
Tangled heart |
Tango ballad |
Tango in "D" |
Tango of roses (Love me) |
Tango of the roses |
Tanto tiens tanto vales |
Tanya |
Taps Miller |
Tara's theme |
Tarzan |
Tasty |
Tasty pudding |
Tattle tale polka |
Tattler's wagon |
Tattlers wagon |
Taylor made |
Tchaikovsky fantasy |
Te petite |
Tea for three |
Tea for two |
Tea-a-wanna whistle |
Teach me tonight |
Tear down the maintains |
Tear stained guitar |
Tear stained photograph |
Tear stains on your pillow |
Teardrops |
Teardrops and empty arms |
Teardrops are falling |
Teardrops from my eyes |
Teardrops on your letter |
Tearin' it up |
Tearing hair |
Tears |
Tears at the altar |
Tears begin to fall |
Tears for souvenirs |
Tears in my heart |
Tears of happiness |
Tears of joy |
Tears of joy fill my eyes |
Tears of St. Anne |
Tears on my pillow |
Tears that make believe |
Teasin' |
Teasin' Brown |
Tee Vee |
Teen age ideas |
Teen love |
Teen-age war chant |
Teenage jamboree |
Teenage wedding |
Teenage years |
Telephone blues |
Telephonitis |
Telestar drive |
Tell heaven I'm coming |
Tell him that I need him |
Tell it like it is |
Tell it to me |
Tell me |
Tell me (how was I to know) |
Tell me (that I'm the one) |
Tell me (You really love me) |
Tell me all about Georgia |
Tell me baby |
Tell me Daddy if you know |
Tell me does your conscience bother you |
Tell me if you love me |
Tell me little woman |
Tell me more |
Tell me not to go |
Tell me now |
Tell me so |
Tell me that you love me |
Tell me that you love me tonight |
Tell me the reason why |
Tell me tonight |
Tell me what I did wrong |
Tell me what'cha gonna do |
Tell me whatcha gonna do |
Tell me who |
Tell me why |
Tell me you care |
Tell me you love me |
Tell me you're kidding |
Tell me you're mine |
Tell me, tell me |
Tell the truth |
Tell the whole world |
Tell the world |
Tell them |
Tell your lies to the man in the moon |
Tell your troubles to Jesus |
Telo digo francamente |
Temor |
Temptation |
Temptation takes us |
Ten broken hearts |
Ten commandments (from woman to man) |
Ten minutes to midnight |
Ten most wanted men |
Ten out |
Ten paces |
Ten saben |
Tend to your business |
Tender darling |
Tender woman |
Tenderly |
Tenderly cha cha |
Tengo verde |
Tennessee |
Tennessee boogie |
Tennessee breakdown |
Tennessee Central No.9 |
Tennessee choo choo |
Tennessee church bells |
Tennessee cutup breakdown |
Tennessee flat guitar |
Tennessee mambo |
Tennessee memories |
Tennessee moon |
Tennessee rock and roll |
Tennessee senorita |
Tennessee stomp |
Tennessee tango |
Tennessee waltz |
Tennessee waltz rock |
Tennessee wig-walk |
Tension |
Terra plane blues |
Terra plane blues (version 2) |
Tesbro mio |
Testify |
Tete de bois |
Texahoma boogie |
Texas boogie |
Texas green |
Texas in my soul |
Texas oil |
Texas Red |
Texas turkey |
Thank God |
Thank God for Jesus |
Thank God for victory in Korea |
Thank heaven for little girls |
Thank you |
Thank you Jesus |
Thank you Mr. Ballard (for creating the twist) |
Thankful |
Thanks for the buggy ride |
Thanks Mr. Postman |
That ain't no lie |
That ain't nothing but right |
That ain't right |
That awful day |
That beautiful home |
That beautiful picture |
That beautiful woman |
That could never be |
That depot in the sky |
That dood it |
That Goldblatt magic |
That guy's out gunnin' for you |
That Holy number |
That home far away |
That house on the hill |
That I wanna see |
That kiss |
That lady |
That little log cabin of mine |
That low down move |
That lucky old sun |
That Memphis train |
That moon is no stopping place for me |
That moon's no stopping place for me |
That mountain train |
That old black magic |
That old devil called love |
That old feeling |
That old gang of mine |
That old train |
That star belongs to me |
That sugar baby of mine |
That wasn't in the deal |
That woman |
That woman's a pearl diver |
That's a plenty |
That's a sin |
That's all |
That's all I ask of you |
That's all I want |
That's all I want from you |
That's all she wrote |
That's enough, lock 'em up |
That's entertainment |
That's how close |
That's how I feel |
That's how I feel about you |
That's how I need you |
That's how long (I'm gonna love you) |
That's how you grow old |
That's it |
That's it, man |
That's life |
That's love |
That's me right now |
That's my desire |
That's my Diane |
That's my doll |
That's my Lindy Lou |
That's my Pa |
That's my prayer |
That's my weakness now |
That's my zone (He's pickin' on) |
That's my zone (He's picking on) |
That's okay |
That's the chance you've got to take |
That's the gal for me |
That's the groovy thing, pt.1 |
That's the groovy thing, pt.2 |
That's the loving way |
That's the spirit |
That's the stuff you gotta watch |
That's the way I feel |
That's the way it goes |
That's the way love goes |
That's the way of a fool |
That's the way to treat your woman |
That's the way you like to play |
That's what a song can do |
That's what I get for loving you |
That's what I got for loving you |
That's what I like |
That's what I thought you said |
That's what we need |
That's what you're doing to me |
That's what you're doing to me (alt. take) |
That's when I lost my heart |
That's when it's coming home to you |
That's when your heartaches begin |
That's why I woke him up to say goodbye |
That's why I'm crying all the time |
That's why I'm crying in my sleep |
That's your mistake |
The "In" crowd |
The 23rd psalm |
The admiral's daughter |
The altar |
The American plan |
The angel of death |
The angels must have cried last night |
The arm of God |
The arm of Uncle Sam |
The Army save my husband back |
The army's always there |
The atomic telephone |
The automobile song |
The b-i-ee-i-ee |
The baby sitter |
The balcony |
The bald headed end of the broom |
The ballad of Billy the Kid |
The ballad of Jack Frost |
The ballad of the blue and gray |
The band played on |
The barnyard hop |
The Basset family overhead |
The battle field |
The battle of Atlanta |
The beat goes on |
The bells |
The bells are ringing |
The bells of St. Mary's |
The best part of my years |
The best thing for you |
The best things in life are free |
The better to love you |
The Bible my Daddy left for me |
The big frog |
The big kiss |
The big Mamoo |
The big push |
The big question |
The big sky |
The bittersweet |
The Blandenburg races |
The blast |
The blind child's prayer |
The blind man stood on the road and cried |
The blue book |
The Blue Danube |
The blue tail fly |
The blue waltz |
The blues |
The blues came pouring down |
The blues can jump |
The blues done got me and gone |
The blues got me again |
The blues got me rockin' |
The blues, pt.1 |
The blues, pt.2 |
The bluest blues |
The Bo-Do rock |
The boo boo song, pt.1 |
The boo boo song, pt.2 |
The boogie's fine tonight |
The Book cooks |
The book of life |
The book of love |
The book of revelations |
The bossa nova Watusi twist |
The Boston bops rhumba |
The boy needs a girl |
The boy next door |
The boy on a dolphin |
The breeze |
The breeze and I |
The broken reed polka |
The buggy ride |
The bully of the town |
The bunny hop |
The buzzard |
The buzzard song |
The cabin |
The Cadillac song |
The campbells are coming |
The Carioca |
The Carousel waltz |
The cart wheel |
The case is closed |
The champ |
The champ (suite in 5 movements) |
The charm of you |
The chase |
The chase is on |
The chicken |
The chicken twist |
The child's side of life |
The chipmunk song |
The Christmas song, pt.1 |
The Christmas song, pt.2 |
The closer you are |
The clown |
The club for broken hearts |
The code of the mountains |
The code song (I love you) |
The coffee grind |
The Columbus stockade blues |
The Congo twist |
The Continental |
The Continental walk |
The coo |
The corner of my eye |
The cowboy song |
The Cracker jack |
The creed |
The creeks gone muddy (and the fish won't bite) |
The cricket, the dove and the goldfish |
The crickets sing |
The cry of the wild goose |
The crying blues |
The darkest hour |
The Dart and the Lincoln |
The day I fell in love |
The day is dawning (I'll make it all right) |
The day you are mine |
The deacon don't like it |
The deacon moves in |
The deal (Don't let your deal go down) |
The death of Hank Williams |
The death of Little Kathy fiscus |
The desert song |
The devil and the farmer |
The devil may care |
The devil to pay |
The devil's kiss |
The dime song |
The dinghy song |
The dividing line |
The doggone recession |
The donkey serenade |
The donkey trot |
The doodle twist |
The door is always open for me |
The door is open (to my heart) |
The door is still open |
The door to my heart is wide open |
The Dr. Kildare theme |
The drunk, pt.1 |
The drunk, pt.2 |
The drunken driver |
The duck walk |
The eagle speaks |
The egg or the hen |
The elder |
The end of a love affair |
The end of the rainbow |
The end of the road |
The end's coming again |
The entry of the gladiators |
The everglades |
The family tree musta fell on me |
The farmer in the dell |
The feeling is real |
The feudin' boogie |
The finger of suspicion points at you |
The first Noel |
The first shot |
The first sign of love |
The first step down is the longest |
The first time we met |
The fisherman from Lalgeoog |
The fishing song |
The five hula lessons |
The flag, the place and the time |
The float |
The florist and the vase |
The fog |
The folks who live on the hill |
The forks of the road |
The fountain of youth |
The fox |
The freckle song |
The friendship tree |
The future holds nothing |
The garden of Eden |
The gear jammer and the hobo |
The gentleman is a dope |
The ghost walks on the cool side |
The gift of God |
The ginger Snap |
The girl by my side |
The girl by the river |
The girl I left in sunny Tennessee |
The girl I love is an okie |
The girl in my life |
The girl in the blue velvet band |
The girl on the pilice gazette |
The girl that I marry |
The girl with the flaxen hair |
The girl without a name |
The girls back home |
The girls I never kissed |
The golden rocket |
The golden rule |
The golden touch |
The goodbye song |
The goof |
The grab |
The grape vine |
The greasy spoon |
The great drinking bout |
The great Googally Moogally |
The great plan of salvation |
The greatest |
The green green grass of home |
The groovy age |
The grunt, pt.1 |
The grunt, pt.2 |
The gypsy |
The half has never been told |
The hammer |
The hand of the Lord |
The handicapped |
The happy wanderer |
The happy whistler |
The hard way |
The Harlem clown |
The Harry Lime theme |
The harvest past |
The hash |
The Hawaiian wedding song |
The hawk |
The Hawk talks |
The heaven and earth |
The hey hey hey song |
The hiccough song |
The high and the mighty |
The hill lone and gray |
The hills of Roan County |
The hokey-pokey |
The holiday polka |
The holly |
The holly and the ivy |
The Holy Ghost walked right in |
The Honey Man |
The honey song (Honey I'm in love with you) |
The honeymoon waltz |
The hoochie coochie coo |
The hop scotch |
The hope of a broken heart |
The hoppy hop |
The horse |
The hour of parting |
The house next door |
The house of God |
The house of the Lord |
The house on top of the hill |
The hunch |
The hunter |
The hussy song |
The ild song |
The influential Mr. Cohn |
The invader |
The jeep is jumpin' |
The joker |
The judgement day |
The jumpin' bean |
The jumping jack |
The kangaroo |
The Kellys, the Morellis, the Lipshitzes |
The key |
The key that fits her door |
The key to my door |
The keys in the mailbox |
The kid from Franklin Street |
The king |
The King and I |
The kiss cha cha |
The kiss of betrayal |
The kiss of no return |
The kissing chain |
The kitten and the cat |
The knick knack man |
The Korean story |
The lady and the soldier |
The lady in red |
The lady is a tramp |
The lamp is low |
The lamp of life (is burning low) |
The lamplighter serenade |
The landlady's daughter |
The last goodbye |
The last letter |
The last mile |
The last mile of the way |
The last of the good rocking men |
The last old shovel |
The last time for love |
The last time I saw Mother |
The last time I saw Paris |
The last waltz |
The last words of the jivin' Mr. Lee |
The laughing saxophone |
The leaves mustn't fall |
The legend of the dogwood tree |
The legend of the well |
The legend of Tiabi |
The lemon twist |
The letter |
The life of Hank Williams |
The life story of Hank williams |
The light of the Lord |
The lights across the river |
The lights are growing dim |
The little brown church |
The little hotel down the street |
The little match girl cried |
The little match girl cried with me |
The little shoemaker |
The little wooden church |
The loneliest guy in town |
The lonely one |
The lonely side of town |
The lonely tide |
The lonely train |
The lonesome hearted blues |
The longer we're together (the more we drift apart) |
The Lord is my shepherd |
The Lord is watching (over me) |
The Lord laid His hands on me |
The Lord will make a way somehow |
The Lord will make a way somehow, pt.1 |
The Lord will make a way somehow, pt.2 |
The Lord's last supper |
The losing game |
The lost train |
The love I cast away |
The love of God is real |
The love that I give her |
The love we shared |
The loveliest night of the year |
The low road |
The lucky guy |
The lucky silver coin |
The madison |
The man I love |
The man in the glass |
The man in the glass, pt.1 |
The man in the glass, pt.2 |
The man in the telephone booth "Hello Mama" |
The man in the telephone booth 'Hello baby" |
The man upstairs |
The man who plays the mandolino |
The man who sings the blues |
The man with the golden arm |
The marching rock |
The Marr-ket place |
The masquerade is over |
The matador |
The measure of my love |
The memory of your smile |
The merry-go-round broke down |
The mess around |
The message from the soul sisters, pt.1 |
The message from.., pt.2 |
The midget |
The midnight hour was shining |
The midnight theme |
The mighty Mississippi |
The mistreater |
The monkey |
The monkey one more time |
The moon got in my eyes |
The moon is low |
The moon is weeping over you |
The moon was yellow |
The moon won't tell |
The more I see you |
The mortgage is due |
The most |
The most important thing |
The muddy sea of sin |
The natives are restless |
The natives are restless tonight |
The nearest thing to heaven |
The nearness of you |
The new bright world |
The new Jerusalem |
The new sow song |
The new thing |
The night before Christmas |
The night before Christmas, pt.1 |
The night before Christmas, pt.2 |
The night I got saved |
The night is young |
The night they invented champagne |
The night was made for love |
The night we called it a day |
The night we got the bird |
The nothing to sing the blues about |
The numbers |
The object of my affection |
The ocarina |
The old country church |
The old family Bible |
The old fireside |
The old green back (ain't what it used to be) |
The old grey goose |
The old hymns (my mother used to sing) |
The old maid and the burglar man |
The old mill |
The old red barn |
The old refrain |
The old rugged cross |
The old shoe cobbler |
The old swinging bridge |
The one I love belongs to somebody else |
The one rose that's left in my heart |
The one thing |
The only one |
The only thing that really matters to me |
The organ grinder |
The outer world |
The parrot |
The party's over |
The path that leads me home |
The peanut vendor |
The penny whistle |
The people on my party line |
The petite waltz |
The piccolino |
The picture becomes quite clear |
The piper's son |
The pistol song |
The pisture |
The pizza pizzerell |
The pogo hop |
The pony |
The popcorn |
The postman just passes me by |
The preacher and the bear |
The prince of love |
The purple grotto |
The push |
The rabbit got the gun |
The rail |
The rain in Spain |
The rain is still falling |
The real thing |
The real thing happened to me |
The rebel yell |
The Red and Black |
The red rose |
The right away |
The right girl, the right time |
The right kind of lovin' |
The right string but the wrong yo yo |
The ring |
The rising sun |
The road of broken hearts |
The road of prayer |
The road to heaven |
The rocky, bumpy road to love |
The room of my heart |
The room upstairs |
The roosters are crowing |
The rose in her hair |
The roses will remember |
The round square dance |
The route |
The sad nite owl |
The sad song (Fa fa fa fa fa) |
The same sweet girl |
The scratch |
The search |
The search goes on |
The search is all over |
The search is allover |
The seasons |
The secret |
The shadow of your smile |
The Sheik of Araby |
The shell |
The shimmie |
The show is over |
The shrine of St. Cecilia |
The silk umbrella polka |
The silver that nailed him to the cross |
The Sissy song |
The skipper (of the Flying Enterprise) |
The sky is crying |
The sky is falling |
The slummer the slum |
The slush |
The smoother |
The soldier's prayer book |
The solitary blues |
The song from Moulin Rouge |
The song is ended |
The song is you |
The song of the whispering leaves |
The song you just played |
The soul of J.B |
The soul pride, pt.1 |
The sound of music |
The spell |
The spider and the fly |
The spur of a moment |
The squash |
The St. Bernard dog |
The star |
The stars were mine |
The steppin' out kind |
The stepping soul |
The stomp |
The stone was rolled away |
The storm |
The story of Bull Run |
The story of Christmas |
The story of my heart |
The story of our lady of Fatima |
The story of Santa Victoria |
The story of the Lawson family |
The strange little girl |
The strange one |
The stranger |
The stranger in the tavern |
The streamlined cannon ball |
The stroller |
The strut |
The stumble |
The sun didn't shine |
The sun will never go down |
The surf |
The surrey with the fringe on top |
The sweetest fall of all |
The sweetest song in the world |
The swinging gypsies |
The talking mule |
The ten commandments |
The tender trap |
The Tennessee stud |
The terrible cost of sin |
The Texas polka |
The thing in "G" |
The things I love |
The things we did last Summer |
The things we used to do |
The things you want most of all |
The three men in my life, pt.1 |
The three men in my life, pt.2 |
The three ravens |
The thrill is gone |
The tie that binds |
The time will come |
The tinkle song |
The touch of the Master's hand |
The trail of the lonesome pine |
The trail of time |
The train is gone |
The train kept a-rollin' |
The trakey-doo |
The tramp on the street |
The troglodyte |
The trolley song |
The trombones |
The troubles of this world |
The true meaning of Christmas |
The truth about you |
The twist |
The twist serenade |
The two giants, pt.1 |
The two giants, pt.2 |
The two timer |
The U-2 flight |
The unclouded day |
The unseen rider |
The very thought of you |
The view from Jazzbo's head |
The virgen |
The voice of Free America |
The walkin' blues |
The wall around your heart |
The waltz you saved for me |
The Watusi roll |
The way I feel |
The way I love you |
The way you do |
The way you look tonight |
The Wednesday night waltz |
The weight |
The wheels of life |
The whiffenpoof song |
The whisperers |
The whistler and the fiddler |
The whole thing |
The wig |
The wiggle waggle woo |
The wild side of life |
The wild stage of life |
The wind and the clod black night |
The wind, the sun and me |
The windmill of your mind |
The window up above |
The wings of the great speckled bird |
The wise old owl |
The wobble |
The wolf pack |
The woman I love |
The wonder of God's love |
The world is turning over |
The world is waiting for the sunrise |
The world prayer |
The worst of the hurt is over |
The wrath of God |
The wreck of old 97 |
The wreck of the 1256 |
The yodeling mountaineer |
Them changes |
Them there eyes |
Theme |
Theme Four |
Theme from "A Summer Place" |
Theme from "Love story" |
Theme from "Romeo and Juliet" |
Theme from "The Unforgiven" |
Theme from 'Forever" |
Theme One |
Theme Three |
Theme Two |
Then came the dawn |
Then cry |
Then I'll be happy |
Then I'll be tired of you |
Then the lid blew off |
Then you can tell me goodbye |
Then you know (you've been in love) |
Then you've never been blue |
There ain't no grave gonna hold my body down |
There ain't nobody gonna miss me |
There are just two I's in Dixie |
There goes my baby |
There goes my heart |
There goes the bride |
There I've said it again |
There is a fountain |
There is a girl for me |
There is a tavern in the town |
There is a trap |
There is no failure in God |
There is no greater love |
There is no you |
There is someone in this world for me |
There is something missing |
There must be a change |
There must be a reason |
There must be a way |
There she goes |
There stand the glass |
There was a time |
There was a time, pt.1 |
There was a time, pt.2 |
There will never be another you |
There'll be no one |
There'll be no teardrops tonight |
There'll be some changes made |
There'll come a time |
There'll never be a sweeter girl than you |
There'll never be another you |
There's 48 states in the Union |
There's a big rock in the road |
There's a blue sky way out yonder |
There's a boat dat's leavin' (soon for New York) |
There's a broken heart waiting for you |
There's a chill on the hill tonight |
There's a dance goin' on |
There's a dangerous curve ahead |
There's a difference |
There's a difference in religion and salvation |
There's a gold mine in the sky |
There's a grave in the wave of the ocean |
There's a handwriting on the wall |
There's a higher power |
There's a highway to heaven |
There's a hole in the ground |
There's a home coming day up in heaven |
There's a leak in this old building |
There's a light guiding me |
There's a little bit of everything in Texas |
There's a little bit of heaven everywhere |
There's a lull in my life |
There's a new day tomorrow |
There's a new heaven for my soul |
There's a page in the Bible |
There's a place |
There's a place called banjo mountain |
There's a red hot fire in my locomotive |
There's a small hotel |
There's a tavern in the town |
There's a teardrop in your eye |
There's a train leaving ev'ry fifteen minutes |
There's another baby waiting for me down the line |
There's been a change in me |
There's gonna be a change |
There's hope for the world |
There's more than one way to skin a cat |
There's no business like show business |
There's no fool like an old fool |
There's no much trouble |
There's no place like home |
There's no room in my heart for the blues |
There's no sorrow |
There's no substitute for love |
There's no tomorrow |
There's no use to pretend |
There's no you |
There's not a friend like the lonely Jesus |
There's nothing I can do |
There's nothing like the Holy Ghost |
There's power in the blood |
There's rest for the weary |
There's rest just ahead |
There's sadness in your eyes |
There's something about him |
There's something about you |
There's something wrong |
There's still a little time |
There's sumpin' about love |
There's the same old lovelight in your eyes |
These are the J.B.'s, pt.1 |
These are the J.B.'s. pt.2 |
These are the things I love |
These arms of mine |
These bones gwine rise again |
These foolish things |
These foolish things (remind me of you) |
These foolish things remind me of you |
These haunting years |
These precious love letters |
These shoes are killin' me |
These tears |
These things shall pass |
These three little words |
These wild, wild women |